

Index 2012

Introductory Notes

acronyms & abbreviations: A Alliance; ANZAB Australian & New Zealand Assoc of Bellringers; Assoc Association; augm augmentation; B Bob; BR Bell Ringers; BRC Bell Ringing Club; C century; CA County Association; CC Central Council; cent centenary; CR Change Ringers; D Delight; DA Diocesan Association; DG Diocesan Guild; Diamond Jubilee (Elizabeth II); ed edition; Ed Editorial; Edn Editor's note; HLM Honorary Life Member; LB Little Bob; LS Little Surprise; P p peal; Pl Plain Hunt; QP qp quarter peal; quarters quarter peals; remem remembered; RW Ringing World; RWNY Ringing World National Youth Contest; S Surprise; SC Slow Course; TB Treble Bob; TP Treble Place

filing orders: Mc filed as Mac; personal initials under first letter e.g. AJB is in the 'A' section; St filed as Saint

page numbers: bold and underlined for front page features; bold for other major items; italics for photographs, and other illustrations; suffix for adverts (ad), corrections (corr), Editorial (Ed), letters (let), illustrations (cartoon) (drawing) etc.

Alphabetical Index

1,000 Best Churches 1089

43ers,' 20th anniversary 912

87s (poem) 1227

‘100 for RW100’ challenge: Leicester DG, Market Harborough Branch 267 (Ed), 288; Wokingham, Berks 265–269, 267 (Ed)

360 Treble Dodging Minor Grids 991

1812 (poem) 1078

ABBA ABBA CDE CDE (sonnet form) 160

ABC South West WA 1188

Abel ringing simulator (s/ware): Meadow Mini Ringers 1256; Warwick School 1278

AbelSim ringing simulators: donations from profits 183 (let); Ringing Foundation Ltd 240 (let)

Aberdeen, Scot, S Machar, '25 Years Ago' 902

abseiling 1063 (Ed), 1084, 1089

accidents: 16th century 30 (let); broken stay 498 (let), 547 (let), 619–620 (let); ropes 1179, 1183 (Ed), 1281; visiting ringers 1090 (let), 1139 (let); see also health & safety

accidents & insurance: accredited ringing teachers 270 (let), 318–320 (let), 365 (let), 1020 (let), 1043 (let), 1067 (let); visiting ringers 1090 (let), 1139 (let)

Accordini, Luigi (20C ringer) 961

accreditation, ringing teachers: accidents & insurance 270 (let), 365 (let), 1020 (let), 1067 (let); ART 454, 1231; PCCs 1067 (let); purpose 344 (let); Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) 418 (let)

Adams, David (contrib) 517–519, 521

Adams, Grace, 100 Years Ago 1149, 1185 (let), 1233 (let), 1282 (let)

Additional Members, CCCBR 463

Adelaide, SA, Aus: handbells, new 991; Ringing Centre 1205–1207

Administrative Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 473, 924

Adult Beginners learning session 1042

adverts, Google 687, 689

Africa, Rhodesia, 50 Years Ago 108

AG (contrib) 104

The Age 1187

age: older ringers 963, 1155; 'Thought for the week' 963, 1155

The Age of Chivalry, (Bryant) 88

age profile of ringers 924; emotional and development needs 591; focus groups 134 (let); oldest ringers 564, 711 (Ed), 728, 737, 1206, 1274; Who should we teach? 5 (let)

ageing & ringing: 'How times change' 921 (let), 946 (let); “I’m fine as long as I don’t need to do anything” 458; knowing less 55

Agg, Jonathan (ringing judge) 583, 841–842, 843, 849

Ainsworth, Elva (contrib) 84, 688

AJB (contrib): 'Bellringers’ Hobbies' 240; 'Classification of Ringing' 232; 'Clustering' towers 180; composition 1068 (let); 'Elephants' 1212, 1236, 1260, 1283, 1347; 'Lost Quarter Peal Rules – Initial Draft' 131, 158 (let); poem 1227; Predictions for 2013 1342; 'prophets of doom' 233

AJH (contrib) 173

Alcock, Alison (contrib) 834, 1191

Alderney, Channel Islands: new ring project 205; simulated quarter peals 79, 159 (let) (corr), 183 (let)

Aldington, Raymond (Ray) (obit) 1058, 1176–1177

Aldridge, Geoff (contrib) 751

ale see 'Beer Matters'; CAMRA

Alford, Lincs, Olympic Torch Relay 1044

Alford Time Repair (clockmaker) 1223

Alice in Wonderland 853

All the Bells project (Creed): chiming 111 (let); crass approach 415 (Ed); definition 63; fee 135 (let); launch 61; LOCOG 535; new band 851; Paralympics 992; performances 953; publicity, useful 62 (let), 415 (Ed); ringing opportunity 111 (let), 135 (let), 207 (let), 288, 851; statistics 1087; timing 615 (Ed), 635, 635, 642 (let); Banwell, Som 1015; Belper, Derbys 889; Borough, Gr Lon, S George 851; Congleton, Ches 892; Derby DA 889; final statistics 1010; Hornchurch, Gr Lon 914; Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex 916; Knaresborough, N Yorks 667 (let), 971; North Shields, Tyne&Wear 288, 871; Plymouth Youths 61; quarter peals rung 909–910, 953, 956, 977, 979; Reading, Berks, Minster Ch 868; Rochester Cathedral 892; Rothbury, Northumb 892; St Laurence in Thanet, Kent 916; Sussex CA 916; Whitechapel Foundry Band 567

All the year round (19C periodical) 105, 106

Allaway, Audrey, 43er 912

Alliance to Reduce Crime Against Heritage (ARCH) 1223, 1333 (cartoon)

Allton, Richard I: (composer) 184, 548, 959; (contrib) 307 (corr), 702–703

alphabets, Surprise Minor 453

Alveston, Warks 55 (corr)

Ambassadors, Ringing World 540, 690

Ambridge Ringers (fictitious) 264, 442 (let)

Amenity Groups 387, 392

Among the Bells 1308

Ancient Society of College Youths see College Youths …

Anderson, Donald Stephen (obit) 912

Andrew, Christine, 1000 peals 1021

Andrews, Harry (contrib) 61

Angrave, Richard J (composer) 136

Annable’s Diamond Bob Minor 947

Anne, Princess, Inverness Cathedral 812

annual reports, value of 1260 (let)

Anthony, Gary (contrib), photos by 812

ANZAB: 50th Anniv Festival 769, 893–897, 895 (Ed); Adelaide, SA 991; Ringing Towers, 50 Years Ago 915

see also Australia

ANZAC Day, peals 502

apologies from: Povey, Chris 620 (let); Ringing World Ltd 417 (Edn), 495 (Ed), 515 (corr), 1063 (Ed), 1140 (Edn), 1162; Smith, Andy 1036

appeals: Apsley End, Herts 545; Austin, Rob 596 (let); Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 726; Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 919, 994 (let); Dumfries, S John 208 (let); Great Malvern Priory 343 (let); Gussage All Saints, Dorset 1180; Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 943 (Ed), 1063 (Ed), 1084; High Wycombe, Bucks 374; Hitchin, Herts 27, 1128; Inverness Cathedral 341; Loughborough Bell Foundry 1138; missing archive material 943 (Ed); Potteries Ringing Centre (Hanley) 1063 (Ed), 1084; Ringing for Gold (Fawcett) 262 (ad); Ringing Foundation Ltd 1159; St Bride, Fleet Street, Lon 110; Stone, Staffs 412; Taunton, Som, St Mary 1089; wedding bells 727; Westbury-on-Severn, Glos 173; Worcester, S John-in-Bedwardine 125; Worcester Assoc, handbells 436; Yarkhill, Herefs 364; see also fund raising; grants & loans

'apps': Christmas List 1188; Dove’s Guide 267; iAgrams 84; iCal (calendar) 1311 (let); Mobel 564 see also software applications

Apsley End, Herts, appeal 545

Arborfield, Berks, Diamond Jubilee 807

ARCH (Alliance to Reduce Crime Against Heritage) 1223, 1333 (cartoon)

Archdeaconry of Halifax Guild, 60th Anniv Dinner 333

Archers, learning to ring 264, 442 (let)

architects: Cottingham, Lewis N (19C) 1322–1323, 1325; Griggs, FL (20C) 389; Wiles & Maguire 1138

Archive and Archaeology Service, Worcestershire 1249

archives: BBC bell recording CDs 158 (let); CCCBR Committee Reports 158 (let); Gillett & Johnston 1223; John Taylor 1137; local 111 (let), 475; missing material 943 (Ed); Royal Archives 759 (Ed); Worcestershire 1249

Archives Principles and Practice 111 (let)

archiving: Diamond Jubilee 135 (let); web 111 (let), 135 (let)

armed forces, St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 130

Armed Forces Guild, Guild mergers 1111 (Ed)

Armitage, Quentin (contrib), 'First peal of Shipway Major for over 100 years' 493–494, 497

Armstrong, James, decease 464

Armstrong, Neil (astronaut), remembered 997

Army Guild, military Guild merger 1111 (Ed)

Arnold, Edward, (18C bellhanger) 616

Arnold, Frank, decease 464

Around Tour: 50th 989, 1000, 1070; early years 990–991

ART see Association of Ringing Teachers

art works: artistic licence 874–875 (let); Badgeworth Church 638 (water colour); Christchurch Transitional cathedral 919 (computer); Gilpin’s Bell 1057 (sculpture); New College tower 592 (drawing); Out of Tune 498 (let) (drawing); ringers at Bodelwyddan 732 (drawing); ringing prints, handbells 1340–1341; Ringing World calendar 2013 1300; St Clement Danes 1109 (watercolour); St Mary-le-Bow 1047 (drawing); see also cartoons

ART WORKS (newsletter) 1231

Arthur, Kenneth (obit) 179 (Ed), 198, 374, 379, 380, 923

artists: Brindley, David 638; Dolven, AK 498 (let); Godfrey, Angela 1057; Tidmarsh, Henry Edward 1109; Udal, Helen 1047, 1300; Yeo, John 712, 738 (let)

Arts-and-Crafts movement 389

Asami, Maki, Japanese ringer 964

Ash trees, die-back 1140 (let), 1259 (let), 1311 (let)

Ashcroft, Dawn (contrib) 805

Ashford Ringers at Whitechapel, 50 Years Ago 945

Ashtead, Surrey, 'First peal of Shipway Major for over 100 years' 493–494, 495 (Ed), 497

Ashton, Rose (contrib) 125, 502

Aslett, Hilary, Ladies' Guild president 1183, 1184

Assoc of Ringing Teachers (ART): purpose 331, 454–455; appointments 967 (Ed), 986 (ad); debate 519 (Ed), 523 (let), 547 (let), 570 (let), 595 (let), 618 (let), 619 (let), 642 let), 667 (let), 1067 (let); establishment 346; existing teachers 331, 454, 1282 (let); ITTS Administrator 970 (let), 1228, 1231; Moodle 1231; relationship with ITTS 391 (Edn); Ringing Foundation AGM 687

Association communications 1212, 1260 (let), 1311 (let)

Associazione Suonatori di Campane a Sistema Veronese (ASCSV) see Veronese Assoc

asymmetrical Minor 1066 (let)

Atkins, Helen (contrib) 1064

Attaway, Beryl & Norman (contrib) 200

Attaway, Rachel (contrib), photos by 200

AU (contrib) 684

Auckland and Hamilton band 307

Audley, Helen (contrib) 499, 1018

augmentations: Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 27; Beckbury, Shrops 204; Black Bull Inn (Frosterly) 704, 705; Brinklow, Warks 1208–1209; Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S James 460; Caverswall, Staffs 153–155, 157, 164; Chideock, Dorset 205; Eakring, Notts 204; Ecclesfield, S Yorks 177–178, 180–181; Elmsett, Suffolk 205; Frosterley, Co Durham, the Black Bull Inn 708; Great Malvern Priory 339 (Ed), 344 (let); Hitchin, Herts 27, 1128, 1211 (let); Lacock, Wilts (17C) 644; Little Paxton, Cambs 204, 661–663; Loughborough Bell Foundry 941–945, 943 (Ed); Menangle, NSW 204; Ossett, W Yorks 1129; Ovingham, Northumb 541–543; Oxford, New College (1655) 592–593; Roos, E Yorks 1018, 1093; Scraptoft, Leics 204; Sunderland Minster, Co Durham 1277, 1280, 1288; Temple Guiting, Glos 205; Thurston, Suffolk 206; Willingale, Essex 206, 1229–1230, 1231 (Ed), 1232; Wimborne Minster 1301–1305; Wimborne Minster, Dorset 1303 (Ed)

Austen, Jane, 1st novel 320 (let)

Austin, Rob, appeal for 596 (let)

Australia see also 'Tail Ends': 25 Years Ago 1044; 50 years ago 87; 1962 893; Bunbury, WA, RC Cath 361–363; Fred E Dukes' International Bell Fund 330; holidays, ringing 1211 (let); ladies 87; Olympic Games, London 2012 1347; Perth, WA 1343; See how they ring 983, 1250 (corr); Sydney, NSW 769, 893–897, 895 (Ed), 1136–1138

Avening, Glos, Cherington treble 296

Avesa Bell Ringers, Italy 961

Avon Ropes, Bristol 570 (let), 620 (let)

Awbridge, Hants, record length peal 22

Aylsham, Norfolk, filming inside a belfry 309

Bacon, Gerry, Olympic Torch bearer 336, 701

Bacup, Lancs, closure 360, 902

badges: Bluebell’s Challenge (Girl Guide badge) 1087 (Ed), 1107, 1139 (let), 1233 (let); New South Wales Association of Change Ringers 896; see also 'Bell Club Awards'

Badgeworth, Glos, restoration project 637–638, 640–641

Bagley, David (contrib) 546

Bagley, Henry III (18C bellfounder) 154, 157

Bailey, Patricia M (obit) 382, 447

Bailey, Philip (contrib) 260

Bailey, Roger 840; 3000 peals 245, 599

Bailey brothers of Leiston (1911) 12, 31 (let)

Baines, Betty, Ladies' Guild president 1183

Baker, Cathy (contrib) 732, 1042

Baker, Luke (age 11) (contrib) 1279

Baker, Peter (obit) 923

Bakers (building contractor) 662

Balderton, Notts, 1st peal, 100th anniv 47

Baldock, Christine (contrib): 'Royal Air Force Guild – 2012' 1109–1110; SCACR past Masters 559; 'A special birthday present' 1132

Baldock, Herts, noise complaints 1251

Baldry, Tony (Church Estates Commissioner) 238

Baldwin, John (contrib): Dove Edition 10 155, 203, 495 (Ed), 499 (ad), 500; Dove’s Guide 1199

Baldwin, Sid, Dove’s Guide 1199

bands: 10 Years Ago 1053; under 20 years 128; under 22 years 165; 100 Years Ago 393; 1000 pealers 211; Auckland and Hamilton 307; Bailey bros (Leiston 1911) 12, 31 (let); Bournemouth Bells 6, 183 (let); 'Clustering' 180; The G & B team 685, 708; Justices of the Peace 117; ladies 306, 619 (let), 815, 869–870, 872, 873; Michaels, people called 1087 (Ed), 1095; new 851; Perrin family 244; Pipe family 128, 660; profiles 1053; 'Royal Jubilee Bellringers' 761, 763, 1288; Scouts 232

bands, ladies (1912), 1st peal band 1181

Bangor, Northern Ireland, fire 617

bans, ringing, World War II (WWII) 1067 (let), 1090 (let), 1091 (let), 1162 (let), 1233 (let), 1283 (let)

Banwell, Som: Diamond Jubilee w/end 813, 815; Olympic ringing 1015

Banwell Volunteer Fire Service 813

Barber, Alan (contrib) 730, 827, 827

Barber, Elizabeth (contrib) 200

Barbourne, Worcs, Halewood bells, Mers 737, 1042

Baring-Gould, Sabine (song writer) 1040

Barker, Brian, decease 464

Barlaston, Staffs, young ringers 946 (let)

Barnack, Cambs, 1st peal on the bells 776

Barnes, John (contrib) 1212

Barnes’ Ringers, Summer Tour 1150–1151

Barnet, Gr London, 100 Years Ago 1246

Barnett, Edwin A (composer) 958

Barnett, Olive, decease 464

Barnsley, Glos, village festival 630

The Barrie Advance (Ontario) 1281

Barrow & District Society, CCCBR affiliation 1186 (let)

Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria: large louvres 873; open days 726; restoration project/augm 27

Barrowman, John (TV presenter): Jubilee Pageant 758–759, 810; 'Learns to handle a bell' 763

Barsby, Alan K (contrib) 807

Barwell, James (19/20C bellfounder) 1191

Basford, Maureen (contrib) 199

Basingstoke, Hants (All Saints): QP w/end 17; Sunday service band, 1st peal 245

Bassett, Chris (contrib) 898

Bath, Som, (Bathwick), 25 Years Ago 261

Bath & Wells DA (BWDACR)

Assoc: AGM 633, 634; Honorary Life Member's reunion 937

Bridgwater Branch, Diamond Jubilee w/end 805

Taunton Branch: appeal 1089; outing 713

Bath Abbey, humble address 536

Bath Chronicle 1179

Bathhampton, Som, rope accident 1179, 1183 (Ed), 1281

bats (mammals), Herne, Kent 202

Battersea, Gr London, '… fire out in style for The Queen' 764

Bayton, Tim (contrib) 682 (corr)

BBC see broadcasts

BBC World Service 129, 1035

Beacham, David, 43er 912

Beacham, Jenny, 43er 912

Beard, David W (composer) 548

Beazley, Clara (20C ringer) 1181

Beccles, Suffolk, Hark to the Bells (music) 1156

Beccles Festival of Music and the Arts 1156

Beckbury, Shrops: augmentation 204; new band 104

Beckett, Caroline (contrib) 1175, 1180

Bedford, Julie 1228

The Bedfordshire 433

Bedfordshire Assoc

Assoc: Ridgman Trophy 913; RWNY Contest 844, 847, 850

Biggleswade District, QP day 226

Bee Gees, QPs 648, 699

beer, 1869 109

'Beer Matters': 'Figuratively speaking' 1188; 'Fresh, local, seasonal' 147; for our blessed lady's sake bring us in good ale 1312; public houses, decline of 536; 'Use it or lose it' 535, 536

Beeston, Notts, Crawford Cup 612

Beginners Handbook (CCCBR) 537

Belcher, Eva (20C ringer) 1181

'Belfry Gossip,' 50 Years Ago 87, 180, 231, 246, 284, 308, 332, 411, 431, 711, 768, 1039, 1079, 1135, 1257, 1284

Belfry Praise (hymn) 1183

‘Belfry Reform’ movement 228

Belfry Steps 537

'Belief: A Modern Fair(e)y Tail (End)' 1163

Bell, Claire (contrib) 1007

'Bell Club Awards' 756, 1252

bell details: Bishops Lydeard, Som 85 (tab); Brinklow, Warks 1208–1209; Broughton Gifford, Wilts 885–886; Builth Wells, Powys 1191; Bunbury, WA 363 (tab); Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S James 1320; Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S Mary 1325; Campanile of St Mark, Venice 455; Caverswall, Staffs 157 (tab); Chester, Ches 519, 521; Chipping Campden, Glos, Town Hall 389 (tab); Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 917–919, 919 (Ed); Crom, Co Fermanagh 317; Ecclesfield, S Yorks 181 (tab); GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1136–1138; Herne, Kent 203 (tab); Highfields, Leicester 1337–1338; Lacock, Wilts 644–645; Little Paxton, Cambs 661–663; Loughborough Bell Foundry 942, 945 (tab); Maxey, Cambs 665; New College, Oxford 592–593; Northlew, Devon 1040–1041, 1067 (let); Ovingham, Northumb 542 (tab); Pulborough, W Sussex 1164; Purdue bell (Roger I) 644; Royal Jubilee 808 (tab); San Martino, Gargnano, Italy 737 (tab); St Dunstan-in-the-West, EC4 767; St James, Garlickhythe 808; St Mary-le-Bow 1133–1134; St Peter’s Preparatory School, Johannesburg, S Africa 1086 (tab); Stamford, Lincs 616–617; Sunderland Minster, Co Durham 1280 (tab); Swift Micro-Ring 513 (tab); Tong, W Yorks 1257 (tab); Wareham, Dorset 890; Willingale, Essex 1230 (tab); Wimborne Minster 1304; Yarkhill, Herefs 364

bell donors: 100 Years Ago 12; Beverley & District Ringing Society 1018; Taylor, Bernard 294, 1042; see also sponsors

Bell Handling course 156

bell historians (e-list) 205

Bell Johnson (structural engineers) 294, 344 (let), 1042

bell maintenance, stressed stay 156–157, 547 (let)

Bell Meadow Peal, outings 460

Bell News 106, 271, 436, 441–442 (let), 494, 497, 958, 1102, 1307; duplicate set 475

bell recordings, BBC library 158 (let)

Bell Rescue Fund (Keltek Trust): Report 2011 204; see also Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells

Bell Restoration Committee: 2011 Report 485–487, 934; letters 572 (let), 716 (let); meetings 1212

Bell Restoration Fund (CCCBR): 2011 Report 465, 486–487; donations to 183 (let); jigsaw puzzles 1013–1014, 1015 (Ed), 1034 (ad); Keltek Trust 206; print for sale 638; website 1014; see also Fred E Dukes' International Bell Fund

Bell Ringer’s Book of Knots 1188

bell sponsors 761

bell transfers, closed or closing churches 75, 1014

bell up 677

BellBoard (internet): 1st anniv 1207 (Ed); 'BellBoard Bulletin' 128, 291 (Ed), 311; Campanophile 80, 111 (let), 134 (let), 158 (let), 206 (let), 240 (let), 442 (let), 690–691, 765 (let); Diary of Events 311; events management 543 (Ed); Felstead Database 476; Jubilee celebrations 414; launch 59 (Ed), 80, 86 (let); Learning the Ropes scheme 368 (Edn), 368 (let) (corr); non-compliant peals 86 (let); peals.co.uk data 80; usage statistics 311, 1212; website 203 (Ed)

bellfounders Bagley, Henry III (18C) 154, 157; Barwell, James (19/20C) 1191; Bochumer Verein (20C) 714 (let); Bowditch, Richard 705; Bowell's (20C) 711; Cockey, William (18C) 6, 183 (let); Crespi, Jacobus (18C) 736–737; Eayre, Joseph (18C) 617; Eijsbouts (19/20/21C) 362, 443, 850 (let); Hatch, William 204; Hedderley, Thomas (18C) 154, 157; Hodson, Christopher (17C) 1133; Hughes family 129–130; John Warner & Sons (19/20C) 342 (let), 718, 1164; Keene, James & Humphrey (17C) 636; Lehr, André (20/21C) 850 (let), 868; Lester, Thomas (18C) and Pack 1133; Llewellen [sic], Peter (19C) 285; Llewellins & James (19C) 885; Martin, John (17C) 1058; Mears, Thomas (18C) 617; Mears, Thomas II (19C) 32, 33, 654, 1137, 1253; Mears & Stainbank (20C) 1133, 1246; Murphy, John (19C) 361; Newman, Thomas (18C) 1320; Norris, Tobie I (17C) 616, 617; Osborn, Thomas (18C) 460, 1320; Pack and Lester, Thomas (18C) 1133; Phelps and Lester (18C) 1133; Purdue, Roger I (17C) 644–645; Purdue, Roger II 885; Royal Eijsbouts (19/20/21C) 362, 443, 850 (let); Rudhall, Abraham (18C) 173; Rudhalls (18C) 173, 593, 1191; Seliok (15C) 154, 157; Sellers, Edward II (18C) 1253; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (20/21C) 154, 156, 654; Wallis, John (17C) 644; Watts, Hugh (17C) 654; Williams, Henry (18C) 409, 594; see also Gillett & Johnston; John Taylor & Co; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd

bellfounding: bell founding workshops 2–3; Bells and Bellfounding (Llewellin) 886; casting 179 (Ed), 662, 705, 850 (let); Henry Williams The Glasbury Bellfounder and the Production and Tuning of bells (Lewis) 594; Loughborough Bell Foundry 941–945, 943 (Ed); Rules for Arranging Rings of Bells (Llewellin) 886

Bellfoundry House (Loughborough) 684

bellframes 438; 3D computer model 437; 15C 1152; guidance note 75; model bellframes 1153, 1155, 1162 (let); recording guidance 75, 1014; rusting 438; Badgeworth, Glos 638; Barbourne, Worcs 1042; Black Bull Inn (Frosterley) 705; Caverswall, Staffs 154, 155, 157; Ecclesfield, S Yorks 177; Herne, Kent 201–202; High Wycombe, Bucks 374; Highfields, Leicester 1337; Hobart, Tasmania 1153, 1155, 1162 (let); identification 392; Lacock, Wilts 644, 645; Leicester, Leics, S Mary de Castro 654; Little Paxton, Cambs 662; Maxey, Cambs 665; Michelmersh, Winchester 386; Penzance, Cornwall 438, 440; Saxton, N Yorks 1152; Stamford, Lincs (17C) 616; West Tytherley, Hants 81; Willingale, Essex 206; Wookey, Som 75; Worcester, S John-in-Bedwardine 496; see also engineers

bellhangers: Arnold, Edward (18C) 616; Conservation Bellhangers Ltd (21C) 82, 83; Dobson, William (19C) 4; Hurry, Thomas (19C) 3124; Matthew Higby & Co (bell engineers) 7, 521, 705; Nicholson, Andrew 1329–1330; Nicholson, Andrew (bellhanger) 900 (let); Nicholson Engineering Ltd (bellhangers) 27, 85, 638, 640, 900 (let); Pembleton, Fred 1280; Whites of Appleton (bellhangers) 27, 202, 203, 336; by Whites of Appleton (bellhangers) 336; Whites of Appleton (bellhangers) 740, 995, 1018, 1128, 1304; see also engineers

bellhanging, extreme 498 (let), 1138

The Bellringer, on-line 475

Bellringers and Clergy, Portsmouth Cathedral 343 (let)

Bellringer’s Guide to the Church Bells of Britain 356

'Bellringers’ Hobbies' 240

bellringing see ringing

Bellringing in the News (website) 1087

bellringing society constitution 725, 738 (let)

bellropes see ropes

bells: around the world 1185–1186 (let); BBC World Service 1035; Big Ben 1113 (let); coloured 513; crossnumber puzzle 751, 835 (ans); curfew 4; ebay 204, 1114 (cartoon); 'Elizabeth' 179 (Ed), 762; Gilpin’s Bell 1057; harmonically tuned bells 389, 941; 'Henry' 179 (Ed); latten 391 (let), 418 (let); layout illustration 317 (diag); oldest 154; Olympia, Lon, 1912 55, 342 (let); 'Phillip' 179 (Ed); porcelain 875 (let); steel 711 (Ed), 714 (let), 823 (cartoon), 900 (let) (corr); 'Thought for the week' 815; see also inscriptions; Jubilee Bells; Olympic Bell

Bells and Bellfounding (Llewellin) 886

bells available list (Keltek Trust) 205

Bell’s Life in London 271, 835, 1139 (let)

Bells of All Nations (Morris) 442 (let)

Bells of Northlew (song) 1040

Bells on Sunday (BBC Radio 4): BBC Religion and Ethics Department 158 (let); 'Mysterious Bells on Sunday' 946 (let); reflection on 62–63 (let); 'Tail Ends' 891; towers 1015

Belper, Derbys, Five Rings Triples 889

Benjamin, Annable (18C ringer) 1305

Bennett, Peter S (contrib): Around Tour - early years 990–991; ASCY class of '62 1240; Order of St Woolos award 755

bequests, Todd, Ann G 1288

Bere Regis, Dorset 1223

Beresford, Dennis (obit) 37, 923

Berkshire, Four in a Day 1221

Berrow’s Worcester Journal 1043 (let)

Berry, Chris (contrib) 684, 688

Betjeman, John: 'I used to stand by intersecting lanes …' 287; Summoned by Bells 21; 'The yellowing elm…' 33

Bettinson, Charles, bell sponsor 761

Beverley & District Ringing Society, bell donor 1018

Beynon, EG (obit) 1274

'Beyond the Learning Curve': Diamond Bob Triples 419; Five Rings Triples (and Doubles) 631; Regina Bob Major 495; Two Minor Methods 606

Bianco, Anthony (contrib), photos by 337, 338, 356, 368 (corr), 475

Bianco, Stella (contrib): Library Committee at Chester 503; “Whitechapel Handbells” 1013–1014, 1034 (ad)

Bibby, Cynthia see Warrilow

Bible, King James, 400th anniv 8

Big Ben, Olympic Bell, London 2012 1113 (let)

Big Lottery ITV People’s Millions 173, 661

Bill, Peter L, 1000 peals 646

The Binding Place (book binders) 642 (let)

Bingley, N Yorks, Yorkshire Tails (Grave) 920

Binns, Robert, decease 464

Biographies Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 487, 934; distinguished ringers 1134, 1135 (Ed); letters 5 (let); remit 1135 (Ed)

Birchington, Kent, Waterloo Tower, Quex Park: Mausolea and Monuments Trust 175; TV ringing location 3

birds, 100 Years Ago 1223

Birmingham, W Mids see also Ringing World National Youth Contest

1940s 195

Harbourne, Learning the Ropes scheme 156

S Paul, Ringing World National Youth Contest 842

S Philip Cath, 1000 peals on the bells 60, 80

Young Ringers 1192

Birmingham Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 817, 819, 874 (let)

Birmingham Conservatoire 546

Bishop, Anthony S (author) 991

Bishops: 50 years ago 308; ringing 564; views on ringing 293, 343 (let)

Bishops Lydeard, Som, 'A tale of two rings' 85

Bishopsteignton, Devon, QP day 533

Bishopstoke, Hants, Olympic Games 2012 951

Black Bull Inn (Frosterley), augm 704, 705, 708

Blackwell, Derbys, book 149

Bladon, Brian (contrib) 88

Blagrove, Frank T (composer) 548

Blair, John Alan (obit) 1279 (Ed), 1298

Blake, Debbie, 25 Years Ago 1064

Bleby, David (contrib) 1205–1207

Bleby, Elizabeth (author) 893

Blight, Peter (contrib) 999

blinds for stained glass windows 288

Bliss, Mary (Elsie) (obit) 537, 631, 919 (Ed), 936

blisters 1131

blogs, Frederickson, Kristen 677–678

Bloomfield, Frank (veteran ringer), 84th birthday 244

blue lines: Five Rings Triples (and Doubles) 631; Jubilee Delight Minor 606 (diag); New Music 20X12 project 535; Plain Hunt 605 (diag); Plain Hunt 'cheatsheet' 737 (diag); Pudsey Surprise Major 958; 'random walk' 1327; Royal Sovereign Treble Bob Minor 606 (diag); Whitefield Places 605 (diag)

Bluebell’s Challenge (Girl Guides) 1087 (Ed), 1107, 1139 (let), 1233 (let)

Blundell, Giles (contrib), 'News Review' 1087, 1187–1188, 1281

Bochumer Verein (20C bellfounder) 714 (let)

Bodelwyddan, Denbighs, Wales, ringers, painting 732

Bollington, Ches (St John), Keltek Trust 204

Bond, Simon (contrib), photos by 592

Bone, Fred 609, 862, 1235; long service awards 1235

Bone, Mary (contrib), meetings between CCCBR, EH and CBC representatives' 75, 521, 1014–1015

book binders/restorers, list 384, 642 (let)

Book of Common Prayer 597, 676

'Book Review': 360 Treble Dodging Minor Grids 991; Church Bells of Somerset 1309–1310; Derbyshire born … farm boy to financier 149; Dove’s Guide for Church Bell Ringers, Tenth Edition 500; The Gorbals Bass and Bell Foundry (Foulds) 1319; Henry Williams The Glasbury Bellfounder and the Production and Tuning of bells 594; Kev’s Guide to Church Bells Around the World 1081, 1082, 1140 (let), 1185 (let)–1186; Order and Disorder in the Eighteenth Century 19; See how they ring 983, 1250 (corr); Yorkshire Tails (Grave) 920

bookbinders 545

booklets, SCACR past Masters 559

Booth, Roger (contrib) 1159

Boreham, Frank, decease 464

Borough, Gr Lon, 'Olympic serendipity ticket' 851

Boston, Lincs, tower 1204

Boston, MA, USA, 100 Years Ago 1149

Bottrill, William (Billy) (20C ringer), police officer 1211 (let), 1233–1234 (let), 1259 (let), 1282–1283 (let)

'Boundless possibilities' 1326–1328

Bourne, Eileen, 50th b/day 1132

Bournemouth Bells (band), outing 6, 183 (let)

Bovey Tracey, Devon, 1st peal on the bells 877

Bow bells see London, City of, St Mary-le-Bow

Bowditch, Richard (bellfounder), Black Bull Inn 705

Bowell's (20C bellfounder) 711

Boyle, Danny (film maker), Olympic Bell 415 (Ed), 443

Bradbury, Joseph (19C author) 271

brain neuronal activity, learning to ring 750

Brealey, Louise (actress) 128

Brecon Canal, ringing holiday 837

Bredon’s Norton, Worcs, 1st peal on the bells, cent 164

Brentwood Gazette 1281

Brewster, Andrew (contrib) 357, 359, 1235–1236

Bridgewater Canal, QPs 699

Bright, Ann (obit) 1152

Brightwell, Robbie, (1964 Olympian) 892

Brigstock, Northants, Diamond Jubilee w/end 805

Brindley, David (artist) 638

Brinklow, Warks: 1st peal since augm 1209; 'A project lasting a century' 1208–1209; treble bells 440

Bristol Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

Bristol Mercury 296

Bristol Surprise, inventor 1225

Bristol Surprise Eight, long length peals 393

Bristol Surprise Sixteen, long length peals 25–27

British Horological Institute (BHI) 586, 1223

British Library, web archiving 135 (let)

British Watch & Clockmakers Guild 1223

Broad, David (author) 663

broadcasts: Public Relations Committee 479–480; Archers 264; BBC 1087, 1281; BBC i-Player 3; BBC Look North 288, 871; BBC News 24 125; BBC Radio 3 207 (let); BBC Radio 4 264; BBC Radio Newcastle 288, 871; BBC TV 1–3, 3, 3 (Ed), 56, 61, 83, 134 (let), 158 (let), 183 (let), 199; BBC World Service 129; CCTV 823 (let); 'Come Bell Ringing' 3 (Ed), 3, 134 (let), 158 (let), 183 (let); commercial television (1950s) 231; Countryfile 199; Escape to the Country 83; Five Rings Triples 183 (let); Free Radio Coventry & Warwickshire 727; Great British Railway Journeys 56, 1328; Have I Got News For You … 759; Meridian Television 892; Public Relations Committee 1283; Radio Berkshire 868; Radio Cumbria 726; Radio Hereford 125; Radio Worcester 125; Spotlight 61; ‘Still Ringing After All These Years’ 1–3, 3 (Ed); Tyne Tees Television 288, 871; YouTube 7, 128, 132–133, 135, 203, 309, 736, 971, 1089, 1113, 1136; see also Bells on Sunday; 'News Review'

