Introduction to LiveWords

LiveWords 1.4

User Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 4

Introduction to LiveWords 4

Main features at a glance 4

Chapter 2: Getting up and running with LiveWords 5

Quick-start guide 5

IMPORTANT: Using your CCL number 5

The song database 5

About the song database 5

Adding new songs 5

Finding and displaying songs 6

The master song list 6

Searching for a song 6

Displaying a song 6

Controlling the song output on a dual-head system 7

Controlling the song output on a single-head system 7

Song lists 8

About song lists 8

Creating a song list 8

Displaying a song list 8

Chapter 3: Using LiveWords 9

Background images 9

How background images work 9

Changing the image list 9

Setting a background image 9

Spontaneous messages (Dual-head only) 10

About spontaneous messages 10

Displaying a spontaneous message 10

The screen area test 10

Display settings 11

Margins 11

Fade transition settings 11

Display text 11

Spontaneous message text 11

Projection control 11

Other display options 11

Automatic updates 12

Chapter 4: The song database 13

The database editor 13

The editor explained 13

Adding a new song 13

Chorus Sections 13

Importing a song from a database 13

Importing a song from a text file 14

Importing a song from other applications, and the Windows clipboard 14

Removing songs 14

Printing the database 15

Printing individual songs 15

Chapter 5: Song Lists 16

The song list editor 16

Creating, adding and loading song lists 16

Adding songs 16

Removing songs 16

Re-ordering the list 17

Deleting song lists 17

Importing and exporting song lists 17

Printing song sheets 17

The song log 18

Using the Song Log 18

Printing and Exporting 18

Appendix 1: Configuring dual-head graphics 19

What is dual-head graphics? 19

How it affects LiveWords 19

To check your system and change your graphics configuration 19

Index 21

Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to LiveWords

LiveWords is song projection system for places of worship. It has been designed to be very easy to use, recognising that many churches don’t have people with advanced skills in IT, or the time or budget to invest in training. It is designed to project song lyrics, and that’s what it does!


LiveWords isn’t PowerPoint. It is specifically designed for displaying song lyrics, and has many features tailored to this purpose. However, it doesn’t have many of the advanced animation or design features of PowerPoint. This is because very few churches will need to use such features for their song projection. It is designed to be used as well as PowerPoint. PowerPoint is great for notices and visual aids, but LiveWords is designed specifically for song projection.

Main features at a glance

• Searchable database of songs, easily added to and modified

• Quick display of any song in the database

• Quick database searching by first line, and full text searching

• Song lists can be created for meetings and services

• The lyrics display can be formatted and background images used

• Spontaneous messages (for crèche calls, for example)

• Easy-to-use design, even by those with little computer experience

• Individual song and song sheet printing

• Song log listing all songs used


Chapter 2: Getting up and running with LiveWords

Quick-start guide

Over the next few sections we will guide you through getting up-and-running with LiveWords. More detail can be found later in this manual.

LiveWords works best on a computer with at least two independent video outputs. This is sometimes known as ‘dual-head’ graphics. Although this isn’t essential, it is recommended. To find out more about dual-head graphics, to check if your computer has two video outputs, or to enable the second output, go to Appendix 1.

IMPORTANT: Using your CCL number

Many Christian worship songs are protected by Christian Copyright Licensing. To project songs using any digital projector you need to have a CCL license. In order to comply with the terms of your CCL license you must enter your CCL license number into LiveWords. To do this:

• In LiveWords, go to Tools menu, Configuration

• Go to the Files / Directories tab

• At the bottom of the tab find the CCL License No. box

• Enter your CCL license number in here.

• Click OK to save and exit

LiveWords will then display the required copyright information when displaying CCL-protected songs. A list of songs that has been used can later be generated, which can help when filling in the CCL returns form (see The song log).

