
Improve Your Online Presence to Attract More Customers We would like to begin, improve your online presence to attract more customers . Hello, Emil. And thank you for joining us today. Thank you Alexa and thank you for having me. Definitely excited to chat more about your online presence and how you can use this to attract more customers. Thank you all for joining and I know you definitely have a busy schedule so I am excited to kick this off and get started. I figured I will give a little introduction to myself. My name is Emil. It sounds like it would be written with an A but it's an eMac. I am originally from Philadelphia so a big flyers and Eagles fan. Actually cover the past few years, before moving to Dallas, I lived in Manhattan so have been joking with a lot of friends recently that within the next two years I have moved to Washington DC and I am making a little rivalry for the Eagles rivals out there. Let's move into what we're actually going to talk about today , our agenda. What I wanted to touch on our five important things as we're looking at our online presence and monitoring our online presence and that will be our online listings and website and your reviews and organic search rankings and social media as well. So what do we mean when were talking about an online presence ? When I look at one today, what I try to compare it to is think about it, today's version, the business and leave the handout cards to everyone but today a lot of people are going online to consume information and learn about the businesses that they want to interact with or do business with. So if you think about it, this is your first impression with a lot of people in your area that are looking to do business with you. We want to take pride that when they come in find us the information they are finding about us is correct. Think about if you have a storefront and make sure that your store is clean and looking good. If you are somebody who is out in the field, make sure that the work face is clean and you don't have dirty boots or shoes before you go to a job because you don't want somebody to think or see that first impression or think what level of service will I get. We want to make sure that everything that they see about us and what we do and who we are is looking up to date and up to speed and tells a story about what we are doing. >> So all of these individual pieces, our website and listings and what we are doing on social media, these interact and talk to each other and I know a lot of times we may look at these things as something different or something separate, but they are all intertwined with each other so if you're looking at these in reviewing these and seeing what is out there and there is something missing or a piece that is not working just right, we're missing a big gap in the information that our consumers and customers can find about us online. And we want to make sure that when consumers interact with us and they are online, the information they are finding is correct and up-to-date and nothing worse than finding a local plumber and you go to give them a call and the number is disconnected or you find a store that you want to go to when you see them on Google maps, and you click on the directions, and when you show up it's not with a store front is anymore. It's the wrong address. So as all of this is happening, these things are all talking to each other. With their website and with our listings, what is on social media, all of the big search engines are -- the googles and yahoos and things like that are looking at all of this information and making sure across all the varieties and platforms, all that information is correct. And some of that information is off in those search engines are actually going to punish that because what they are thinking there is this information is not correct and then not keeping up with it and is this business legitimate or not and that is what they are asking themselves in the background. >> So what goes into our online presence? On customers are searching for us, we want to make sure we're using our online presence, all of those pieces, so when they find us, they are finding the correct information, which includes our hours of operations and phone number and business description and our address and our ratings and reviews. In one of the big things to keep in mind and monitor is our ratings and reviews . As people are searching, what they will look at is sites like yelp and different directory services like that that aggregate that rating and review data and also keep in mind with those sites, a site like yelp, they will make sure that your ratings and reviews are kept up-to-date and are some of the top reviews or rating so they will push you to the top of the list so when I search for a certain type of business in a certain type of -- location the ones that have better ratings and reviews will pop up at the top of that list. The way I look at it is a few Sundays ago, actually after an Eagles win, I was feeling pretty hungry and I had a little bit of a sweet tooth so I really wanted to grab some pie. And so I searched for some pies in my area here in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. Unfortunately, and I found the place. When I showed up cut they were actually only opened from eight until 12 and I showed up at three. There hours across all of their listings had them 8 to 5 every single because the you can imagine when I showed up I definitely did not have a great experience and I thought I would have some pie and I did not. So one of the things to always keep in the back of your mind is what information out there today is out there on my business and what does it look like and what is it saying and is the information and data I am presenting to potential customers correct. >> As we think of that, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current online presence? Number one being the lowest and number 10 being the highest. Take a little break here and we will let the answers role in. You can actually click right in on the screen there and it will collect a result -- your results. >> It does look like we have a few last-minute answers rolling in. And let's move into each one of these components a little bit more individually. The person I want to chat with you about is the website. What is out there