Chapter 09

Name ________________________Marine Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals?Multiple Choice Questions??1.?All reptiles are:?a.?Dependent on water for reproductionb.?Meat-eatersc.?Ovoviviparousd.?Ectothermse.?Gill-breathers?2.?Penguins:?a.?Live on polar regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheresb.?Can be found as far north as the Equatorc.?Are ectothermsd.?Time their reproduction so that eggs hatch during the wintere.?Are able to fly when disturbed3.?Seals, sea lions, and the walrus are classified as belonging to the order:?a.?Carnivorab.?Sireniac.?Pinnipediad.?Cetaceae.?Protochordata4. Whales are classified as belonging to the order:a.?Carnivorab.?Sireniac.?Pinnipediad.?Cetaceae.?Protochordata5. Manatees and Dugongs are classified as belonging to the order:a.?Carnivorab.?Sireniac.?Pinnipediad.?Cetaceae.?Protochordata?6.?Sea lions can be readily distinguished from the seals because in contrast to seals they have:?a.?A short neckb.?Uses the posterior flippers in swimmingc.?Anterior flippers cannot be rotated backwardd.?Posterior flippers cannot be rotated backwarde.?External ears7.?We can tell that cetaceans are mammals because they:?a.?Have hairb.?Are cold-bloodedc.?Are ovoviviparousd.?Must reproduce in the watere.?Migrate???8.?Blubber is found in all of these marine mammals except:?a.?Killer whaleb.?Sealsc.?Sea otterd.?Sea lionse.?Manatee (sea cow)?9.?Baleen whales lack:?a.?Flukesb.?Teethc.?Dorsal find.?A blowholee.?Ear opening?10.?Dolphins and other whales are adapted for deep diving by:?a.?Closing their ear openingsb.?Emitting sound to clear their earsc.?Taking as much air as possibled.?Increasing blood circulation to the skine.?Collapsing their lungs11.?One of the following is not an adaptation for deep diving in cetaceans:?a.?Having more red blood cells to store more oxygenb.?Having more hemoglobin to store more oxygenc.?Slowing down of heart rated.?Blood flow is shifted from the brain to the extremitiese.?Having a lot of myoglobin in muscles to store more oxygen?12.?In apneustic breathing, which is practiced by most marine mammals:?a.?A small amount of air is kept in the lungs before divingb.?A large amount of air is kept in the mouth before divingc.?Normal breathing is maintained before divingd.?Several deep breaths are taken before exhaling and divinge.?No actual breathing takes place before diving?13.?Echolocation is a sense that relies on:?a.?Vibrationsb.?Soundc.?Smelld.?Visione.?Electromagnetic waves?14.?Echolocation is present in:?a.?All baleen whalesb.?Some baleen whalesc.?All toothed whalesd.?Some toothed whalese.?Only in dolphins and porpoises15.?Breaching refers to whales:?a.?Jumping above the surfaceb.?Getting stranded on shorec.?Singingd.?Emitting sound for navigatione.?Diving deep to feed??16.?One of the following alternatives does not apply to the typical cetacean calf:?a.?Born tail firstb.?Establishes a long and strong bond with its motherc.?Feeds on very rich milk that is squirted directly into its mouthd.?Is born with a developed blubbere.?Must swim to the surface immediately after birth17. ?Sea snakes feed mostly on:?a.?Large fishesb.?Seaweeds and other marine autotrophsc.?Polyps of live corald.?Worms and other small, bottom invertebratese.?Small fishes18. The largest of all the whales:a.?Rightb.?Finc.?Blued.?Graye.?MinkeShort Answer19. What characteristics do organisms in class Reptilia share?20. What characteristics are shared by organisms in class Aves (birds)?21. What adaptations to the marine environment do the various bird species exhibit?22. What characteristics do organisms in class Mammalia have in common?23. What challenges and adaptations to life in the sea do we find among marine mammals?24. List the differences for the following marine mammals: seals, sea lions, walruses, whales, porpoises, dolphins and manatees.25. Dolphins are very intelligent animals. Discuss how they demonstrate their intelligence. ................

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