The song database

About the song database

The LiveWords song database is a where your songs are stored. It is recommended that you only add to the database songs that you use, and songs that you’re fairly sure you will need to use in the future. If you add too many songs then the database can become cluttered with material that you may never need. Because of this, the database is initially completely blank. At first you may choose to add several songs that you use frequently, or you have sung recently and are likely to use again. Later you will add more songs as you need. Therefore over time your database will become more comprehensive. You can remove songs from the database that you are certain you never need to use again.

Adding new songs

To add new songs:

• In the main screen go to the Database menu, and select Song Database Editor.

• Click on the Add button in the centre.

• Select Show CCL if this song is protected by Christian Copyright Licensing

• Select Show Copyright and type in the adjacent box the copyright details of this song

• In the Lyrics box enter the words of the song, allowing one blank line between each section.

• Press the tab key, or select a different area of the dialog to save the song.

• Repeat the procedure for each new song

• Click Ok to return to the main screen.

• The new songs will appear on the list on the All Songs tab, and these songs are ready to use.

For more information on the database editor see Chapter 4.

Finding and displaying songs

The master song list

On the left side of the All Songs tab is a complete list of the songs in the database. If you select a song in the list, the words appear in the preview area on the right. The list can be toggled between all songs, and just the songs that have been displayed recently, by selecting the appropriate option immediately above the list. The Find box above the list is a faster way of going straight to a specific song. If you start typing the first line of the song in the box, the selection will jump to the first song starting with those letters. This box is neither case-sensitive nor punctuation sensitive. This feature can be very useful for quickly finding a song when you know the first line.

Searching for a song

If you don’t know the first line you can find a song by a word or phrase.

• Go to the Search button, to the right of the preview area.

• Type the word or phrase in the Search Text box, and click Find. For larger databases a search may take a while.

• A list will appear of all of the songs that contain that word or phrase.

• Once again, when a song is selected in the list, its words appear on the right. The word or phrase is highlighted in red.

• By default the search is neither case nor punctuation sensitive, but can be made so by selecting the appropriate option on the right. You will need to click Find again if you change these options.

• Once you have found the song that you’re looking for click Use this song. You will be returned to the main song list, and the song that you find will be selected in the master list.

Displaying a song

To display a song

• Select the song

• Click Display this song, to the right of the preview area.

• The song will appear on the output screen

o If you are using a dual-head system you will be taken to the Projection Control tab. This is where you control what is shown on the screen.

o If you are using a single-head system the song will appear on your screen, you can exit from this by pressing Esc.

• By default LiveWords will fade between sections of songs. This feature can be switched off if it’s not desired, or adjusted to fade more smoothly on older systems. (See Fade transition settings)

Controlling the song output on a dual-head system

On the left is a list of songs, which will initially only show your current song. As you display more songs they, too, will appear on this list.

To move between songs simply click on the appropriate song. On the right the current song is displayed. The display is broken down into the pages, each section being displayed on a separate page. To display a different page, click on the desired text, or you can use the number keys on your keyboard. You will notice that the currently displayed song and section are shown in blue text. If a section is too long to display here a small down-arrow appears. Hovering the mouse over this arrow will allow you to see the rest of the section.

You don’t need to always have a song displayed. The screen can be blanked by clicking on Blank Screen in the top left corner, or by pressing the ‘b’ key. When you do this the colour of the current song and text changes to red. You can still select a different song and section, even if the screen is blanked. This can be useful for moving to the next song in advance of it being sung. To ‘unblank’ the screen, click on Display Lyrics, or press the ‘l’ key.

Tip: You can move between songs in a song list, between sections in a song, and also blank and unblank the screen by using the keyboard instead of the mouse. Many people find that using the keyboard allows them to move faster between pages and songs.

Controlling the song output on a single-head system

To advance to the next verse of a song press the right arrow key. To go back a verse press the left arrow key. Or you can jump to a specific verse or chorus by using the number keys (1..9).

To jump to another song in a song list use the function keys (F1..F9). For more information about song lists see the next section.