today. A lot of times one of the first ways customers interact with us is finding our website . We have two examples, and one of the interesting things out there is that 60% of online searchers now are coming from a mobile device. So you can see by example that the one on the left is actually a mobile optimized example and the one on the right is not optimized for a mobile search. If I were to find this business on Google and I clicked on it, I will see a very disconnected experience from what I saw when I was searching. What I will most likely do is click the back button and move on to the next business down the list and come across the next one that is mobile optimized and easy and convenient for me and I can see it in a quick snapshot here in what is going on in how to get in contact with them and what they are doing. One of the biggest things in today's world is being easy to do business with and how convenient is that as I find you and major service or product for me to book that service or by that product online . If we look at our angry red guy here as we look at mobile optimized websites, he is looking pretty red and angry because no one is finding him. When no one is finding the website known as clicking or interacting, again these big search engines and they are actually going to punish those sites because not enough traffic organically is flowing to them. So other websites are getting more traffic and for them they will think that website is more legitimate and they will push those rate -- websites up the ranking. As you go through, think about what the website looks like today. Look on it -- added on your phone or tablet and make sure you are not looking like the angry red guy over here. >> What I want to speak to next to social media in a few different platforms out there and what I have seen consumers doing social media and what I am seeing business owners do is keeping in mind that I am talking to local business owners each day, a lot of them look at social media as purely a way for them to get leads and that is a great way to use social media and we should definitely do that. But one of the things we let fall to the side and don't think about is using social media for your brand awareness and his people are searching for you and coming across three -- Facebook , we want to make sure our information is correct and it is offering a few big things, one a good opportunity to interact with new consumers and number two, to call out the great product or service that we have today. I think one of the great things I come across a lot of local businesses we work with, how many of them are actually using it if they are out in the field , taking a picture with the individuals that they build that deck for. We met up on their Facebook page on Instagram and using that to draw attention to the great level of detail and the great work they are doing for their consumers and using that referral business and draw more people to those different sites we're all using like Facebook and Instagram and things like that. One other thing I love when I'm searching for things as we may not think about this , but finding a way, when I come across your Instagram, I can learn more about you or I can book that part -- product or service. Or if I am on Facebook, I can book it right there from Facebook. >> Next, will touch on organic search rankings and what these search engines are looking for and how they rank these sites and what we pay attention to with our rankings as we search for ourselves in a different sites. If you think about it, proximity and relevancy and consistency. Proximity, the sites will make sure when they're looking at your address when they are searching for you. When I am in Dallas and I do a search , I don't do business in California. I can't really do business with them. They are not in my area. Relevancy, making sure that the different keywords is actually what the consumers want or need and then consistency and making sure we have accurate data on our website or on Facebook but across all the different places we are listed. Like Yelp or Instagram or MapQuest, all of them. Making sure everything we had listed about our business is the exact same. As you look at these things, take note of the little details because small things like snout -- spelling the street out on one site and using the abbreviation on another listing site could end up hurting these rankings are hurting the way that Google or Yahoo is looking at you here. And one of the things to keep in mind is to make sure when you're looking at this and see it your ratings and reviews , and see what people are actually saying about you, as we move into talking to your ratings and reviews , one of the things that strikes me is that only 37% of businesses today actually respond to reviews about their business out there. and as you can see, for every star that you get as a business owner, or your business gets, you can expect a 5 29% increase in business revenue. Think about it today and most of us have a search does searched for some type of service our area and we are thinking through in our minds who do we want to choose and where do we want to go and we are taking into account things like ratings and reviews. If I see a business that has four points five rating and 50 reviews and they responded to every one of those reviews, whether positive or negative, I am more likely to do business there versus a business out there that might have 50 reviews or a half star rating and never responded to any of those reviews. That is one of the things we take pride in here internally. We have a team of folks across all of the different ratings and review sites out there, they respond to every single review whether it's positive or negative. If it's negative, it's not the worst thing in the world to say that we are sorry we did not meet your standards the first time you came to see us but what can we do better in the future to better serve your needs or meet your needs. >> Do you have reviews and ratings and are you monitoring it and are thinking about it and how do you read and react and respond to these and we have another poll question here. How are you currently responding to online reviews about your business? You have a few different choices here all the way from I don't think I have any until -- up to I respond to all of