Brock, Pam (cakes) 895

Brockdish, Norfolk, 1st peal on the bells, cent 550

Brockenhurst, Hants, 1st peal on the bells 599

Brontë sisters 1249

brothers, bands of, Bailey bros (Leiston 1911) 12, 31 (let)

Broughton, Hunts: 1st peal on the bells 772; 1st peal on the bells 772

Broughton Gifford, Wilts, bells 885–886

Brown, Colin (contrib), photos by 361, 362

Brown, Kenneth Laurence (obit) 358, 380

Brown, Malcolm (ropemaker) 521

Brown, Robert DS (composer) 136, 184, 548, 960

Brownies 135 (let)

Brunger, Eric (obit) 1082, 1187

Bucklebury, Berks, 100 peals on the bells 1141

Bucknell, Ian (contrib) 599

Builth Wells, Powys, anniversary peal 1191

Bullard, Alan (music composer) 1156

Bullington, Hants, Jubilee rededication 768

Bunbury, WA, Aus, RC Cath, new ring project 361–363

Burbidge, Alan (contrib) 1318

Burma (Myanmar), bells 1108

Burnett, Simon (contrib) 1249

bursaries, Dorothy L Sayers Society 1182

Burslem, Sue (contrib) 732

Burton, Irene Mary Isobel (obit) 560

Bury and Norwich Post 1320, 1321, 1322, 1324

Bury St Edmunds, Suff: S James 460, 1320–1325; S Mary 823 (cartoon), 1320–1325

Bury Times 1312

bus outings, Somerset 152

business plans: Ringing Foundation Ltd 687, 1159; Ringing World Ltd 691; society constitution 725

busking, handbell ringing 1341 (prints)

Buswell, Alan (contrib): call changes 1185 (let); Quarter peal report for 2011 366, 391 (let), 418 (let), 442 (let), 524 (let); 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

Buswell, Neil (contrib) 57–59

Butcher, Horace (SCACR past Master) 559

Butler, Bill (contrib) 1134

Butler, Edmund (poem) 1313

Butler, Nick (contrib) 132–133, 135

Butler, William (contrib) 60–61, 60, 1307–1308

Butters, Ian (composer) 548

Butterworth, Judith (obit) 814

buzz-words, 'Tail Ends' 1155, 1186 (let)

BYROC, peal generating software 6 (let)

Cage, John (composer) 412

cakes: 'Burwood Cake' 895; CID 30th anniv 77

calendars: CC diary of events 104; iCal software 1311 (let); Ringing World 1162 (Edn), 1162 (let)(corr), 1300; Southampton District 1311 (let)

call, definition 465–466

call changes: quarter peals 1090 (let), 1140 (let), 1185 (let), 1233 (let); Ringing Down ’Ere (Borlase/Purdy) 1233 (let)

calling people to Church: Summoned by Bells (Betjeman) 21, 158 (let) see also 'Thought for the week'

Calton, Clive (contrib) 1221

Calvert, Val and Ian, farewell lunch 194

Cambodia, peals rung 188

Cambridge, Cambs

12 Hertford Street, simultaneous handbell peals 300

S Edward, 'Come Bell Ringing' (BBC4) 134 (let)

tours 1032

Univ Ch of S Mary Gt, 100 Years Ago 151

Cambridge Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

Cambridge Surprise, long-length peals 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let)

Cambridge University Guild (CUGCR): dinner 647; 'A tale of two peals' 1225, 1226, 1231 (box); Upham, Hants 738 (let)

Cambridge Youths, Society of (SCY), cyclic Maximus peals 1252

Camp, John (contrib) 1187

Campanalogia (1677 Stedman) 835

Campanalogia (1702 Shipway) 87 (let)

Campanalogia Improved (1702) 666

Campanalogia Improved (1702 JD & CM) 271

Campanalogia Improved (1705) 666

Campanalogia Improved (1733) 441 (let), 666, 1340

Campanalogia: or Universal Instructor in the Art of Ringing 493

Campane in Festa (Italy) 961


Venice, St Mark's, 100 Years Ago 455

Willoughby Campanile 840

Wobbly Bob’s Campanile 1298

Campanologie (Lehr) 850 (let)

Campanologist's Companion (Jones) 1140 (let), 1185 (let)–1186

Campanology, on-line 475

Campanology, College of, 50 years ago 1319

Campanophile (website): BellBoard 80, 111 (let), 134 (let), 158 (let), 206 (let), 240 (let), 690–691, 765 (let); breakdown 59 (Ed); 'Campanophile crash' 87 (let); Felstead Database 476; Learning the Ropes scheme 368 (Edn), 368 (let) (corr); non-compliant peals 86 (let); Ringing World 442 (let)

Campbell, Wendy (contrib) 743, 1007

CAMRA 147, 1187

Canada: 100 Years Ago 1039; ladies (1912) 1039; 'Teaching the Teachers' 522; see also North American Guild

canals & ringing: Bridgewater Canal 699; Shropshire Union Canal 699

Canford Magna, Dorset, restoration project 739–740

Cann, Richard, St Alphege Guild 1284

Cannon, Freda, Ladies' Guild president 1183

Canterbury Cathedral, St Edmunds catholic school 1313

Canterbury Times 1188

Carey, David (veteran ringer), 80th b/day 87

Carey family 87, 1054

carillons 441; John Taylor & Co 441; Palace of Westminster 714–715 (let), 738 (let); Taunton, Som, St Mary 1089

Carlisle DG

Guild, Young Ringer's award 572

striking competition 823

Carlisle Journal 994 (let)

Carlyle-Clarke, Jackie (contrib) 762

Carr, Derek J (contrib) 964

Carroll, Lewis (author) 853

cars, 'Tail Ends' 1251

Carter, Christine M, 1000 peals 113, 550 (tower bells)

Carter, Donald (contrib) 1221–1222

Carter Ringing Machine Collection: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 488, 935

Cartmel, Jane (contrib) 55 (corr)

cartoonists see 'H'

cartoons: 'Ahhh……the metallic idiophones of St Mary's sound wonderful this evening' 823; 'Alliance to Initiate the Transmission of Campanological Humour' 1333 (cartoon); 'Jubilee Surprise!' 763; 'Olympic Clanger' 563; Private Eye 412; 'Pull those backstrokes in!' 891; 'What's this on eBay - a very large bell, hardly used, buyer collects?' 1114 (cartoon); 'You won't get any more complaints …' 1162

Cartwright, Geoff (contrib) 153–155, 157

Caryer, Chris (contrib) 957

Casserley, Richard, 500 QP on the bells 231

casting 179 (Ed), 662, 705, 850 (let), 1282 (let)

Cater, G (contrib) 333

Cater, Robert (contrib) 333, 607, 664

Caterham, Surrey, Formula One team 312

Caters (9 bell ringing): compositions 160, 184; date touch compositions 79; Grandsire Caters 160; long length peals 308, 543 (Ed), 549, 1326; methods named in 2012 550; “Sonnet” quarter peal 160; Stedman Caters 308, 543 (Ed), 549, 1132

Cathedral Bishops: 50 years ago 308; ringing 564; views on ringing 293, 343 (let)

Cavadini Foundry (Verona, Italy) 152

Caverswall, Staffs, restoration/augm project 153–155, 157, 164

Cawley, David L (contrib), 'Book Review' 1309–1310

CBC see Church Buildings Council

CC and CCCBR see Central Council

CCTV broadcasts 823 (let)

CDs: BBC Religion and Ethics Department, library 158 (let); Library Committee 475; 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

ceilidhs 133, 135

Centenary Day see Ringing World Centenary Day

Central Council (CCCBR)

AGM 2010 (Derby): Annual Report 2010 465; Minutes 465

AGM 2011 (Hereford): Accounts 2010 465; Minutes 464–469; Minutes 2011 464–469, 923 (corr); Motions 465

AGM 2012 (Chester): Accounts 2011 469–472, 924; Agenda 462–463; Annual Report 2011 469, 923; delegate bookings 360; 'Jubilee Jamboree Jumble' 547 (let); Members 689; Minutes 2012 922–924, 934–935; motions 462, 465–466, 689–690, 923; RW summaries 591 (Ed), 686–691; welcome 519, 521

AGM 2013 (Guildford) 468, 691

Additional Members 463, 465, 923

Bell Restoration Fund: 2011 Report 465, 486–487; donations to 183 (let); jigsaw puzzles 1013–1014, 1015 (Ed), 1034 (ad); Keltek Trust 206; print for sale 638; website 1014

Buckingham Palace 922

Carter Ringing Machine Collection: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 488, 935

Change Ringing for the Future 591 (Ed), 693, 924

Christchurch Cath fund 919

Council: 100 Years Ago 993; Calendar 104; Christmas Message 1305; conflicts of interest 473; deaths 464, 923; Diamond Jubilee 83 (Ed); website development 474

Diamond Jubilee 519 (Ed), 689, 922

Dove Database: 2010 Report 468; 2011 Report 488–489, 935

external meetings: Ecclesiastical Insurance Group (EIG) 473; English Heritage & Church Buildings Council 75, 473, 521, 1014–1015

future meetings 468, 935

Life Members 923

Peals Analysis, 2011 Report 475–478

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells: 2010 Report 468; 2011 Report 489, 935

Rolls of Honour: 2010 Report 467–468; 2011 Report 488, 935

Societies, affiliations, new 1186 (let)

Central Council Committees

Committee Reports: 2010 Reports 466–467; 2011 Reports 473–489, 924, 934–935; archive website 158 (let)

Administrative Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 report 473, 924

Beginners Handbook Committee 537

Bell Restoration Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 485–487; meetings 1212

Biographies Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 487, 934; distinguished ringers 1134, 1135 (Ed); remit 1135 (Ed)

Compositions Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 487–488, 934, 935

Education Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 473–474, 924; 'The Ripple across the Pond' 522

Information & Communications Technology Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 474, 924

Library Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 474–475, 924; book binders/restorers article 384; Chester CCCBR 503

Methods Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 475, 924; non-compliant peals 86 (let)

Peal Records Committee (see also peals, simulator; 'Points from Peals'): 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 439 (Ed), 475–479, 924; CCCBR motion 462, 689, 923–924; peal rulings 711, 738 (let), 766 (let), 874 (let)

Public Relations Committee: 2010 Report 466–467; 2011 Report 479–481, 934; CCCBR motion 462; grumpy 667 (let); 'PR for all' 563; Ringing Roadshow 2014 1087 (Ed); Terms of Reference 462, 924; update 1283

Publications Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 481–482, 934

Redundant Bells Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 482–483, 934; closed or closing churches 1135 (Ed), 1140

Ringing Centres Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 483, 934

Ringing Trends Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 483–484, 934

Tower Stewardship Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 485, 934

Towers & Belfries Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 484–485, 934

Towers and Belfries Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 484–485, 934; Bell Rope Survey 521, 570 (let), 934; Tower Inspections 1152; 'Tower Inspections Seminar' 151

Central Council for the Care of Churches see Church Buildings Council

Central European Assoc: AGM 572; meetings 381; QPs 306–307

Ceylon see Sri Lanka

Chalk, Peggy, legacy 510

Chamberlain, Russell (contrib) 1011, 1035

Champion, Pauline: 1000 peals together 1093; 2000 peals 445

change ringing, vs melodies 134 (let)

Change Ringing for the Future: CCCBR debate 591 (Ed), 693, 924; Education Committee reports 473; focus groups 134 (let); inspiring 182 (let); National Youth Forum 84; 'New York City Schools Project' 589–591, 591 (Ed), 593–594; participants, young 49; Post Wellesbourne Update 331, 690; strategy and actions 473; see also recruitment and retention of ringers; Ringing Foundation Ltd; statistics

Change Ringing Theory Course (Mew) 84

Channel Islands District (CID), 30th anniv 77, 79

Chaplin, George: and 1940s Birmingham 195; 1950s 195

Chaplin, SG, 1950s 195

Chapman, Grace (contrib), “Still ringing after all these years” 1–3, 3 (Ed)

Chapman family (1912) 128

Charity Commission 155 (Ed)

Charles, Prince of Wales: 'Royal Visit to Whitechapel Heralds a Summer of Bells' 565–569, 567 (Ed), 588; visit to Wigton, Cumbria 585

Charleston, SC, USA, 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

'Charlottes,' QP 257

Charmborough Ring: bell control 716 (let); valuable resource 842, 846, 848, 984; Warwick University Society 1284

Charterhouse Public School, Surrey, carillon 441

Charters, Alan C (contrib) 594

Chatfield, Derek, 43er 912

Cheetham, Geoffrey (obit) 124

Cherington, Glos, 19C bell theft 296

Cheshire, tours 19, 254–255

Cheshire & Lancashire band, 10-bell QP weekend 1221

Cheshire Ringers, QP day 534

Chester, Ches, tours 989, 1000

Chester DG see also Central Council: AGM 2012

Guild: AGM 1180; Guild history 521; history 517–519; welcomes the CCCBR 519, 521

East Cheshire Branch: outings 700; QP festivals 511, 532

Mid-Cheshire Branch, QP f/night 253

Wirral Branch, QP f/night 18

Chesterfield, Derbys, handbell week 1024, 1127

Chideock, Dorset: augmentation 205; restoration project 205

Child Protection 365 (let) see also CRB checks; ISA; Vetting and Barring Scheme

A Chil-ing Tale, (poem) 645

Chilmark, Wilts, ringing for Gold Medals 940

Chiltern Midweek Group: QPs 282; spring outing 699

chimes: Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 726; competitions 1042; GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1136–1138; noise, complaints 1087; Stamford, Lincs 617

chiming, ringing option 111 (let)

chiming apparatus, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 726

chiming hammers, children 83

Chippenham, Wilts, Olympic Torch Relay 701

Chipping Campden, Glos, 'What’s up …?' 388–389

Chivers, Edward J (obit) 938, 1039

chords, ringing in 63

Chorlton, Lancs, Bee Gees 648, 699

Christchurch Cathedral, NZ: 50 Years Ago 246; bells 917–919, 919 (Ed), 1036; deconsecration 38; demolition 263; earthquake reports 24; portable ring 994 (let); rebuilding 417 (let), 498 (let); transitional cathedral 417 (let), 919

The Christchurch Press 917

Christchurch RC Cathedral, NZ: bells 918–919; de-construction process 918; update report 917

Christie, Thomas, remembered 509

Christmas: bells, 100 years ago 1313; carol ringing 1341, 1341 (prints), 1348; CCCBR President message 1305; 'A Christmas Tale of the Unexpected' 1345; Christmas tree, York Minster 1342; Father Christmas, letter to 1342; Puzzles 127 (ans), 1344; 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188, 1259 (let); 'Thought for the week' 1299, 1347; Xmastide D Major 35

Christopher, Ronald C (veteran ringer), 80th b/day 964

Church, calling people to: Summoned by Bells (Betjeman) 21, 158 (let); see also 'Thought for the week'

church beacons, Diamond Jubilee Beacons 291

Church Bell Frames: guidance notes for identifying historic significance and preparing reports 75, 1014

Church Bell Ringers’ Memorial Book 1914 - 1918, Book II 1157, 1159 (Ed), 1160

Church Bells (periodical) 995

Church Bells of Gloucestershire (Bliss & Sharpe) 630

Church Bells of Gloucestershire (Ellacombe) 296

Church Bells of Huntingdonshire (Owen, 1899) 289–291, 293

Church Bells of Somerset 1309–1310

The Church Buildings Council and DACs: Working in Partnership 75

Church Buildings Council (CBC): meetings with CCCBR and EH 75, 473, 521, 1014–1015; Canford Magna, Dorset 740; conference for DAC Advisers 586; Pastoral Measure Reports 206; Tong, W Yorks 1254; update 385–386

Church Estates Commissioners 238

Church of England (CofE): listed building grant 543 (Ed); metal thefts 1158; Protecting All God’s Children 179; see also clergy, relationship with ringers

Church Times 24, 895

Churchcare 363 (Ed)

Churches, 'Thought for the week' 587

Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) 1255 (Ed)

Churchill, Bob, 43er 912

churchyards 175

Cinques (11 bell ringing): compositions 184; date touch compositions 79, 269; methods named in 2011 39

Citizen 1188

civil liberties, ringing 639 (Ed)

Civil Partnerships, Love/Benoński 810, 1009, 1011

CJP (contrib) 1223

‘clamming’ 87 (let)

Clapham Common, Gr Lon, birthdays 1271

clappers: Ash 1140 (let); Avon Ropes, Bristol 570 (let), 620 (let)

Clarke, Stephen (contrib) 729

classification of ringing 232

Clatworthy, James (composer) 548

claviers 317

Clayton, Tony (contrib) 460

Cleave, Jon (contrib) 1223

Cleaver, Dorothy (obit) 198

clergy, relationship with ringers 343 (let), 946 (let) see also Church of England; 'Thought for the week'

Cleveland, outings 1128

clichés, 'Tail Ends' 1155, 1186 (let)

Clifford, Mike, 43er 912

Clifton, Dorothy (contrib) 415–416

Clist, Ray, 43er 912

Clive, Dennis, 43er 912

clock bells: Chipping Campden, Glos, Town Hall 388–389; see also Big Ben

clock chimes: Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 726; competitions 1042; GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1136–1138; noise, complaints 1087

clockmakers: Alford Time Repair 1223; BHI Turret Clock Forum 586; Smiths of Derby 157; Wm Potts & Sons (19C) 617

closed or closing churches: bell transfer 75, 1014; Redundant Bells Committee 1135 (Ed), 1140

closures: Bacup, Lancs 360; Withernsea, ER Yorks 455

clothes: Decision D.D. 766 (let); sailor costumes 1341; wedding dress 1177

Clouston, Ranald (20C ringer) 850 (let), 868

'Clustering' towers 180

coach trips, mystery coach outing 620

Coates, Roland, Memorial Outing 1128

Cockey, William (18C bellfounder) 6, 183 (let)

Cockey family 6

Coe, Sebastian (Olympics 2012), Olympic Bell 1111 (Ed), 1113–1114 (let)

Colbert, John (obit) 230, 512

Coleman, Murray A (composer) 548; 3000 peals 1214; compositions 136

Colgate, Doris (obit) 1010, 1183 (Ed), 1187, 1192, 1199, 1200, 1282 (let)

collectables: ringing prints 1340–1341; ringing society membership certificates 228–229

College of Campanology 664; 50 Years Ago 64, 1039; 50 years ago 1319

College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY): 50 Years Ago 1079, 1203; 100 Years Ago 981, 1201; class of '62 1240; Country Meetings 952; Cyclic 16-part: the 1st peal on 16 with all the work for all 16 bells 422; Diamond Jubilee River Pageant 757–759, 759; Dickens, Charles 105–107, 109–110; long length peals 543 (Ed), 549; Master's peal w/end 1288; membership certificate 228; peal w/ends 11, 1168, 1169, 1264, 1288

'Come Bell Ringing' (TV) 3, 134 (let), 158 (let), 183 (let)

communications: 25 Years Ago 458; Association 1212, 1260 (let), 1311 (let); 'Elephants' 1212, 1260 (let), 1311 (let); see also broadcasts; media; 'News Review'; social networking

competitions: clock chimes 1042; see also ‘100 for RW100’ challenge

competitions, striking: Cranford, Middx 655; Crawford Cup, Southwell & Notts Guild 612; Essex trophy 2012 1064; fund raising 202; Gloucester & Bristol DA (G&BDA), Forest Branch 732; Guildford Challenge 57–59; Herne, Kent 202; ‘Kids in Charge’ 5 (let); Leslie Evans Trophy, Swansea & Brecon DG 1159; Oxford DG (ODG) 52, 679; Peterborough DG, Daventry Branch 886; Ridgman Trophy 913; Southern Universities Association 132–133, 135; Sussex CA 898, 913; Tewkesbury Shield 2012 540, 546; White Rose Shield Contest 1151; Winchester & Portsmouth DG (W&PDG) 607, 608; see also Nat 12 Bell Contest; Ringing World National Youth Contest

complaints see noise complaints, late reporting 31 (let)

composers: Allton, Richard I 184, 548; Angrave, Richard J 136; Beard, David W 548; Blagrove, Frank T 548; Brown, Robert DS 136, 184, 548; Butters, Ian 548; Clatworthy, James 548; Coleman, Murray A 136, 548; computers 1072; Couperthwaite, W John 136; Cox, Anthony J 548; Eccleston, Mark R 184; Fielden, John H 136; George, Philip S 20; Harden, Gary R 20; Hinks, Thomas J 136; Hyden, John 20, 79, 184; Ivin, Stephen J 958; John, Graham AC 548; Morrison, Donald F 136, 548; Noonan, John 864; Ollerton, Steven JA 184; Pomeroy, Mike J 184; Potter, Jonathan H 136, 184; Price, Brian D 116, 702–703; Pullin, Richard B 136; Ridley, John R 548; Topp, James T 548; Warboys, John S 970 (let)

composers (music): Bullard, Alan 1156; Hazlewood, Charles 2, 134 (let), 158 (let), 183 (let); Humperdinck, Eugelbert 55; Johnson, Robert Sherlaw 206 (let); Rachmaninov 183 (let)

composing: Five Rings Triples 84; learning about 1235; websites 970 (let)

compositions: '… one ringer’s story' 88; computer generated 6 (let), 1072; date touches 20, 79, 269, 307 (corr); designing 1347; Pipe, Roderick W 11; publishing 6 (let); A: Annable’s Diamond Bob Minor 947; Anniversary Alliance Major 548; Anniversary Delight Major 548; Anniversary Delight Maximus 548; Anniversary Delight Royal 548; B: Bristol Surprise Major 1072; C: Cambridge Surprise Major 184, 1072; Cambridge Surprise Royal 136; D: Diamond Alliance Major 548; Diamond Alliance Maximus 548; Diamond Alliance Royal 548; Diamond Delight Major 548; Diamond Jubilee 184, 543 (Ed), 548; Diamond Jubilee S Major 548; Diamond Surprise Major 548; Elizabeth II Jubilee Surprise Major 548; Erin Caters 184; Erin Cinques 184; F: Falkirk Surprise Royal 136; G: Grandsire Caters 160; H: Jubilee Surprise Major 548; Jubilee Surprise Maximus 548; Kegworth Surprise Royal 136; Kingsteignton Surprise Major 184; L: Lincolnshire Surprise Major 184, 1072; Littleport Little Surprise Royal 136; Llanbadarn Fawr Delight Royal 136; London No. 3 Surprise Royal 136; London Surprise Major 1072; LX Surprise Major 548; P: Plain Bob Cinques 184; Plain Bob Royal 184; Pudsey Surprise Major 958–960, 970 (let), 1043 (let); Rutland Surprise Major 1072; S: Shepton Beauchamp Surprise Royal 136; Spliced Cinques and Maximus in 2 methods 184; Spliced Maximus in 2 methods 184; Spliced S Minor 970 (let); Stedman Caters 184; Stedman Cinques 184; Stedman Triples 864; Superlative Surprise Major 1072; Surprise Royal 136; T: Titanic 100th Anniv 269, 307 (corr); W: Woolfox Surprise Royal 136; Y: Yorkshire Surprise Major 184, 1072; Yorkshire Surprise Royal 136; Z: Zeolite Surprise Royal 136

Compositions Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 487–488, 934, 935; letters 6 (let)

computer models (graphics), 3D 437

computer software, 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

computers 6 (let), 1236; composers 1072

Conbextra TS, (structural engineers) 157

Conduct, John, 43er 912

conductor milestones

1st QP: Alford, Charlotte 436; Aylward, Pat 436; Woodward, Louise 436

1st peal: 2011 report 476; Barclay, Richard J 161; Bartholomew, Kay 776; Cheek, Stephen A 9; Cherry, Alistair J 853; Clode, Martin D 526; Cotton, Anthony P 1045; Donnelly, Patricia A 1021; DuPuy, Frederick 1166; Forster, Timothy R 550; Graham, Daniel 1317; Grundy, Dawn 274; Hartley, Nicholas J 347; Humphrey, Teresa J 769; Leach, Andrew J 1046; Mack, Edward R 273; Malin, Debbie 775; Ratcliffe, Jonathan A 322; Rawlinson, Andrew J 1315; Redway, Ian M 213; Rothera, Brian J 777; Rowan, Anthony J 9; Salter, George M 1046; Sawbridge, Phaedra 925; Stanworth, A John 274; Wells, Tina 1286; Williams, Michelle L 397; Young, John G 420

50 peals: Ball, Andrew H 972; Beckingham, Stephen J 778

100 peals, Bull, Andrew M 1093

150 peals: Davenport, Kenneth R 274; Peachey, Barry F 347

200 peals: Brooke, Patrick LH 138; Major, Martinstown D 998; Paul S Seaman 694; Purday, Michael G 1023; Woods, Colin 372

250 peals, Clay, Michael J 242

300 peals, Saddleton, PAB 741

350 peals, Mainwaring, Andrew L 395

400 peals: Warboys, John S 973; Warwick, David A 973

500 peals, Mayle, Alan P 210

600 peals: Chester, Michael 825; Couperthwaite, W John 1141; Southerington, Emma J 396

700 peals: Allton, Richard I 502; Haseldine, Andrew 299

750 peals, Scudamore, Keith W 1069

800 peals: Carter, Donald B 501; Spiller, Jeremy W 1318

1250 peals, Taylor, Bernard H 1142

1500 peals: Butters, Ian 718; Campling, George H 877

1800 peals, Salter, David G 66

2000 peals, Price, Kevin M 877

2100 peals, Morton, Frank R 1167

2350 peals, Dove, C Barrie 299

2400 peals, Dove, C Barrie 1119

2500 peals, Mears, Michael E C 395

3000 peals, Pladdys, John 92

50 years as conductor 448

long length, peals, Linford, Simon 3 (Ed)

more than 75 peals in a year 234 (tab)

most peals as conductor: Mayne, John 59 (Ed); Sibson, Derek 59, 59 (Ed)

conductors: ladies 436; Mentored Conducting 473

confidentiality, Olympic Bell 430–431, 443, 443, 850 (let)

conflicts of interest, CCCBR Member guidance 473

Congleton, Ches, All The Bells project 892

Congleton Chronicle, photos courtesy of 892

congratulations 23

Connacher, Louise (contrib) 1253–1255, 1257

Conservation Bellhangers Ltd 82, 83

conservation projects, peal boards 197, 1112–1113, 1139 (let)

Constant, Benjamin: (composer) 960; (contrib) 38, 246

constitution of a bellringing society 725, 738 (let)

contact information, next of kin 206 (let), 320 (let)

contests see competitions, striking

convoys, Australia 894

Cook, Colin (contrib) 21, 1149

Cook, Jane, remembered 516

Cook, Malcolm (obit) 102

Cook, Roland, ASCY class of '62 1240

Cooktown Orchid Delight Major 1068 (let)

Cope, John, State opening of Parliament 536

Copson, Pam (author) 537

copyright, Ringing World copy policy 235 (Ed)

Corby, Andrew, ASCY class of '62 1240

Cork, Ireland, West Cork Ringing Festival 874 (let)

Cornwall: peal tour 827, 880 (corr); QP weekend 676; tours 653

Cornwall, Joyce I (obit) 600, 608, 653, 653 (Ed), 658

'Corrections & Clarifications' 875 (let); RW2011 55; RW2012 307, 368, 435, 515, 611, 658, 682, 706, 1035, 1250; see also 'Peal corrections & amendments'

Corsley, St Margaret 7

Cottingham, Lewis N (19C architect) 1322–1323, 1325

Cotton, Anthony (contrib) 1023

Country Life, 'Tail Ends' 127

Couperthwaite, W John (composer) 136

courses: bellframe recording 1014; Essex Ringing Course 609, 611; mentoring 1231; teachers/teaching see Integrated Teacher Training Scheme; 'Teaching the Teachers' courses; tower leadership 474; Tower Maintenance 1272; volunteering 270 (let), 318–320 (let); see also Learning the Ropes scheme; learning to ring

courses (racing), Newbury 1087 (Ed), 1156

Courthope, Henry 285

Coveney, Peter Richard (obit) 198

Coventry Cathedral, 25 Years Ago 833

Coventry DG, Book of Common Prayer QPS 676

Coventry Guild, young ringers 173

Coward, Sara, 43er 912

Cox, Anthony E (Backwell) 1039

Cox, Anthony J (Barrow Gurney and Bristol) 1039; (composer) 548

Cox, Brian Rothwell (obit) 562, 632, 680

Cox, Edward Guy (obit) 1058

Cox, Tony J (Charlton by Malmesbury) 1039

cracked bells, Soundweld 203

Craddock, Andrew (contrib): 'Points from Peals' series 233–235, 235 (Ed), 237–239; 'Towers that have clocked-up 1,000 peals' 80

Craft of Bellringing (DVD) 135 (let)

Crambo Doubles: Bell News 441–442 (let); Campanalogia Improved (third edition 1733) 441 (let); Peachey, Barry 182 (let), 365–366 (let); Stedman Doubles 182 (let), 270 (let), 365–366 (let)

'Crambo' origins 182 (let), 365–366 (let), 665–666, 706 (corr)

The Cranbrook Journal 287

Cranfield, Peter (contrib), photos by 729

Cranford, Middx, striking competitions 655

Crapstone, Devon, Devon Young Ringers 1348

Craven, Arthur (composer), handwritten compositions 1019 (let)

Crawford Cup 612

Crawshaw, Mark (contrib), photos by 117, 180

CRB checks (Criminal Records Bureau): interpreting 179, 180, 208 (let); Protection of Freedoms Act 1065; transferable certificates 1231

Creed, Martin see All the Bells project (Creed)

Crespi, Jacobus (18C bellfounder) 736–737

Crewe Society, 100 Years Ago 208

Cribley, Ted (contrib), 'Always check – a cautionary tale St Laurence, Stroud' 156–157

crime prevention, ARCH 1223

crimes: 18C bell metal 285; metal thefts 385, 438, 1014; see also Scrap Metal Dealers Bill; thefts

Cringles, George (contrib) 1227

Critchley, Teresa, (poem) 730

Crom, Co Fermanagh 316–317

Cross, Cecile (contrib) 384

Cross, Marie, remembered 1090 (let)

crossnumber puzzles 751, 835 (ans)

crosswords, Christmas 1344

Crowder, Theo, Ladies' Guild president 1183

Croydon, Surrey, 1996 musical performance 111 (let)

Croydon Foundry see Gillett & Johnston

Croydon Minster, London 12 Bell Comp 1092

Crutchfield, Nick (contrib) 7

Cubitt, David (contrib) 499

Cubitt, Maureen (contrib) 499, 608

CUGCR see Cambridge University Guild 397, 647

Cultural Olympiad see Five Rings Triples; Oympic Bell, London 2012; Ringing Around the Olympics

Cumberland Youths see Society of …

Cumbria Clock Company 1042

curfew bells, Warrington, Lancs, Holy Trinity 4

Curl, Matt (contrib) 971

curriculum, ringing, 'Elephants' (AJB) 1236

curriculum vitae (CVs) 1087

cyclic Maximus 1231 (Ed), 1252

cycling tours: Cheshire 699; Shropshire 699

cylindrical methods 570 (let)

DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee): annual meeting 2011 385–387, 392; CBC conference 586; The Church Buildings Council and DACs: Working in Partnership 75

DAC Bell Advisers: English Heritage 386; meetings 393; role and qualifications 386–387, 392

D’Aeth, Celia Hughes (contrib) 764

Daily Express 1087

Daily Mail 430, 443, 1087, 1187, 1312

Daily Mirror 443

Daily Telegraph 23, 179 (Ed), 430–431, 433, 443, 850 (let), 1087, 1251, 1281

Dale, Peter (contrib): ' Stepping into clubs' 732; Herald of Free Enterprise (ferry) 309; Learning the Ropes scheme 339, 368 (corr), 391 (let); St Edmund’s Catholic School, Dover 1313; see also "Learning Together"

Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria, Diamond Jubilee 812

Daly, Henry, GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1137–1138

Daly bell invoice 1137, 1162 (let)

Daniels, L Martin, peal tour 552

Darvill, Chris, leaving the RW 540

data management, peal records 134 (let), 765 (let)

databases see Campanophile; Dove Database; Felstead Database; Pealbase

date touch compositions 20, 79, 269, 307 (corr)

'Date touches': 1911: 166; 1952: 119; 2011: 13, 94, 248, 260; 2012: 69, 94, 119, 276, 294 (let), 301, 349, 423, 744, 910–911, 957, 1001, 1098, 1193

Datson, Jean, 43er 912

Daubner, John, 43er 912

daughters, mothers and 1169

Davey, Andrew J (contrib), 'Thought…' 199, 707, 1299

David, Nicky (contrib) 77, 79

David Bolsover Photography 1013, 1014

David Salomons’ House, Kent 1116

Davidson, Anthony J (obit) 914, 1080

Davidson, Pat (contrib) 295

Davies, Jane (contrib) 360

Davies, Laura, tenor ringer (aged 16) 667

Davies, Peter (contrib), 'Thought…' 263, 755, 1251

Davies, Sue (contrib) 1275

Davis, Duncan (contrib) 704, 705, 708

Davis, Gilian (contrib) 1156

Davis, Tim (contrib) 1084

Davison, Doug, 75th b/day 1199

Dawson, George (contrib) 1152

Day, Clive (contrib) 444, 865, 866; photos by 444

DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) 1065

de Legh-Runciman, Bethany 336

de Legh-Runciman, Ernie (contrib) 336

Dean, Richard (Dickie) (obit) 76

Dear, Jack S (obit) 1346

deathwatch beetles 374

debates see accreditation, ringing teachers; All the Bells project; Change Ringing for the Future; Crambo Doubles; 'Elephants'; focus groups; ITTS; money; Olympic Bell; peals, non-compliant; Royalist ringers; Scrap Metal Dealers Bill; VAT changes

Decision D 711 (Edn), 738 (let), 766 (let), 874 (let); 2011 Report 476

Deeping St James, Lincs, QP days 240 (let), 1053

De’Looze, Lilian, 90th b/day 1199

Denbighshire, tours 254

Dennison, Andrew (contrib) 433

DEP (contrib) 1342

Derby Cathedral: Olympic Torch Relay 1023; Paralympics celebration 1264

Derby DA

Assoc: Five Rings Triples 889; in Northern Ireland 600; peal week 37

Central District, QP week 281

Derby Telegraph 889

Derby Tups team, RWNY Contest 843, 844, 845

Derbyshire: Diamond Jubilee 768; ‘Five Rings at five rings’ 851; Not the Kensington Ringing Week 999; QP days 259, 629; QPs for Gordon A Halls 629–630; tours 1079

Derbyshire born … farm boy to financier (Smith, JG) 149

Dereham Surprise Major 1068 (let)