To blank the screen press the ‘b’ key. To return to the lyrics (un-blank), press the ‘l’ key.

If you have enabled the song, verse and chorus numbers they will appear in the bottom left corner, to indicate where you are in the current song and song list. If you blank the screen these numbers stay on the screen so you can select which song or verse to display when you return to the lyrics.

To exit from the song display press ‘Esc’. This will take you to the Projection Control tab, where you can select which song to display next, or access the other parts of the program.

Song lists

About song lists

A song list is a collection of songs, arranged in a certain order. Song lists are very useful when you need to run through a pre-set list of songs in order. However, when using song lists are aren’t limited to the pre-selected songs, nor are you limited to using the same order. You can still use other songs at the last-minute, and you can move to any song in the song list at the press of a button.

Creating a song list

Song lists are created and modified in the Song List Editor tab.

• When you first click on the Song List Editor tab a dialog appears asking if you would like to create a new song list, or to load a previously-created list. Chose to create a new one.

• A dialog appears asking for details on this song list. You must enter full details before you can continue. This is essential, so you can find previous song lists easily. When done click Next.

• The Add Song dialog appears. This dialog works in the same way as the All Songs tab in the main display.

• Find the song that you would like to add to the list, either by selecting, by searching by first line, or by doing a database search. Then click Add This Song. Repeat this process until all songs have been added.

• Click Close.

• Click Save Changes to this Song List in the Song List Tasks on the left. This will save this song list to disk, so you can recall it later.

More details on song lists can be found in Chapter 5.

Displaying a song list

Once you have created your list you can start using it straight away. To do this,

• Go to the Projection Control tab

• On the left you will see an Active Song List section, with your songs listed in order. Click on a song to display it.

• On the right is the page list for the currently displayed song, this works in the same way as for displaying individual songs.

Tip: You can go straight to a song by using the function keys (F1…). Many people find this to be a faster way of changing between songs in the song list. Note that this only works when you are in the Projection Control tab.

Chapter 3: Using LiveWords

Background images

How background images work

LiveWords can display the song words over a background image. You can currently use JPEG, BMP, WMF and EMF images behind the text.

LiveWords uses backgrounds from a list of images. This makes it quicker to find the image you want when you are display lyrics.

Changing the image list

To set up an image list, or change the images on your list,

• Go to the Projection Control tab

• Click on Select Background. The Select Background Image dialog will appear.

• On the left is the background image list. Initially this will be blank

• When you select an image it appears in the Preview area on the right.

To add an image:

• Click on Add a new image

• Find the image file

• Click Open

• The selected image will be added to the image list

Images can be removed by simply selecting them and clicking on Remove this image. This does not remove the image from your hard disk, only from the image list in LiveWords. You can put this image back in the list in the same way as you did originally.

Setting a background image

Once you have created a list of background images you can start using them as backgrounds.

• On the Projection Control tab go to Select Background. The Select Background Image dialog appears.

• Select the desired image from the list on the left, a preview will appear on the right

• Click on Use this One.

• The selected image will appear as the background behind the lyrics

When a background image is being used an extra button appears in the top left of the Projection Control tab, called Blank to Black. When you are using a background and you blank the screen the words disappear but the background stays there. This may be desirable between songs, but for a prolonged period you may want to clear the screen completely. This is what the Blank to Black button does. You can return by clicking either the Display Lyrics or Blank Screen buttons.

Spontaneous messages (Dual-head only)

About spontaneous messages

The spontaneous message feature allows you to put up a message at the bottom of the screen at any time, whether or not there is a song being displayed. This can be useful for many things, for example, announcements. Spontaneous messages can only be used on dual-head systems.

Displaying a spontaneous message

There are two ways to display a spontaneous message:

On the Projection Control tab:

• At the bottom of the Projection Control tab there is a Spontaneous Message section. Enter the message here.

• To display the message select Show.

• To hide the message select Hide

• To display the message for a specific amount of time enter the time next to Show For … Seconds and then select Show for.