them. Take a few seconds and then we will continue one. >> Will get about another 30 seconds or so. -- We will give it about another 30 seconds or so. The next piece I want to dive into with all of us is our online listings. What we are looking at is actually an example of a company's listings that are online presence. What we have here is a different look at online listings and what they are doing on social media and what they are doing and organic search and whether or not their website is mobile from a. So if you things we touched on before, what this report is giving us is that what are we doing now that we are doing well and what are some areas of improvement that we should do and review. As we think about our online listing piece as a whole, one of the things to keep in mind is there is definitely a big difference between the aggregation of this data across all the sites and what is out there about you and actually managing or locking these listings so you are the one who is controlling the data. So if you think about all the different sites that these people can interact with you and what they can put out there about you, roughly, about every six or 10 days, your information on these online listings, if they are not managed appropriately are locked so that only you are the one controlling the actual information on those listings. They can change. Over time, Google and Bing and Yahoo, are searching and scraping the web for all the information that is out there about your business and your business information and if they start to see across 50 of the 70 or 80 sites or your addresses this way and across 50 or so sites your phone number is a certain phone number, they will start pushing that information on to all of the site because they are aggregating it and collecting it in the background. That is what Google and eating thinks is most legitimate, so that is what they will put on to all of these different listing sites. If you think about it, if we are not managing it appropriately and seeing what is out there, think about that over a course of a year, you are looking at somewhere between 30 or 40 times your information can change. If that information is changing, again, it will have a negative impact on how consumers look at us and how places like Google and being look at us and if they think our business is legitimate or not. So as we are thinking through that, we kind of touched on it in the beginning that a lot of the consumption today is online as opposed to word-of-mouth are using business cards are flyers so this incorrect data can have a gigantic impact on whether or not when consumers find us they will do business with us and so in terms of all the different searches happening all day long, or out of five consumers they are searching for local businesses online and I know this is true if you think about it yourself, when I first moved here, I didn't really know many people so everything I did was online, try to find a new drycleaner or had to find somebody to help my apartment everything I did was online. And some of that information, what is actually listed is we touched on the Internet changing our data. Two out of three business listings actually contain some type of incorrect information and so as we're coming across this information and looking at who we should do business with, who should come help me and where should I go to get dinner tonight or who needs to come over and clean my carpet or whatever it may be, we will be more attracted to the businesses that have the correct information and hours of operation and phone numbers or address on their listings because of you think about just being reputable, 73% of consumers will lose trust in a business that has incorrect information online. So if you think about all the information I can find out line as I type in plumber in my local area, a lot of information will come up and I will find a lot of different places I can do business with and I will be immediately drawn to those that are managing their own listings and managing their website and responding to reviews and have correct information on their online listings. As we think about the volume of people finding us or doing these online searches, I found these two to be the most impressive statistics . In 2016 alone, online listing site drove 334 million phone calls and 623 million directions, people went on their on MapQuest and apples -- apple quest and clicked on the address and had a pop up and gave them directions to get to the business. If we think about that, if our phone number is not right and these people are trying to give us a call, they are giving -- not getting to the right people. One of the other big things, within the next two years, by 2020, 50% of online searches will be voice search. I think this is one of the most powerful, so when I first moved here , from New York, I am a big pizza guy and I probably get pizza for or five times a month and while there is a place that is not too far for me, maybe eight or 10 blocks, they don't have any type of online presence or any way for people to get in touch with them besides giving them a phone call and getting a delivery or going them to pick it up. And they don't take anything besides cash. It's a little bit inconvenient as opposed to when I get into the house late at night and I have a Lexus sitting there and say hey, Alexa, reorder dominoes or reorder Papa John's. While the quality of the pizza at dominoes and Papa John's it may not be as good as the people I like from my favorite pizza shop down the street, it's more convenient for me to pop home and order the food right from Alexa and I don't have to do much and I can sit on my couch while I am waiting for my pizza to show up. If you think about, as we are driving towards the future and what this means, the more and more searches are done this way, the more and more people are going to find you if the information -- are not going to find you if the information is not correct. I will say can you find me a local plumber, Alexa, and can you find me a contractor in the area, and your information is not showing up or not right, Alexa will not present you as one of the options that I can do business with. >> So I know we touched on a lot of different topics, a few different stories and different steps. One of the most important things we