Derryvore, Co Fermanagh 316–317

design techniques, computer graphics model 437

Devizes, Wilts, The Trinity School 861

Devizes Branch, ITTS Mod 1 1083

Devon: ASCY Master's peal weekend 1288; Diamond Jubilee w/end 801; handbell days 635, 682 (corr); outings to 1298; QP days 281, 453, 533, 534, 629, 1053; Ringer’s Guide (1888) 1040; statistics 1040; tours 1023

Devon ringers, narrowboat holiday 833

Devon Young Ringers: annual outing 867; Autumn Outing 1298; Crapstone, Christmas Fun 1348

Devonshire Ringers Guild

Guild: membership certificate 228; QP week 282; trip to Worcester 29

Mid-Devon Branch, Diamond Jubilee w/end 805

DGH (contrib) 333, 335

Diags (Snowdon) 547 (let) (corr)

Diamond Bob Triples 419, 442 (let), 498 (let)

Diamond Jubilee: Buckingham Palace 922; CCCBR 83 (Ed), 519 (Ed), 547 (let), 689, 922; compositions 184, 543 (Ed), 548; learning methods for 419; Leicester Cathedral, Queen's visit 381; logo 461; performance suggestions 131, 207–208 (let), 294 (let), 419, 606, 801; plans & timetables 83 (Ed), 104; RW special edition 757–816, 759 (Ed); 'Thought for the week' 23; web archiving 135 (let)

Diamond Jubilee accession: monarchical reigns 5 (let); peals 137, 203 (Ed), 213–215, 244, 274, 297, 302, 304, 420, 775, 877; quarter peals 189, 222–224, 226, 232, 250, 302, 304, 306–307, 325, 352, 353, 376, 378, 379, 381, 400, 404, 424, 425, 509, 530, 531, 580, 625, 783, 786, 787, 790, 803, 1198, 1266; Wylye Valley, Wilts 173

Diamond Jubilee bells (local): Moseley, W Mids 1276; Pulborough, W Sussex 1164; South Petherwin, Cornwall 438; Steeple Aston, Oxon 413, 415–416; Whitchurch Canonicorum 440

Diamond Jubilee Bells (Royal): '… herald Her Majesty on the River Thames' 757–759; 1st peal on the bells 576; barge and bells 571 (let), 596 (let); brilliant 619 (let); casting 179 (Ed); colour change 619 (let); dedication 639 (Ed); first peal in the tower 1288; letters and stamps 588; photographs 566; River Pageant 83 (Ed), 104, 414, 570–571 (let); Royal Title 761; sponsors 761; tenor bell, (Whitechapel foundry) 414; transfer to St James Garlickhythe 808–809; trials 566, 571 (let)

Diamond Jubilee methods named: Aurora Australis S Major 769; Aylesbury D Major 776; Clanfield D Major 776; Diamond A Major 777; Diamond Jubilee S Major 446; Eglwys Newydd S Major 774; Elizabethan D Royal 772; Jubilee Green D Major 771; Lindrick Dale S Major 779; Regina A Major 778; Symposium S Major 780; Your Majesty’s D Major 597

Diamond Jubilee ringing

half peals 829

peals 137, 214, 215, 274, 297, 298, 307, 321, 346, 371, 374, 396, 420, 445, 446, 455, 502, 549, 551, 573–576, 597, 598, 621–623, 719, 748, 769–781, 811, 852, 853, 854, 876–878, 880, 901, 903, 925, 926, 950, 951, 972, 973, 997, 998, 1021, 1045, 1070, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1119, 1141, 1147, 1165, 1167, 1189, 1190, 1213, 1214, 1238, 1262, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1318

quarter peals 88, 118, 190, 217, 349, 381, 399, 400, 403, 423, 505, 506, 508, 530, 553, 555, 556, 578, 579, 580, 581, 601–604, 625–627, 629, 650, 653, 720, 724–725, 746, 748, 759, 763, 764, 782–807, 806–807, 811, 812, 830, 831, 832, 837, 856, 859, 860, 883, 884, 897, 904, 906, 909, 911, 927, 928, 932, 953, 954, 955, 956, 977, 978, 979, 1002, 1005, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1030, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1076, 1079, 1099, 1124, 1126, 1171, 1173, 1193, 1194, 1196, 1216, 1217, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1245, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1290, 1291, 1294, 1334, 1335

ringing events: Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria 812; Dunster, Som, Young Ringers 659, 807; Ealing, Gr Lon, Christ the Saviour 1288; Gaywood, Norf 232; Inverness Cathedral 812; Isle of Wight (IoW), plans 312; Izzard, Cliff 1227; King’s Lynn, Norf, Minster 232; Lincoln DG, West Lindsey Branch 1294–1295; Newport Minster, IoW, plans 312; Nunney, Som 215; Rothbury, Northumb 455; St Chad’s Holt 294 (let); Sussex CA 1198–1199; Welland Valley, Leics 612, 1012; Wiltshire 762; Wylye Valley, Wilts 173

Diamond Jubilee River Pageant: '… herald Her Majesty on the River Thames' 757–759; barge 571 (let), 596 (let), 810; College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY) 757–759; 'A Jubilee river of sound' 764; post script 810; reports 591 (Ed), 641 (let); ringers 567 (Ed); ringing opportunity 543 (Ed); Royal Jubilee Bells 83 (Ed), 104, 414; 'The view from the bridge' 761–762

Diamond Jubilee weekend 567 (Ed), 591 (Ed); Arborfield, Berks 807; Banwell, Som 813, 815; Beacons’ event on 4th June 291; Bridgwater Branch 805; Brigstock, Northants 805; Bullington, Hants 768; Calne Branch 805; Derbyshire 768; Devon 801; diary dates 83 (Ed); Dunster, Somerset 816; Fire Service Guild (FSGBR) 813, 815; Great Barr, W Mids 805; KCACR 802, 802–804; London, City of, St Dunstan-in-the-West, EC4 767; Marsh Baldon, Oxon 816; Mid-Devon Branch 805; Penistone, S Yorks 807; Preston Branch 806–807; 'Ringing for The Queen's Diamond Jubilee' 582; Rothbury, Northumb 810–811; SCACR 805; Selby & District Branch 807; Somerset 801; Southport, Mers 764; Stanion, Northants 805; 'A tale of 4 Jubilee first-pealers' 811; Thatcham, Berks 763; 'Thought for the week' 839; Tollard ‘Royal’ in Wiltshire 762; York Branch 804; Young Ringers,' Challenge 807

diaries: Diary of Events (BellBoard) 311; iCal software 1311 (let); 'New Central Council Events Diary and ‘Things to ring for’' 104; Ringing World Diary 475, 1015 (Ed), 1020 (ad), 1084, 1162 (Edn), 1188, 1255 (Ed), 1279 (Ed); Southampton District 1311 (let)

'Dick Whittington' 129

Dickens, Charles, birth, bi-centenary (200th anniv) 105–107, 107 (Ed), 109–110, 126

Dietenheim, Germany 381

Directory of Grant-Making Trusts 739

disabled ringers, tower access for, 'Tail Ends' 515

disasters see earthquakes

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) 1065

Discord – the Story of Noise (Goldsmith, M) 1187

Diserens, Noel (Jim) (obit) 923

Diserens, Ronald F, 1000 peals 445

DJP see Pipe, David

Dobbie, Sheila Mary (née Hole) (obit) 803, 871 (Ed), 887–888

Dobbie, Walter, portable rings 202

Dobby, Phil (contrib) 613–615

Dobson, William, (19C bellhanger) 4

Dodd, Christine (contrib), photos by 225

Dodd, Geoffrey K, 80th b/day 550

Dodds, Geoffrey, decease 464

Dodging, continuous 605

Doggett, A and Gillard, G (authors) 983, 994 (let), 1250 (corr)

Dolven, AK (artist), “Out of Tune” 498 (let)

Doman, Jean M (contrib) 807

donations, bells and ringers 183 (let)

donors, bell: 100 Years Ago 12; Beverley & District Ringing Society 1018; Taylor, Bernard 294, 1042; see also sponsors

Donovan, Neil, 3000 peals 1215

Dorothy L Sayers Society, bursary 1182

Dorset: QP weekend 1222; Somerset, Wiltshire & Dorset Peal Week 952; tours 47

Double-handed peals 1326

Doubles (5 bell ringing) see also methods named: 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 631; blue lines 631; Campanalogia 441 (let); Campanalogia Improved (1733) 441 (let); Crambo Doubles 182 (let), 270 (let), 365–366 (let), 441–442 (let); Five Rings Doubles 631, 631, 851, 971; naming methods 465; Stedman Doubles 182 (let), 270 (let), 365–366 (let), 619 (let), 667 (let); Stedman’s Principle 441 (let); Time Doubles 524 (let), 596 (let); Titanic Doubles 349, 390 (let); True Extents of Titanic Doubles 349

Doulting Beacon, Som: 1st peal on the bells 1261; Olympic date touch 957

Dove, C Barrie: (contrib) 1156; 3000 peals 421

Dove, Ronald H, 50 Years Ago 356, 1257

Dove Database: 2010 Report 468; 2011 Report 488–489, 935; Campanologist's Companion (Jones) 1140 (let), 1185 (let)–1186

Dover, Kent, young ringers 732

Dove's Guide 1199; 50 Years Ago 1257; Campanologist's Companion (Jones) 1140 (let), 1185 (let)–1186; discounts 495 (Ed), 515 (corr); Dove Edition 10 155, 203, 417 (let), 500, 515 (corr), 595 (let), 1199; history 609; iPhone App 267; 'Tail Ends' 891; website 1199

Dowe, John (obit) 1224

Downes, Brian (1960s ringer) 921 (let)

Doyle, Julie (contrib) 769, 893–897, 895 (Ed)

D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust 1018

Drake, Janet (contrib), photos by 863

Drinkwater, Max (contrib) 132–133, 135

DRL (contrib) 767; 'A Jubilee river of sound' 764

Duchess of Northumberland 455

Duclaud-Williams, Roger (obit) 703

Dugdale, Jeremy (obit) 227

Duke, Ben (contrib) 422, 1301–1304

Duke of Edinburgh, Sapphire Wedding anniv 1262

Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Scheme 312

Dukes, Fred E see Fred E Dukes' International Bell Fund

dumb bell peals 476; CCCBR motion 462, 547 (let), 571 (let)–572, 689, 923–924

dumb bells, Adelaide, SA, Aus 1205

Dumfries, S John, new ring project 205, 208 (let)

Duncan, Chris, retirement 261

Duncan, Corinne (contrib): Perth award (St Martin's Society) 64; 'Perth Mobile Belfry' 101, 103

Dunghill Cocks 996

Dunster, Somerset, Diamond Jubilee w/end 816

Durban, S Africa

S Mary, Greyville, bells ringing again 56, 436

S Paul, bells ringing again 436

Durham and Newcastle Association: 100 Years Ago 718; Ringing Ramble 2012 968, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr)

DVDs: Craft of Bellringing 135 (let); Library Committee report 475; Willingale, Essex 1231 (Ed)

Dyer, Clare E F (contrib), photos by 333

Dyers’ Company, bell sponsors 761

Dyson, Fiona (contrib), 'KiC Christmas outing' 173

Dyson, Peter (contrib) 1151, 1151

E&S see Eayre & Smith

EACR see Essex Assoc

Eakring, Notts: 1st peal on the bells 91; augm & restn 204

Ealing, Gr Lon, Christ the Saviour, Diamond Jubilee 1288

Earis, Jennifer (contrib): 'Royal Jubilee Bells herald Her Majesty on the River Thames' 757–759; RWNY Contest 843 (Ed)

Earis, Philip (contrib) 1288, 1326–1328; 'Four long lengths in a day' 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let); 'Royal Jubilee Bells herald Her Majesty on the River Thames' 1288; RWNY Contest 847

earthquakes: Italy 708; New Zealand see also Christchurch Cathedral, NZ; NZ statistics 918; Papanui, NZ, S Paul 5 (let); Washington, DC, USA 480

East Anglian Daily Times 33

East Haddon, Northants, reunion 199

East Lothian Courier 1087, 1187

East meets West 2012 448

Easter ringing see Holy Saturday; also Holy Week 390 (let); 100 Years Ago 344

Eastertide, 'Thought for the week' 359

“e-aunt” 1187

Eayre, Joseph (18C bellfounder) 617

ebay purchases, bells 204, 1114 (cartoon)

ebooks, Campanalogia 493

Ebsworth, Pam (contrib) 1180

Ecclesfield, S Yorks: 1st peal since aug 243; augmentation 177–178, 180–181

Ecclesiastical Insurance Group (EIG) 23, 291, 473

Eccleston, Mark R: (composer) 184; 1000 peals 711, 719

Eden, H (1912) 393

Edingers: Olympic ringing 993; summer outing 53

Editorials, 10 Years Ago 1299

Editors of The Ringing World 639 (Ed)

Edmonds, Nick (contrib) 1158

education see Association of Ringing Teachers; courses; 'Elephants'; ITTS; Learning the Ropes scheme; learning to ring; teaching; 'Teaching the Teachers' courses

Education Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 473–474, 924; letters 318 (let), 391 (let), 570 (let); 'The Ripple across the Pond' 522; see also Change Ringing for the Future (conf); ITTS; 'Teaching the Teachers' courses

Education Committee reports, Change Ringing for the Future 473

Edward VI, King 885

Edward VII, King 200

Edwards, Anthea 1240

Edwards, Doreen (veteran ringer), 90th birthday 1175

Edwards, Fiona M see Wheeler, Fiona M

Edwards, Harry (contrib), 'Thought…' 103

Edwards, Ken (contrib) 1199

Edwards, Simon L (conductor), RWNY Contest 841, 843

Egglestone, Margaret & Howard, Golden Wedding 663 (Ed), 664, 669, 670

Eickhoff, Christopher, Learning the Ropes Level 5 996

eight bell ringing see Major

Eight Bells, Hawkhurst Moor (public house) 287

Eijsbouts (bellfounder): Bunbury, WA 362; Olympic Bell 443, 850 (let)

Eisel, John (contrib): ASCY class of '62 1240; 'Crambo' 665–666, 706 (corr); 'The Dunghill Cocks!' 995–996; “To hang by the neck until you are dead” 296; 'James Platt, of Saddleworth' 271–272, 343 (let); 'Misprints' 835, 839; 'The Norman Tower at Bury St Edmunds' 1320–1325; Order and Disorder in the Eighteenth Century 19, 587; retirement as Library Steward 474; Ringing World articles 475

electrical chiming, Michelmersh, Winchester 386

electronic Ringing World see Ringing World, publishing

Elementary Handbook for Beginners in the Art of Change-Ringing 537

'Elephants' (AJB): 1: Communications 1212, 1260 (let), 1311 (let); 2: Ignorance 1236; 3: The “Standard Eight” 1260; 4: Irregular Methods 1283; 5: Trickle-Down 1347

eleven bell ringing see Cinques

Elf 'n Safety 1020 (let), 1043 (let), 1067 (let); bell being lowered (1942) 1138

e-lists: bell historians 205; ringing-chat 62 (let), 1187; subscribers 1212; update & how to join 1187

'Elizabeth' (bell) 179 (Ed), 762

Elizabeth I, Queen 764

Elizabeth II, Queen see also Diamond Jubilee: bell names 179 (Ed), 762; civil liberties 639 (Ed); official portrait 567; Sapphire Wedding anniv 1262; Silver Jubilee 619 (let)

Ellacombe, Henry Thomas 290, 296, 995

Elliott, Dennis Roy (obit) 51

Ellis (ropemaker) 521

Ellis, Debbie (contrib) 1204

Ellisdon, Dennis (contrib) 49, 231, 1276

Elmes, Jenny (contrib) 890

Elmsett, Suffolk, augmentation 205

Elvey, Benjamin, RWNY Contest 843

Ely DA

Assoc, QP day 280

Huntingdon District, dinner 175

e-mails, scam 235 (Ed)

Emerson, Caroline (contrib) 701

endurance challenges 1326

engineering feats, Jubilee Tower 761

engineers: Bell Johnson 294, 344 (let), 1042; Conbextra TS 155, 157; Helibars 155; JCC Engineering 761; NDS Engineering 294, 1042; Nicholson Engineering Ltd 27, 85, 638, 640, 900 (let)

England in the 21st century, 'Tail Ends' 1083

English Heritage: ARCH 1223; Canford Magna, Dorset 740; DAC Bell Advisers 386; Loughborough Bell Foundry 1138, 1186 (let), 1187; meetings between CCCBR, EH & CBC 75, 473, 521, 1014–1015; West Tytherley, Hants 82; Wookey, Som 75

Episcopal News Service 1187

e-publishing 691

The Era 835

Erith Kent, Olympic Torch Relay 823 (let)

Essex, tours 982

Essex Assoc (EACR)

Assoc: 58th Annual Dinner 1235–1236; AGM 561, 667 (let); QP month 17–18

SE District, QP f/night 648, 676

Essex Ringing Course, 2012 609, 611

Essex trophy 2012 1064

Essex Young Eagles, RWNY Contest 844, 847

Europe, largest bell 128

Europe, Central see Central European Assoc

Evans, Ian (contrib), photos by 1044

Evans, Leslie (obit) 923

Evans, Pat, photos by 572

Evans, Thomas (ringer), Olympic Torch bearer 1044

even number of bells, cyclic peals 1252

Evening Herald 1187

Evening Mail (Cumbria) 726

events management: All the Bells project (Creed) 63; BellBoard 543 (Ed); Diary of Events (BellBoard) 311; events to ring for 104; 'New Central Council Events Diary and ‘Things to ring for’' 104; ‘Olympic Ringing Relay’ proposal 207 (let); 'Ringing for the Olympics – the latest position' 535

EveryClick 934

Examiner 296

Exeter Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

exhibitions: Isle of Wight (IoW) 312; Macclesfield 753; Worcester’s Churches and Bells 1249

Exonian Society, 2012 Summer Quarter Peal Tour 1007

extreme bellhanging 498 (let), 1138

extreme reading, Groves, Bernard 855

Eyles, Alan, RWNY Contest 843

Eyles, Lucy, RWNY Contest 843

Eyles family, peal board 140

Eyre, Charles, decease 464

'Face to Face' with: Alan Regin 298–299; Andrew Nicholson Bell hanger 1329–1330; the RWNY Contest teams 847–849

Facebook (internet): 'Forties to Sixties Group' 134 (let); Public Relations Committee 1283; role 1187; Young Bellringers 165

Fairfax Media 917

false methods, asymmetrical Minor 1066 (let)

family networks: Carey family 87, 1054; Chapman family (1912) 128; Cockey family 6; Doggett family 994 (let); Eyles family 140; Hughes family 129–130; Johnston family (Evesham) 1278–1279; Kennington family 716; Ladd family 92; Owen family (19C) 289–291; Perrin family 244; Pipe family 128, 660; Saddleton 636; Tomlinson (Leckhampton, Glos) 360; Walker family (19C), Tasmania 983

Farnborough, Kent: 1st peal on the bells 1316; restoration project 205

Father Christmas, letters to 1342

Fawcett, Peter (author) 262 (ad), 1226

Fay, Prudence (contrib) 1276; Editorial 1111 (Ed)

Fearn, George, letter to George Chaplin (1943) 195


ringing: 18C 287; 1912 308; 'Marriage promise' 994 (let), 1020 (let)

teachers, ITTS 30 (let), 270 (let), 344 (let)

Fellowship of Narnia Youths (Fony's), 100 peals 38

Felstead, KWH, 50 Years Ago 824

Felstead Database, 2011 Report 476

Fen Blow (ceilidh band) 135

festivals: 50 Years Ago, Oxford Guild 527; ANZAB 50th anniv 769, 893–897, 895 (Ed); Barnsley, Glos 630; Beccles Festival of Music and the Arts 1156; Campane in Festa 961; East Cheshire Branch 511, 532; Festival of Bells (Italy) 961; Gloucester & Bristol DA 258–259; Guildford District 18; Ireland 874 (let); Isle of Wight (IoW) 280; Oxford Guild 527; Pershore Plum Festival 2012 1053; Peterborough DG 612, 1078; Ringing World National Youth Contest 2012 842; Salisbury DG 643; West Cork Ringing Festival 874 (let)

Fielden, John H: (composer) 136; (contrib) 544–545

Fielding, GR (contrib) 545

film/TV locations: Aylsham, Norfolk 309; Melbourne, Derbys 83; Plymouth, Devon, Emmanuel 61; St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 56; Taunton, Som, S Mary Magdalene 1328; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 1–3

Fire Service Guild (FSGBR): autumn news 1281; Diamond Jubilee w/end 813, 815

'Fireplaces in the belfry,' '25 Years Ago' 902

fires, Bangor, Northern Ireland 617

'firing' 63, 914

Firman, Katharine & Graham (contrib) 855

first peal as conductor see conductor milestones

'First Peal Congratulations': A: Allen, Michael J 346; Alspaugh, Thomas A 526; Andrews, Harry J 1264; Antonioli, Sean P 742; Armitage, Robert 273; B: Barcroft, Robert W 1166; Bardsley, Christopher J (aged 15) 203, 244; Barnes, Benjamin J 242, 291; Bartlam, Richard FI 68; Bartlett, David I 811; Beaman, Roger A 9; Benjamin, Trevor 779; Berrill, Neil S 769; Binns, Peter L 772; Blackburn, Angela 1119; Bloom, Emily LS 92; Bolingbroke, Sam 878; Bolt, Christopher WM 185; Bowering, Howard J 777; Brady, Deborah C 186; Bragdon, Mary 1119; Bryant, Linda 811; Burgess, Ron 502; Burman, Elizabeth C 36; Burnett, John R 502; C: Cann, Liam 772; Castell, Alan 769; Chapman, Jono 209; Chapman, Rob 1286; Chiquet, Brett 116; Chowaneitz, Max A 212; Chung, Rachel 1167; Clive, Benjamin 264; Colman, Nathan B 551; Cooper, Eleanor 1264; Coulson, Christopher 186; Crabb, David 773; D: Davenport, Elizabeth J 1096; Davies, Natalie ME 185; Davis, Nicholas E 36; Densham, Susan 397; Denton, Daniel 574; de-Vries, Vicky 598; Dickinson, T Benjamin (aged 72) 770; Dodge, Neal T 943 (Ed); Duffy, Christopher M 903; E: Edgeworth, Alice V 1022; Eickhoff, Christopher E 775; Erith, Dominique JR 741; Evans, Victoria L 775; F: Fairbrother-Browne, Aine 775; Fenner, Keith 321; Fisher, Claire L 776; Fisher, Nathan R 299; Fisher, Thomas A 778; Fossey, Andrew W 138; Francis, Clare 811; Freer, Andrew R 274; Friend, Colin 598; Fuller, Michael C 68; G: Garrett, Patricia M 93; Getty, Rachael E 779; Glenn, A Barrie 811; Gosden, Sam 372; Green, Judith 769; Griffin, Stephen N 93; H: Hajek, Kellie H 67; Hall, Emily E 432; Hammond, Timothy J 525; Hampson, Peter J 770; Hardy, Amanda 825; Harrison, Charles 264; Hart, Cleo M 91; Haste, Samuel L 185; Hatton, Helen O 421; Hawkins, Sarah L 298; Hayes, Richard 35; Herbert, Karen J 743; Hiscocks, Adam (aged 14) 623; Holden, Donald 598; Hollins, Kate S 776; Howes, Julian O 214; Hughes, Andrew P 209; Hughes, Elliott 264; Hughes, Roxanne F 550, 611 (corr); I: Innocent, Harvey (aged 13) 67; Isaac, H Rex 420; J: Jefferis, Mike E 743; Johnson, Christopher J 776; Johnson, Kevin N 743; Jones, David L 209; Joynson, Philip J 773; K: Kelsell, Rosemary E 501; Kermatzis, Nick 1167; Kirkland-Walters, Rachel 1261; Kirtley, Janet 1141; L: Lam, Amy 1316; Lavender, Daniel J 972; Lawrence, Julie I 161; Leigh, Barbara A 573; Lewis, Richard A 574; M: McClure, Diane 623; McHugh, Sam 273; MacLeod, Jamie R 397; McNamara, Moya 1287; Martin, Charlie 264, 339; Martin, Hannah R 384; Martin, Samantha J 374; Medcalf, Elizabeth 264; Melbourne, Mary 623; Merryweather-Clarke, Alison T 776; Mills, Claire A 298; Murley, Harry 93; Murray, Roger JG 91; O: Oehlrich, Jean A 772; Orchard, W John 37; Owen, Pamela M 743; P: Parkes, Lydia P (aged 14) 527; Partridge, Richard 771; Peachey, Robin DG 769; Peard, Murray-Luke 769; Peck, Joseph Q (aged 13) 211; Peck, Sam 871, 875 (let); Peck, Sam (aged 12) 771, 871, 875 (Ed), 875 (let) (corr); Peters, Sherwood K 1119; Pilcher-Clayton, Hugh 1070; Pirics, Michael L 116; Pointer, Michael J 1022; Prebble, Annabelle 92; Precious, Sam 1021; Price, Ian 397; Probert, Michael 776; Pym, Matthew P 779; R: Rata, Greg 300; Rata, Nick 1263; Rennie, Wendy 771; Richardson, Catherine M 1118; Rimmer, Christopher PG 1093; Roberts, William J 901; Rolph, Alexandra E 210; Rowe, Ian 741; S: Salter, Colin F 187; Sanderson, Beth 972; Silkstone, Christine 421; Simms, Kate T 549; Slater, Andrew J 776; Smith, Alison D 245; Smith, Alistair AF 115; Smith, Andrew B 825; Smith, Margaret J 779; Smith, Paul VG 776; Smithies, Christopher PK 1095; Stanley, Alan F 880; Stocker, Sharon L 91; Storey, Jonathan 1261; Storie-Pugh, Saha 1167; Sutch, Edward 264; Sweet, Mo 321; T: Tallis, Jonathan P 137; Taylor, Michael JW 34; Thomson, Alex 769; Thorne, Jonathan 163; Thorpe, James F 138; Tratt, Joshua J 1237; Tubbs, Martin 373; Turner, Claire J 68; Turner, Kevin 775; V: Veal, Simon 212; Venables, Esther 161; W: Ward, Bish A 741; Ward, Catherine A 1021; Webb, Marianne (aged 70 3/4) 215; Wells, Tina 1286; Williamson, Anthony 775; Withers, Andrew J 769; Woodgate, Sara 1093; Wright, Ian T 778; Wyatt, George E 972; Y: Young, Stephen 185; Younson, Fraces S 1316; Z: Zyl, Liza van 117

'first pealers'

50th anniv: Johns, Malcolm T 37; Millidge, Alan 24; Uphill, Michael 24

2011 Report 476

see also First Peal Congratulations

Fisher, Sue (obit) 100

fitness, benefits of ringing 1255 (Ed)

five bell ringing see Doubles

Five Rings Doubles 971; 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 631; Knaresborough, N Yorks 971; performances 851

Five Rings Triples: BBC Radio 3 207 (let); Belper, Derbys 889; 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 631; blue line 535; broadcasts 183 (let), 207 (let), 851; composing 84; final statistics 1010; ‘Five Rings at five rings’ 851; performances 546, 663, 716 (let); quarter peal composition 391 (let); Royal Festival Hall 840; Southbank Centre, Lon 535, 635

Flavell, Kate (contrib) 84, 457, 688, 1183; Christmas message 1305; 'Five Rings Triples at the Royal Festival Hall' 840; 'Ringing for the Olympics – the latest position' 535

Flavell, Paul J (contrib) 688, 840; 'Book Review' 991; compositions 959, 960; Pudsey Surprise Major 958–960, 970 (let), 1043 (let)

Flintshire, tours 254

Flixton, Lancs, history 221

Flood, Alan D, 3000 peals 903

focus groups, Change Ringing for the Future 134 (let)

Foddering, Linda (contrib) 49, 49, 863, 1276; Clapham Common, Gr Lon 1271; Stedman Triples 1799 843 (Ed), 863–864

Forbidden Methods (Grave, 2010) 271–272

foreign nationals 970 (let)

Forster, Heather (ringing judge) 583, 841–842, 843, 849

Forster, James (contrib) 841–843, 843 (Ed)

Fortey, Ashley C (contrib) 364

'Forties to Sixties Group' 134 (let)

43’ers, 20th anniversary 912

Foster, C Martin, 1000 peals 743, 1191

Foulds, Michael (contrib) 947, 1066 (let), 1319

founders see bellfounders

founding see casting techniques

'Foundry Focus': 25 Years Ago 833; John Taylor & Co 439–441

four bell ringing see Minimus

Fourteen (14 bell ringing): methods named in 2012 1117; Ossett, W Yorks 1129

Fowles, Derek, 43er 912

Francis Holland School, London SW1 861

Fraser, Ian (contrib) 982

Fred E Dukes' International Bell Fund: account 465; applications invited 1179; 'Fred’s Fund – 12 years on' 330; grants 311, 486, 1212

Frederickson, Kristen (contrib) 663 (Ed), 677–678

Freebody, Hiroko, Japanese ringer 716 (let)

Freeston, Tom, retirement 1204

Frencham, Surrey, peal book & board 1103

Fretwell, Herbert, decease 464

Frost, Nick (contrib) 663

Frosterley, Co Durham (Black Bull), augm 704, 705, 708

FSGBR see Fire Service Guild

full-circle ringing, Verona, Italy 736–737, 822 (let)

fund raising: abseiling 1063 (Ed), 1084, 1089; Bell Restoration Committee 1212; e-mails 619 (let); Gala Concert 260; 'grabbing' modes of transport 225; justgiving (website) 619 (let); lists of events 155, 202, 542, 1212; peals 545; scrap metal sales 157; striking competitions 202; see also appeals; grants & loans; Heritage Lottery Fund; jigsaw puzzles; Keltek Trust

FunderFinder 934, 1212

funeral ringing, 'Thought for the week' 103

Furniss, Peter (contrib) 1336, 1339

Furnivall, Tony (contrib), 'New York City Schools Project' 589–591, 591 (Ed), 593–594

Furse, Alan (contrib) 1225, 1226

future of ringing 233, 1279 (Ed); ringing see also Change Ringing for the Future (conf)

The G & B, RWNY Contest 685, 708, 843, 843, 844

G&J see Gillett & Johnston

Galebreaker netting 873

Galley, Giles (contrib), 'Thought…' 311, 963

Gallez, Barbara Le (contrib) 913

Gallimore, John (translator) 152

Gambling, David (contrib) 564

garage rings, Worcester 336

Garfield Weston Foundation 1018

Gargnano, Verona, Italy, full-circle ringing 736–737, 822 (let)

Garton, Linda (contrib) 965–967, 968, 1009, 1011, 1038

Gay, Phil, Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) 454

Gay, Simon (contrib) 84

Gaywood, Norf, Diamond Jubilee celebrations 232

Gender Adviser, 'Tail Ends' 1059

General Manager position (RW) 540, 690

gentlemen: body sizes 199; Ladies’ Guild 1149

Gentlemen's Magazine 1321

George, James (20C ringer) 5 (let), 31 (let)

George, Phillip & Sheila (contrib) 564

George, Phillip S (composer) 20

George & Dragons, RWNY Contest 845, 846, 847, 849

George Ilsley (19C ringer) 332

George Pipe (contrib), Bailey bros (Leiston 1911) 12

George V & Queen Mary, Silver Jubilee 294 (let)

Geraldo & His Band: Isle of Wight 725; Knaresborough, N Yorks 1113 (let), 1186 (let)

Germany, Dietenheim 381

GHP (contrib) 194, 612; Daventry Branch 5 bell comp 886; 'PDG Daventry Branch: Mystery coach outing' 620; 'St James the Great, Barrow-In-Furness: The Community comes in' 726

Gibb, John (contrib) 892

Gibb, Robin (Bee Gees), QPs 648, 699

Gibbons, David (contrib) 1288; Jubilee Pageant 810

Gibbs, Mervyn, blood donations 1175

Gift Aid: important changes 1305; Ringing Foundation Ltd 766 (let)

Gilbert, John (contrib) 1039

Giles, Susan (née Goldsmith) 639 (Ed)

Gillard, G (author) 983, 1250 (corr)

Gillett & Johnston (20C bellfounder): badge 1276; Coventry Cathedral 833; Crewe, Ches 208; Croydon Foundry 1223; Ecclesfield, S Yorks 177; Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 1063 (Ed); Hillingdon, Gr Lon 398; jigsaw puzzle 1339; letter patterns 441; “Old Estimates” 1223; Royal Eijsbouts Foundry 850 (let); St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 129, 1133, 1134; tunings 1276, 1282 (let); Wimborne Minster 1303

Gillingham, Nellie (20C ringer) 1181

Gillingham, Dorset, Cockey bells 6

Gilpin’s Bell (sculpture) 1057

Girl Guides, Bluebell’s Challenge 1087 (Ed), 1107, 1139 (let), 1233 (let)

Glasbury on Wye, Powys, 100 Years Ago 59

Glasgow, Scotland: 1st peal? 576; Mount Vernon Primary School 733–735, 737

Glasgow Surprise Major, record peal 540, 702–703

Glass-Sellers’ and Looking Glass Makers’ Company, bell sponsors 761

Glinton, Cambs, 19C ringing match 995–996

global warming 668, 740

Gloucester & Bristol DA (G&BDA)

Assoc: peal and QP festival 258–259; RWNY Contest see The G & B team

Forest Branch 732; learners 1042; young ringers, outing 1279

Swindon Branch, centenary 260

Gloucestershire: Church Bells of 296, 631; ringing weekend 1201

Glover, Alan (contrib): Library Steward 474; photos by 271

Godalming, Surrey, 100 Years Ago 308

Godfrey, Angela (artist) 1057

Godfrey, Chris (contrib) 261

Godfrey, Jim, New College tower 592 (drawing)

Gofton brothers, 100 Years Ago 12

gold bells 438

Golding, Michelle (contrib) 1156

Goldington, Bedford, squirrel 433, 523 (let)

Goldsmith, Chris (contrib) 872–873

Goldsmith, John (obit) 1056

Goldsmith, John Sparkes, Ladies’ Guild 1149

Goldsmith, Mike (author) 1187

Good Friday, QP day 533

Goodchild, Jonathan (contrib), poem 269

Google 687, 689, 1311 (let)

The Gorbals Bass and Bell Foundry (Foulds), 'Book Review' 1319

GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia: Daly bell invoice 1137, 1162 (let); What’s up that tower? 1136–1138

grabbing see tower collecting

grabbing modes of transport 225

Graham, Andrew J, 1000 peals 373, 374

Graham, Daniel (contrib) 264

Graham, Wendy (contrib) 572, 823; photos by 585; 'Prince of Wales’ Visit to Wigton' 585

Graham-Service, David Martin (obit) 1104

Grainger, Bruce (contrib) 920

The Grand Design – a City Symphony for Croydon (music) 111 (let)