Through the menu:

• Go to the Projection menu

• Select Spontaneous Message. The Spontaneous Message dialog appears.

• Enter the message you want to be displayed.

• To display the message until you manually switch it off select Hold until deactivated

• To display the message for a specific amount of time select Hold for … seconds, and specify the amount of seconds in the box.

• Click Ok.

• To clear the message, go to the Projection menu. The Spontaneous Message menu item has a tick next to it if a message is currently being displayed. Select the Spontaneous Message menu item again to stop displaying the message.

If you have specified that the message should be displayed for a certain amount of time you can still deactivate the message by either selecting Hide in the Spontaneous Message area on the Projection Control tab, or by selecting the Spontaneous Message item on the Projection menu.

The screen area test

The screen area test is designed to help you set up a data projector and to check the margins.

To display the screen area test go to the Tools menu, and select Screen area test. On dual-head systems a white box will appear on the output screen, on single-head systems the screen goes black and the box appears on the main display. The outside white box indicates the maximum dimensions of the lyrics display. This can be useful making sure your projector is level, filling the screen, and setting any keystone correction. For details on setting up a projector see your projector’s manual or user guide.

If you have set up margins, these are displayed as lines inside the box. For more about margins see the next section.

Display settings

You can change how LiveWords displays lyrics in the Configuration dialog. To do this go to the Tools menu, and select Configuration. The configuration dialog will appear.


You may want to set margins for displaying song lyrics. This is useful when you want to make sure there is a minimum distance between the sides of the screen and the edge of the text. You can set margins at the top of the Screen 1 tab. The numbers in brackets indicate what percentage of the screen area is being masked by each margin.

Fade transition settings

By default LiveWords fades between sections of a song and fades to and from black when the screen is blanked. On some older systems the fade may not be smooth and so needs to be adjusted. For some applications a fade may not be desirable and so needs to be disabled. These options are configured in the Fade Transition area of the Screen 1 tab. The fade time is adjusted here, or the fade can be completely disabled if required. In this case the projection output just switches between sections of the song.

Display text

The Display Text section is where you change the display font. Click on Font to select a font and change its size and colour. To chose a background colour click on Background Colour. The justification buttons allow you to either left-justify or centre-justify the words.

Note: If LiveWords is unable to fit an entire section of a song onto the screen then that section is automatically resized to fit. Therefore, the font size selected here should be treated as a standard, maximum size. If a large font size is chosen then some longer sections may automatically be made smaller to fit.

Spontaneous message text

The Spontaneous Message Text section works in the same way as the Display Text section, but applies to the spontaneous message text only. You can select a different background colour here, which can help in distinguishing between spontaneous message text and song lyrics.

Projection control

The Projection Control tab within the Configuration dialog allows you to set a font size for the text on the main Projection Control tab. This can be useful for users who need to enlarge the text to be able to find a song or section quicker. Or it could be used to reduce the size of the text to allow more to be fitted onto a smaller display.

On single-head systems you can also have indicators for the current song, verse and chorus appear in the corner of the screen when lyrics are being displayed. This allows you to easily see where you are in a song and the current song list. A font size for these indicators can be specified in order to reduce disruption to the main lyrics display.

Other display options

You can specify a different length of time to keep songs in the Recently Used Songs Only lists. To change this go to the Other Options tab of the Configuration dialog box. Here you can specify the amount of days to keep the songs in these lists. This is particularly useful if you want to find songs you’ve used in the past few months, rather than just the previous month, or if you use a lot of songs and want to limit the list to songs displayed over the past, say, two weeks.

Automatic updates

LiveWords can be set to automatically check for new versions on the Internet. If you have an Internet connection LiveWords will periodically check the LiveWords website in the background to see if a new version is available. If it is then it will prompt you to download and install the new version.

No information is sent to the LiveWords website. Version information only is received from the site, which is then compared with the currently installed version to see if a new version is available. The new version is then downloaded.