can do is business owners is make sure we are looking at this information across the web and make sure we're tracking what is out there and we are checking to make sure that it is consistent and making sure that any comments or reviews or ratings that come in we are managing those appropriately in monitoring what people are saying to us in making sure -- these are our consumers and these are people that choose to do business with us and we want to be proud and provide them a great product or service and making sure we are looking at it and checking it and managing it appropriately and that is a good thing and one of the interesting things to do is watch what the competition is doing. Not in a big brother type of way. What are they doing on social media and what do their online listings look like and how to consumers in an industry, shared industry with them, how are their customers interacting with them or are there things they are doing today that you are not doing or you are doing and can you take ideas from them and can incorporate what you are doing today or take it and use it as something as you would like to look at and review is something you want to do in the future. >> So as we think through, and I am sure a lot of you have some experience with leveraging some software or using a different tools to manage a lot of pieces, I know the options are endless and a few of my favorite are here and hub spot can help you manage your profile so when customers interact with you you know what they like and we also know that here is a way that as I am watching my customers interact with me how do I send more targeted responses or more target offers to them to continue to do business with me. Hootsuite is a good tool to help you manage other social postings and media sites and how are customers interacting with you on LinkedIn or Facebook or Instagram are all of those different social media site and Yext have their big thing is making sure all of your online listings, about 73 or 75 different listing sites are accurate and correct to all of the data about your business again, address or phone number, all of those things are correct and that as those aggregators [Indiscernible] received different data they eliminate it from changing what is actually out there. >> So with best practices around our online business card how we want to make sure we are consistent. Consistency is key, and if you think about it , making sure all of that information is correct online. It helps consumers do business with us and make it easy for them to do business with us. It also gives us a little bit something extra that I did not mention as I was talking about the website portion. One of the things if you have this incorrect data and go to Google and Bing will notice this and as they are tracking the sites they will start to punish your website. One of the big sites is we talk about those one of the tips there is make sure all of this information from Facebook to Yelp to your website is consistent and the same. Again, if you are typing out street, use the full word. If you are using the abbreviation, use the abbreviation on every single one. Same thing with the city and state and make sure all of these things are consistent, so as you are found, those will organically help all of those search rankings. And make sure we are evaluating tools and there will always be some things that will pop up that will help us and make sure that you are getting that information . One of the things I would suggest is go to a few different websites and a few different blogs and subscribe to their newsletters. Get that information and make sure that whatever is out there you are always evaluating and making sure the practices you have in place of the processes for your business. And if you see something better, what can you do in your day-to-day to incorporate those into your different processes you have and then moderate it and monitor it. I would direct -- recommend once a month checking in and making sure all of this information and is consistent across all the different listing site and your website and it is in touch with what you have been doing recently. >> So what next. I think I have seen a few questions role in about how do I look at this and get it. One of the biggest things I tell the businesses that I work with is to do your research . Make sure you are getting out there and you're consuming information online and a lot of times with these tools you can learn a lot about what they do and don't do with the website. One of the biggest things to think through because this is an investment of our hard earned dollars in time called really think through all of these different pieces they chatted about today and evaluate them and how do they connect with each other and what am I doing today and what am I doing to succeed. As we move into Q4 in 2018 planning, what do I want to improve next year and differently next year? All of these things work better with each other or better together to get me the desired results I want and by doing your homework and doing your research and finding out as much information as possible, when you do get on the phone with one of these business advisors or business consultants, it will be much easier for them to help you out and explain what they do and if it is the best fit for your business, you have a starting point. They are asking you questions and vice versa and you can really come together and make sure that fit is the best fit for your business. And you can go out there and check out websites and blogs and consumer bunch of information but one of the best things we can do is take a look at what we're doing today and what we actually want to do better and improve upon as a move into the future. Thank you and I appreciate your giving me the time. I know that Alexa mentioned some Q&A and I did see some questions come in. So I decided to jump into that portion and answer some of the questions about my presentation. Wonderful. Thank you so much, Emil. We will start the QA portion of the call where I will be reading the chat questions that are participants have been sending in. Please continue submitting your questions by using the chat function on the left-hand side of your screen . In this time remaining, we will address as many questions as we can. Please note that if we don't have