Grandsire Caters, A “Sonnet” QP 160

Grandsire Triples, 100 Years Ago 600

grants & loans: CBC Grants programme 386; Directory of Grant-Making Trusts 739; Fred E Dukes International Bell Fund 311, 486; Keltek Trust 2011 206; Landfill Communities Fund 197; Manifold Trust 155; People's Millions 173, 661; Worshipful Company of Founders 687; see also Bell Restoration Fund, CCCBR; fund raising; Heritage Lottery Fund; Keltek Trust; Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells

Granville, A (contrib), photos by 225

Grave, Karl (author) 271–272, 920

graveyards, ringer plots 1140 (let)

Great Barr, W Mids, Diamond Jubilee w/end 805

Great British Railway Journeys (BBC TV) 56, 1328

Great Gransden, Cambs, 200th known QP 564

Great Malvern Priory: augmentation 339 (Ed), 344 (let); restoration project 339 (Ed), 344 (let)

Great War see World War I

Great War Memorial Book see Church Bell Ringers’ Memorial Book 1914 - 1918

Great Western Castle Class Locomotive: 5009 948; 5013 1315

Greater London (Gr Lon) see area names

Greene, John Howe (obit) 456, 459

Greenley, Adam (contrib) 245, 1069, 1071

Greensleeves (melody) 134 (let)

Gregory, Peter (contrib) 1164

grids: 360 Treble Dodging Minor Grids 991; Annable’s Diamond Bob Minor 947; Jubilee Delight Minor 606 (diag); Royal Sovereign Treble Bob Minor 606 (diag)

Griffiths, Clare (contrib) 607, 608, 824

Griffiths, Kitchener R (contrib): photos by 225; 'Worth every Penny' 225

Griffiths, Tom (contrib) 1208–1209

Griggs, FL (20C architect) 389

Griggs, Jonathan (contrib) 984–985

Grimmett, Richard (John Taylor) 430, 443

Grimsby, Lincs, Tower Captain retires 716

Grimwood, David (contrib), 'Thought…' 635

Groom, Trevor W (contrib) 27, 1128

Grossmith, Valhalla VH (neé Hill) (obit) 536, 923

Groton, MA, USA, 50 Years Ago 1228

Groves, Bernard: 50 Years Ago 1284; 5000 peals 843, 843 (Ed), 855

Groves, Valerie (contrib) 855

'Grumpy Old Ringers group' 134 (let)

Guardian 1087

Guild of … see Clerical Ringers Guild; Devonshire Ringers Guild; Fire Service Guild; Ladies' Guild; Medical Ringers Guild; North American Guild; Railway Ringers Guild

Guildford Challenge, striking competition 57–59

Guildford DG

Guild: Central Council 2013 468; QP month 47

Guildford District, QP festival 18

Gussage All Saints, Dorset, bell restoration 1180

GWD see Davis, Gilian

'H' (cartoonist): 'Ahhh……the metallic idiophones of St Mary's sound wonderful this evening' 823 (cartoon); 'Alliance to Initiate the Transmission of Campanological Humour' 1333 (cartoon); 'Jubilee Surprise!' 763 (cartoon); 'Olympic Clanger' 563 (cartoon); 'Pull those backstrokes in!' 891 (cartoon); 'What's this on eBay - a very large bell, hardly used, buyer collects?' 1114 (cartoon)

Hackney, Derek (contrib), photo by 713

Haddington, E Lothian, bells, centenary 91

Haggett, Camilla (contrib) 1064

Haighton, Michael (contrib), 'Thought…' 287, 731, 1274

Halesworth, Suffolk, High Hill House (Vestey Ring), 1st peal on the bells 397

Halewood, Mers: bells leave for Barbourne, Worcs 737, 1042; restoration project 225

'Half peals' 248, 325, 449, 829

Hall, David (contrib) 1162 (cartoon)

Hall, Robin (contrib) 1339; photos by 760

Hallett, John (contrib) 152

Halls, Gordon A, remembered 629–630

Halls, Pat, judge 612

Hamilton band, Auckland and 307

Hammett, Bert (obit) 6 (let)

Hand, John (19C ringer) 1139 (let), 1186 (let), 1211 (let), 1311 (let)

handbell events: Chesterfield, Derbys 1024, 1127; Devonshire 635; Mount Vernon Primary School, Glasgow 733–735, 737; Oxford Guild 632, 682 (corr)

handbell lessons, Ringing World National Youth Contest 2012 842, 847, 847

handbell ringers: Chester DG 518; ringing prints 1340–1341, 1340–1341

Handbell Ringers of Great Britain (HRGB), website 1013

handbell ringing: 4-in-hand peals 1326; 6-in-hand peals 1327; aged 3 to 7 868; 'Come Bell Ringing' (BBC4) 134 (let); Impossible One-part 1318; long length peals 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let), 1135; peal ringing in 2012 394; primary schools 733–735, 737; simultaneous peals 300; Stedman Triples 1135, 1318; teaching 52, 733–735

handbells see also Heart of England Handbell Society: Adelaide, SA, Aus 991; jigsaw puzzle 1013–1014, 1015 (Ed), 1034 (ad); Maola handbells 1108; Ringing for Gold (Fawcett) 262 (ad), 1226; ringing prints 1340–1341; tenor bell used as font 1249; Worcester Assoc, bells restored 436

handling lesson, Archers 264

hands, caring for 1131

Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent: appeal 943 (Ed), 1063 (Ed); Bell Rescue Fund (Keltek Trust) 204

Hansard 238

Hansford, Mike (contrib) 85

Harare Cath, Zimbabwe: ringing resumed 1303 (Ed); see also Zimbabwe Guild

Harbottle, Lizbeth (contrib) 1116, 1127

Harden, Gary R (composer) 20

hardware, ringing 1236

Hardy Hemp 934

Hark to the Bells (orchestral work) 1156

Harland, John, 80th b/day 510

harmonically tuned bells: Chipping Campden, Glos 389; John Taylor & Co 941, 1276, 1282 (let); largest in the world 567; Moseley, W Mids 1276; The Taylor secret 1282 (let)

Harris, Brian (contrib) 140, 688, 1240

Harris, Tom (contrib) 713, 1089

Harrison, John (contrib): 'All Saints Wokingham – 100 for RW100' 265–269, 267 (Ed); 'A long winding road up the belfry steps' 537, 539; The New Ringer’s Book 112; Olympic Games weeks 851, 891, 915; Olympic Torch Relay 587, 594, 615 (Ed), 617, 635, 642 (let), 684, 700, 732, 756, 816, 839; Paralympic ringing 947, 971, 1010; 'PR for all' 563; prolific peal ringers 1307–1308

Harrison, Peter (contrib) 895; photos by 685, 708, 843, 843 (Ed), 844–849, 894–896, 1037

Harrison, William (19C, Saddleworth) 271, 272

Harry Windsor Ringing Centre (HWRC), ITTS Module 2 'Teaching Elementary Change Ringing' 1234

Hatch, William (bellfounder) 204

Hatchett, Michael (contrib) 1052

Haughton, Luke (contrib) 1017

Have I Got News For You … (TV) 759

Hawkhurst, Kent, 'How many bells?' 287

Hawkins, Maureen (contrib) 816

Hawkins, Roger (contrib), photos by 1225

Hawkins, Thomas, 100 Years Ago 1274

Haworth, W Yorks, handbell used as font 1249

Hayward, J (19/20C ringer), 100 Years Ago 993

Hayward, Peter 840

Hazlewood, Charles (composer) 2, 134 (let), 158 (let), 183 (let)

health & safety: bell being lowered (1942) 1138; church beacons 291; next of kin, contact information 206 (let), 320 (let); see also accidents

Health & Safety Executive (HSE), liability and accredited ringing 1020 (let), 1043 (let), 1067 (let)

Heap, Gillian (poem) 1078

Heart of England Handbell Society 412

heaviest bells: Liverpool Cathedral 1326; Verona, Italy (full-circle) 152

Hebden, Mike (contrib) 1015

Hedderley, Thomas (18C bellfounder) 154, 157

Helibars (structural engineers) 155

'Hell's Victory' 839

Helmingham, Suffolk: 1st peal on the bells 32–33; restoration project 32–33

Henderson, John 1214

Hendry, Barrie (contrib) 215

Henney, Janice (contrib) 892

'Henry' (bell) 179 (Ed)

Henry Johnson Dinner 2012 544–545

Henry Williams The Glasbury Bellfounder and the Production and Tuning of bells (Lewis) 594

Heppenstall, Brian (obit) 411, 680–681

Heptonstall, W Yorks, 100 Years Ago 1274

The Herald 61

Herald of Free Enterprise (ferry), 25 years ago 309

Herefordshire, adjacent counties 2012 1221

heritage, UNESCO 386

Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF): 2013 to 2019 385–386; Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 726; Stoke Canon, Devon 516; Tong, W Yorks 1254; update 232; Willingale, Essex 1230; Worcester, Old St Martin 1249; Worcester, S John-in-Bedwardine 125; Yarkhill, Herefs 364

Herne, Kent, bell restoration 201–203

Herriott, Nigel (contrib) 690; '2013 Ringing World Subscription Rates' 1255 (Ed), 1255; Facebook 1187; 'Reorganisation at The Ringing World' 540; The Ringing World Ltd 765 (let); RW Chairman 27 (Ed), 690

Hertford CA (HCACR): holiday peals 1047; membership certificates 229

Hertfordshire team, RWNY Contest 845, 846, 849

Hester, Terry, 50 years of ringing 436

Hibbert, Bill 1151

Hibbert, Frances M (obit) 68, 76

Hibbert, RT (1912) 393

Hicks, William Robert George (obit) 1224

Higby, Matthew (bellhanger) see Matthew Higby & Co

Higgs Boson particle 826, 902

High Wycombe, Bucks: dedication 1131, 1140 (Edn); last peal on the bells 374; restoration project 552

Highfields, Leicester, 'What's up that tower?' 1337–1339

Higson, Andrew D, 1000 peals 372

Hilda Massey (obit) 890

Hill, Beth (contrib) (aged 12) 1038

Hill, Rosemary (contrib) 1169

Hill, Valhalla VH see Grossmith

Hilling, David (contrib), 50 Years Ago 768

Hillingdon, Gr London: 1st peal, centenary 398; mystery 1960s photo 899–900 (let), 946 (let)

Hine, John, decease 464

Hinks, Thomas J: (composer) 136; (contrib) 1127; prolific handbell ringer, 2011 394, 847

Hinton on the Green, Worcs, first service ringing 663

Hints for Instructors and Beginners in the Proper Method of Handling a Bell Rope (Hints to beginners) 537

Hirst, Phil (contrib) 177–178, 180–181

Histon & Friends, QP weekend 723

historic bells, Ecclesfield, S Yorks 178

The History of Little Paxton (Broad) 663

Hitchin, Herts, augm & restn 27, 1128, 1211 (let)

The Hive, Worcs 1249

HLF see Heritage Lottery Fund

hoaxes, quarter peals 342–343 (let)

Hobart, Tas, model bellframes 1153, 1155, 1162 (let)

hobbies, bellringers 240

Hobbs, Mick, ASCY class of '62 1240

Hobson, John Griffin (obit) 814, 936, 939

Hodge, Alison (contrib): .' views of Cathedral Bishops about Church bell ringing' 293, 343 (let); bookbinders 545; five gold rings 587; local archives 475; 'Specialist skills used by Librarians and others' 384; Worcester Assoc handbells 436

Hodgetts, H (1912) 393

Hodson, Christopher (17C bellfounder) 1133

Holden, Peter G, 1st peal, 50th anniv 599, 828

Hole, Sheila Mary see Dobbie, Sheila Mary

holidays, ringing: Australia 1211 (let); Brecon Canal 837; Merseyside 837; Midlands 833; narrowboat 833; New Zealand 1211 (let); Oxfordshire 1052; Staffordshire 834; USA 149–151; see also outings; tours; trips

Holland see Netherlands

Holliday, Colin (contrib) 316–317, 617

Holloway, Clive (obit) 962, 970 (let), 1241, 1246, 1247–1248

Holloway Prison, Lon, peal board 749

Holme-next-the-Sea, Norf, snow on bells 159 (let)

Holmer, Herefs: outings 1039; Ringing in the Millennium 735 (Ed)

Holmes, Tim, young chairman 582

Holy Saturday 367 (let), 390 (let), 418 (let), 595–596 (let)

Holy Week 335, 342 (let), 367 (let), 390–391 (let), 524 (let), 642 (let)

Holmer, Herefs, restoration project 735 (Ed), 743

honeymoons, New Zealand 5 (let)

Hood, Keith, 43er 912

Hooker, Dot (contrib) 127; 'Thought…' 1131

Hopkins, Christopher, retirement 256

Hopwood, John Stuart (obit) 655, 703

Hornchurch, Gr London: All The Bells project 914; record length peal, centenary 374

Horseman, Michael (contrib) 937

Horsham, W Sussex, 'Olympic ambition' 1162 (let)

Hough, Lizzie (contrib): 1st QP, 10th anniv 1054, 1054; 'Winchester Royal record at Bishopstoke' 951

Hough, Richard (contrib), 'Thought…' 335, 839

Houghton, Michael, hymn 1183

House, David (contrib) 952, 1240, 1288

Houston, TX, Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, 1st peal on the bells 115

Howard, Kathy (contrib): 'Another great day in Sussex' 152; 'Essex Trophy 2012' 1064; 'Meadow Mini Ringers' 1256; 'No egg on the faces of Sussex Young Ringers' 460; SCACR past Masters 559; 'Sussex Young Ringers’ event – take four' 49; 'Sussex Young Ringers head for the City' 1088

Howes, Julian, RWNY Contest 843

HSBC Bellringers, outings 21, 1149

Huddersfield Chronicle 272, 835, 839, 995

Huffington Post 1281

Hughes, Alan (Whitechapel Bell Foundry): Daily Telegraph interview 179 (Ed); photos courtesy of 1153; Whitechapel Trophy 567 (Ed), 842

Hughes, Douglas, 25 Years Ago 51

Hughes, Gill (contrib): 'Five Rings at Belper and more …' 889; 'The Ripple across the Pond' 522

Hughes, Justin (contrib) 1249

Hughes, Kathryn (contrib): Olympic Bell contract 850 (let); 'Royal Visit to Whitechapel Heralds a Summer of Bells' 565–569

Hughes, Lynne (contrib): 'Devon Young Ringers' …' 867; 'Devon Young Ringers’ Autumn Outing' 1298; 'Devon Young Ringers' Christmas Fun at Crapstone' 1348; 'Devon’s ‘Handbells for All’ 2012 …' 635, 682 (corr); 'An interesting day in Worcester' 29; 'So, what has the Public Relations Committee been up to recently?' 1283

Hughes, Thomas (author) 517

Hughes family (bellfounders) 129–130

Hull, David (contrib) 660; 'Ewan grabs 100' 412

Hull, Ewan GA (aged 9), 100th tower 412

Hullah, B (contrib) 1148

Humperdinck, Eugelbert (music composer) 55

Humphrey, Alec, 2000 QPs 1084

Hungerford shooting, 25 Years Ago 994

Huntingdon Gazette 524 (let)

Huntingdonshire, Church Bells of 289–291, 293

Huntington, York, double celebration 520

hurricanes, 25 Years Ago 1188

Hurry, Thomas (19C bellhanger) 3124

Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex, All The Bells project 916

husband and wife peals, 100 Years Ago 246

Hutchinson, Chris (contrib) 1057

Hyde, Duncan (conductor), 70 mile round trip 642 let)

Hyden, John (composer) 20, 79, 184

hymns, Ladies' Guild Centenary 1183

hypnotherapy 1115

'I was reading the paper …' (poem) 730

iAgrams (app) 84

iCal (calendar software) 1311 (let)

ignorance, 'Elephants' (AJB) 1236

ILA (contrib) 175, 643

Illinois, Chicago 963

Illustrated London News 1340, 1341

illustrations, selection of: A: Annable’s Diamond Bob Minor 947; B: bell being lowered (1942) 1138; bell founding workshops 2–3; bell recycled 654; bell towing 640; bell tuning workshop 2–3; bell up 677; bell wheels 943, 1229; Bellfoundry House (Loughborough) 684; bellframe at Loughborough foundry 440; bellframe models 1153, 1162 (let); bellframe sketch plan 617 (plan); bellframes (15C) 1152; bells, curfew 4; bells, layout 317 (diag); bells on the move 415, 715 (let), 737, 739; 'The Big Ring Pull' 985 (poster); Black Bull Inn (Frosterley) 708; blue lines 958, 1327; Bow Bells 129–130; bride ringing 1177; C: cakes 77, 895; casting 662, 705; Central Council Library 475; certificates, ringing society membership 228–229; Charmborough Ring 846, 848, 984; Christchurch transitional cathedral 919; Church Bell Ringers’ Memorial Book 1914 - 1918, Book II 1157, 1159 (Ed), 1160; clavier 317; clock mechanism 1223; computer model, frame and fittings 437; D: Diamond Bob Triples 419 (fig 1); "Ding Dong" 753; dumb bells 1205, 1206; E: Elf 'n Safety (1942) 1138; Elizabeth II, official portrait 567; F: Farnham peal band 1910 1102; filming inside a belfry 56; Five Rings Triples (and Doubles) 631; foundry sign 944; G: G&J Foundry Badge 1276; Gillett & Johnston foundry 1134; Gilpin’s Bell 1057 (sculpture); H: handbell used as font 1249; handwritten composition (1903) 1019 (let); health & safety 1138; I: iAgrams screenshot 84; Inspired by Bells 1300; ITTS materials/literature 28; J: Johnston children (1912) 1279; Jubilee Delight Minor 606 (diag); Jubilee Tower 760; juggling & methods 1326; L: ladies, 1st peal band 873; Ladies' Guild Centenary emblem 1181; Ladies' Guild, past presidents 1183; letter patterns, Gillett & Johnston 441; loading a bell 1208; Loughborough Bell Foundry 941–945, 943 (Ed), 1186 (let); Loughborough foundry tower 941; M: Master's Chain 559; membership certificates (ringing societies) 228–229; metal thefts 1158; Mexican Wave (place) 236–237; N: Nazi Germany 715 (let); New Music 20X12 project 535; O: 'Olympians ring All The Bells' 892; Olympic Bell, Berlin 1936 715 (let), 822–823 (let), 875 (let); “Olympic Clanger as bell goes Dutch” 430; “Out of Tune” 498 (let); Owen, Theodore MN (19C author) 289, 291; P: peal boards 25; peal books 1103; peal records 1016; Perth Mobile Belfry 100; Plain Hunt 605 (diag); Plain Hunt 'cheatsheet' 737 (diag); postcard, 1936 Berlin Olympics 823 (let); Pudsey Surprise Major blue line 958; Purdue bell (Roger I) 644; R: 'random walk' blue line 1327; Regina Bob Major 495; restored handbells 436; ring beam 1325; ring of 14 1129; ringers at Bodelwyddan 732; ringers on roof 892; ringing area 941; ringing circle, large 58; 'Ringing Down the Valley' 1012 (embroidery); ringing prints, handbells 1340–1341; Ringing World Calendar 2013 1300; Ringing World Diary 2013 1084; River Pageant 757; Royal Arms pattern 441; Royal Jubilee Bells 566, 571 (let), 576, 588, 757, 808–809, 1288; Royal Sovereign Treble Bob Minor 606 (diag); rusted bellframe girder 439; S: SCACR past Masters 559; Sexton’s Rules for ringers (1764) 270 (let); Shaw's handbells 436; Shipway Major 493; Smeaton, Fred, 103rd b/day 564; snow on bells 159 (let); squirrel damage 433; St Clement Danes 1109 (watercolour); St Mary-le-Bow 1047 (drawing); St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 1133, 1134; stained-glass windows 585, 712, 738 (let); stay, stressed 156; Stedman Triples 864; Swift Micro-Ring 513; T: tower rescue – a practice! 108; V: volunteers, foundry 944; W: Walker family (19C), Tasmania 983; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 1; Whitechapel Handbells (jigsaw puzzle) 1013; Whitechapel Trophy 176, 639, 685, 708, 841; Whitefield Places 605 (diag); see also art works; cartoons; jigsaw puzzles

Ind, Bill, ordination anniv 1105

Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) registration 1065

India, 1st peal 1139 (let)

Information & Communications Technology Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 474, 924

Ingham, Benjamin (18C preacher) 658, 766 (let)

Ingham, James RL (20C ringer) 766 (let), 766 (let)

inscriptions: Broughton Gifford, Wilts 885, 886; Bunbury, WA 363 (tab); Caverswall, Staffs 154; Chipping Campden, Glos 389; Crom, Co Fermanagh 316, 317; Ecclesfield, S Yorks 181 (tab); GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1137; Highfields, Leicester 1338; Jubilee Bells 809; Little Paxton, Cambs 662; London, City of, St Dunstan-in-the-West, EC4 767; London, City of, St James, Garlickhythe 809; Northlew, Devon 1041; Ovingham, Northumb 542 (tab); Oxford, New College 592; Roos, E Yorks 1018; Royal Jubilee Bells 809; Salisbury Cathedral, Rhodesia 108; Sri Lanka (Tamil) 438; Stamford, Lincs 617; Sunderland Minster, Co Durham 1280; West Tytherley, Hants 82; Willingale, Essex 1230 (tab); Wimborne Minster 1304–1305

Inspired by Bells, Ringing World Calendar 2013 1300

insurance: accreditation, ringing teachers 270 (let), 365 (let), 1020 (let), 1067 (let); accredited ringing teachers 270 (let), 318–320 (let), 365 (let), 1020 (let), 1067 (let); public liability 1231; visiting ringers 1090 (let), 1139 (let)

Integrated Teacher Training Scheme see ITTS

international fellowship, 50 Years Ago 231

International Reports, 2011 Report 480–481

Inverary, Argyll, Scotland, longest peal 543 (Ed), 549

Inverness Cathedral: Olympic Torch Relay 812; outings to 1258; Princess Anne 812; restoration project 341

IoW see Isle of Wight

Iowa State University, USA 994 (let)

iProduct Apps: Dove’s Guide 267; iAgrams 84; Mobel 564

Ipswich Journal 1323, 1324

Ireland: Bangor, Northern Ireland 617; Derby DA visit Northern Ireland 600; West Cork Ringing Festival 874 (let)

irregular methods, 'Elephants' 1283

Irvine, G (1912) 393

Irving, Josie (contrib) 982

ISA (Independent Safeguarding Authority), registration 1065

Isle of Man (IoM): Olympic Torch Relay 336; QP Analysis 2011 418 (let), 442 (let), 524 (let); Quarter Peal Analysis 2011 442 (let)

Isle of Wight (IoW): beer 147; Bell Ringing Open Day 312; Council, photos by 312; Geraldo & His Band 725; open day 660; Quarter Peal Festival 280

Italy: earthquakes 708; Pedmonte 1161; San Martino, Gargnano 736–737, 822 (let); Venice, St Mark's campanile 455; Verona 152, 455, 708, 736–737, 822 (let); see also Veronese Assoc

ITTS (Integrated Teacher Training Scheme)

course follow-up sessions 1248

Course Module 1 'Teaching Bell Handling': Bury St Edmunds, Suff 750; Kineton, Warks 657; Leicester (S Margaret) 1057, 1059; Salisbury DG, Devizes Branch 1083; St Martin's Guild 156; Suffolk Guild 750; Yorkshire Assoc 664

Course Module 2 'Teaching Elementary Change Ringing' 339; Harry Windsor Ringing Centre 1234; quarter peals 368 (Edn), 368 (let) (corr)

debates 270 (let), 318–320 (let), 344 (let), 365 (let), 519 (Ed), 523 (let), 547 (let), 570 (let), 595 (let), 618 (let), 619 (let), 642 let), 667 (let), 1067 (let)

Scheme: charging for training 270 (let), 318–320 (let); course completion times 1231; development 27 (Ed), 28–29; Education Committee 473; existing teachers 331, 1282 (let); praising 343–344 (let); predictions for 2013 1342; relationship with ART 391 (Edn); Ringing Foundation AGM 687–689; St Martin's Guild 155 (Ed), 156; standards 454; statistics 1231; Suffolk Guild 1248

see also Association of Ringing Teachers; 'Teaching the Teachers' courses

ITTS Administrator 970 (let), 1228, 1231

Ivey, Laura, peal board 181

Ivin, Stephen J, compositions 958

Izzard, Cliff, Royal peals 1213, 1227

Jackson, Tim, Dove’s Guide 1199

Jakeman, Stephen (contrib) 1212

James, E Bankes (composer): contributions 1225; Spliced Minor 271

James, H Law (composer): CUGCR 1225; Spliced Minor 271

James, Sue (contrib) 269

James, WD (20C ringer) 1225

Jammy Dodgers team, RWNY Contest 844, 847, 849

Japanese ringers: Asami, Maki 964; first QP by 547 (let), 716 (let), 970 (let); Freebody, Hiroko 716 (let)

Jarvis, Kaitlin (11 years 9 months), 1st QP 1180

Jayne-Wood, Eileen, MBE 22

JC (contrib) 636

JCC Engineering 761

Jenkins, Simon (author) 1089

jigsaw puzzles 5–6 (let), 934; “The Great Bells of Bow” 1133–1134, 1204, 1339; “The Old Bells of Bow” 1339; “Whitechapel Handbells” 1013–1014, 1015 (Ed), 1034 (ad)

“Jimmy Garlick” 808

JMC (contrib) 151

JMW (contrib) 232

Johannesburg, S Africa, new ring, St Peter’s Preparatory School 7, 204, 1085–1086, 1087 (Ed)

John, Graham AC (composer) 548

John Taylor & Co (19C bellfounder): GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1136; Highfields, Leicester 1338; Iowa Agricultural College, USA 994 (let); Worcester, Barbourne 294

John Taylor & Co (20C bellfounder)

Adelaide, SA, Aus 1205

Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S James 460

Chipping Campden, Glos 389; Town Hall 388–389

Royal Eijsbouts Foundry 850 (let)

John Taylor & Co (21C bellfounder) see also Loughborough Bell Foundry: '… the last of the Taylor Bellfounding dynasty – 93 not out!' 684; Annual Report 2011 438; augmentation work 440; bell tuning 1276, 1282 (let); Brinklow, Warks 1209; Bunbury, WA 363; Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S James 460; Caverswall, Staffs 157; Chairman 940; Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 918, 919, 1036; craft apprentices 940; design techniques 437; Directors 1108; foundry sign 944; future 942–945; Leicester, Leics, S Mary de Castro 654; Leicester Mercury 1187; Little Paxton, Cambs 662; Moseley, W Mids 1276; new ring projects 441; Olympic Bell 418 (let), 430, 431–432, 443; picture archive 1137; President 684; Pulborough, W Sussex 1164; Roos, E Yorks 1018; ropemakers 440, 441, 521, 944; Tong, W Yorks 1255; UK Bellfoundries Ltd 1186 (let)

John Taylor Bellfounders Ltd see John Taylor & Co (21C)

John Warner & Sons (19/20C bellfounder) 100 Years Ago 718; Olympia 1912 342 (let); Peterstone, Monmouthshire 1164

John Welch (contrib) 1128

Johns, Malcolm T, 1st peal, 50th anniv 37

Johnson, Chris, 43er 912

Johnson, Elizabeth (contrib) 260

Johnson, Henry, Dinner 2012 544–545

Johnson, June, 43er 912

Johnson, Paul (contrib) 1159

Johnson, Robert Sherlaw, music & ringing 206 (let)

Johnson, William H, World War I hero 183 (let), 240 (let), 1159 (Ed)

Reg Johnson Fund 559

Johnston, Ron (contrib): 'Book Review' 1081, 1082, 1140 (let); Dove’s Guide 1199

Johnston family (Evesham), 100 Years Ago 1278–1279

Jones, Ivora (contrib), photos by 1116

Jones, Kevin (author) 1081, 1082, 1140 (let), 1185 (let)

Jones, Linda (contrib) 940; poem 645

Jones, Mark AS, remembered 245

Jones, Neil (contrib) 892

Jones, Nicholas D (contrib), Songs of Praise 50th anniversary peal 24

Jordan, Martyn, ASCY class of '62 1240

Jordan, Robert H, 1000 peals 743

Joyce, Peter, ASCY class of '62 1240

Jubi peal, portable ring 202

Jubilee and Olympics crossword 587

Jubilee bells see Diamond Jubilee bells

Jubilee Delight Minor, 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 606

Jubilee Pageant see Diamond Jubilee River Pageant

'Jubilee Surprise!' (cartoon) 763

Jubilee Tower: peals, 1st on the bells/new bells 762; photographs 760; structure 761

judges (ringing): Agg, Jonathan 583, 841–842, 843, 849; Forster, Heather 583, 841–842, 843, 849; Halls, Pat 612; Linford, Simon 583, 841–842, 843; Morgan, Barry 838; Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 818; Ringing World National Youth Contest 567 (Ed), 583, 684, 843; Sherlock, Marice 838; Suggett, Louis 583, 841–842, 843, 849

Judging Striking Competitions (Linford) 474

juggling 1326, 1327

Jukes, Mary (20C ringer) 1181

Junior Most Improved Ringer 295

justgiving (website) 619 (let)

Justices of the Peace Act, 650th anniv 117

Kaleidoscope Ringing (Lucas) 112

Kassiomiotis, Tony, bell sponsor 761

Kaye, Alice (aged 9), certificate 1020 (let)

Keech, Andrew M (contrib) 1227

Keeler, John B, 2000 peals 694

Keene, James & Humphrey (17C bellfounder) 636

Kelly, David (contrib) 203 (Ed), 204–206

Keltek Trust: Acitivites during 2011 203 (Ed), 204–206; Bacup, Lancs 360; Barbourne, Worcs 1042; Dumfries, S John 208 (let); email address 738 (let); Little Paxton, Cambs 662; St Peter’s Preparatory School, Johannesburg, S Africa 7, 204, 1086

Kempe, John (contrib), photos by 1085

Kench, Antony R (contrib) 422, 1143, 1240

Kennington, Frank, retires as Tower Captain 716

Kennington family 716

Kensington Ringing Week, Not the 999


Assoc: Central Council 2014 468; Diamond Jubilee QPs 802–804; Diamond Jubilee w/e 802; Essex trophy 2012 1064

Rochester District: Olympic celebrations 892; QP month 47–48

Tonbridge District, QP week 280

Kerwin, David (contrib), photos by 1229, 1232

Ketteringham, John R, b/day peal 53

Kev’s Guide to Church Bells Around the World (Jones) 1081, 1082, 1140 (let), 1185 (let)–1186

Key 2 Music (K2M) school project 200

‘Kids in Charge,’ striking competitions 5 (let)

Kids In Charge (KIC), tour 293

Kids.Ring. Out, RWNY Contest 849

Kineton, Warks: ITTS Mod 1: Teaching Handling 657; Tower Maintenance course 1272

King Edward VI School (KES), RWNY Contest 845, 846, 847, 849

King’s Lynn, Norf, Minster, Diamond Jubilee 232

Kingston, David H (obit) 261, 263

Kingston, Dorset, St James, peals on the bells, 100 242

Kinsman, Philip (contrib) 1132

Kippin, Chris (contrib): 25 Years Ago 963, 1096; Dove’s Guide for Church Bell Ringers, Tenth Edition 500

Kippin, Heather (contrib) 1037–1038, 1047, 1090 (let), 1096

Kirk, Martin (contrib), photos by 1258

Kirkcaldy, David (contrib) 916

Kitson, Bryan (obit) 164, 171, 172

Knaresborough, N Yorks: All the Bells project (Creed) 667 (let); Geraldo & His Band 1113 (let), 1186 (let); Olympics 2012 971

Knebworth, Herts, long length peal (1912) 393

Knight, David (CBC) 385, 385–386

Knight, Peter (contrib) 751; FSGBR autumn news 1281; Jubilee w/end, FSGBR Banwell 813, 815

Knight, Walter (contrib) see 'Tail Ends'

Knighton, Leics, outing 982

Knights, Arthur (composer) 958

Knights, Richard (contrib) 575

Knipe, Jeffrey 233, 233, 234

Knipe, Jeffrey & Lesley, 1000 peals together 211

Knipe, Lesley A 233, 233, 234; 1000 peals 34

Kousseff, Karen 768

L2012C (London 2012 Ceremonies Ltd) 443

Lacock, Wilts, bell history 644–645

LACR see Lancashire Assoc

Ladd, Jeffrey P, 1000 peals, tower bells 92

Ladd family, 1st family peal 92

ladies: 1st peal band 1181; 50 years ago 87; 50 Years Ago 1079; 100 Years Ago 12; in 2012 1183 (Ed); Adams, Grace, 100 Years Ago 1185 (let), 1233 (let), 1282 (let); ASCY 1079; Bailey, Patricia M, remembered 447; bands 306, 619 (let), 815; Beazley, Clara (20C ringer) 1181; Belcher, Eva (20C ringer) 1181; Blake, Debbie 1064; body sizes 199; Canada (1912) 1039; clothes 1177; conductors 436; Decision DD 766 (let); Dobbie, Sheila Mary (née Hole) 887–888; first peal by an all ladies band 815, 872, 873; Gillingham, Nellie (20C ringer) 1181; Johnston children (1912) 1279; Jukes, Mary (20C ringer) 1181; 'The ladies’ peal,' 100 Years Ago 815; mid-C20 127; mothers and daughters 1169; Parker, Edith K (early 20C ringer) 104, 1149, 1181; Pigott, Sarah (20C ringer) 1181; sisters 1240; Staniforth, Jill 1016–1017; Stedman Doubles 619 (let), 667 (let); Steel, Evelyn (20C ringer) 1181; Sullivan, RA (nee White) 1039; tenor ringers 667; White, Alice, 100 Years Ago 1149; Willers, Kitty (20C ringer) 270 (let), 417 (let); Wilson, Lilian (20C ringer) 1181; 'Women’s peal at St Paul’s Cathedral' 869–870; see also Regan, Alison (née Surry)

ladies bands, Stedman Doubles 619 (let), 667 (let)

Ladies' Guild

Guild: 50 Years Ago 1175; AGM 1183; Diamond Jubilee 806; Dobbie, Sheila Mary (née Hole) 887–888; Goldsmith, John Sparkes 1149; Inaugural Meeting 104, 1149, 1185 (let); 'Like a breath of Summer laden, like a cheery ray of hope' 1181–1182; past presidents 1183; Young Lady Ringer of the Year 1182

Kent Branch: ADM 310; QP days 1031

Southern Branch, QP days 1031

Southern District 1184

Ladies' Guild Centenary: Centenary Dinner 873; Centenary events 104, 871 (Ed); Centenary Outing 872–873, 921 (let); hymn 1183; 'The Ladies’ Guild of Change Ringers is 100 years old' 1181–1183, 1183 (Ed), 1184; St Giles-in-the-Field, Holborn 1276

Lamberton, Alan (contrib) 244

Lancashire & Cheshire band, 10-bell QP weekend 1221

Lancashire Assoc (LACR)