To disable automatic update checking go to Configuration on the Tools menu. On the Other Options tab clear the Check for program updates automatically check box.

Chapter 4: The song database

The database editor

The LiveWords song database is a where your songs are stored. It is recommended that you only add to the database songs that you use, and songs that you’re fairly sure you will need to use in the future. If you add too many songs then the database can become cluttered with material that you may never need. Because of this, the database is initially completely blank. At first you may choose to add several songs that you use frequently, or you have sung recently and are likely to use again. Later you will add more songs as you need. Therefore over time your database will become more comprehensive. You can remove songs from the database that you are certain you never need to use again.

The editor explained

Song database editing is done in the Song Database Editor. This can be reached through the Database menu on the main screen.

On the left of the dialog is a complete list of all songs in the database. When you select a song its details and lyrics appear on the right.

Adding a new song

To add new songs:

• Click on the Add button in the centre. This will create a new, blank song.

• Select Show CCL if this song is protected by Christian Copyright Licensing

• Select Show Copyright and type in the adjacent box the copyright details of this song

• In the Lyrics box enter the words of the song, allowing one blank line between each section.

• Press the tab key, or select a different area of the dialog to save the song.

Chorus Sections

LiveWords allows you to distinguish between a verse and a chorus in a song. Choruses are displayed as bold text in the preview displays, and italics when projected or printed. For each song you will need to specify which sections should be treated as chorus sections. You can specify these in the area underneath the Lyrics box. Each song can have several chorus sections. Use the up and down arrows against the first box to select the first chorus section. As you do this another box will appear to the right, allowing you to specify another chorus section if required.

If the song has more than three chorus sections then a More button will appear to the right. This brings up the chorus sections window for this song. Enter the section numbers down the left, and the preview window will update to show the current chorus sections. Once you’ve finished press Done.

Even though you can enter a chorus as many times as you wish, it’s recommended that you only have a chorus appear once in the song lyrics.

Importing a song from a database

Songs can be imported from other song databases, called ‘external databases’. If you have any external databases you will firstly need to install them:

• Go to Tools menu, and select Configuration

• Go to the Files / Directories tab. On this tab is a list of external databases

• To install an external database, click Add, under the external databases list

• Find and select the external database file. This will normally have a .sdb extension

• Click Open. That database will then appear in the external databases list

• Click OK to save the changes

Once you have installed an external database you can then import songs directly from it:

• Go to the Database Editor (Database menu / Song Database Editor)

• Click on Import from a Database in the middle of the database editor

Then you can either find a song manually, or do a search. To find a song manually

• Select the database you’d like to import from in the list in the top left. The songs in that database will appear

• Find the song in the list. The preview on the right will display the selected song

• Click OK

To search for a song:

• Go to the Search tab

• Type in the search phrase and select whether you want to search just the song titles or the whole songs.

• Slick on the Search button

• A list of results will appear

• Select the song in the list. The preview on the right will display the selected song

• Click OK

The song will appear in your song database. Copyright and chorus information will automatically be imported if it’s contained in the external database.

Importing a song from a text file

Songs can be added to the database from any plain-text file. To import from a text file:

• Select the Import from a text file button in the centre of the database editor.

• Either type in the path and name of the text file, or click Find to locate it.

• The words will appear in the preview area beneath

• If a valid file has been selected the Ok button will become enabled. Select this to import the file

Importing a song from other applications, and the Windows clipboard

Song words can be imported from other applications via the Windows clipboard. To do this:

• In the other application, select the song text and copy it to the clipboard (usually Copy on the Edit menu.

• In LiveWords, follow the procedure for adding a new song

• Right-click on the lyrics box and select Paste. The words will appear.

• Continue to enter any other details for the song

• Press the tab key, or select another area of the dialog to save the song

Removing songs

To remove a song simply select the song in the list on the left and click the Remove button in the centre. You will be asked to confirm the removal.