time to get to your questions, I encourage you to connect with the score mentor after today's webinar and information will all be provided in a post event email with the slide deck and with that we will jump into these questions. First question, is it better to rebrand the page that is already -- already has the following? Is it better to rebrand a social media page? The answer would be I guess yes and no. This depends on how big the following is. If you have a big following, you have already built that large customer base or the large base of followers, it would be better to rebrand that site depending on where you are and how drastic of a change you are going from what your brand is today to what you want to be tomorrow. It may not also be the worst idea to create a new site and you can use a bunch of different methods and we're letting you know to check me out here and I have moved over here in this is where I will be operating with an please follow or like and interact with me here. If you have a large following, try to rebrand that site if you think it's something where the people will easily move over to your new brand and I would invite them to move over to move over to that brand. Next question, can you purchase additional domain names and link them to your site to increase organic ranking? Is it worth the investment? >> Good question. I don't think by just buying the domain names and making them will increase anything for your original site. What I would look into doing is making sure you're in for it -- information is correct so you get that natural organic ranking. I would invest in different content and push out a lot of content and have those linked back to your site to raise that organic search ranking. Unless you are having a lot of traffic drive to the domain names you are buying. But buying a bunch of domains and linking them and hoping people will click or interact with those additional domains Actually getting good information or content won't give you the list I think you are looking for. >> Can you speak to the applicability of one social media platform versus others in a B to B versus B to C world. I guess the best way to put it is if we take a look at Facebook. In Facebook , you probably want to use your Facebook more for brand awareness and for different businesses to understand what you do and why you are doing it and produce relevant content because what you could do there is you drive value and as more and more people get value from what you are doing, they are more likely to interact with you or raise their hand and say can we chat and eventually do business with you because you are proving you are -- you know what you are doing and talking about and they should interact with you. I would say in the B to C world if I am a local business owner, I want to use Facebook as direct interaction. While it is great for me to produce in his contact -- content to build that brand awareness, I would recommend that you find some type of tool or way for I find your place -- Facebook page and you are a barbershop near me and I can book my appointment right on their. I think one of the examples we had was let's say I am a contractor out on a job and I finished the job and the individual or family that I did the job for love the work and I would use that and I would take a picture or get some type of review and in that B to C world use that to leverage referrals are other folks to consume my product or service. >> Is there a single platform that manages all media reviews, post, and analytics and such, and what would your recommendation be? >> So if we are looking strictly at just social media and what is going out there in social media, I believe I touched on this in the slide with the options. One of the best ways to do that would be with Hootsuite. That is their sweet spot so they will look at Facebook and LinkedIn an Instagram and anywhere out there that people are talking about you or mentioning you and using you and that is where you can collect that information in aggregate the data and take a look at what is going on and figure out what areas are working best and what you should keep doing more of and maybe some areas that are not trending as well and what you can do to fix those as well. My single recommendation would be Hootsuite. There are a few others that are solely focused on just the social media aspect. But the one I have interacted the most with would be Hootsuite Is there a good free website that she can use for her business? Sure. I believe a lot of them are out there today like square space, all offer a free website. I think free websites are great when you're just starting out and you're trying to get your feet and are you and really kind of build up that following and dip your toe into the water , but one recommendation I would make is really sit down and think about your plan and what you want to do with your business because it's not just all about the website. It is a great starting point. What I would do is look at what do you want to accomplish. If I say I want a website, why do I want that website . Do I want them to find me? Now what am I doing with that information once they find me? That can go down a few different holes that I would down and say I want a website and what are my goals if I get this website and make sure that is the only thing they need or if there is other tools you need. Go Daddy or square or square space, those vendors to provide free websites. Michael asks will having a blog component to a site help with SBO even though he is only trying to attract local business? Great question. It will as long as you are keeping up to date with the content and people are seeing the content you are producing from that blog. Just starting a blog on our website, that will just organically make it better. And we need to keep making relevant and fresh content and that individuals are consuming that content. With a blog, I would created put it out of the website and find other areas within your business where you can leverage that. It may be e-mails or a newsletter. The other great thing about blogs and what it can do for you is , we obviously want consumers to do business with us, but as I said before, it builds some brand equity and brand value, and getting that value will lead to people eventually doing business with you. They