Fylde Branch, QP event 724

Liverpool Branch, open day 225

Preston Branch, Diamond Jubilee w/end 806–807

Wigan Branch, QP week 534

Lancashire Bell-Ringers (19C) 1340–1341

Landfill Communities Fund 197, 739

language, 'Tail Ends' 55

Laos, peals rung 188

'Lapsed Ringers Group' 134 (let)

Laredo, Naomi (contrib) 1030

largest bells: Europe 128; harmonically tuned 567

latten bells 391 (let), 418 (let)

Lavender, Daniel J 972

law see legislation

Law James, H see James, H Law

Lawrance, Tom (contrib) 412

Laws, James (contrib), photos by 1156

Lawson, Roger (contrib), photos by 817, 820

Laycock, Susan (contrib) 582

LCA see London CA

leadership succession, tower captains 62 (let)

Learn to Ring! (poster) 480

learners, oldest 737

Learning the Ropes scheme: 1st student to reach Level 5 996; 50th certificate 1020 (let); ART 454; author 391 (Edn); Birmingham, W Mids, Harbourne 156; Eickhoff, Christopher 996; Level 1 50th certificate 1020 (let); Moodle (on line resource) 1231; progress tracking 368 (Edn), 368 (let) (corr), 391 (Edn), 391 (let), 1231; progressive 339, 341, 391 (let); quarter peals 368 (Edn), 368 (let) (corr), 391 (Edn), 391 (let)

learning to ring see also Learning the Ropes: 100 Years Ago 12; Adult Beginners 1042; Ambridge Ringers 442 (let); Archers, handling lesson 264, 442 (let); brain neuronal activity 750; children 733–735, 737; chiming hammers 83; Claire Morton's experience 683, 707, 731, 755; Diamond Jubilee methods 419; "Ding Dong" 753; elephant tasks 750; 'Elephant Two' 1236; first QP inside in 24 hours 700; Frederickson, Kristen 677–678; handbell ringing 733–735, 737; inspirational performances 1347; mature learners 563; 'New York City Schools Project' 589–591, 593–594; self-correction 330–331; summer camps 1061–1063; 'Tail Ends' 383, 1203; 'Thought for the week' 1083

learning to teach see ITTS; 'Teaching the Teachers' courses

“Learning Together”: 3 Making places tidily 112; 4 Making interesting places 236–237; 5 “Dodging” appears over horizon 605–606

Lebon, Roderick (contrib) 1225, 1226

Leckhampton, Glos, reunion, 1962 ringers 827

Lee, Robert W (composer) 958

Leeds Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

Leeds Intelligencer 835

Leeds Mercury 835

Leeves, Anthony (contrib): Christmas crossword 1344; see also 'Puzzle Corner'

Left, David (contrib) 884

legislation see also VAT changes: intellectual property rights 691; interpreting 1067 (let); Justices of the Peace Act, 650th anniv 117; money laundering 725; noise complaints, precedents 294 (let); Protection of Freedoms Act (PFA) 418 (let), 1065; Protection of Freedoms Bill (2011) 179; scrap metal Bill 1158; Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 1014, 1159 (Ed), 1162 (let), 1162 (cartoon); society constitutions 725

Lehr, André (20/21C bellfounder) 850 (let), 868

Leicester, Leics

S Margaret: 100 Years Ago 515; ITTS Mod 1: Teaching Handling 1057, 1059

S Mary de Castro, new eighth bell 654–655

Leicester and Nottingham Journal 499

Leicester Cathedral, Queen’s Diamond Jubilee visit 381

Leicester Chronicle 296

Leicester DG

hypnotised 1115

Market Harborough Branch, ‘100 for RW100’ challenge 267 (Ed), 288

Leicester Mercury 381, 1187

Leicestershire, tours 1150–1151

Leiston, Suffolk, Bailey brothers 12, 31 (let)

Lem, Roy (contrib) 1169

LeMarechal, Roy (contrib) 1314

Leslie Evans Trophy, Swansea & Brecon DG 1159

Lester, Thomas (18C bellfounder), and Pack 1133

L’Estrange, Hugh (contrib), photos by 1041

L’Estrange, Susan (contrib) 1041

letters : A: Adams, Anita, Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 417; Adams , J David, Chester Guild Archivist 343; Aldrid, Geoffrey, Bucks 135; Anderson, John, St Martin’s Band 874; Andrews, Arch, Glos 417; Ashton, Rose, St John-in-Bedwardine Tower Appeal 417–418; Atkinson, David, Ches 1092; Attaway, Beryl, Staffs 1019; Austin, Brian, Northants 1283; Austin, Samuel, Merseyside 86; B: Backhouse, Rachel, Kent 823; Bailey, Phil, Cambs 642; Bamforth, Stuart, Stirling 320; Barber, Alan, North Tyneside 641; Barnes, John, Kent 111, 619; Barney Bell, Powys 342; Barnfield, AJ, Worcs 62, 1068; Barton, Jo, London N1 946, 1259; Batten, Alan H, Victoria, BC, Canada 946; Beech, Frank, Staffordshire 206; Beer, Adam J, WA 135; Bennett, R, Glos 183, 766, 874, 994; Bianco, Stella, Sussex 875; Blair, Alan, Germany 714–715, 900, 921; Blundell, Giles, Lancashire 692; Boocock, John & Cass, Cambridgeshire 1211; Borlase, Owen, Cornwall 1140; Bowden, Richard, Bristol 417; Bradshaw, Derek, Notts 994; Brown, Barry, Leicestershire 1211; Brown, David, Norwich 596, 921; Brown, KG, S Wales 921; Brown, Robin, N Yorks 418; Burnett, John, Surrey 342; Buswell, Alan AJ, Hants 418, 524, 1067, 1185, 1311; C: Campbell, Ian G, SW19 183; Carding, Michael, Wales 294; Carson, Marie, Rhondda Cynon Taff 1259; Carvell, Ernest T, Cheshire 1233; Case, Andrew, Hants 390–391; Chamberlain, John, Oxon 874; Chapman, Vicki, Ringing Around the Olympics 1019–1020; Christie, Andrew, Peterborough 134; Clarke, James, Devon 1067; Clements, John, Worcs 344; Coleman, Murray, Northants 365; Coles, Lynda, Surrey 822; Couperthwaite, John, CC Publications 417; Crabtree, Ron, W Yorks 1282; Crocker, AR, Leeds & District Branch 365; Cropp, Dave, Worcs 183; D: Dale, Peter, Kent 1113; Damerell, Mark, Middx 417; Davey, Andrew J, Norf 208, 442; David, John, Channel Islands 498; David, Nicky, Channel Islands 183; Davidson, Pat, Wiltshire 921; Davies, Philip GK, W Mids 1067; Daw, Ray, Staffs 946; de Legh-Runciman, Ernie, IOM 442, 572; Dearnley, David 822; Dennis, Bob, Northants 738; Dickerson, Laura, Lexington, MA 994; Dirksen, Rick, Kentucky, USA 619, 1090; Donaldson, Alistair, Lincs 368; Donoghue, Hilary, Essex 571; Dove, Barrie, CCCBR PRC 1044; Downs, Maurice, Essex 134; Dowse, Bill, Bosley 642; Dunn, Phil, Devon 135; E: Ebsworth, Pam, Bristol 365; Eisel, John, Herefs 524, 642, 1020, 1043, 1139, 1162, 1211; Ellis, Margaret, East Sussex 716; Ellisdon, Dennis, Essex 921, 994, 1210; Everett, Charlotte, Oxon 596, 692, 970; F: Fay, Prudence, London 921; Feast, Paul, Kent 1020; Feldberg, Emily, Som 1282; Field, Giles, London WC1 135, 547; Fielden, John, W Mids 970; Finke, Tony, Northants 182, 900; Flavell, Paul, All Saints Kingston upon Thames 207; Fleming, Keith H, Dorset 31, 619, 1113; Floyd, David and Marilyn, Oxon 596; Forster, Geraldine, Middx 619; Foster, Tony, Norf 159; Francis, Eifion, Sketty 523; Freeman, Peter, Kent 523; Froggatt, AW, Lincs 596; Frye, Chris, Perthshire 208, 547; G: Gambling, David, Herts 134; Gay, Phil, Staffs 716; Giles, Andrew, Leics 1282; Glover, Harry, Surrey 31; Gould, Chris, Mddx 442; Graham, Tony, West Sussex 498, 1091; Graham Nabb, Warks 320; Grange, Robert, Devon 946; Gray, Philip, Somerset 62–63; Groom, Trevor, Hertfordshire 1211; Gwynne, John, Warks 318; Gwynne, Lucy, Warks 343–344; H: Haas, John, Cambs 6, 970; Hall, John A, Essex 1043; Hallett, John, N Yorks 5, 111; Halls, Pat, Derby 1090, 1185; Hannam, Mary, Som 319; Hardy, Bob, Cardiff 716; Harris, Brian, Wiltshire 294; Harrison, John, Berks 738, 1067; Harrison, Stuart, Suffolk 850; Hatchett, Mike, Devon 30; Heppenstall, A Robin, Ringing Foundation 240, 766; Herriott, Nigel, The Ringing World Ltd 765; Hibbert, Elizabeth, London E17 1091; Hill, Ian, Bristol 899–900; Hinks, Tom, Cambridge 921; Hodge, Alison, Worcs 30; Hodge, Mike, Ches 765; Hodister, Remi, Staffs 135; Hough, Richard, Cambs 5, 641; Howard, Andrew, Som 1068, 1260; Hughes, Alan, Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 641; Hughes, Chris, AbelSim 183; Hughes, Kathryn 850; Hull, David G, N Yorks 1043; Hutchinson, Chris, Hants 391, 498, 1233; I: Idle, Sally (née Hobbs) 31; J: Jackson, Derek, Hants 595; Jelley, John M, Leics 442; Johnson, Andrew, Hants 738; Johnson, Francis A, Som 547; Jonathan Franklin, East Sussex 596, 639 (Ed); Jones, Janet, Merseyside 206; Jones, Kevin, Warks 1185–1186; Jones, Richard, West Mid 874–875; K: Keen, John, Cheshire 30; Kelly, David, Keltek Trust 738; Kimber, Jean, Surrey 111; King, Kris, Tyne & Wear 692; Kippin, Chris, Shrops 5, 946; L: Lambard, Jim, Som 183; Leale, Robin, Surrey 524; Lebon, Rod, Kent 1311; LeMarechal, Roy, Hants 738; Lewis, Margaret, Hants 595; Lewis, Mike, South Wales 319–320; Lilley, David, Cambs 30–31, 367; Lilley, Monica, Cambs 367; Linford, Simon, W Mids 667; Lloyd, SP, Lancs 441; M: McGregor, Helen, District Master Channel Islands 159 (corr); McRobert, Derrick, N Yorks 342–343, 667, 1113; Major, Richard, Northumb 547; Mark Hibbard, Lincs 319; Marsden, Sue, Cambs 158, 547, 1066; Marshall, Paul & Rosie, Worcs 5; Marshall, Paul, Worcs 390; Martin, Eddie, Berks 182, 441–442, 570; Martin, Rosalind, Hampshire 1311; Meads, Brian, Ringing Foundation 970; Meltham, T, W Sussex 1162; Mew, Chris, CCCBR 318; Meyer, Simon, Cheapside 592, 642; Mills, William H, W Mids 390; Minchin, Peter, Worcs 738; Moat, Justine, LOCOG 1114; Moreton, Adrian, W Yorks 1139; Mould, Edward G, Middx 524; Munday, Chris, East Yorks 270; Munnings, Alan, Suffolk 498; N: Nabb, Graham, Warks 5, 344, 547, 1043; Neill, Hugh, Bucks 111; Newing, Angela, Glos 342, 874; Newman, Colin G., Berkshire 1066; Newton, Robert, Bucks 1140; Niblett, Peter, Methods Committee 766; Nicholson, Andrew, Nicholson Engineering Ltd 641, 900; Norris, John, Sussex 571–572; O: Offen, Richard, Aus 524, 570–571, 1139; Orme, John, Herts 1090; Orme, Mike, Ches 158, 946; P: Palfrey, LF, Berkshire 62; Peachey, Barry F, Lincs 365, 367, 1186; Penney, Pip, Association of Ringing Teachers 418, 570, 1020; Perrin, Ruth, Kent 135; Perrins, Thomas, NSW 63; Perry, Peter, NZ 342; Pettet, Helen, Victoria, Aus 619–620, 1090; Pfeiffer-Rupp, Rüdiger, Germany 714; Pickford, Chris, Staffs 1162; Pipe-Wolferstan, Charles, Geraldo & His Band 1186; Pladdys, John, Cornwall 418, 524, 715, 822; Povey, Chris, Evesham 620; Pratt, Philip, Bristol 570; Price, Gavin E, Mers 342; Price, Kevin M, Cumbria 766; Pullin, Geoff, Northants 87; Pullin, Richard, Hereford 970; Pusey, John, Oxford 343, 596; R: Reade, Alan, Shrops 62, 208, 418, 642; Rees, Arthur, Leics 207; Regan, Mark, Worcester 5–6, 158, 970; Regin, Alan 822; Ridgeway-Wood, John, York 524; Ridgwell, Pauline, Herts 270; Riley, Roger S, Selby Abbey 270, 315 (Ed); Robbins, Betty, Staffs 1091; Roberts, Don, Devon 1210–1211; Roberts, Jackie, Surrey 1140; Rogers, Chris, Surrey 391, 442; Rogers, Jennifer, Glos 1090; Rogerson, Michael, Surrey 390, 595–596, 1186, 1311; Rose, Gregory, London 134, 183; Rose, Hilary, Swansea 766; S: Seabright, Frank, Herefs 344; Sealey, Philip, Warwick 158; Seymour, Alan, Sussex 1092; Sherlaw-Johnson, Rachael, Oxon 206; Sim, Doug, Cumbria 1140; Simms, Michael, Oxford 1066; Simpson, Alastair, Dorset 417; Skelton, Neil, Wilts 320, 667; Slade, Christopher E, Worcs 994; Smith, Anthony P, Hants 158, 391; Smith, Robert B, Derbys 641–642; Smith, Tony, Hants 571, 766; Stanford, David, Suffolk 418; Stanford, Stephen, Bedford 87; Steele, Ted, S Yorks 207–208, 1185, 1259, 1282; Steere, John, Devon 875; Stevenson, Janet, Leics 667; Still, Trevor, Worcs 344; Stoecklin, Tina Glasgow 158; Sunman, Adrian F, Notts 692; Sutton, John, Herts 1140; T: Theobald, Stephen, Cambridge 270; Thorogood, John, Aberdeenshire 1186; Timmins, David, Essex 1067, 1259; Tremain, Phil, Cornwall 1233; Turner, Martin, Hampshire 1259; U: Udal, Adrian, London WC2 642; Underdown, David, London SW15 31, 111, 135, 738, 1210, 1233, 1282–1283; Unsworth, George 822; Uphill, Michael, Surrey 523, 618; V: Vaughan, Ian, W Sussex 442, 572, 1067, 1162; Verrall, FR, Sussex 619; W: W David Roskelly, Worcs 318–319; Walters, Clarke, Warks 1113–1114; Watts, Jennifer, Norfolk 619; White, James, S Margaret 620; Whitehead, Mavis A, Hants 343; Whittall, John, W Mid 86; Wilby, Andrew WR, UK Bellfoundries Ltd 1186; Williams, Keith, W Mids 921; Wilson, Mark, Worcester 159; Wood, Celia, Lincs 240; Wood, Robert, E Yorks 206; Wood, Sheila, East Sussex 1139; Woods, Ivor, W Mids 875; Woolley, Robin EH, Notts 240, 1066; Worrall, Jack, Jersey 294, 823; Wylde, Barbara, Som 135; Z: Zimmerman, Carl Scott, Missouri, USA 994

letters to, Father Christmas 1342

Lewis, Alwyn R, 1000 peals 925

Lewis, Anthony (Tony), remembering 1192

Lewis, C Kenneth (20/21C ringer) 518–519

Lewis, Colin A (contrib) 309, 1191; 'Anniversary peal at …' 1191; 'Book Review' 983, 1250 (corr); Henry Williams The Glasbury Bellfounder and the Production and Tuning of bells (author) 409, 594; 'Laith’s Taylor bells day in Wales' 1108; 'The Ringing Ripple and the Hay Tramway' 409, 411; 'St David’s Day at St David’s' 309

Lewis, Robert (contrib) see also Old RW News 49, 849; 12th anniv as editor 267 (Ed); Additional Member, CCCBR 463; Bluebell’s Challenge (Girl Guide badge) 1087 (Ed), 1107, 1139 (let), 1233 (let); CCCBR AGM summaries 686–691; Closure of second Bacup church 360; 'Eric Sykes' 873, 883; Giant Olympic bell announced 128; 'Harold Rogers laid to rest' 264; 'Ladies’ Guild Centenary Dinner' 873; 'Macca blames that bell' 1312; 'MMT web site' 175; 'More damage at Christchurch' 24; 'New ASCY top brass appointed without silverware' 1228; 'An Olympic Clanger?' 430–431, 443 (response); photos by 80, 231, 385, 398, 846, 848, 869, 870, 1228, 1348; 'Record high metal thefts' 23; 'Ringer injured at Bathhampton' 1179; Ringing World Calendar 2013 1300; RWNY Contest 176, 538, 583, 732; 'Telegraph bells again' 1251; 'When DAC Bell Advisers meet …' 385–387, 392; Withernsea, ER Yorks, closure 455

Lewis, Tony, remembered 1191

librarian (CCCBR) see Library Steward

libraries, BBC Religion and Ethics Department 158 (let)

Library, on-line catalogue 475

Library Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 474–475, 924; book binders/restorers article 384; Chester CCCBR 503; local archives 475

Lichfield, Staffs, S Chad, Key 2 Music (K2M) project 200

Lichfield & Walsall Archdeaconries Society (LWASCR), peal week 244

Liebow, Sue (contrib) 1175

light rings see also campaniles; garage rings; mini rings; mobile towers

Lilley, Jim (contrib), photos by 1079

Lincoln: 240 years ago 499; today 608

Lincoln, Lincs, St Peter at Arches Church, peal board 197

Lincoln DG, West Lindsey Branch, QP month 1294–1295

Lincolnshire, Rutland and Stamford Mercury 995

Lincolnshire Chronicle 666, 995

Lincolnshire Poachers, RWNY Contest 845, 846, 849

Lincolnshire Surprise Major, longest peal 116

Linford, Simon (contrib) 583, 817, 837; Chief Judge’s Comments (RWNYC) 844–846; 'Hanley Bells Appeal - high hopes' 1084; Judging Striking Competitions 474; 'Longest peal on more than 12 bells' 3 (Ed), 25–27; ringing judge 583, 841–842, 843, 843 (Ed), 849

Lismore, NSW, Aus, tower rescue – a practice! 108

listed building grant 543 (Ed)

Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme 716 (let)

Listening Course, PC version 473

listening skills, 12 bell ringing 1336

Little, Dawn V (obit) 198

Little Bob, inventor 1225

Little Chart, Kent, milestone birthdays 1295

Little List of Methods (poem) 269

Little Paxton, Cambs: augmentation 204, 661–663; re-dedication service 1204; restoration project 662

Liverpool, Mers, tours 837, 1030

Liverpool, Mers, S Peter, peal board 1112–1113, 1139 (let)

Liverpool Cathedral, tenor bell 1326

Liverpool Mercury 1139 (let)

Llanbedr Ystrad Yw, Powys, 1st peal on the bells 950

Llandaff & Monmouth DA

Llandaff Branch, QP f/night 255–256

Monmouth Branch: Peal W/end 2011 117; QP f/night 47

Llanfair ym Muallt see Builth Wells, Powys

Llewellen [sic], Peter (19C bellfounder) 285

Llewellin, John Jr (author) 886

Llewellins & James (19C bellfounder) 885

Llewellyn, David, ASCY class of '62 1240

loans see grants & loans

local archives 111 (let)

locations, film/TV: Aylsham, Norfolk 309; Melbourne, Derbys 83; Plymouth, Devon, Emmanuel 61; St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 56; Taunton, Som, S Mary Magdalene 1328; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 1–3

LOCOG (London Olympic authority) 430, 443, 535, 1111 (Ed), 1113–1114 (let)

logos: Diamond Jubilee year 461; Taylors 944

London, outings to 993, 1088, 1143

London, City of

St Bride, Fleet Street, appeal 110

St Dunstan-in-the-West, EC4: 1st peal on the bells 775, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr); Jubilee bells 767

St Giles-in-the-Field, Holborn: Christmas dinner 49; Christmas lunch 1348; Ladies' Guild 1276; peal board 863

St James, Garlickhythe see also Jubilee bells, new ring project 179 (Ed), 414, 761, 808–809, 1288

St Katherine Cree, 1st peal on the bells 271

St Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge, 100 peals on the bells 622

St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 1047 (drawing); bells, 50th anniv 129–130, 140; jigsaw puzzle 1133–1134, 1204, 1339; Portillo, Michael 56

St Michael, Queenhithe, bell 808

St Pauls Cathedral, women's peal 869–870

London, Greater (Gr Lon) see area names

London 12 Bell Competition 2012, invitation 1092

London 2012 see Olympics

London 2012 Ceremonies Ltd (L2012C) 418 (let), 443

London County Assoc (LCA), 25 Years Ago 188

London Gazette 1104

London Organising Committee of the Games see LOCOG

“London Pleasure on five Bells” Peal 182 (let)

London Society of Compositors, 100 Years Ago 431

long length peals see peals, long length

'long servers' see ringers, veteran

Longbridge Deverill, St Peter & Paul 6–7

Loughborough Bell Foundry: 1st peal on the bells 945, 948; 1000 peals on the bells 60, 80; augmentation 941–945, 943 (Ed); buildings 'at risk' 1138, 1186 (let), 1187; new ring of twelve 941–945, 943 (Ed), 1060; tower history 942, 943 (Ed); UK Bellfoundries Ltd 1186 (let); see also John Taylor & Co; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd

Loughborough Echo 430–431, 443

louvres: large 873; 'Thought for the week' 1227; Wellington Cathedral, NZ 342 (let)

Love, Dickon R (contrib) 245, 414, 763, 808, 1288; civil partnership 1009, 1011; 'John Barrowman learns to handle a bell' 763; Jubilee Pageant post script 810; nationwide ringing event 3 June 414; photos by 760, 808; Royal Jubilee Bells go to St James Garlickhythe 808–809; 'The view from the bridge' 761–762

Loveless, John (contrib) 811

Lovell-Wood, Anthony (contrib) 645

Lovesguide (website) 1188

Lowery, Albert (veteran ringer), 80th b/day 499

Luang Prabang, Laos, peals rung 188

Lucas, Gordon (author) 112

Lucas, Sue (contrib) 843 (Ed); photos by 298; see also 'Face to Face'

Luffman, Michael, long service recogonition 1012

Lundy Island, Devon, tours 1169

Lunn, Brook K, 50 Years Ago 1135

McArdle, Clare (contrib) 156; 'Learning the Ropes with the ITTS' 156, 1062

McCartney, Paul, Olympic Bell 1312

Macclesfield, Ches, Barbaby holiday 753

Macclesfield Courier, 1815 4

MacDonald, Gill (contrib), photos by 53

McDonald, Marc, leader, National Youth Forum 84

McGill, Shirley E, 2000 peals 273

Mack, Barry (contrib), photos by 175

Mack, Judith (contrib) 1204

McKay, Chris (contrib) 586

Mackenzie, Irene E (contrib): Ivey, Laura, peal board 181; 'Perth award for Corinne' 64; photos by 362

McKeon, Ed (Third Ear) 84

McMillan, Simon (contrib) 769, 893–897, 895 (Ed)

Magdalen College, Oxford, restoration project 336

Magdalen College School Bell Ringing Club 1007

Magistrates’ Bell Ringing Assoc, ringing w/ends 7, 1201

mailing lists see e-lists

Mainwaring, Andrew L, 1000 peals 743, 1191

Major (8 bell ringing): 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 495; blue lines 958; Christmas 35; compositions 184, 548, 958–960, 970 (let), 1043 (let), 1072; Cooktown Orchid Delight Major 1068 (let); date touch compositions 20; Dereham Surprise Major 1068 (let); Diamond Jubilee methods named 446, 597, 769, 771, 774, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780; Glasgow Surprise Major 540, 702–703; Lincolnshire Surprise Major 116; long length peals 116, 540, 702–703; Olympian S Major 1238; Pudsey Surprise Major 958–960, 970 (let), 1019 (let), 1043 (let), 1068 (let); quarter peals 959; Regina Bob Major 495, 495; Shipway Major 493–494, 493, 495 (Ed), 497, 524 (let)

Major, Richard (contrib) 992

Malvern Priory see Great Malvern Priory

Manchester Courier 497

Manchester Times 835

Mancroft, Norwich: 240 years ago 499; today 608

Manifold Trust 155

Manning, Ross, ringing ambassador 732

Maola handbells 1108

Maplebeck, Notts, 1st peal on the bells 212

Marchbank, Alan (contrib) 679

Margereson, J Stanley (obit) 432

Marlow Ropes 934

marriages: Grassby/Haseldine 998, 1036; Hyde/Holden 372, 384; Parkes/Simpson 1177; Ripley/ Hawkey 1063 (Ed), 1064; Ross/Gorrod 1314; Sugden/Cansdale 324, 333, 335; see also civil partnerships

Marriott, Martyn J, ‘significant’ birthday 1192

Marsden, Sue see “Oddstruck”

Marsh Baldon, Oxon, Diamond Jubilee w/end 816

Marshall, Christopher (contrib), 'Thought…' 151, 587, 1155

Marshall, Paul (contrib): Titanic 100th Anniv compositions 267 (Ed), 269; True Extents of Titanic Doubles 349

Martin, John (17C bellfounder), Severn Stoke, Worcs 1058

Martin, Minnie (obit) 20

Martin Creed Project see All the Bells project

Mary Rose (ship) 441

mascots, Touche 982

Mason, Nicky (contrib) 1115

Mason, Paul M (composer) 960

Mason, R Kingsley 654–655

Massachusetts, USA, 50 Years Ago 749

Massey, George W (author), Church Bells of Somerset 1309–1310

mathematics, crossnumber puzzle 751, 835 (ans)

maths & ringing: juggling & methods 1327; learning Methods 475

Matthew Higby & Co (bell engineers): Black Bull Inn (Frosterley) 705; Mendip Ropes 521; St Peter’s Preparatory School, Johannesburg, S Africa 7

Matthews, Patrick, decease 464

Matthews, Sheila C, 1000 peals 211

mature learners 563

Mausolea and Monuments Trust, website 175

Maxey, Cambs, 'Crambo' 665–666, 706 (corr)

Maximus (12 bell ringing): 100 peals of 370; Cambridge Surprise Maximus 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let); compositions 184, 548; cyclic 1231 (Ed), 1252; long-length hand bell peals 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let); Orion S Maximus 545; quantum physics 1252; Spliced Maximus 1252; striking techniques 1336, 1339

Maximus Bibendus (contrib) see 'Beer Matters'

'Maximus Michaels' see St Michael's Guild

May, Bobbie (contrib) 52, 632, 679

May, Marjorie (organist) 655

Mayes, Andrew CD (contrib) 160

Maynard, Chris (contrib) 1078

Maynard, David (contrib) 246

Mayne, John, most peals as conductor 59 (Ed)

MB see Bone, Mary

'Meadow Mini Ringers' 1256

Meads, Brian (contrib) 28, 1159

Mears, Thomas (18C bellfounder) 617

Mears, Thomas II (19C bellfounder): GPO clock tower, Sydney, Aus 1137; Helmingham, Suffolk 32, 33; Leicester, Leics, S Mary de Castro 654; Tong, W Yorks 1253

Mears & Stainbank (20C bellfounder): Barnet, Gr London 1246; St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 1133

media, social see social networking

mediaeval bells, West Tytherley, Hants (13C) 81

Medical Ringers Guild, Spring Meeting 729

Medway, Kent, Olympic Torch Relay 892

Melbourne, Derbys: BBC TV Escape to the Country 83; Melbourne Band 819, 819 (Ed), 821; Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 817–821; Nat 12 Bell location 613–615, 615 (Ed)

Meldreth, Cambs, 1000 peals on the bells 60, 80

Mellor, Nigel (contrib) 267

'Membership Certificates' (ringing societies) 228–229

memorial books see Church Bell Ringers’ Memorial Book 1914 - 1918

Memorial Books see Rolls of Honour

Menangle, NSW, Aus, augmentation 204

Mendip Ropes 521

'Mentioned in the House …' 238

Mentored Conducting scheme 473

mentoring: ART scheme 454; 'Learning the Ropes with the ITTS' 156; new course development 1231

Mere, St Michael 6

Merlane, Catherine N, 2000 peals 115

Merseybells, (website) 1087

Merseyside, tours 254, 837

metal, scrap see scrap metal

metal prices 202

metal thefts see thefts, metal

Metcalfe, Charles, decease 464

'Methcom sketch,' non-compliant peals 75, 86 (let)

Method Collections (CCCBR) 475

methods: ‘4-way Table’ of TD Minor methods 75; Annable’s Diamond Bob Minor 947; cylindrical 570 (let); designing 1347; Diamond Jubilee 131, 194, 495, 947, 1066 (let); difficult 524 (let), 570 (let); Doubles, naming 465; Forbidden Methods (Grave) 271; 'Hell's Victory' 839; irregular 1283; juggling 1326; learning for Diamond Jubilee 419; Little List of Methods (poem) 269; misprints 835, 839; most popular 235 (tab), 237 (tab); naming rules 159–160, 465; Pudsey Surprise Major 958–960, 970 (let), 1043 (let); regular and irregular 1283; Scientific Triples 570 (let); “Standard Eight” 1260

Methods Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 475, 924; letters 766 (let); non-compliant peals 86 (let)

methods named in 2011

2011 Reports 476–477

Minor (6 bells): Bramford S (QP) 13; Claremont Diff B (QP) 13; The Cygnet Ring S (QP) 41; HMS Argyll D (QP) 69; HMS York D (QP) 69; Inferno B (QP) 69; Liverpool D (QP) 69; Pearl Bob (QP) 13; Twelfth Night S (QP) 69

Triples (7 bells), Ibis B (QP) 41

Major (8 bells): 80th Birthday D 36; Avon Gorge S 9; Bakewell D 92; Christmas Steps TB 92; Dordrecht A 89; Iowa D 39; King James A 8; LB Sixty D 8; Louisiana S 115; New Year’s Eve LTP 68; Nine Elms S 68; Partridge Inn S 115; Quapaw S 115; Shreveport S 115; St Blaise Society S 91; Waldegrave Delight 34; Xmastide D 35; Zagreb S 8

Royal (10 bells): Minehead D 8; Pasiphaë S 34

Cinques (11 bells), Cabot 39

Maximus (12 bells), Vernatts S 91

methods named in 2012

Singles (3 bells), Double Dracula (QP) 349

Minimus (4 bells): New Boatman’s Differential (QP) 1242; Rev. Spirolux (QP) 399; Stanford Dingley (QP) 399

Doubles (5 bells): A: Afternoon (QP) 1289; Air Rifle (QP) 1025; Alfie (QP) 248; All Saints South Elmham 1239; B: Black Pudding 1239; Bramfield 1239; C: Chris Newbold Might Catch Hold For It 1239; The City 1239; Claremont 928; Cottesloe (QP) 953; Cretingham 1239; Crosby Diff Pl (QP) 1289; D: Daglish (QP) 1073; Dapple Light 1239; Doctors Lane 1239; Double Aster Diff Pl 552; Double Meriden Diff Pl 552; Dusty 1239; E: East Guildford - Mosman Park (QP) 1216; Estelle (QP) 248; Excelsior 1239; F: Firework 1239; Fletton 1239; Fremantle (QP) 953; G: Georgian 1239; Georgie (QP) 248; Golden Wedding (QP) 301; Grace Maya 1239; Grant Street, Swanbourne 928; Great Glemham 1239; Great Uncle Bulgaria 1097; Guildford - Cottesloe (QP) 1216; H: Heather’s Skiing 321; Heveningham 1239; Huntingfield 1239; I: Iken 1239; Ilketshall St Andrew 1239; Ilketshall St John 1239; Ilketshall St Lawrence 1239; Ilketshall St Margaret 1239; Illustrious 395; Ironstone 1239; K: Karrakatta (QP) 1073; L: Little Glemham 1239; Loch Street (QP) 1073; Lolo 1239; Long Bow (QP) 1025; Lord Howard of Effingham 1239; M: Megan (QP) 248; Midland - Fremantle (QP) 1216; Monk Soham 1239; Morning (QP) 1289; Mosman Park (QP) 953; N: North Fremantle (QP) 953; O: Oxon Diff B (QP) 1289; Oxton B 1331; P: Postman Prat (QP) 1121; Pumpkin 1239; R: Red Cock 1239; Redbear 1239; Retiring Reverend 1239; Revd Mark Batty (QP) 953; Rod Flanagan (QP) 449; Ruth’s on the Treble SC 1000; S: Shenton Park (QP) 1073; Shotgun (QP) 1025; Showgrounds 928; Sragg 1239; St Ashley 395; St Deiniols SC 1000; St Frederick 395; St James South Elmham 1239; St Michael South Elmham 1239; St Wulstan Diff B 552; T: Thomas (QP) 248; Thomas Crisp 1239; Three In A Day 1239; Three Ragged Jesters 1239; Tidewater 1239; Toffee Apple 1239; Truckie’s Pleasure (QP) 505; U: U-Dub Hybrid (QP) 953; Uphill Chapters 1239; W: Wallingford Diff Pl (QP) 1289; Waterstruck 1239; Weeping Angels 1239; Winchester Diff B (QP) 1289; Wirecut 1239; Woodbridge - North Fremantle (QP) 1216