Printing the database

To print a complete list of songs in the database (not the song lyrics), go to the Printing menu and select Print List of Songs.

Printing individual songs

To print an individual song, select the song and go to the Printing menu and select Print this Song.

Chapter 5: Song Lists

The song list editor

The song list editor is where song lists are created and modified. The song list that is open in the editor is the active song list, i.e. the one that also appears on the Projection Control tab.

The first time you go to the Song List Editor tab a dialog is displayed, asking you if you want to create a new song list, or load one that has been saved previously.

Creating, adding and loading song lists

Song lists are created and modified in the Song List Editor tab.

• Select Create a new song list from scratch in the Song List Tasks area in the top left.

• A dialog appears asking for details on this song list. You must enter full details before you can continue. This is so you can find previous song lists easily. When done click Next.

• The Add Song dialog appears. See the next section for details as to how this dialog works.

• Click Close.

It is recommended that when you finish making changes to a song list you save it by clicking Save Changes to this Song List in the Song List Tasks on the left. This will save this song list to disk, so you can recall it later. If this song list has been saved before it will overwrite the old version with the new one.

The song list details are displayed at the top of the Song List Editor tab. These can be changed at a later stage. Note that if you change these details then when the song list is saved it will be saved as a new file, it won’t overwrite the old song list with the new details. For details as to how to remove song lists see the Deleting Song Lists section later in this chapter.

To load a song list, select Load an existing song list in the Song List Tasks area. A list of song lists is displayed, with the details, on the left. When a song list is selected the preview area shows the songs in that song list. You can sort the list either by date or by the name of the person leading worship. Click Ok to load the currently selected list.

Adding songs

When you create a new list you are automatically brought to the Add Song dialog. You can add songs at a later stage by selecting Add a song in the Selected Song Tasks area on the left.

The Add Song dialog works in the same way as the All Songs tab. You can find songs in the same way, and a preview is shown on the right. Once you have found the song you can add it by clicking on the Add this song button. That song will be added and you can then continue to add further songs. Once you’re done click Close. The song list will be updated to show the new songs.

Removing songs

To remove a song simply select it in the song list and click on Remove this song.

Re-ordering the list

Ideally the songs in your list will be in the same order as is planned by the worship leader. Once you have added songs you can move them around the list until they are in the right order. To move the selected song use Move this song up and Move this song down in the Selected Song Tasks area.

Deleting song lists

To delete a song list,

1. In the Song List Editor tab, select Load an existing song list in the Song List Tasks area.

2. Find the song list you want to delete in the list on the left

3. Click the Delete button in the bottom right of the dialog

4. You will be asked to confirm the deletion


Importing and exporting song lists

Song lists can be moved between computers, by exporting the song list as a file. The file can then be transferred to the second machine by floppy disc, CD, e-mail etc and then imported as a song list in LiveWords on that computer. So, to export a song list:

1. Load the song list as you would to edit or display it

2. On the Song List menu, select Export Song List. The Export song list dialog appears

3. Find the folder where you would like to save the song list to, and enter a filename for that song list. The default extension is .sle

4. Click Save to save the song list

Next will need to transfer that file to the second computer. Typically this would be done on a floppy disk, or as an attachment to an e-mail. Then, on the second computer

1. Load LiveWords

2. On the Song List menu, select Import Song List. The Import song list dialog appears

3. Find the song list file that you have transferred to this computer and select it in the file list

4. Click Open. This will then open that song list in LiveWords.

5. Then go to the Song List Editor tab in the main display

6. Click Save changes to this song list in the Song list tasks section. The song list will now be saved on this computer


Printing song sheets

Once you have created a song list, you can print it out for use as a song sheet.

• Load the song list as you would to edit or display it

• In the Song List Editor tab, go to Print all of the songs in the All Songs Tasks section. The Print Song List dialog appears

• In the top section of the dialog, select which printer you’d like to print to, and the amount of copies you’d like to print

• In the middle section you can specify what margins you’d like

• In the bottom section you can specify the required font.