may not interact with you the first time they read your blog, but if they keep coming back to you, they will see you as an expert in -- and they will end up more than likely using your product or service. >> Danielle says she received reviews from people that have never used for service. How does she deal with that? Good question. I would still respond . I would try to understand are they sure it was your business they were doing business with or are they mistaking you with different businesses in your area? Invite them to come in and can you let me know when that appointment was a let me know when we interacted because what I can tell -- from what I can tell, it doesn't look like can you respond back with your email or phone number and try to get to the bottom of why you are upset or disgruntled with the service you received. When you see that as a consumer, I take that as this business cares about this business or care what they are saying about the product or service and is taking that step. Not a lot of businesses do. Only 37% do respond to reviews. So really understand what consumers are looking for . There may be some understandings and I think that speaks to what we're talking about with all the different areas that we can go for information. And that information may not be correct and part of that would be respond and then I would take a look at how similar you are the one of the competing businesses in your area as well . >> How many social media platforms should we be on? That is a good question. I think it comes down to what are you trying to do and then I think it also comes down to bandwidth. If it is just you, it will be difficult to be across Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and all the different social media sites you have out there. there will be enough time in the day or week or month to manage that. If you try to stretch yourself too thin, what will happen is you will end up doing a few of the different site mediocre instead of getting on Facebook and getting a good following on Facebook and driving business or reviews or ways for customers to interact with you and then once you get used to that you will move on and say next I want to be on Twitter. Now, if you have a team of people are a few people that work in the business or at your business, and they have a little bit of background, it may not be the worst idea for them to try a few of those different strategies across the different platforms. But I would say sit down and understand the goal of what you want to do on those different sites and to be realistic with yourself and make sure that whatever you do, you jump in full force and you have the bandwidth to make a difference. Sometimes what happens is we get excited about an idea and I end up writing off more than I can chew and I don't do something to the leveler goal I want to and I have to go back and reevaluate and take a little bit of a step back and go on to one or two things versus tackling everything. Kathleen asks how do you evaluate cost to set up a website, and how much should I be spending? >> I don't want to sound like a broken record but I think it comes to the goals you are trying to accomplish. What do you want people to do when they come to your website? Do you want them to buy something or fill out a contact form or just book our service right from the website? There is a lot of good free product out there that can get you a little bit of the way there, and then there are companies completely dedicated to building and maintaining their website. That is all they want to do is build the website. They won't help you with the back and work that will happen like where do I keep the customer profiles and what if somebody comes from my website and they sign up for my blog but they decide not to look for the service right now. What are you doing with that information until you continuously send them different blog posts or newsletters and have them interact with you across social media so they eventually do business with you? Set a goal and evaluate against those goals and then in terms of that I would never want to miss speaker misquote. I would evaluate that against things. What your goals are. If the website is about making money, service providers will help you accomplish that goal and then time. How much service once this website is build or up and running are you going to get because managing a website will take some time out of your day or week and you want to make sure everything is running smoothly and what service today provides that in terms of working with each other and continuing to keep your website up to date as you move forward with that contract. I have seen custom websites go from thousands to 10,000s of dollars and some are free, but it depends on what you are looking for. >> What is the importance of product survey for business development? >> I think it is super important, not only product survey but service survey. Let's say you have a certain product on the market today and you're thinking about tweaking something , and maybe if you are using it or have as many sales as you want, your consumers are telling you something there, and it is definitely a good idea to have as much outreach as you can tell whether that survey is a phone call or whatever it might be and say I am thinking of doing that next and building that piece or creating that legitimately to use and what do you think of it and get that honest feedback. One, it makes your customers feel like you are being heard and it keeps you from going down the rabbit hole of building something are creating something that realistically people may not understand or don't want to use and then you build something again that customers are consumers of your product just are not going to pick up or are not going to use and it is ROI of money and time and making sure you are keeping in touch with your customer base and building the product and service they want to impact with. >> We have had a few different questions come in about this. How do you respond to reviews on Yelp and Google? One, the first thing is to make sure that you are the owner of that listing so by claiming that listing. I do believe it gives you one to log into. One thing to note is they are going to try to reach out and offer products and services to help you respond . But they should