Minor (6 bells): A: Annable’s Chelsea B & PB (QP) 301; Annable’s Diamond B & PB (QP) 189; Anya TB (QP) 119; Appleby S 163; Arc Brook S (QP) 528; Armitage Bridge & Lutton TB (QP) 325, 349; Around 50 SC 1000; Aussie Olympians Diff B (QP) 881; B: Barnoldswick TB 186, 396; Battersea Bob (QP) 928; Black Notley S (QP) 601; BRM A (QP) 1121; Brook S (QP) 976; C: Capel St Andrew S (QP) 505; Capel St Mary S (QP) 349; Cartwright D (QP) 881; Cento Bob 586; Chattisham S (QP) 94; Chiswick B (QP) 856; Christ Church Diff B 1097; Coco the Cat Diff B (QP) 905; Collings Golden D (QP) 744; Corry Brook S 1097; D: Darfield S 926; Destruction D (QP) 696; Dolly Differential B (QP) 553; E: Ella TB (QP) 94; Everton S 623; F: Foxy Edwin Differential B (QP) 744; Frating S (QP) 1143; Friday the 13th Differential Bqqq (QP) 423; G: Gidgegannup D (QP) 276; H: Hackney B (QP) 720; HMS Albion D (QP) 1073; HMS Bulwark D 1097; HMS Iron Duke D (QP) 118, 829; HMS Lancaster D (QP) 166; HMS Monmouth D (QP) 216; HMS Montrose D (QP) 248; HMS Northumberland D (QP) 276; HMS Ocean D (QP) 744; HMS Portland D (QP) 301; HMS Richmond D (QP) 349; HMS Somerset D (QP) 375; HMS Sutherland D (QP) 624; HMS Westminster D (QP) 720; Holy Brook S (QP) 189; K: Ken and Dorothy Nicholas’ 50th Wedding Anniversary Slow Course (QP) 881; Kent D (QP) 141; Kinder Scout B & PB (QP) 696; L: Lake Erie S (QP) 1170; Lake Michigan S (QP) 1216; Layer Marney S (QP) 928; Leap Year S (QP) 248; Lidburn Brook S (QP) 375; Llanishen D (QP) 1073; M: Minor, Fyfield S 926; Mistley S 162; Molly S 527; Mossley Hill B 853; Mount Augustus D (QP) 216; Mount Buggery D (QP) 375; Mount Carnage D (QP) 577; Mount Exertion D (QP) 976; Mount Fatigue D (QP) 1193; O: Obridge B (QP) 1242; Oude Maas TB (QP) 118; P: Periton B (QP) 1170; Pizza D (QP) 624; Q: Queenhill S 503; Quintessential Differential B (QP) 671; R: Resident Pandynamic Fruitbat Differential B (QP) 166; Resident Pandynamic Fruitbat Differential Bob 135 (let); River Culm S 1331; Rule D 1001; S: Set iPhones to ‘Stun’ S (QP) 375; Single Oh Seven B (QP) 1289; Snake Pass S (QP) 696; St Albans D (QP) 528; St Aldhelm TB (QP) 856; St Andrew’s Diff B 1315; The Stumbles S (QP) 744; T: Thomas TB (QP) 248; Trois Mille S (QP) 119, 829; V: Victory Heights D (QP) 325; Y: Yaxeem D (QP) 216; Yorkshire CB (QP) 1073; Z: Zomerset B (QP) 1143

Triples (7 bells): Candlesby Slow Course (QP) 325; Fellowship of the Ring Diff A 742; Jay B (QP) 141; Kingfisher B (QP) 528; Malling Diamond B (QP) 577; Return of the King Diff LB 742; Stanstead B (QP) 928; Surrey Diff B (QP) 881; Two Towers Diff B 742

Major (8 bells): A: Abergavenny Castle S 1315; Apple D 1317; Ash Green D 1331; Aurora Australis S 769; Aylesbury D 776; B: Barrow-upon-Humber S (QP) 141; Baston Fen D 1316; Bedford Park S 527; Berry Pomeroy Castle S 1261; Birstall A 877; Bradenham S 371; Bradfield S 92; Bradway D 447; Broadgate S 187; Bryant’s Bottom D 1315; Buckland D 274; Bulbourne S 212; Buntingford D 502; Burnham D 209; Bus Pass S 113; C: Castor A 1166; Clanfield D 776; Cliviger S 114; Cockup Bridge TP 211; Coleshill D 597; D: Devonport Royal Dockyard S 347; Diamond A 777; Diamond Jubilee D 1189; Diamond Jubilee S 446; Dipton Delight D 297; Dowsby Fen A 186; Duke Street S 396; Dungworth D 742; Dyngalyng S 397; E: East Dundry D 346; Eglwys Newydd S 774; F: Felton S 694; Fifty D 1142; Flerovium S 1093; Frensham Pond S 694; Froxfield D 241; Fulwood D 163; G: Greystones S 670; H: Heckington Fen A 598; Helpringham Fen S 346; Higgs Boson S 902; Huchedene D 925; Hughenden D 161; I: Isla S 299; J: Jacob’s Wells D 371; Jewellery Porter TP 138; Jolly Hockey Sticks D 297; Jubilee Green D 771; Jumper’s Town S 598; K: Karen’s D 876; Kenilworth TB 445; Kirton-in-Lindsey S 1094; L: Langsett S 92; Leap D 299; Lindrick Dale S 779; Little Braxted S (QP) 216; Little Miss Strong LD (QP) 1289; Livermorium S 1262; M: Mam Tor D 879; Marple D (handbells) 93; Marsworth S 670; Martinstown D 997; Meadow D 1022; Monday A (QP) 1193; Morgannwg S 878; Mount Everest S 91; N: Narnia S 421; Narrow Boat S 210; New Inn A 975; Noon A 1094; Northchurch S 574; Nottinghamshire A 949; O: Octavion D 526, 1022; Olympian S 1238; Olympic S 548; Omicron A 742; P: Pippin D 972; Purton D 346; Q: Quagmire D 1285; Quorndon S 972; R: Radlett S 1142; Raglan Castle S 901; Ranikhet S 446; Ray Valley D 1238; Regina A 778; Restormel Castle S 1141; Ribblehead D 186; Rokeby S 1120; Rupert D 162; Rutland S (QP) 1143; Ryecroft D 1239; S: Saint Eimhin S 1261; Scary Canary S 852; Shrewsbury Castle S 948; Solstice A 853; St Leonard S 949; St Trinian’s S 210; Stoke Poges D 525; Stoke Poges S 852; Stone Circle S 297; Sugar beet S 501; Swindon Town S 161; Symposium S 780; T: Templetown A 902; Terra Nova D 397; Thornhill D 825; Thurlby Fen S 972; Tintagel Castle S 1165; Tokers Green D (QP) 94; U: Uppingham D 1166; V: Vicars Cross TB 185; Vickerstown A 718; W: Waikikamukau? TB 211; Wanborough D 1262; Warwickshire A 242; Welbourn A 975; White Star S 504; Whitsun D 622; Wissington D 346; X: Xanthippe TB 694; Y: Your Majesty’s D 597; Ysbyty Ystwyth TB 694; Z: Zip Down TB 948

Caters (9 bells), St Agatha Bob 550

Royal (10 bells): Barrowupon-Humber S (QP) 189; Braeriach D 901; Carn Mor Dearg D 1237; Chiltern Hills S 395; City of York D 854; East Anglia A 598; Ecclesfield D 1022; Ecclesfield S 395; Elizabethan D 772; Fionn Bheinn D 161; Hansford County D 297; Hillsbourgh A 138; Ipplepen D 1021; Jacob’s Wells A 397; Knipton A 973; Leeds D 597; Leeds D (QP) 577; Leicestershire D 526; Luinne Bheinn D 1189; Man of Kent S 694; Naccolt S 1213; Natrolite A 1070; Northamptonshire D 550; Old King Roger S 211; Olympic D 877, 1023; Parkway A 1286; Parsonby S 163; Poppadom 210; Quarryford A 275; Rabbit Hole A 853; Ranmoor D 742; Redshore A 718; St Thomas D 973; Viewfield A 973; Williamstorp S 1119; Woodfine D 242; Wyggeston D 1286; Xebec A 502; Zhongshan S 398

Maximus (12 bells): Amazon LTB 163; Bottom Diff 1252; Charm Diff LH 1252; Copper Box S 1168; Crosslink 694; Dipole A 163; Down Diff LH 1252; Dyson S 1069; Gluon LA 1252; Helvelyn S 1069; Hitcham D 299; Hotwells LA 1261; Jubilympic A (QP) 905; Kakadu D 164; Leeds Parish Church 2012 S 827; Lepton LB 1252; Mars Orbiter LTP 825; Maypole LA 597; Moonlink Diff 825; Neptune S 598; New Chaldene LA 825; Nine Tail Cat B 694; Prospero LTP 694; Quark 1252; Seconds Out Diff LH 1261; Slynx Diff L Hybrid 597; Splashdown LB 825; Strange Diff 1252; Top LH 1252; Trinculo LTP 1168; Up Diff LH 1252; Uttoxeter D 1287; Velodrome Diff S 1168; Very Easy TB (QP) 375

Fourteen (14 bells): Aerilon S 1117; Aquarion S 1117; Canceron S 1117; Crayford LB 1117; Gemenon S 1117; Leonis S 1117; Picon S 1117

Sixteen (16 bells): Crayford Diff LB 422; London Link Diff L Hybrid 422; Prospero LTP 422

methods rung, 100 during the year 265–269

Mew, Chris (contrib) see also Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 49, 688; 'ARCH – Alliance to Reduce Crime Against Heritage' 1223; Change Ringing for the Future 331, 693; Change Ringing Theory Course 84; CRB checks 179, 180, 208 (let), 1065; Five Rings comes to Birmingham 546; 'Launch of Taylor’s new Foundry Tower twelve at Loughborough' 1060; meetings between CCCBR, EH and CBC representatives' 1014–1015; 'New 12 for Adelaide' 991; 'Notes of a meeting between CCCBR, EH and CBC representatives' 75; photos by 1060

Mew, Susan (contrib) 659

Mexican Wave (place) 236–237

Meyer, Andrew (aged 8), Worcester Cathedral 1297

Meyer, Ben (contrib) 132–133, 135

Meyer, Simon (contrib) 140

Meyer, Sue (contrib) 56, 1297

Miami, Florida, USA, 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

Michaels, band of 1087 (Ed), 1095

Michelmersh, Winchester, electrical chiming 386

micro-rings, Swift 513

Middle Handley, Derbys, redundant bell 1086

Middlesex CA, 100 Years Ago 718

Middlesex CA & London DG

Assoc, open days 1212

N & E District, Quarter Peal Day 510, 533

Midlands, narrowboat holiday 833

milestones, ringer see 'conductors' milestones'; 'First Peal Congratulations'; peal boards; peal ringers; quarter peal ringers; tower collector milestones

Mill, Claire A 837

Millennium Ringers, Orford, Suffolk 850 (let)

Millidge, Alan, 1st peal, 50th anniv 24

Milliken, Simon (contrib) 56, 436

Minchin, Peter (ropemaker) 521

mini rings: Black Bull Inn (Frosterley) 704, 705, 708; Charmborough Ring 716 (let), 842, 846, 848, 984; definition 394; QP day 533; 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188; see also campaniles; light rings

Minimus (4 bell ringing), methods named 399, 1242

Minor (6 bell ringing): alphabets 453; Annable’s Diamond Bob Minor 947; asymmetrical Minor 1066 (let); 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 606; blue lines 606 (diag); date touch compositions 20; Diamond Jubilee methods 131, 194; false methods 1066 (let); grids 606 (diag), 947, 991; Jubilee Delight Minor 606, 606 (diag); long length peals 1326; Minor methods 1066 (let); naming Minor methods 465; palindromic Minor 1066 (let); Royal Sovereign Treble Bob Minor 606, 606 (diag); Spliced ringing 271–272; Surprise Minor alphabet 453; Treble Dodging 75, 991; Warboys, John S (composer) 970 (let); Wratten, Cyril 271

Minor methods, asymmetrical 1066 (let)

Mirror 1087

'Miscellaneous performances' 13, 41, 189, 216, 375, 399, 439 (Ed), 505, 528, 601, 624, 696, 720, 744, 781, 801, 856, 881, 928, 953, 1073, 1121, 1124, 1126, 1143, 1170, 1193, 1194, 1216, 1242, 1332

'Misprints,' Eisel, John (contrib) 835, 839

Mitchell, Amy 1214

Mitchell, Stephen (contrib) 655

MJU see Uphill, Michael

Mobberley Fine Ales (public house) 686

mobile phone apps: Dove’s Guide 267; iAgrams 84; iCal (calendar) 1311 (let); Mobel 564

mobile towers: Perth, WA, Aus 100, 103; see also light rings

'Molly’s quarter peal tour' (Molly Waterson) 254–255

money: 18th century 285; laundering 725; ringing teachers 30 (let); society constitution 725; 'Tail Ends' 937; teachers 30(let), 270 (let), 344 (let)

Monmouth see Llandaff & Monmouth DA

Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal, bicentenary 409, 411

Monsters and 1187

Moodle (app) 28, 339, 341, 454, 1231

Moreton, Michael P (veteran ringers), 80th b/day 879

Moreton, Wilfrid (author) 664

Morgan, Julian (composer) 959, 960

Morgan, Nicky (MP) 443

Morley, Julian M (obit) 584, 586

Morning leader 1308

Morning Post 1321

Morris, Ernest: 50 Years Ago 443, 515; Bells of All Nations 442 (let)

Morris, George (contrib) 436, 455, 708, 1161

Morrison, Donald F (composer) 136, 548, 959, 960

Morton, Claire (contrib), 'The apprentice bell ringer' 683, 707, 731, 755

Moseley, W Mids, restn project 205, 1276, 1282 (let)

Mostyn House School, Parkgate, Ches, carillon 441

Mothering Sunday, peals 346

mothers and daughters 1169

Mount Vernon Primary School, Glasgow 733–735, 737

MRB (contrib) 756

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements 1202

Munnings, Richard J, photo of 12

Murcott, David L C, 1st peal, 50th anniv 187

Murphy, Jennifer Anne (obit) 171, 172

Murphy, John (19C bellfounder) 361

Murphy, Malcolm (contrib) 221

museums, Dickens, Charles 126

music & ringing see Five Rings Triples; bells in a play 55; 'Come Bell Ringing' (BBC4) 158 (let), 183 (let); Five Rings Triples 84; The Grand Design – a City Symphony for Croydon (music) 111 (let); hearing the music 62–63 (let); Johnson, Robert Sherlaw 206 (let); melodies 134 (let); Rachmaninov Vespers 183 (let); 'Tail Ends' 1035; see also bells in music

music and bells, The Bells of Northlew (song) 1040

MWR see Regan, Mark

Myanmar (Burma), bells 1108

Nabb, Graham (contrib) 657; ITTS Mod 1: Teaching Handling 657; ITTS tutor 750; 'Kids In Charge on tour' 293; 'Warwick Schools Foundation Young Ringers' 1278

NAGCR see North American Guild

names, 'Tail Ends' 23

naming methods: current rules 159–160; Minor 465

narrowboat holiday, Midlands 833

National 12 Bell Striking Contest

2012: Eliminator Results 335; Final 2012 817–821, 819 (Ed); location, Melbourne, Derbys 613–615; results table 663 (Ed), 684, 706 (corr)

2013, Ringing World Calendar error 1162 (let)(corr), 1162 (Edn)

2050 668

National Archives 111 (let)

National Cathedral School, Queen's Silver Jub 619 (let)

National Lottery, Little Paxton, Cambs 661

National Police Guild: 1st peal, 100th anniv 527, 749; 100 Years Ago 455, 1185 (let), 1211 (let); Ladies' Guild 1185 (let)

National Teachers' Guild (NTG), revival 915

National Youth Contest see Ringing World Nat Youth Contest

National Youth Forum see Youth Forum 331

Natural England, wood treatments 202

Navy Guild, military Guild merger 1111 (Ed)

Naylor, Isla, 80th b/day 1199

Nazi Germany 714–715 (let)

NDS Engineering 294, 1042

Neale, Mike (contrib) 341

Needham, Joseph (19/20C ringer) 200

Neilson, Harold (obit) 864

Netherlands see Eijsbouts

New Alresford, Hants: Gala Concert 260; QP 510

New Music 20X12 project see Five Rings Triples

new ring projects see also Royal Jubilee Bells: Alderney, Channel Islands 205; Bunbury, WA, Aus, RC Cath 361–363; Dumfries, S John 205, 208 (let); Johannesburg, S Africa 7, 204, 1085–1086, 1087 (Ed); Loughborough Bell Foundry 941–945, 943 (Ed), 1060; North Rigton, Yorks 204; Portsmouth, Hampshire, S Agatha 205; South Ockendon, Essex 204; St James, Garlickhythe, London, City of 179 (Ed), 414, 761, 808–809, 1288; St Peter’s Prep School, Jo'burg, S Africa 7, 204, 1085–1086, 1087 (Ed); Stone by Dartford, Kent 204–205; Tulloch, Scotland, Ringing Centre 206; Worcester, Old St Martin 21, 158 (let), 440, 1249; Worcester, S Stephen (Barbourne) 294, 1249

The New Ringer’s Book (Harrison) 112, 474, 537

New South Wales Assoc, badge 896

New Year Honours list 22

'New York City Schools Project' 589–591, 593–594

New York Times 1087

New York, USA, 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

New Zealand 263; 50 Years Ago 246; holidays, ringing 1211 (let); honeymoons 5 (let); Wellington Cathedral 342 (let); see also Christchurch, NZ; Christchurch Cathedral

New Zealand Assoc see ANZAB

Newark upon Trent, Notts (Newark) 814

Newbold, Chris (contrib) 861

Newbury Racecourse 1087 (Ed), 1156

Newing, Angela (contrib), 'Puzzle Corner' 1011, 1344

Newing, Peter (contrib), 'Thought…' 359, 815

Newman, Thomas (18C bellfounder) 1320

Newport Minster, IoW, Diamond Jubilee, plans 312

Newport Pagnell, Bucks, bells, 100th anniv 65

The News Guardian 288

'News Review' (Blundell) 1087, 1187–1188, 1281

news stories, doing the rounds 1020 (let), 1043 (let)

newspapers, early peal reports 296

Newton, Pat (contrib) 374

Newton, Reginald, decease 464

Newton, Robert (contrib) 1131

next of kin, contact information 206 (let), 320 (let)

Nicholls, Richard (graphic designer) 1133

Nicholson, Andrew (bellhanger): 'Face to Face' with 1329–1330; 'The reports of my death …' 900 (let)

Nicholson Engineering Ltd (bellhangers): Badgeworth, Glos 638; Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 27; bell towing 640; Bishops Lydeard, Som 85; ‘The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’ 900 (let)

Nickit & Meltham (bell tuners) 1162 (cartoon)

nine bell ringing see Caters

The Nine Taylors 914

Nobbs, Viv (contrib) 660; 'Isle of Wight bells to ring out for Diamond Jubilee' 312, 368 (corr)

noise, complaints: 100 Years Ago 151; Baldock, Herts 1251; Bury St Edmunds, Suff (18C) 1321–1322; clock chimes 1087; High Court precedent 294 (let); 'News Review' 1187; Olympic Bell 1312

non-compliant peals see peals, non-compliant

non-ringers: Groves, Valerie 855; public relations 563; Willingale, Essex 1231 (Ed)

Noonan, John (composer) 864

Norfolk: QPs 1221; retired ringers 1148

Norfolk Chronicle 1320

Norman, Henry (obit) 51

Norman, Julie 1214

Norman, Paul (contrib) 1348

Norman, Shelagh (contrib) 872–873

Norman tower 1320–1325

Norris, Tobie I (17C bellfounder) 616, 617

North American Guild (NAGCR): 'Teaching the Teachers' 522; see also Canada; United States of America

North Ferriby, E Yorks 1162 (let)

North Petherton, Som, 1000 pealer band 211

North Rigton, Yorks, new ring project 204

North Shields, Tyne&Wear, All the Bells project (Creed) 288, 871

North Staffs Assoc (NSACR): celebratory peal 157; QP week 724

North Wales, tours 19

North Yorkshire: Olympic Torch Relay 701; outings 1128

Northampton, Northants, S Edmund, 100 Years Ago 600

Northamptonshire, tours 1150–1151

Northern Ireland: Bangor 617; Derby DA in 600

Northern Star 497

Northlew, Devon: graveyard 1140 (let); What’s up that tower? 1040–1041, 1067 (let)

Norwich, Norf, S Peter Mancroft, 18C outings 1320, 1324

Norwich DA (NDA): peal week 38; QP week 675

Norwich Evening News 1187

Norwich Mercury 499, 1340

Nottingham Guild see Southwell & Nottingham Guild

NT (contrib) 173

Nunn, Tony (contrib) 1150–1151

Nunney, Som, Diamond Jubilee 215

Oadby, Leics, Olympic ringing 957

Oatlands Park, Surrey, bells 342 (let)

obesity 199

obituaries: A: Aldington, Raymond (Ray) 1058, 1176–1177; Anderson, Donald Stephen 912; Arthur, Kenneth 179 (Ed), 198, 374, 379, 380, 923; B: Bailey, Patricia M 382, 447; Baker, Peter 923; Beresford, Dennis 37, 923; Beynon, EG 1274; Blair, John Alan 1279 (Ed), 1298; Bliss, Mary (Elsie) 537, 631, 919 (Ed), 936; Bright, Ann 1152; Brown, Kenneth Laurence 358, 380; Brunger, Eric 1082, 1187; Burton, Irene Mary Isobel 560; Butterworth, Judith 814; C: Cheetham, Geoffrey 124; Chivers, Edward J 938, 1039; Cleaver, Dorothy 198; Colbert, John 230, 512; Colgate, Doris 1010, 1183 (Ed), 1187, 1192, 1199, 1200, 1282 (let); Cook, Malcolm 102; Cornwall, Joyce I 600, 608, 653, 653 (Ed), 658; Coveney, Peter Richard 198; Cox, Brian Rothwell 562, 632, 680; Cox, Edward Guy 1058; D: Davidson, Anthony J 914, 1080; Dean, Richard (Dickie) 76; Dear, Jack S 1346; Diserens, Noel (Jim) 923; Dobbie, Sheila Mary (née Hole) 803, 871 (Ed), 887–888; Dowe, John 1224; Duclaud-Williams, Roger 703; Dugdale, Jeremy 227; E: Elliott, Dennis Roy 51; Evans, Leslie 923; F: Fisher, Sue 100; G: Goldsmith, John 1056; Graham-Service, David Martin 1104; Greene, John Howe 456, 459; Grossmith, Valhalla VH (neé Hill) 536, 923; H: Hammett, Bert 6 (let); Heppenstall, Brian 411, 680–681; Hibbert, Frances M 68, 76; Hicks, William Robert George 1224; Hilda Massey 890; Hobson, John Griffin 814, 936, 939; Holloway, Clive 962, 970 (let), 1241, 1246, 1247–1248; Hopwood, John Stuart 655, 703; K: Kingston, David H 261, 263; Kitson, Bryan 164, 171, 172; L: Little, Dawn V 198; M: Margereson, J Stanley 432; Martin, Minnie 20; Morley, Julian M 584, 586; Murphy, Jennifer Anne 171, 172; N: Neilson, Harold 864; Norman, Henry 51; P: Page, Ivan 1187; Parkinson, Harold 711 (Ed), 728, 730; Parrott, Alan 148; Payne, Colin Michael 56, 752, 754; Peacock, Donald 600; Pettican, Don and Dorothy 20; Pollard, Bernard 124; Pollock, Andrew 560; Price, Brian D 230, 923; R: Randall, Dennis R 634, 836, 921 (let); Regan, Alison Katharine (née Surry) 735 (Ed), 754, 869, 869, 870, 965–967, 967 (Ed), 968, 970 (let), 974–975, 981, 1000, 1024, 1048, 1068, 1071, 1087 (Ed), 1107, 1150, 1166, 1214, 1286; Rogers, Harold Walter 179 (Ed), 214, 264, 300, 337–338, 342 (let), 347–348, 353–354, 355–356, 368 (corr), 374, 391 (let), 417 (let), 422, 424, 464, 505, 923, 1237; S: Senior, John Richard 938, 998, 1008; Sherratt, Norman 1178, 1296; Smedley, William Adlard (‘Son’) 227; Smith, Douglas George 230; Smith, Leslie G 54; Smith, Norman J 756, 1055–1056, 1090 (let); Staniforth, Peter John 150, 174, 313–315, 315 (Ed), 324, 324, 332, 923, 1337; Stonehouse, Sarah Elizabeth (née Hunt) 271, 283–284, 305; Swift, J Michael 140, 148; T: Tayler, Richard 308; Taylor, Doug 752; Tucker, Alan George William 100; V: Valiance, Ann 37; W: Walker, Robert Basil Woodd 124; Wells, Harry Edward 54, 188, 196; Wells, Mary 537; Weston, Valerie 1152; White, Francis (Frank) 923; Woolley, Margaret (Robin) 408; Wyld, Edward F (Ted) 230, 432

“Oddstruck” (aka Sue Marsden) (contrib), 'Belief: A Modern Fair(e)y Tail (End)' 1163

Oddy, John (19C ringer), poem 1257

Offen, Richard (contrib) 1319; photos by 361

offenders, known, dealing with 1202–1203

Old RW News

10 Years Ago: Dead Ringers 1053; Editorial 1299; Queen Mother, death of 384; September 11, Washington 1008; Struggling for Recognition 895

25 Years Ago: 12-year-old rings “two in a day” 987; Another first on twelve 1064; Barry Peachey 515; Bath’s second ring of ten sounds out across the City 261; Bellfounders’ Gift Page 50th peal at Wimborne 1044; Bells for Salisbury Cathedral? 431; Camaraderie in the bath 1188; Communicating the satisfaction 458; Coventry Cathedral 833; Disappointment at London CA AGM 188; Douglas Hughes Retires as RW Treasurer 51; encouragement and enthusiasm 1325; Fireplaces in the belfry 902; Greatest number of Royal 335; Hungerford links 994; Immaculate performance 963; More hurricane damage 1138; Peachey, Barry 515; “The ringing isle” 88; “Six with a difference” 1222; Stedman Caters, long length peal 308; Strensall, N Yorks 1222; Vacancy 286; Wangaratta 1044; Worcester Cathedral 1325

50 Years Ago: 100 peals of Maximus 370; Are we receding? 130; Ashford Ringers at Whitechapel 945; Belfry Gossip 87, 180, 231, 246, 284, 308, 332, 411, 431, 711, 768, 1039, 1079, 1135, 1257, 1284; Canon KWF Felstead Elected Master 824; 'A century of service' 920; College of Campanology 64, 1039, 1319; College Youths’ 325 years of continuity 1203; Death of Mr Ernest Morris 443; Dove, Ronald H 356, 1257; Dove’s again 356; Dove’s Guide 1257; Ernest Morris 515; The Ladies’ Jubilee 1175; The message of the bells 108; Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race 411; Oxford Guild Festival 527; Ring of ten installed at Groton, USA 1228; 'Ringing Towers' 915; White, Fred 995; Winchester & Portsmouth DG 824; Woodhouse Ringing Machine 986

100 Years Ago: ANOTHER STRIKE of RINGERS 308; brothers Gofton 12; Campanile of St Mark, Venice 455; Central Council Minutes 993; Christmas bells 1313; College Youths’ Annual Meeting 1201; Crewe ringers at Croydon foundry 208; Death of an Acton ringer 332; Death of an old ringer 195; Death of Mr Tom Reynolds. An unique twelve-bell record 55; Easter peal ringing 344; Hawkins, Thomas 1274; Heptonstall bells 1274; Is he England’s oldest bell ringer? 1274; Juvenile ringers 1278–1279; ladies 12; LADIES’ GUILD FORMED 1149; The ladies’ peal 815; Lucky Glasbury 59; Odd Changes 128, 151, 431, 515, 981, 1223, 1246; Our First Year 269; Our illustration The band that rang the long peal of Bristol Surprise 393; The passing of a great ringer 945; Peal ringing and the public 1054; Peals Analysis 87; Peterstone, Monmouthshire 1164; Record Peals 828; S Mary Abbot’s Guild Kensington Ringers’ Annual Supper 165; Sporting challenge accepted Northampton ringers’ success 600; Sunday Service Ringing 718; Whittington, Mr and Mrs Robert 246; Wood, Matthew 920, 945, 994 (let)

oldest learners 737

oldest ringers: Hawkins, Thomas 1274; Parkinson, Harold 711 (Ed), 728; Roberts, Ossie 737; Smeaton, Fred, 103rd b/day 564, 1206

Oldham, Peter David, stained-glass window 766 (let)

Ollerton, Steven JA (composer) 184

Olympia, Lon, 1912, bells 55, 342 (let)

Olympians (pre 2012 GB), 'Olympians ring All The Bells' 892

Olympic Bell, Berlin 1936 442 (let), 692 (let), 714–715 (let), 822–823 (let), 875 (let); steel bells 711 (Ed), 714 (let), 823 (cartoon), 900 (let) (corr)

Olympic Bell, London 2012: announcement 128; Carillon de Westminster 715–716 (let), 738 (let); casting 850 (let); confidentiality 430–431, 443, 443, 850 (let); contract 418 (let), 431–432, 442 (let), 850 (let); Englishness 498 (let); Grumpy on the English 1035; 'Macca blames that bell' 1312; news stories 1087; 'An Olympic Clanger?' 430–431, 443 (response), 563 (cartoon); Opening Ceremony 567, 819 (Ed); scrap metal trade 1162 (let); what next? 715–716 (let), 738 (let), 875 (let), 900 (let), 1067 (Edn), 1067 (let), 1111 (Ed), 1113–1114 (let), 1114 (cartoon)

Olympic Games, London 2012

crossword 587

methods named 877, 1238

recruitment opportunity 182 (let), 895 (Ed), 900 (let), 916

ringing: Banwell, Som 1015; Bishopstoke, Hants 951; Bourne, Hants 957; broadcasts 868; Chilmark, Wilts 940; 'Date touches' 294 (let), 910–911, 957; Doulting Beacon, Som 957; Edingers 993; final statistics 1010; Games weeks reports (Harrison) 851, 891, 915; Knaresborough: the experience of a typical tower 971; Marathons 595 (let), 620 (let), 869, 870, 999; Miscellaneous performances 928, 953, 1073, 1124, 1126; Oadby, Leics 957; Opening Ceremony 415 (Ed), 567, 819 (Ed), 868, 892, 903, 910–911, 951, 957; peals rung 869, 870, 877, 903, 951, 997, 1021, 1023, 1023, 1024, 1141, 1238; performance suggestions 183 (let); quarter peals rung 881, 882, 892, 904, 905, 908, 909–911, 927, 930, 953–956, 957, 976, 978–980, 1001–1006, 1023, 1028, 1030, 1050, 1053, 1075–1076, 1079, 1100, 1146, 1147, 1171–1172, 1174, 1194, 1196, 1209, 1217–1220, 1222; Reading, Berks, Minster Ch of S Mar 868; Ringing for Gold 940, 1023; 'Ringing for the Olympics – the latest position' 535; Rochester District, KCACR 892; 'Trinity of Reflection' 895 (Ed), 903, 1219; websites 207 (let)

'Tail Ends' 1347

'Team GB' (Olympians) 871 (Ed), 892, 925, 940

see also All the Bells project; Five Rings Triples; Paralympics, London 2012; Ringing Around the Olympics

Olympic Sports, ringing 1114–1115

Olympic Torch Relay: CCTV 823 (let); Chippenham, Wilts 701; Christ Church, North Shields 871; Derby Cathedral 1023; Erith, Kent 823 (let); Evans, Thomas 1044; Five Rings Triples 663; Heywood, Lancs, peal 774; Inverness Cathedral 812, 816; Lincoln DG, West Lindsey Branch 1294–1295; Medway, Kent 892; North Yorkshire 701; ‘Olympic Ringing Relay’ proposal 207 (let); peals rung 622, 624, 625, 649, 652, 825, 852, 858, 906, 908, 929, 955, 1218; quarter peals rung 649, 650, 653, 724, 744, 829, 859, 906, 908, 910, 928, 929, 930, 932, 933, 955, 956, 1218; 'Ringing for the Olympics – the latest position' 535; ringing reports (Harrison) 587, 594, 597, 615 (Ed), 617, 621, 635, 642 (let), 684, 700, 732, 756, 816, 825, 826, 839, 854, 877, 891, 1023, 1044 (let); RWNYC 615 (Ed); Torchbearers 336, 701, 1044; Whitley Bay, Tyne&Weir 871

Olympics 1699? 587

O’Mahony, Christopher (contrib) 291

One per Learner 537

open days: Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 726; Isle of Wight (IoW) 312, 660; Liverpool Branch, LACR 225; Middlesex CA & London DG 1212; Pinxton, Derbys 287

Open University Society (OPUSCR): QP event 46; spring meeting 512

Oram, Ian H (contrib) 1179; HLF update 232, 690

Oranges and Lemons (rhyme) 129, 872

Orchard, Ian, 'Isle of Wight bells to ring out for Diamond Jubilee' 368 (corr)

Order and Disorder in the Eighteenth Century (Eisel) 19, 474–475, 587, 835, 1325

Orford, Suffolk, Millennium Ringers 850 (let)

Organising a Bell Restoration Project 1212

Orion S Maximus, 30th anniv 545

Orland, Ernest, decease 464

Orme, John, 43er 912

Orme, Mike (contrib), photos by 753

Orme, Phillip (contrib) 1135

Osbaldiston, Alec, 50 years, at Cleobury Mortimer 988

Osbaldiston, Frank (contrib) 988

Osborn, Thomas (18C bellfounder), Bury St Edmunds, Suff, S James 460, 1320

Osborne, Tom (veteran ringer), retires 1187

Ossett, W Yorks, augmentation 1129

Otham, Kent, 'Thought…' 1131

Ottaway, Richard (MP) 1159 (Ed), 1159

OUSCR see Oxford University Society

outings: bus 152; mystery coach outing 620; Bath & Wells DA, Taunton Branch 713; Bell Meadow Peal 460; Bournemouth Bells (band) 6; Chester DG, East Branch 700; Chiltern Midweek Group 699; Cleveland 1128; Coventry Guild Young Ringers 173; Devon 453, 1298; Devon Young Ringers 867; Durham 937; Edingers 53, 993; Gloucester 1279; Holmer, Herefs 1039; Inverness 1258; Knighton, Leics 982; Ladies’ Guild, Centenary 872–873, 921 (let); London 993, 1088, 1143; Norfolk 21; North Yorkshire 1128; Oxfordshire 751; Somerset 152; Sussex Young Ringers 460; University of Bristol Society (UBSCR) 1143; see also holidays, ringing; tours; trips

Ovingham, Northumb, augmentation 541–543

Owen, Theodore MN (19C author) 289–291, 293

Owen family (19C) 289–291

Owen-Jones, John (contrib), photos by 516

Owen-Jones, Maureen 516

Oxford, Christ Church (Ringing Room): 1st peal on the new handbells 67; handbells, 1st peal 67

Oxford, New College: augmentation (1655) 592–593; bells 592–593

Oxford, Oxon: ringing across the city 969; S Cross, Bell Rescue Fund (Keltek Trust) 204; S Mary Magd, restoration project 336

Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race, 50 Years Ago 411

Oxford Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

Oxford DG team, RWNY Contest 845, 846, 849

Oxford Guild (ODG)

Guild: 10-Bell Competition 52; Festival 749; Handbell Day 632, 682 (corr); ringing day 679; striking competition 679

Newbury Branch, Quarter Peal Week 306

North Bucks, recruitment drive 984–985

Oxford Student online 1087

Oxford University Society (OUSCR): Magdalen College School Bell Ringing Club 1007; QP w/end 1148; QPs for Michaelmas term 281

Oxfordshire: holidays, ringing 1052; outings 751; tours 510; Wednesday Group 1052