• Select whether you would like a song title printed above each song, and whether you’d like the first line of each song to be printed in bold.

The song log

The song log is where you can see what songs you have displayed using LiveWords, and generate reports or printouts. This can be useful to find a song used on a particular day, or use the reports to help fill in the CCL returns form.

Using the Song Log

To access the Song Log go to the Tools menu, and View Song Log.

On the left of the display is a list of days. When you select a day the list in the centre shows all of the songs displayed on that day. Selecting a song will bring up a preview on the right. The copyright information for that song is displayed beneath the preview.

Initially the display lists every day that songs have been displayed. By using the options at the top of the screen this can be changed to view songs by month or year.

Printing and Exporting

To print a list of songs from the log select which list you’d like to print and then click Print. You can either print the current day, month or year selected, or the complete list.

LiveWords can export the song list as a Comma Separates Values (CSV) file, easily imported in to Microsoft Excel, and all popular spreadsheet applications. To export the log, select the list to export and click Export. Select whether to just export the current list, or the complete list and then click Select File to enter the file name that you want to export to. Click Ok to export.

Appendix 1: Configuring dual-head graphics

LiveWords will work best on a computer with at least two independent video outputs. This is sometimes known as ‘dual-head’ graphics.

What is dual-head graphics?

Dual-head graphics is where you can connect two or more monitors to your computer, instead of just one. The image on each screen is independent, so you could have your desktop on one screen and, say, a word processing document on another, giving you more working space on the computer. Some computers, usually laptops, come with dual-head graphics as standard. Others have to be modified by having either an additional graphics card fitted, or a dedicated dual-head card fitted.

LiveWords functions on both single and dual-head systems, but a dual-head system is recommended.

How it affects LiveWords

When LiveWords is used on a dual-head system, the first output (‘head’) is for the local monitor (i.e. the computer’s screen). This acts as your control screen. The second output would go to a data projector or a TV, and this is where the words appear. Therefore you can be finding a song, or preparing a presentation without disrupting what is on the screen. This is much more slick and professional than either having to blank the projector or, worse still, having the desktop appear on the big screen.

When used on a single-head system, LiveWords can display the song, verse and chorus numbers on the screen so you can see where you are in a song or song list.

To check your system and change your graphics configuration

If you need to check if your computer has two video outputs use the following procedure:

To check if your computer has two video outputs:

• Go to Control Panel, and then to Display, or Display Properties

• Go to the Settings tab

• At the top is a picture of a screen.

• If only one screen is displayed then your computer only has one video output. Don’t worry - LiveWords will still work in this situation. However, if more than one screen is displayed you have dual-head graphics, and you will find it easier to control LiveWords.

If the second display is grayed-out then you will need to enable the second output. To do this:

• Select the second output by clicking on the second monitor

• Enable the Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor check box at the bottom of the window

• In the monitors display at the top of the window make sure the top-left corner of the second display is next to the top right corner of the first display. It doesn’t matter if the two displays are different sizes (resolutions), as long as the top of both displays are in alignment.

• If LiveWords is running you will need to restart it in order to start displaying songs


Automatic updates 12

Background images 9


CCL Report 18

Chorus sections 13

Copyright 5

Display settings 11

Dual-head 19

Fades 11

Font, changing 11

Graphics configuration 19

Margins, changing 11

Pictures 9


Song Log 18

Song Sheets 17

Songs 15

Projection control font, changing 11

Recently Used Songs list 11

Screen area test 10

Screens 19

Searching the database 6

Song database 13

Song lists 8, 16, 17

Adding songs 16

Creating 8, 16

Deleting 17

Displaying 8

Editing 17

Import/export 17

Loading 16

Removing songs 14, 16

Song Log 18


Adding 5, 13

Displaying 6, 8

Importing 13, 14

Printing 15, 17

Removing 14, 16

Songs sheets, printing 17

Spontaneous messages 10, 11


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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