give you a free way to log in so that you can respond to your consumers . They may actually ask you to verify your the business owner first but they will give you a way to respond. Paula says they have maps linked to her website but it's bringing up the incorrect directions to her store. How can she get maps to correct the directions for any mapping program. I think it would probably depend on the mapping program and my suggestion would be get in contact with whatever service you are using and find out why are you putting your correct address down of where you want people to go but when people search for you and find you it is sending it somewhere else. It could be something in the back end of that system or tool that is just not clicking or matching up correctly with your business. I am not sure who you are using but I would say to definitely get in touch with them and let them know you are experiencing this issue and you need a result of so that when people find you and take the time out of their day to come and do business with you, they are getting directed to the right place. >> William moved to a new address and how does one change the location in search engines? Within the search engines you can't just blanket change them across without having a different tool or plug-in, and the only way to do that would be take the time to go to each listing site and then your social media site and actually change that information and I think one of the things that would happen here though is we becoming -- is acceptable that information changing over time as consumers interact with us so we run the risk that as we change it, since you have been listed probably across various different sites can you run the risk of that information reverting back to what it was before because the Internet is still recognizing and all these search engines are still recognizing your address as the previous business address. So my honest suggestion would be try to manage it yourself if you can. That is a lot. If not, definitely evaluate some tools or services that can help you keep that information correct. Okay. A few questions about this. What tool was used for the online listings report? >> You can find that and that is one of our online evaluations so you can find that the arrests, DexYP or Thryv. We help show what businesses are doing online and what it does is you can put your website in and it will evaluate your website and your different social media links and listing links and spit back that score and give you a breakdown of how you rank across all of those different areas. Elizabeth asks if you would have any additional advice for service providers like consultants as compared to product providers ? I don't know if I would have any different advice because I think all the things we talked about today, the strategy is the same. I think the information you put out there as a service provider would be a little bit different. I don't know if the strategies overall would change that much. I think the content and what you produce or put out there would be what would change. But not the overall strategy. You want to make sure you are consistent and anything you are producing are putting out there for consumers to see, whether it be a blog post or an article or a newsletter, whatever it may be that is working, that that information is relevant and important to the people on the other end that are actually consuming it. The problem with posting a phone number to your website causes a problem with unwanted [Indiscernible] calls. How can we post a phone number to avoid this problem? I don't know if you can post a phone number to avoid that problem because anytime you post any type of information online, there are people out there who find it and if you think about it for posting a phone number, we would want people to give us a call. My suggestion would be whether it's on your website or social media or on some of the online listing sites is evaluate some tools that make you look a bull or ways for customers to interact with you in other ways versus your phone. Maybe contact like a booking widget or I don't know what would work best for your business. If you are finding that all you are getting is spam calls, I would find a way for real consumers to get in contact with you. And one of the things you may want to do is get a shout to your phone provider and find out what they do with the information or if they would give it to you because it is possible that once you sign up for [Indiscernible] they can sell that information or something. My biggest suggestion would be allow customers to interact with you in a different way than just the phone. Our last question, how do we get ratings? We talked a lot today and one of the things that I would implore everyone to do is make it easy one somebody transacts with you for them to read a review your business , whether that is with a follow-up email are asking them to go to your Facebook page and like you are go directly to Yelp and leave a rating and review and in terms of what works in this process, I am not hundred percent sure but my suggestion would be to find a way at the point of transaction or after they receive your product or service , is there a way for your consumers to leave a review. With that said, that would probably be a good area, one somebody has interacted with the business, for you to send out that survey and found that find out what they thought about it or what you can do better. Using tips and tricks and tactics, it's easier for people to do that. >> Those are all the questions that we have time for today, Emil. Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of SCORE and DexYP, I would like to think you all so much for attending today's live webinar. I want to give a very big thank you to Emil Gondos for presenting today. We hope you will join us for the upcoming small business success virtual conference being held on November 9. This is a half-day event and offers educational webinars, one-on-one mentoring sessions and exhibitor booths and resources and networking chat rooms to provide you the information you need to succeed as a small business owner. So we wish you all a super day, everyone. We look forward to seeing you next time. Take care. >> [Event concluded] ................

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