Pack, and Lester, Thomas (18C bellfounder) 1133

Packer, Ann (1964 Olympian) 892

paedophiles, dealing with 1202–1203

Page, Ivan (obit) 1187

Pageant see Diamond Jubilee River Pageant

Pain, Chris (contrib) 374

Painswick, Glos: BBC TV Countryfile 199; Torch Relay 636

palindromic Minor, false methods 1066 (let)

Palk, John (contrib) 81–83

Palmer, Mike (contrib) 398

Palmer, Roger and Rosemary, 50th anniv 1126

Paralympic Games, London 2012: All the Bells project 992; Date Touches 1098; Derby Cathedral 1264; final statistics 1010; Marathons 1047; Miscellaneous performances 1073; Morpeth Clock Tower, Northumb 992; Opening Ceremony 992; peals rung 997, 1021, 1047, 1047, 1141, 1264; quarter peals rung 911, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1098, 1100, 1101, 1124, 1126, 1146, 1173, 1219, 1264; ringing reports (Harrison) 947, 971, 1010

Parker, Edith K (early 20C ringer) 104, 1149, 1181

Parker, Freda (contrib) 916

Parkes, Nick (contrib) 612

Parkinson, Harold (obit) 711 (Ed), 728, 730

Parkinson, Wendy (contrib), photos by 995

Parliament 536

Parmley, Andrew & Wendy, bell sponsor 761

Parrott, Alan (obit) 148

Parrott, Philip, decease 464

Pascoe, Paul J: 1000 together 1093; 2000 peals 445

Pastoral Measure Reports (CBC) 206

Pattenden, Stephanie (contrib) 1058

payment to ringers, 18th century 885

payment to ringing teachers see also fees for ringing 30 (let)

teachers, ITTS 270 (let), 344 (let)

Payne, Colin Michael (obit) 56, 752, 754

PDW (contrib) 563

Peace, Steve (contrib), photos by 200

Peachey, Barry: best wishes for 383; Crambo Doubles 182 (let), 365–366 (let); 'Crambo' origins 665, 666, 706 (corr)

Peachey, Barry F, 25 Years Ago 515

Peacock, Donald (obit) 600

Peak District: QP days 2011 50; QP w/end 1148

peal attempts, 'Tail Ends' 263

peal boards: 1st peal, ladies' band 872; ASCY 1327; conservation projects 1112–1113, 1139 (let); Eyles family 140; Frensham, Surrey 1103; Holloway Prison, Lon 749; Lincoln, Lincs, St Peter at Arches Church 197; Liverpool, Mers, S Peter 1112–1113, 1139 (let); Loughborough Bell Foundry (plaque) 943; Perth, WA, Aus 181; Pudsey Surprise 958; St Mellons, Cardiff 294 (let); 'Tail Ends' 1227; Wrington, Som 1132; Writtle, Essex 357

peal books: Durham & Newcastle DA 497; Frensham, Surrey 1103

'Peal corrections & amendments'

Shipway Major 524 (let)

number: (124) 39; (125) 171; (126) 370; (127) 422; (128) 448; (129) 572; (130) 695; (131) 1318

year: RW1988 1318; RW1995 572; RW2002 39; RW2003 1318; RW2005 370, 448, 1318; RW2006 422, 1318; RW2007 171, 370, 448, 1318; RW2008 39, 171, 370, 422, 448, 1318; RW2009 171, 422, 448, 695, 1318; RW2010 171, 370, 448, 1318; RW2011 39, 171, 370, 422, 448, 572, 695, 1318; RW2012 171, 370, 422, 448, 572, 695

peal generating software, BYROC 6 (let)

peal plaques, Loughborough Bell Foundry (plaque) 943

peal records, database integration 134 (let), 765 (let)

Peal Records Committee: 2010 Report 466; 2011 Report 439 (Ed), 475–479, 924; CCCBR motion 462, 689, 923–924; peal rulings 711, 738 (let), 766 (let), 874 (let); see also 'Points from Peals'

peal ringers

50 peals: Alex W Tatlow 997; Atkins, Helen C 825; Barclay, Richard J 161; Bennett, Gavin D 769; Bray, Anne R 68; Davis, Stephen J 1262; Daws, Christopher W 773; Donaldson, Alistair M 298; Dyer, Clare EF 65; Elmes, Jennifer E 211; Feneley, Margaret 1213; Gwynne, John WG 137; Harrison, Michael R 1094; Hayes, Marisa A 854; Hills, Andrew M 878; Hollinghurst, Tim D 574; Humphrey, Teresa J 548; Jones, Daniel 1094; Knight, Daniel P 273; Kok, Harm Jan A de 1117; Rueff, Stephanie J 420; Salter, George M 1046; Taylor, Helen E 1165; Walker, Tina A 998; Whiteley, Martin J 670; Williams, Christine A 67; Yeomans, Matthew R 771

100 peals: Carew, William P 827; Chandler, Richard J 773; Cheesman, Sheila M 39; Childs, Robert H 92; Collings, Mark A 1238; Darvill, Stephen P 214; Grundy, Dawn 774; Hacker, David W 623; Place, Mark B 779; Pomeroy, Michael J 1169; Pratt, Anne S 1095; Pullin, Richard B 623; Robinson, Rachel S 397; Salisbury, Penny J 113; Smith, Richard C 825; Sorell, Matthew J 573; Taft III, Alexander T 1166; Vernon, Michael 1118

150 peals: Forster, Heather M 1169; Johnston, Richard H 163; Potts, David A 926; Slack, Jonathan R 742; Wilton, Christopher P 421

200 peals: Arkless, Kathryne R 297; Ball, Andrew H 1315; Beckingham, Stephen J 1095; Bray, Paul AJ 241; Collins, Roger G R 695; Crockett, Michael R 502; Dawson, Ian 346; Dawson, Matthew D 1142; Enzor, Christopher H 345; Hough, Lizzie J 1022; Hughes, Lynne P 1288; Johnston, Richard H 973, 974; Jones, David TG 1286; Jones, P Barry 1094; King, Peter R 997; Mills, A 717; Nash, Stephen J 852; Ridley, Simon J 773; Rosemary A Maddocks 209; Suggett, Louis PH 927; Vesey, John A 90; Wild, Philip R 241

250 peals: Alcock, Alison C 274; Eagle, Ruth 778; Gibson, Stuart F 187; Griffiths, Clare J 717; Hetherington, Matthew D 92; Phillips, Andrew J 36; Potter, Jonathan H 114; Robinson, Edith M 1261; Rogers, Jane M 161; Webb, Simon DG 138; Wilson, Ashley B 877

300 peals: Culham, David E 772; Edwards, Simon L 372; Gamble, Margaret C 825; George, Phillip S 1120; Jones, Daniel 396; Ottaway, John P 1214; Pope, Philip F 322; Preston, D Annabel 66; Wake, Michael J 1056; Warwick, Felicity S 93

350 peals: Beresford, Hilary A 321; Garner, Mary S 10; Jones, Daniel 1241; Scase, Thomas G 598; Williams, E Ann 186

400 peals: Austin, Samuel M 952; Beresford, Hilary A 952; Campbell, Ian LC 771; Colborne, Graham JN 973; Dixon, Brenda M 550; Evans, Andrew D 527; Faull, Susan A 1318; Parker, Andrew J 90; Penney, Stephen W 1238; Sadowski, Roman E 67; Sheasby, Raymon A 445; Taylor, Richard L 1165; Tiebout, Paul J 1118; Town, Katherine L 93

500 peals: Bateman, Stephen J 114; Blowfield, MJ Bill 1317; Buckle, Rosemary H 1285; Dodd, John A 212; Dorling, Joanna K 246; Hill, Christine R 1169; Hough, Jane KA 420; Hunter, Paul B 877; Jenkins, David 975; Knight, Christine A 902; Lane, Catherine MA 114; Maynard, David G 93; Menhinick, Janet E 91; Pinnington, Lee 777; Richardson, Christine 1237; Sherwood, Margaret L 397; Stott, Susan M 876; Watson, Brian C 186; Woodcock, Christopher CP 878

550 peals, Wraight, Diana R 1166

600 peals: Carey, Benjamin J 90; Constant, Benjamin D 161; Greenley, Adam S 90; Johns, Malcolm T 854; Mayes, Andrew CD 1118; Purday, Michael G 1096; Smith, Simon J T 775

650 peals, Hall, D Graham 925

700 peals: Alldrick, Andrew F 346; Audley, Gary J 213; Colliss, Edward PD 878

750 peals: Alldrick, Andrew F 1069; Lee, Robert W 670; Marsden, Susan E 273; Robert, Perry 1261; Whiting, Brian E 778

800 peals: Clay, Michael J 550; Cooper, Jeffery P 1119; Dowse, William H 926; Else, Andrew E 212; Mitchell, Stephen J F 1288; Newman, Richard AM 67; Pollard, Michael J 1263; Ridley, Hilda C 348; Sharp, Peter A 92; Thomas, Neil M 1023; Trebble, Alan M 741; Williamson, Peter J 1263; Woodruff, L Roy 347

850 peals: Fortey, Ashley C 214; Lloyd, Ian 1190

900 peals: Carey, Ian J 1022; Curtis, Paul F 973; Davenport, Kenneth R 742; Edwards, Michael J 243; Fortey, Ashley C 1000; Hardy, Robert E 1141; Hilling, Matthew J 741; Hutchieson, Stuart C W 1190; Rueff, Anne L 421; Wilson, David JT 210; Young, Paul T 997

950 peals, Warwick, David A 93

1000 peals: Andrew, Christine 1021; Bill, Peter L 646; Carter, Christine M 113, 550 (tower bells); Diserens, Ronald F 445; Eccleston, Mark R 711, 719; Foster, C Martin 741, 743; Graham, Andrew J 373, 374; Higson, Andrew D 372; Jordan, Robert H 742, 743; Knipe, Lesley A 34; Ladd, Jeffrey P (tower bells) 92; Lewis, Alwyn R 925; Mainwaring, Andrew L 741, 743; Matthews, Sheila C 211; Reading, Alan G 575; Sanderson, Peter J 880; Stokes, Christopher C 1070; Turnock, Jason R 274; Wheeler, Fiona M 1240

1100 peals: Haseldine, Andrew 299; Knipe, Jeffrey 163; Knipe, Lesley A 669

1200 peals: Avery, Ian W 445; Knipe, Jeffrey 952; Waterfield, Peter J 39

1250 peals: Bostock, Chris 115; Reading, Simon J 879; Thumwood, Richard L 67; Uphill, Michael J 879

1300 peals: Campling, Pauline 501; Dunbavin, Mary E 1071; John, Graham AC 93; Love, Dickon R 767, 775, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr); Riley, Roger S 1263

1350 peals, Hill, Ian P 8

1400 peals: Howell, Cynthia E 526; Humphrey, Simon 623; Moore, David F 999

1500 peals: Apter, Susan L 273; Chapman, Margaret E L 212; Pocock, Stephen RT 114; Rogers, Philip 90; Roulstone, Ian 550

1600 peals: Bennett, Neil 67; Furniss, Peter L 1000; Mayle, Alan P 322

1650 peals, Graves, R Philip 1317

1700 peals: Allton, Richard I 1285; Bennett, Peter S 975; Brown, Robert DS 185; Cox, Rebecca J 39; Nash, Stephen J 68

1750 peals, Rothera, David E 1238

1800 peals: Carter, Donald B 773; Rogers, Robin H 550

2000 peals: Champion, Pauline 445; Keeler, John B 694; McGill, Shirley E 273; Merlane, Catherine N 115; Pascoe, Paul J 445; Saddleton, Philip AB 298; Sheppard, John C 1165, 1207 (corr) (tower bells), 1214 (tower bells); Turner, Malcolm S 395

2100 peals: Pascoe, Paul J 1288; Way, Mervyn C 771

2150 peals, Towler, James L 1189

2200 peals: Andrews, James E 1142; Randall, Geoffrey W 646

2300 peals: Fleckney, Peter M 973; Hendry, Barrie 137

2350 peals, Hendry, Barrie 952

2500 peals: Halls, Patricia AM 901; Smith, Ian VJ 8

2700 peals, Hird, David 445

2750 peals, Collins, Timothy F 185

2800 peals, Collins, Timothy F 771

3000 peals: Bailey, Roger 245; Coleman, Murray A 1214; Donovan, Neil 1215; Dove, C Barrie 421; Flood, Alan D 903

3050 peals, Dove, C Barrie 973

3500 peals *2011*; Loveless, John P 1071; Pladdys, John 1238

3600 peals, Ellis, Peter GC 669

4100 peals, Ainsworth, J Alan 138

4500 peals, Bridle, Peter 1095

4750 peals, Bladon, Brian 1167

5000 peals, Groves, Bernard 843, 843 (Ed), 855

prolific 233–234, 1307–1308

statistics 239 (tab)

see also conductor milestones; 'First Peal Congratulations'

peal tours, Daniels, L Martin 552

Pealbase (website) 765 (let)

peals: challenging 182 (let); double-handed 1326; India 1139 (let); über-heavy 1326

peals, 1st in the tower, London, City of, St James, Garlickhythe 1288

peals, 1st on the bells/new bells: centenaries 47, 164, 550; Barnack, Cambs 776; Bovey Tracey, Devon 877; Brockenhurst, Hants 599; Broughton, Hunts 772; Doulting Beacon, Som 1261; Eakring, Notts, St Andrew 91; Farnborough, Kent 1316; Halesworth, Suffolk, High Hill House (the Vestey Ring) 397; Helmingham, Suffolk 32–33; Houston, Tx, Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church 115; Jubilee Tower 762; Llanbedr Ystrad Yw, Powys 950; London, City of, St Dunstan-in-the-West, EC4 775, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr); London, City of, St Katherine Cree 271; Loughborough Bell Foundry 945, 948; Maplebeck, Notts 212; Oxford, Christ Church (Ringing Room) handbells 67; Roos, E Yorks 1093; Royal Jubilee Bells 576; St Albans, Herts, Cath & Abbey 9; Shadwell, Middx 646; Shreveport, LA, St Mark’s Cathedral 115; South Ockendon, Essex 525; Tulloch, Inverness-shire, Tulloch Lodge 1191; Woolley, W Yorks 950; Worcester, S Martin, Cornmarket 139

peals, 1st since augmentation: Brinklow, Warks 1209; Ecclesfield, S Yorks 243; Pillaton, Cornwall 880; Queen Charlton, Som 1117; Rosscarbery, Cork 420; Sunderland Minster, Co Durham 1288

peals, 100 on the bells: Bucklebury, Berks 1141; Kingston, Dorset, St James 242; London, City of, St Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge 622; Stratfield Mortimer, Berks 10; Willoughby on the Wolds, Notts 1046

peals, 1000 on the bells: Birmingham, W Mids, S Philip Cath 60, 80; Loughborough Bell Foundry 60; Meldreth, Cambs 60; Thatcham, Berks 59 (Ed), 60–61

peals, centenary of 1st peal, Balderton, Notts 47

peals, centenary of the bells: Haddington, E Lothian 91; Newport Pagnell, Bucks 65

peals, commemorative see also Diamond Jubilee: 1st ladies’ band peal 876; Alice in Wonderland 853; Armstrong, Neil (astronaut) 997; Bible, King James, 400th anniv 8; Book of Common Prayer 597; Higgs Boson particle 826, 902; Jane Austen’s 1st novel 320 (let); Justices of the Peace Act, 650th anniv 117; Saint Alphege 600; Scott, Robert Falcon, death 397; Scott, Robert Falcon, South Pole, 100 anniv 161; Songs of Praise, 50th anniv 24; 'Team GB' achievements 925; Titanic (RMS) sinking, 100th anniv 504, 551, 573; Torch Relay, Olympics 2012 587; Turing, Alan (mathematician) 718; William, Prince, Knight of the Thistle 826; York, Royal Charter 854

peals, Decision D 476, 711 (Edn), 738 (let), 766 (let), 874 (let)

peals, family, Ladd 92

peals, first in the method see methods named

peals, last on the bells, High Wycombe, Bucks 374

peals, long length: 100 Years Ago 828; 2011 Report 476, 477; 10032 Cambridge S Maximus (handbells) 709–711, 738 (let), 766 (let); 10060 Stedman Caters 543 (Ed), 549; 10080 Cambridge S Royal (handbells) 709–711, 738 (let), 766 (let); 10080 Stedman Triples 1135; 10560 Bristol Surprise Sixteen 3 (Ed), 25–27; 12160 Bristol Surprise Eight (1912) 393; 13824 Lincolnshire Surprise Major 116; 14688 Glasgow S Major 540, 702–703; challenge of 1326; handbells 709–711, 738 (let), 766 (let), 1135; heaviest bells 543 (Ed), 549; ringer qualities 344; Scotland 549

peals, mis-attributed 921 (let)

peals, most in a tower 235 (tab)

peals, non-compliant: 2011 Report 476; 'Methcom sketch' 75; publishing 86 (let); rulings 711 (Edn), 738 (let), 766 (let); RW copy policy 86 (let), 439 (Ed), 475–476; simulator peals 75, 476

peals, record length, Awbridge, Hants 22

peals, Shipway Major, 1st peal for over 100 years 493–494, 495 (Ed), 497

peals, simulator 462, 547 (let), 571 (let)–572

Peals Analysis: 100 Years Ago 87; 2010 Report 476 (corr); 2011 Report 475–478; “Standard Eight” (methods) 1260; see also 'Points from Peals'

Peals Analysis Committee see Peal Records Committee, CCCBR motion 689

peal boards, Birmingham, W Mids, S Martin 25

peals per society 238–239 (tab), 477

peals together

500 peals: Campling, George H 114; Woof, Simon D 114

1000: Knipe, Jeffrey & Lesley 211; Pascoe, Paul J, & Champion, Pauline 1093; Rogers, Gwen & Philip 34

peals.co.uk, BellBoard 80

Pearly King and Queen, Bow Bells 140

Pearson, Simon (contrib) 1204

Pease, Jack (aged 12), Junior Most Improved Ringer 295

Peasemore, Berks, Justices of the Peace band 117

Pedemonte, Italy, 1,400 years of ringing 1161

'peelers' peal, 100 Years Ago 455

Pembleton, Fred (bellhanger) 1280

Penistone, S Yorks, Diamond Jubilee w/end 807

Penmark, ValeGlam, Wales, stained-glass 766 (let)

Penn Shield 732

Penney, Gerald, decease 464

Penney, Pip (contrib) 1234; 'Administrative assistance for ITTS' 1231; Association of Ringing Teachers (ART) 454–455; Learning the Ropes Level 5 996; Learning the Ropes scheme 339, 368 (corr), 391 (let); 'Ringing Teaching for the Future The Integrated Teacher Training Scheme (ITTS)' 28–29

Penney, Stephen (contrib) 1288; Jubilee Pageant 810

'Pensioners Group' 134 (let)

Penter, Tara, young ringer 1156

Penwortham, Lancs, 300 years of ringing 828

Penzance, Cornwall, bellframe rust 438

People's Millions 173, 661

performance monitoring, ART 454

Perrin, George, Craft of Bellringing (DVD) 135 (let)

Perrins family, 5152 Spliced S Major in hand 244

Perrins, Bill (contrib) 244

Pershore, Worcs (Abbey), Plum Festival 2012 1053

Perth, WA, Aus: 1000 QPs 1268, 1343; Mobile Belfry 101, 103; peal boards 181; St Martin's Society 64

Peterborough DG

Guild: Spring Festival 612; Summer Festival 1078

Daventry Branch: 5-bell striking comp 886; mystery coach outing 620; Quarter Peal Day 510

Peterstone, Monmouthshire, 100 Years Ago 1164

petitions: Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 1014; scrap metal trade regulation 75; VAT changes 363 (Ed)

Pett, Tim (contrib) 295

Pettican, Don and Dorothy (obit) 20

Peverett, Caroline (contrib) 768

Peverett, Tim (contrib) 819

PFH et al 1113

Phelps, Richard (Whitechapel foundry) 285

Phelps & Lester (18C bellfounder) 1133

Philip, Prince see Duke of Edinburgh

'Phillip' (bell) 179 (Ed)

Phillips, Chris (contrib) 868

photos to revisit: newton 52; wilby 25

physical challenges 1326

Pickford, Chris (contrib) 392; bellframe identification, timber 392; 'Book Review' 19; 'It’s an ill wind …' 361–363; 'Who wrote The Church Bells of Huntingdonshire?' 289–291, 293; see also 'What’s up that tower?'

Pickthall, Chris (contrib) 1177

Pigott, Sarah (20C ringer) 1181

Pillaton, Cornwall, 1st peal since augm 880

Pimlico, Gr Lon, Francis Holland School 861

Pinhoe, Devon, Devon Young Ringers 867

Pink, Alan (contrib), 'What is a quarter peal?' 159–160

Pinxton, Derbys, open day 287

Pipe, Alfred GW (Alfie), QPs 128, 660

Pipe, David (contrib) 128, 1252; photos by 1060

Pipe, George W (contrib): 'Helmingham – A jewel in Suffolk’s crown' 32–33; 'Peter John Staniforth 1927 - 2012' 313–315, 332

Pipe, Roderick W: compositions 11; decease 464

Pipe-Wolferstan, Charles (contrib) 1132

Pitkin, James (contrib) 81–83

The Place for Blinds 288

places, making 112, 236, 236–237

Pladdys, John: 3000 peals as conductor 92; 50 years as conductor 448; minor Royal 539

Plain Bob Royal, teenager peal 1096

Plain Hunt: blue lines 605 (diag); 'cheatsheet' 737 (diag); dodging 605; for Her Majesty 294 (let); the problem with … 1017

Platt, James (19C, Saddleworth) 271–272, 343 (let)

Platten, Jeremy (contrib) 1088

Plymouth, Scouts, first QP 232

Plymouth Magazine 61

Plymouth Youths: 1st QP 61; take to the North! 1033; w/end of fame, fortune and fantastic ringing 61

PM (contrib) 412

poems: 87s 1227; On the Bells of new colledge in Oxon lately were molded (1655) 592; Brown, Jos. (18C) 270 (let); Ladies' Guild, 1st peal 1181–1182; Little List of Methods 269; Oddy, John (19C ringer) 1257; Sexton’s Rules for ringers (1764) 270 (let); Village Bells 1257; see also Betjeman, John

poems, 1st lines: 'And of 87s at back at back' 1227; 'All that intend to take these ropes in hand' 270 (let); 'I was reading the paper …' 730; 'Like a breath of Summer laden, like a cheery ray of hope' 1181–1182; 'O that I were (as the nightingale) all voice' 592; 'As some day it may happen we’ve a challenge to complete' 269; 'The village bells are ringing" 1257; 'A wild night in the churchyard…' 645; 'The year is 1812, a notable one you may say …' 1078; 'You might take the Christ out of Christmas' 1299

poets: AJB 1227; Davey, Andrew 1299; Goodchild, Jonathan 269

'Poet’s Corner': 1812 1078; A Chil-ing Tale 645; Critchley, Teresa 730; Heap, Gillian 1078; Jones, Linda 645; Towers of silence 1313; Towner, Becky 1088; Wedding “Belles” 1088

'Points from Peals' 233–235, 235 (Ed), 237–239, 343 (let), 394

Police Guild see National Police Guild

police officers: 100 Years Ago 455, 1185 (let), 1211 (let); Bottrill, William 1211 (let), 1233–1234 (let), 1259 (let), 1282–1283 (let)

Pollard, Bernard (obit) 124

Pollock, Andrew (obit) 560

Pomeroy, Mike J (composer) 184

Poole, Henry, decease 464

Poole, Jill see Staniforth, Jill

Poole, William (contrib) 592–593

porcelain bells 875 (let)

portable rings see mobile towers: Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 994 (let); Dobbie, Walter 202

Portillo, Michael (TV presenter) 56, 1328

Portsmouth, Hampshire, S Agatha, new ring project 205

Portsmouth Cathedral, Bellringers and Clergy 343 (let)

posters, 'The Big Ring Pull' 985

Potter, Christine (contrib) 520

Potter, David & Christine, 30th Wedding anniv 880

Potter, David E (contrib): Foundry Focus 439–441; Opening of the Loughborough Bell Foundry ring of twelve 941–945, 943 (Ed)

Potter, Jonathan H: (composer) 136, 184; (contrib) 165

Potteries Ringing Centre (Hanley), appeal 943 (Ed), 1063 (Ed), 1084

Povey, Chris (contrib), Bell Rope Survey 521, 570 (let)

Powell, Dave (contrib) 743; photos by 767

Powers of silence, Butler 1313

Powney, Dennis, ringing 60 years 1105

Poynton, Ches, reunion 1151

Preece, Cynthia (contrib) 812

Premier Christian Media 291

Press Association 1281

press coverage, Diamond Jubilee 761

Price, Brian D: (composer) 116, 702–703; (obit) 230, 923

Price, GN (1912) 393

primary, schools 733–735, 737

Prince see Charles; Philip

Princess Anne, Inverness Cathedral 812

Prinknash Abbey, Glos, replica bells 438

printing processes 30–31 (let), 229

Pritchard’s (ropes) 441

Private Eye 412

private rings see mini rings

prize ringing 995–996

prizes, Christmas puzzle 3044

profiles, bands 1053

profiles, bell, Osborn, Thomas (18C bellfounder) 460

prolific peal ringers 233–234, 1307–1308

Protecting All God’s Children 179, 1202

Protection of Freedoms Act (PFA) 179, 418 (let), 1065

proto-National Bell Register see also Dove's Guide

public houses: Black Bull Inn (Frosterley) 704, 705, 708; decline 536, 1188; Eight Bells, Hawkhurst Moor 287; Gilpin’s Bell 1057; learning to ring 700; Lost rounds 1088; Mobberley Fine Ales 686; 'Pensioners Group' 134 (let); Queen’s Head, Acton, Lon 1187; Ship Inn, Lymington quay 147

public liability insurance, Association of Ringing Teachers 1231

public relations: 100 Years Ago 1054; non-ringers 563

Public Relations Committee see also Ringing Around the Olympics: 2011 Report 479–481, 934; CCCBR motion 462; grumpy 667 (let); 'PR for all' 563; Ringing Roadshow 2014 1087 (Ed); Terms of Reference 462, 924; update 1283

Publications Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 481–482, 934

publicity: 10 Years Ago 1053; All the Bells project 62 (let), 415 (Ed)

publishing, compositions 6 (let)

Pudsey Surprise Major, musical method reviewed 958–960, 970 (let), 1019 (let), 1043 (let), 1068 (let)

Pulborough, W Sussex, Jubilee bell 1164

Pullin, Geoff (contrib) 27, 726, 1078

Pullin, Richard B (composer) 136

Purdue, Roger I (17C bellfounder) 644–645

Purdue, Roger II (bellfounder) 885

Purdue, William III (16C) 885

Purnell, Christine (contrib) 993, 1083

'Puzzle Corner': 33 – Bell Crossnumber Puzzle 751, 835 (ans); 34 - A Wordy Brain Teaser 1011, 1035 (ans); Christmas crossword 1344; 'Christmas Presents' 1344; No.31 – The Travelling Bell Ringer’s Problem 335, 381 (ans); No.32 – Jubilee and Olympics crossword 587, 611 (ans)

'Puzzle Review' 1339

quantum physics, Spliced Maximus 1252

quarter peal analyses, call changes 1185 (let), 1233 (let)

quarter peal compositions: ABBA ABBA CDE CDE (sonnet form) 160; Five Rings Triples 391 (let)

Quarter peal report for 2011 (Buswell) 366, 391 (let); Isle of Man (IoM) 418 (let), 442 (let), 524 (let); sources of information 442 (let), 524 (let)

quarter peal ringers: 1st QP inside in 24 hours 700; 19th Plymouth Scout group, first QP 232; Japanese, first QP by 547 (let), 716 (let), 970 (let); Leading QP Ringers 2011 367, 368–370; youngest ever to ring a QP 128; Casserley, Richard, 500 QPs on the bells 231; Dransfield, Sian, 1st QP 807; Hough, Lizzie, 1st QP, 10th anniv 1054; Humphrey, Alec, 2000 QPs 1084; Jarvis, Kaitlin (11 years 9 months), 1st QP 1180; Pipe, Alfred GW (Alfie) 128, 660; Sawyer, Susan M, 6000 QPs 533; Scollick, Heather, 1st QP 807; Stephenson-Brown, Lucy, 1st QP 807; Tomlinson, Harry (aged 11), 1st QP 360; Tomlinson, Stuart 1000 QPs 360

quarter peals: call changes 1090 (let), 1140 (let), 1185 (let), 1233 (let); 'Charlottes' (births) 257; Dreamship Surprise QP 515 (corr); ITTS 1231; Learning the Ropes scheme 368 (let) (corr); 'Lost Quarter Peal Rules – Initial Draft' 131, 158 (let); predictions for 2013 1342; Pudsey Surprise Major 959; record highs 1067 (let), 1311 (let); record monthly high 1311 (let); River Thames 759; simulated 79, 159 (let) (corr), 183 (let); “Sonnet” of Grandsire Caters 160; 'What is a quarter peal?' 159–160

quarter peals, commemorative see also Diamond Jubilee: Book of Common Prayer 676; corrections 342 (let), 365 (let), 368 (corr), 435, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr); Herald of Free Enterprise (ferry) 309; lost 1063 (Ed); Ringing World Centenary 307; Ringing World columns 1063 (Ed); Titanic (RMS) 511; Torch Relay, Olympics 2012 587

Quartley, Charles (contrib) 989

Quebec, Canada, 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

Queen Charlton, Som, 1st peal since augm 1117

Queen Mother, death of, 10 Years Ago 384

Queenhithe, City of London (S Michael), bell 808

Queen’s Head, Acton, Lon (public house) 1187

Quex Park see Birchington, Kent, Waterloo Tower, Quex Park

Rachmaninov (music composer), Vespers 183 (let)

RAF Guild: 2012 1109–1110; Annual Battle of Britain Meeting 1111; military Guild merger 1111 (Ed); QP days 1110

Railway Ringers Guild: AGM 898; Torch Relay 701

railways: book 149; Great Western 948, 1315; ringers 208; staff records 31 (let); USA 149–151

‘raise in peal’ 63

rambling and ringing, Durham and Newcastle Association 968, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr)

Ramsgate, Kent 916

Randall, Dennis R (obit) 634, 836, 921 (let)

random walk methods 1327

Rational Journal 12

Rawling, Lilas (contrib) 200

RC (contrib) 1151

Reading, Alan G: (composer) 960; 1000 peals 575

Reading, Berks

Minster Ch of S Mar: Dinner W/end 868; Olympics 2012, radio broadcast 868

S Laurence, Dinner W/end 1221

recastings, John Taylor & Co 2011 440

Record, Susan & Keith (contrib), 'The Herne bell restoration project' 201–203

record length peals: 100 Years Ago 828; 13824 Lincolnshire Surprise Major 116; 14688 Glasgow S Major 540, 702–703; Hornchurch, Essex centenary 374; see also peals, long length

recruiment drives, Shenfield, Essex 1281

recruitment & retention of ringers: broadcasts 288; CCCBR discussions 924; Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex 916; North Shields, Tyne&Wear 871; 'ODG pilot survey of young ringers' 295; Olympics 2012 895 (Ed); priorities 1279 (Ed); radio broadcasts 868; recruitment & development 582; shortage of recruits 182, 183 (let), 240 (let), 1279 (Ed); young branch chairman 582; see also future of ringing

recruitment drives: Dover, Kent 732; Marsh Baldon, Oxon 816; ODG, North Bucks 984–985; Olympics 2012 182 (let), 900 (let); university ringing 692 (let); Warwick University Society 1284; Yardley Hastings, Northants 900 (let)

Redbourn, Herts, Sexton’s Rules for ringers (1764) 270 (let)

redundant bells: Middle Handley, Derbys 1086; Olympic Bell 819 (Ed)

Redundant Bells Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 482–483, 934; closed or closing churches 1135 (Ed), 1140; see also Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells

Reeder, Madeline (contrib) 164

Reeves, Arthur (contrib) 1061–1063, 1114–1115

Reeves, Harvey, (Bell News) 436

Reg Johnson Fund 559

Regan, Alison Katharine (née Surry) (obit): announcements 735 (Ed), 754; honoured 1071, 1087 (Ed), 1107; peals rung for 869, 870, 974–975, 1000, 1024, 1166, 1214, 1286; QPs rung for 981, 1048, 1150; thank you 970 (let); tributes 869, 965–967, 967 (Ed), 968, 1068

Regan, Mark (contrib): '50th anniversary of the opening of the new Bow bells' 129–130; Bow Bells Jigsaws 1204; CBC conference 586; DAC Bell Advisers 387; “The Great Bells of Bow” 1133–1134; 'Halewood bells bound for Barbourne' 1042; 'Halewood bells leave for Worcester' 737; 'New tenor girl at Worcester' 667; 'Severn Stoke' 1058; 'Worcester acquires Halewood' 294 (let); 'Worcester visitors' 1209

Regin, Alan (contrib) 292; Church Bell Ringers’ Memorial Book 1914 - 1918, Book II 1157, 1159 (Ed), 1160; 'Face to Face' with 298–299; in North America 1090 (let)

Regina Bob Major, 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 495

regular methods 1283

Remembrance 2012 1264, 1268–1271, 1295 see also Rolls of Honour; World War I

'Reorganisation at The Ringing World' 540, 596 (let)

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells (CCCBR) 204; 2010 Report 468; 2011 Report 489, 935; see also Bell Rescue Fund (Keltek Trust)

restoration projects: Badgeworth, Glos 637–638, 640–641; Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria 27; Bullington, Hants 768; Canford Magna, Dorset 739–740; Caverswall, Staffs 153–155, 157, 164; Chideock, Dorset 205; Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 917–919, 919 (Ed); Eakring, Notts 204; Farnborough, Kent 205; Great Malvern Priory 339 (Ed), 344 (let); Gussage All Saints, Dorset 1180; Halewood, Mers 225; Helmingham, Suffolk 32–33; Herne, Kent 201–203; High Wycombe, Bucks 552; Hitchin, Herts 27, 1128, 1211 (let); Holmer, Herefs 735 (Ed), 743; Inverness Cathedral 341; Lacock, Wilts (17C) 644; Little Paxton, Cambs 662; Magdalen College, Oxford 336; Moseley, W Mids 205, 1276, 1282 (let); Organising a Bell Restoration Project 1212; Scraptoft, Leics 204; Shelford, Notts 205; Stoke Canon, Devon 75, 205, 516, 743; Stone, Staffs 412; Sunderland Minster, Co Durham 1277, 1280, 1288; Tong, W Yorks 1253–1255, 1257; West Tytherley, Hants 81–83, 134 (let); Westbury-on-Severn, Glos 173; Willingale, Essex 206, 1229–1230, 1231 (Ed), 1232; Worcester, All Saints 205; Worcester, S John-in-Bedwardine 125, 496–497; Worcester Assoc handbells 436; see also appeals; augmentations

retired ringers, Norfolk 1148

retirement, 'Tail Ends' 1155

retirements: Duncan, Chris 261; Eisel, John (Library Steward) 474; Freeston, Tom (Tower Captain) 1204; Hopkins, Christopher 257; Kennington, Frank (Tower Captain) 716; Osborne, Tom (veteran ringer) 1187

reunions: ASCY class of '62 1240; Bath & Wells DA, HLM's 937; Leckhampton, Glos 827; Poynton, Ches 1151

Reynolds, Laith, Taylorbells tour 1108

Rhodesia, Africa, 50 Years Ago 108

rhythm, 12 bell ringing 1336

Rich, Graham (contrib), photos by 1205

Richards, David (contrib), 'Southern Universities Association Meeting, 2011' 132–133, 135

Richards, Derek (contrib), photos by 712

Richardson, Catherine, Young Lady Ringer of the Year 1182

Ridgman Trophy 913

Ridley, Chris (contrib): Diamond Jubilee 764; 'Membership Certificates' (ringing societies) 228–229; ringing prints, 1: Handbells 1340–1341

Ridley, John R (composer) 548

Ridley, Phill (contrib) 61, 1033

Riley, Luke, 1st QP (aged 9) 53

Riley, Roger (contrib) 53

‘Ring Out Your Dead,’ 10 Years Ago 1053

ringers: 18C 499; 21C 608; 50 Years Ago 130; 100 Years Ago 718; 1964 Olympians 892; 'Bellringers’ Hobbies' 240; best ladies 1016; body sizes 199; brides 1177; distinguished 1134; duties 718; focus groups 134 (let); foreign nationals 970 (let); full-circle 736; history 1236; hobbies 240; honorary 737; hypnotised 1115; Japanese 547 (let); Junior Most Improved 295; mini 1256; missing important info 235 (Ed); 'no idea' 1212; nuisance 1054; Olympic Torch bearers 336, 701, 1044; Olympic Torchbearers 336, 701, 1044; out of touch 1212; profiles 1053; qualities needed for long peals 344; retired 1148; returning 1066 (let); Royal Jubilee Bellringers 763; Royal Jubilee Bells 1288; Royalist 692 (let); Royalists 596 (let), 641–642 (let), 642 (let); rules for (1764) 270 (let); sailor costumes 1341; scam e-mails 235 (Ed); Special Honours list 895; stained-glass windows 766 (let); Swiss 1340; trance state 292; unrecognised 895

ringers, oldest see oldest ringers

ringers, relationship with clergy see clergy, relationship with ringers

ringers, veteran see also Rogers, Harold W: Bloomfield, Frank 244; Christopher, Ronald C, 80th b/day 964; Dobbie, Sheila Mary (née Hole) 871 (Ed), 887–888; Edwards, Doreen, 90th birthday 1175; Lowery, Albert, 80th b/day 499; Luffman, Michael 1012; Marriott, Martyn J, ‘significant’ birthday 1192; Moreton, Michael P, 80th b/day 879; Osborne, Tom 1187; Powney, Dennis, ringing 60 years 1106; Robbins, Arthur, 90th b/day 833; Smeaton, Fred, 103rd b/day 564, 626, 627, 628, 652, 1206; Staniforth, Jill 1016–1017; Stupart, Maurice, 87th b/day 64; Symonds, George E 370; Tudball, Peter & Margaret 816; Underdown, Les, 70 years service 516; Waterman, Tim 913; Williams, Keith 921 (let), 946 (let)

ringers, young: 25 Years Ago 987; 100 Years Ago 1278–1279; Barlaston, Staffs 946 (let); Birmingham, W Mids 1192; Carlisle DG, award 572; chiming hammers 83; Coventry Guild 173; Devon Young Ringers 867; Dover, Kent 732; emotional and development needs 591; Forest Branch (G&BDA) 1279; future of ringing 1279 (Ed); Holmes, Tim, young chairman 582; Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex 916; Jubilee Challenge 659, 807; Learning the Ropes, 50th certificate 1020 (let); 'Meadow Mini Ringers' 1256; Meyer, Andrew (aged 8) 1297; 'ODG pilot survey of young ringers' 295; outings 173, 460; Scouts 232; Sussex CA (SCACR) 49; Sussex Young Ringers 460, 1256; teaching each other 849; teenager peal 1096; upper age limit 165; Worcester Cathedral 336, 1297; Young Lady Ringer of the Year 1182; Young Ringer of the Year 633; see also Bell Club Awards; 'Kids in Charge'; Plymouth Youths ……; Ringing World National Youth Contest; schools

The Ringer's Arms (artist impression) 536

'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

Ringer’s Guide … Church Bells of Devon (1888) 1040

ringer's handbooks, writing and history 537, 539

ringing 409; .' views of Cathedral Bishops about Church bell ringing' 293, 343 (let); 1,400 years 1161; 12 bell ringing 1336; 100 Years Ago 600; civil liberties 639 (Ed); classification of 232; complaints about (1912) 308; compulsory 1347; curriculum 1236; entertainment 232; fitness benefits 1255 (Ed); hearing the music 62–63 (let); Holy Saturday 367 (let), 390 (let), 418 (let), 595–596 (let); Holy Week 335, 342 (let), 367 (let), 390–391 (let), 524 (let), 642 (let); hypnotherapy 1115; inspirational performances 1347; Listening Course 473; Maximus (12 bell ringing) 1336; Olympic Sport 1114–1115; prize 995–996; ripples 409, 411; and skating 173; sport 1114–1115; 'Thought…' 815

Ringing Around the Olympics, updates 994 (let), 1019–1020 (let), 1044 (Edn), 1044 (let), 1067 (let)

ringing bans, World War II (WWII) 1067 (let), 1090 (let), 1091 (let), 1162 (let), 1233 (let), 1283 (let)

Ringing Centres: Adelaide, SA, Aus 1205–1207, 1206, 1207 (Ed), 1209; Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 943 (Ed); Harry Windsor Ringing Centre (HWRC) 1234; 'The Potteries Ringing Centre' 943 (Ed), 1063 (Ed), 1084; Troyte Ringing Centre 30 (let), 62 (let); Tulloch, Scotland 206; Worcester Cathedral Teaching Centre 5–6 (let), 29, 934, 1062, 1207 (Ed), 1209, 1209

Ringing Centres Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 483, 934

ringing challenges 1326–1328

Ringing Down ’Ere (Borlase/Purdy) 1233 (let)

'Ringing Down the Valley,' Diamond Jubilee 1012

ringing fees see fees, ringing

Ringing for Gold (Fawcett) 262 (ad), 1226

Ringing for Gold medals: Chilmark, Wilts 940; Derby Cathedral 1023

Ringing Foundation Ltd: AbelSim profits 183 (let), 240 (let); AGM 687–689; annual meetings, timing 473; business plans 183 (let), 687; CCCBR motion 462; charitable status 155 (Ed); Gift Aid 766 (let); ITTS Administrator grant 970 (let); ITTS funding 28, 455, 1231; model for Youth Groups 344 (let); opportunities to help 1159; relationship with ITTS and ART 391 (Edn); Ringing Around the Olympics 1020 (let); structured teaching 339; training grants, first 967 (Ed), 970 (let); volunteering 1159; websites 28; see also ITTS Scheme

'ringing in chords' 63

Ringing in the Millennium, Holmer, Herefs 735 (Ed)

“The ringing isle” 60, 88, 759 (Ed)

ringing judges see judges (ringing)

ringing prints, hand bells 1340–1341

ringing reports, BellBoard 59 (Ed), 80, 203 (Ed)

ringing ripple, Brecon and Radnor Express 409, 411

Ringing Roadshow 2014: announcements 1087 (Ed), 1156; Newbury Racecourse 1156; Roadshow Manager 1283

ringing teachers see teachers (ringing)

ringing techniques 63

Ringing Towers, 50 Years Ago 915

ringing traditions: Italian regions 737; Veronese 961

Ringing Trends Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 483–484, 934

Ringing World 1307; 25 Years Ago 286; AGM 2012 519 (Ed); Ambassadors 540, 690; Bellboard see BellBoard; Campanophile 442 (let), 765 (let); Centenary Year, QPs 307; database integration 765 (let); Diamond Jubilee edition 757–816, 759 (Ed); donations to 311; duplicate set 475; DVDs 475; errors 495 (Ed); Felstead Database 476; grassroots ringers 235 (Ed); 'journal of record' 87 (Edn); 'Our First Year' 269; peal and QP reports 203 (Ed); products, website 1084, 1255 (Ed); subscription numbers 1212

Ringing World Calendar, 2013 1162 (Edn), 1162 (let)(corr), 1300

Ringing World columns: 'News Review' 1087; 'Old RW News' banner, last seen 639, 664; 'Others' (non-compliant peals) 439 (Ed); Quarter Peal Reports 1063 (Ed)

Ringing World copy policy: copyright 235 (Ed); letter to the Editor 596 (let); non-compliant peals 86 (let), 439 (Ed); Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) 1250 (box); timing of reports 31 Edn

Ringing World Diary: (2013) 1015 (Ed), 1020 (ad), 1084, 1162 (Edn), 1255 (Ed), 1279 (Ed); Methods page 475; 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

Ringing World Ltd: 25 Years Ago 51; AGM 2012 690–691; annual meetings, timing 473; apologies from 417 (Edn), 495 (Ed), 515 (corr), 1063 (Ed), 1140 (Edn), 1162; Board of Directors & Trustees, appointments 383 (ad), 387 (Ed); business plans 691; CCCBR motion 462; Centenary, financial surplus 691; finances 690; intellectual property rights 691; manners 134 (let); reorganisation 540, 596 (let); staffing levels 540, 690

Ringing World National Youth Contest

2012: applications 155 (Ed), 363; Chief Judge’s Comments 844–846, 1035 (corr); 'A contestant’s perspective' 850; 'Face to Face' with the teams 847–849; Full Report 841–843, 843 (Ed); judges 567 (Ed), 583, 684, 843; late reporting 31 (let); results 685, 708; S Paul, B'ham 176; teams entering 538; Thank You 732; timing 691; update 639; website 615 (Ed)

2013, date/location 843 (Ed)

Ringing World, publishing: 8 weeks behind 874 (let), 921 (let); intellectual property rights 691; on-line resources 765 (let), 1255

Ringing World sponsors: John Taylor & Co 438; RW AGM 690; Salisbury DG 639 (Ed)

Ringing World subscribers (readership): circulation, statistics 1212; Elephant One: Communications 1212; longest-standing subscriber 86 (let); reasons for leaving 690; Ringing Foundation Ltd 689; statistics 540, 1260 (let)

Ringing World subscription rates 691, 1255 (Ed), 1255

Ringing World supplements, Central Council Supplement 439 (Ed)

ringing-chat (e-list): 15th anniv 1187; e-list activity 62 (let)

ringing-theory 1187

ripple, ringing 409, 411

risk assessments, 'Tail Ends' 263

River Pageant see Diamond Jubilee River Pageant

River Pageant Trust 104

River Thames: 1st peal 576; QPs rung on 759

Rix, Martin (contrib), photos by 1105

RLJ (contrib) 195

Roast, Tom (contrib) 149–151

Robbins, Arthur (veteran ringer), 90th birthday 833

Roberts, Jackie (contrib): Fred E Dukes International Bell Fund 311; 'Fred’s Fund – 12 years on' 330; Roadshow Manager 1283; RW Chairman, retires 27 (Ed), 387 (Ed), 690, 690; VAT changes 539

Roberts, Ossie, 99th birthday 737

Roberts, Richard (contrib) 7, 1085–1086; photos by 1086

Roberts, Rosie (contrib) 21

Robinson, David and Joyce, Golden Wedding 230, 231

Robinson, Francis E (19C ringer) 1307–1308

Rochester Cathedral, All The Bells project 892

Rogers, Chris (contrib) 1044, 1096; Gift Aid, important changes 1305; 'Harold Walter Rogers 7th November 1916 – 17th February 2012' 337–338; photos by 57; 'A teenagers’ peal – 50 years on' 1096

Rogers, Gwen & Philip, 1000 peals together 34

Rogers, Harold Walter (obit): announcement 179 (Ed); CCCBR 464, 923; Cumberland Youths 391 (let), 422; funeral 264; peals rung for 214, 300, 347–348, 374, 422, 1237; QPs rung for 353–354, 424, 505; SRCY & ASCY 391 (let); tributes 337–338, 342 (let), 355–356, 368 (corr), 417 (let)

Rogers, Kevin (contrib): “Bell-issimo” in Macclesfield 753; 'A Christmas Tale of the Unexpected' 1345

Rogers, Olive, 25 Years Ago 188

Rogers, Phil & Gwen, Ruby Wedding 862

Rogers, Phil (contrib) 862, 869–870

Rogers, Simon (contrib) 663

Rolls of Honour see also World War II: 2010 Report 467–468; 2011 Report 488, 935; Alan Regin 292–293; Surrey Assoc (SACBR) 1102–1104, 1106–1107, 1210 (let)

Roos, E Yorks: 1st peal on the bells 1093; augmentation 1018, 1093

ropemakers: Avon Ropes, Bristol 570 (let), 620 (let); Ellis 521; Malcolm Brown 521; Marlow Ropes 934; Peter Minchin 521

ropes (bellropes): 18th century 885; accidents 1179, 1183 (Ed); artistic licence 738 (let); Hardy Hemp 934; John Taylor & Co 440, 441, 521; Mendip Ropes 521; Pritchard’s 441; squirrel damage 433, 523 (let); supply difficulties 519 (Ed), 521, 570 (let), 934; 'Tail Ends' 740; tail ends, synthetic 135 (let), 206 (let); Tower Stewardship Committee, 2011 Report 485

ropesight, 12 bell ringing 1336 1336

Rose, Hilary (contrib) 838, 1199; 75th birthday 453

Rose, Jon (contrib), 'Thought…' 1203

Rose, Mike (contrib) 751, 835 (ans)

Roskelly, Angela, ITTS Administrator 1228, 1231

Rosscarbery, Cork, 1st peal since augm 420

Rothbury, Northumb 810–811; All the Bells project 892; Diamond Jubilee 455, 810–811

Routh, Hugh (contrib) 81–83

Rowe, Steve (contrib), photos by 1136

Royal, teenager peal 1096

Royal (10 bell ringing): Cambridge Surprise Royal 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let); compositions 136, 184, 548; Diamond Jubilee 131; long-length handbell peals 709–711, 711 (Ed), 738 (let), 766 (let); Olympics 2012 877

Royal Air Force see RAF Guild

Royal Archives 759 (Ed)

Royal Arms pattern 441

Royal Eijsbouts Foundry see Eijsbouts (bellfounder)

Royal Festival Hall, Five Rings Triples 840

'Royal Jubilee Bellringers,' bands 761, 763, 1288

Royal Jubilee Bells see Diamond Jubilee Bells (Royal)

Royal Marines 1089

Royal Naval Guild, military Guild merger 1111 (Ed)

Royal Sovereign Treble Bob Minor 606

Royal Visit to Whitechapel Heralds a Summer of Bells 565–569

Royalist ringers 596 (let), 641 (let), 641–642 (let), 692 (let)

Rudhalls (18C bellfounder): Abraham 173; Builth Wells, Powys 1191; Oxford, Magdalen College 593; Oxford, New College 593

Rules for Arranging Rings of Bells (Llewellin) 886

rural locations, ringable rings 1210 (let), 1259 (let)

Russell, Lt JW, Roll of Honour 1102–1104, 1106–1107, 1210 (let)

Russell, Sophie (contrib) 53

Russian style ringing 183 (let), 921 (let)

SACR see Scottish Assoc

Saddleton, Harry (aged 8), 4th generation 636

Saddleton, Helen (contrib) 636

Saddleton, Philip AB, 2000 peals 298

Saddleworth Sketches, (Bradbury, 1871) 271

Sadler, Bernard, 43er 912

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006): accreditation, ringing teachers 418 (let); Accreditation of Ringing Teachers 418 (let); known offenders 1202–1203; Ringing World copy policy 1250 (box); updates 1065; see also ISA

safety in towers: broken stay 498 (let), 547 (let); A cautionary tale! 498 (let), 547 (let), 619–620 (let)

St Albans, Herts, Cath & Abbey, 1st peal on the bells 9

Saint Alphege, martyrdom, 1000th anniv 444, 558, 600, 865, 866, 867

St Alphege Guild, Cann, Richard 1284

St Chad’s Holt, Set pieces for 2012 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London Olympics 294 (let)

St Clement Danes (watercolour) 1109

St David's Day 309

St Edmunds Catholic School, Dover 1313

St Edmund’s Day 39

St George's Day 501, 503, 552

'St James’s Guild,' quality control 822 (let)

St Laurence in Thanet, Kent, All The Bells project 916

St Martin-in-Herne, Kent see Herne, Kent

St Martin’s Guild (Birmingham) see also Ringing World National Youth Contest: 10560 Bristol Surprise 3 (Ed), 25–27; ITTS Courses 156; QP week 256; S Martin (1957) 921 (let); summer camp 2012 1061–1063

St Martin's Society (Perth) 64

St Martin’s Youths 1061; RWNY Contest 844, 845, 849

St Mary Abbots Guild, Kensington, Kensington Ringers’ Annual Supper, 100 Years Ago 165

St Mary Bourne, Hants, Olympic date touch 957

St Mellons, Cardiff, peal board 294 (let)

St Michael's Guild, 1st Maximus peal 1087 (Ed), 1095

St Paul's Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

St Peter’s Preparatory School, Johannesburg, S Africa, new ring 7, 1085–1086, 1087 (Ed)

Salisbury Cathedral (England), 25 Years Ago 431

Salisbury Cathedral (Rhodesia), 50 Years Ago 108

Salisbury DG

Guild: festival 643; member 50 years 175, 643; QP week 48; Ringing World sponsors 639 (Ed)

Calne Branch, Diamond Jubilee w/end 805

Devizes Branch, ITTS Mod 1 1083

sallies, 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1259 (let)

Samuel, Penelope (contrib) 6, 183 (let)

San Martino, Gargnano, Italy, 'What’s up that tower?' 736–737, 822 (let)

Sanderson, Beth 972

Sanderson, James (contrib) 681

Sanderson, Peter J, 1000 peals 880

Sanderson, Ron, 80th b/day 520

Sanderson, Tina & Peter, Silver Wedding anniv 520

Sansum, David (contrib), 'Thought…' 23, 458, 987

Sawyer, Susan M: 6000 QPs 533; leading QP ringer 367

Saxton, N Yorks, bellframe 1152

scam e-mails 235 (Ed)

Scase, Tom (contrib) 1248

Schofield, Gillian, 50 Years Ago 1079

school curriculim, USA 590

schools: 50 Years Ago 180; clock chime competition 1042; handbell ringing 733–735, 737; primary 733–735, 737; Ringing Foundation model 344 (let); Dover, Kent 732; Francis Holland School, London SW1 861; Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex 916; Key 2 Music (K2M) project 200; King Edward VI School 845, 846, 847, 849; Magdalen College School Bell Ringing Club 1007; Mount Vernon Primary School, Glasgow 737; 'New York City Schools Project' 589–591, 593–594; St Edmunds Catholic School, Dover 1313; St Peter’s Preparatory School 7, 204, 1085–1086, 1087 (Ed); Trinity School, Devizes, Wilts 861; Warwick School 1278; West Tytherley, Hants 83

Scientific Triples, difficult methods 570 (let)

Scoble, Jacob, ringing ambassador 732

Scotland, longest peal 543 (Ed), 549

Scott, Alice (contrib) 843 (Ed); RWNY Contest 850

Scott, John (author) 1040

Scott, Michael (contrib) 288, 871

Scott, Robert Falcon, South Pole, 100 anniv 161, 397

Scottish Assoc (SACR), Dumfries, S John 208 (let)

Scouts, 19th Plymouth Scout group, first QP 232

Scouts badge 849

scrap metal: e-petition 75; sales, Caverswall, Staffs 157

Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 1014, 1158, 1159 (Ed), 1162 (let), 1162 (cartoon); Olympic Bell, London 2012 1162 (let)

Scraptoft, Leics: restn & augm 204; tenor bell 498 (let)

Scudamore, Russell, RWNY Contest 843

sculptures, Gilpin’s Bell 1057

Scurrulious Scribo (contrib) 663 (Ed), 668

Seager, Lindsay (contrib), photos by 757

Seattle, WA, USA (University), visit to 149, 151

See how they ring, 'Book Review' 983, 1250 (corr)

Self, Ian (contrib) 457

Seliok (15C bellfounder) 154, 157

Sellers, Edward II (18C bellfounder) 1253

Senior, John Richard (obit) 938, 998, 1008

The Sentinel 943 (Ed)

Sevenoaks Chronicle 1187

Severn Stoke, Worcs, ringable 1058

Sexton’s Rules for ringers (poem, 1764) 270 (let)

Shadwell, Middx, 1st peal on the bells 646

Shaftesbury, St Peter 6

Shalet, Geoffrey (contrib) 288

Sharpe, Frederick (author) 630

Shaw, James (handbells) 436

Shaw, Keith L (contrib), 'The Way of Aylsham Bells' 309

Shelford, Notts, restoration project 205

Shenfield, Essex, recruiment drive 1281

Sheppard, Bertram, decease 464

Sheppard, John C: 2000 peals 1165; 2000 peals, tower bells 1207 (corr), 1214

Sheppard, Peter WJ (contrib), Fellowship of Narnia 38

Sherbourne Teaching Aids (Bell Club scheme) 182 (let)

Sherratt, Norman (obit) 1178, 1296

Ship Inn, Lymington quay (public house) 147

Shipway Major, 1st peal for over 100 years 493–494, 495 (Ed), 497

Shoreditch, Gr Lon, S Leonard, 1000 peals on the bells 60, 80

Shreveport, LA, USA: 1st peal on the bells 115; 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

Shropshire: holidays, ringing 834; tours 254

Shropshire Union Canal, QPs 699

Sibson, Derek 80, 1044; most peals as conductor 59, 59 (Ed)

Siem Reap, Cambodia, peals rung 188

silver bells 438

Silver Jubilee, Whitechapel Guild 619 (let)

Simpson, of Fittleworth (19C Canon), bell tuning 941

Sims, John (Jack), decease 464

simulator peals: CCCBR motion 689–690, 923–924; non-compliant peals 75, 476

simulator quarter peals, Alderney, Channel Islands 79, 159 (let) (corr), 183 (let)

simulators: AbelSim ringing simulator 183 (let), 240 (let); Worcester Cathedral Ringing Centre 1062

Singles (3 bell ringing), methods named in 2012 349

Singleton, Tony (contrib), 'How many bells?' 285, 287

sisters, 1000 peals 1240

Sixteen (16-bells): 10560 Bristol Surprise 3 (Ed), 25–27; methods named in 2012 422

skating, and ringing 173

Skelton, Neil, Salisbury DG member, 50 years 175, 643

Skempton, Howard, (contrib/music composer): B'ham Conservatoire 546; 'On composing Five Rings Triples' 84, 84; Royal Festival Hall 840

Sketty, Swansea, squirrels 523 (let)

Slee, Colin, 'Trinity of Reflection' 895 (Ed)

smart phones see mobile phone apps

Smeaton, Fred (veteran ringer): 103rd b/day 564, 626, 627, 628, 652; Adelaide Ringing Centre 1206

Smedley, William Adlard (‘Son’) (obit) 227

Smith, Andy, apologies from 1036

Smith, Anthony P (contrib), Diamond Jubilee methods 131, 194

Smith, Anthony (Tony), non-compliant peals 439 (Ed)

Smith, Barbara (contrib) 267

Smith, Benjamin (contrib) 61

Smith, Bishop Alan of St Albans (ringer) 564

Smith, Bob (contrib) 1016–1017, 1067 (let)

Smith, David (contrib), photos by 1206, 1207

Smith, Douglas George (obit) 230

Smith, Janet (contrib), photos by 1128

Smith, Joanna (contrib) 1108

Smith, John G (author) 149

Smith, John (Lichfield) (contrib) 200

Smith, Leslie G (obit) 54

Smith, Matthew (contrib) 61

Smith, Norman J (obit) 756, 1055–1056, 1090 (let)

Smith, Roger (19C ringer) 1340, 1340 (print)

Smith College, MA, USA, 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

Smiths of Derby, (clockmakers) 157

snow on bells, Holme-next- the-Sea 159 (let)

Snowdon, Jasper Whitfield (author): on James Platt 272; YACR dinner 1151

Snowdon, Margaret, 50 Years Ago 920

social networking: blogs 677–678; e-lists 62 (let), 205, 1187, 1212; Facebook 134 (let), 165, 1187, 1283; role 1187; statistics 1212; Twitter 134 (let), 1187, 1283; YouTube 7, 128, 132–133, 135, 203, 309, 736, 971, 1089, 1113, 1136

Societies, affiliations, new 1186 (let)

society constitution, model 725, 738 (let)

Society of Royal Cumberland Youths (SRCY): 100 Years Ago 981; AGM 1143; July Country Meeting 1069, 1071; March Country Meeting 422; Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819; Not The Dinner Day 246; Peal Weekend 2011 38; Triennial Dinner 2012 1037–1038, 1047, 1090 (let); USA tour 115–116

software: BYROC, peal generation 6 (let); FunderFinder 934, 1212; iAgrams 84; iCal (calendar) 1311 (let); 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

Solihull, W Mids, Saint Alphege, martyrdom, 1000th anniv 865, 866, 867

Solovetsky Monastery, Russian style ringing 921 (let)

Somerset: bus outings 152; Church Bells of Somerset 1309–1310; Diamond Jubilee w/end 801; QP days 629; Wiltshire & Dorset Peal Week 952

Songs of Praise, 50th anniv 24

Songs of the West (1905) 1040

“Sonnet” quarter peal of Grandsire Caters 160

Sorrell, Matthew (contrib) 564

sound control, 100 Years Ago 151

sound of bells: 'Tail Ends' 1035; World War I (WWI) 1210 (let)

Soundweld (bell repair) 203

South Africa

Durban: S Mary, Greyville 56, 436; S Paul 436

St Peter’s Preparatory School, Jo'burg 7, 204

South Devon: outings 713; QP days 533, 1053

South Ockendon, Essex: 1st peal on the bells 525; new ring project 204

South Petherton, Som, stained-glass 712, 738 (let)

South Petherwin, Cornwall, 3D computer model 437

South Wales 2012, QPs 1221–1222

Southam, Warks, Archbishop of Canterbury 1294

Southampton University Guild (SUGCR): Cambridge tour 1032; dinner day triumph 264; website 1032

Southbank Centre, Lon, Five Rings Triples 535

Southern Universities Assoc, w/end 132–133, 135

Southgate, Tracey (contrib) 561, 609, 611

Southport, Mers, Diamond Jubilee 764

Southwark Cathedral, Dickens, Charles 105–107

Southwark Cathedral Society, peal w/end 246

Southwell & Nottingham Guild

Guild, Crawford Cup 612

Bingham District, 50th anniv 884

Newark District, QP week 50

Sparling, Geoff (contrib) 171

sparrows, 100 Years Ago 1223

Special Honours list 895

speed ringing, 100 Years Ago 600

Spence, Mary (contrib) 267

The Sphere 1341

Spitalfields, Gr Lon, Glasgow S Major 540, 702–703

Spliced ringing 271–272, 1347

sponsorships, Ringing Foundation 28, 455

Sport 443

sport, Olympic ringing events 1114–1115

sports injuries (16C) 30 (let)

Springate, Robert (18C pub landlord) 287

Springthorpe, Helen, accident 1179, 1183 (Ed), 1281

squirrel damage: Goldington, Bedford 433; Sketty, Swansea 523 (let); Whitstable, Kent 523 (let)

SRCY see Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

Sri Lanka, bell 438

Staffordshire: holidays, ringing 834; see also North Staffs Assoc

stained glass windows: blinds for 288; Herald of Free Enterprise (ship) 309; Penmark, ValeGlam, Wales 766 (let); South Petherton, Som 712, 738 (let); Wigton, Cumbria 585

Stainthorpe, William, decease 464

Stamford, Lincs, 'What’s up that tower?' 616–617

Stamford Mercury 665, 666, 995

“Standard Eight” (methods) 1260

standards, ringing teachers 454

Staniforth, Jill (née Poole), 1st peal, 70th anniv 1016–1017

Staniforth, Peter John (obit): 50 years ago 332; announcements 150, 174; CCCBR 923; peals rung 324; peals rung for 324; tributes 313–315, 315 (Ed), 332, 1337

Stanion, Northants, Diamond Jubilee w/end 805

Stansbury, Charlotte (contrib) 1032

Stanwell, Mary (contrib) 1180

The Star, (Sheffield) 1281

Statistical Handbook 2012 (Beer and Pub Assoc) 1188

statistics see also business plans; also 'Points from Peals': 50 Years Ago 130; 100 Years Ago 1054; Alan Buswell's quarter peal report for 2011 366, 391 (let); All the Bells 1087; All the Bells project 1010; ART performance monitoring 454; beer 1188; bell re-location 204; BellBoard (BB) 311, 1212; Campanophile 1212; CC recruitment leaflets 1283; CCCBR AGM attendance 591 (Ed); centenarians in the UK 711; clock chime intervals 726; Devon 1040; earthquakes 918; EIG insurance claims 23; e-list subscribers 1212; first pealers 735 (Ed); Five Rings Triples 1010; ITTS Courses 28, 1231; Kev’s Guide to Church Bells Around the World (Jones) 1185–1186 (let); Ladies' Guild Inaugural Meeting 104; ladies' peal bands 869; Learn to Ring! (poster) 480; media, various 1212; metal thefts 23, 385, 1158; Olympic Games, London 2012 1010; Paralympics, London 2012 1010; Peal statistics 343 (let); peals per society 238–239 (tab), 477; peals rung per year 1307; performances per year 62 (let); quarter peal monthly highs 1067 (let), 1311 (let); recruitment and retention of ringers 295; ringer performances 62 (let); ringer shortfalls 924; ringer totals 596 (let); ringer/peal ringer ratio 233; ringers, towers per 239 (tab); ringers 50 Years Ago 130; Ringers' Memorial Book 1914 - 1918 1160; ringer's tower to peal ratio 239 (tab); Ringing World circulation 540, 690, 1212; rings in England 60; RW subscribers 596 (let); shortfall, ringers 924; social networking 1212; “Standard Eight” (methods) 1260; YACR membership 1962 920

statistics, individual ringers': Dobbie, Sheila Mary (née Hole) 888; Eccleston, Mark R 719; Edwards, Doreen 1175; Groves, Bernard 855; Regin, Alan 292; Russell, Lt JW 1102–1104


Ash alternatives 1259 (let), 1311 (let)

Ash tree die-back 1140 (let)

stressed 156–157; stay/slider mechanism 547 (let)

Stedman, Fabian, death, 300th anniv 364

Stedman Caters: long length peals 543 (Ed), 549; Wrington, Som 1132

Stedman Doubles: all-ladies bands 619 (let), 667 (let); Crambo Doubles 182 (let), 270 (let), 365–366 (let)

Stedman Triples

first true peal 863–864

Impossible One-part, handbell performances 1318

long length peals 1135

'Thought for the week' 1083

Stedman's Principle 182 (let), 364, 441 (let), 666

Steel, Evelyn (20C ringer) 1181

steel bells 900 (let) (corr); Berlin, Germany 1936 711 (Ed), 714 (let), 823 (cartoon)

Steel The Scene (designers) 761

Steeple Aston, Oxon, Jubilee bell 413, 415–416, 776

Steere, John, RW error 771 (in error), 875 (let) (corr)

Stephens, Michael (contrib), 'Thought…' 175, 1179

Stephenson, Clive (contrib) 914

Steven B (tug) 761

Stevenson, Janet, Ladies' Guild president 1183

Stewart, Lucy (contrib) 1138

‘Still Ringing After All These Years’ 3, 111 (let)

Stilwell, John F (20C benefactor) 398

Stockwell, Tony, bell sponsor 761

Stoecklin, Tina (contrib): 25 Years Ago 459; Handbell Ringing in Primary Schools 733–735, 737

Stoke Canon, Devon, restn proj 75, 205, 516, 743

Stokes, Christopher C, 1000 peals 1070

Stone, Staffs, Bell Restoration Appeal 412

Stone by Dartford, Kent, new ring project 204–205

Stonehouse, Sarah Elizabeth (née Hunt) (obit) 271, 283–284, 305

Stop Press …, new ITTS Administrator 1228

stories, 'Down the Rabbit Hole' 668

storms, 25 Years Ago 1188

Stoughton, Patricia (contrib), photos by 761

The Stranger’s Handbook to Chester (1856) 517

Stratfield Mortimer, Berks, bells, 100th peal 10

Strensall, N Yorks, 25 Years Ago 1222

striking techniques, Maximus (12 bells) 1336, 1339

Stroud, Glos, stressed stay 156–157

Struckett, David W (contrib) 63

Student Teachers (ITTS), first students 156

Stupart, Maurice , 87th b/day 64

SUA see Southern Universities Association

subscribers (RW): longest-standing 86 (let); reasons for leaving 690

subscription rates: CCCBR 465; Ringing World 691, 1255 (Ed), 1255

succession planning, 'Tail Ends' 1347

Sue Lucas (contrib) 1329–1330

Suffolk Guild

Guild: ITTS course 750; ITTS course follow-up host 1248; peal week 880; RWNY Contest 844–845, 845, 847

South East District, QP f/night 256

SUGCR see Southampton University Guild

Suggett, Louis (ringing judge) 583, 841–842, 843, 849

Sullivan, RA (née White), 100 Years Ago 1039

summer camps, St Martin’s Guild 1061–1063

Summoned by Bells (Betjeman) 21, 158 (let)

Sun 1281

Sunday Service Ringing, 100 Years Ago 718

Sunderland Minster, Co Durham: 1st peal since augm 1288; augmentation 1277, 1280

Sunman, Adrian F (contrib) 814

Surprise methods, computer generated 1072

Surprise Minor alphabet 453

Surprise Royal, compositions 136

Surrey Assoc (SACBR): membership certificates 229; peal week 300; QP day 281; QP week 723; Roll of Honour, Russell, Lt JW 1102–1104, 1106–1107, 1210 (let)

Surry, Alison see Regan, Alison

surveys: Bell Rope Survey 521, 570 (let), 934; clock chime intervals 726

Sussex CA (SCACR)


25 Years Ago 1188

AGM 585, 586

annual celebration 152

Diamond Jubilee w/end, QP week 805

Masters 559

striking competition 898, 913

Eastern Division, Jubilee Quarter Peals 1198–1199

Sussex Express 1087

Sussex Young Ringers: City of London 1088; 'Meadow Mini Ringers' 1256; outing 460; RWNY Contest 843, 844, 845, 849; Worthing area event 49

Sutton, Barbara (contrib) 541–543, 968, 1035 (corr), 1250 (corr)

Sutton, John (contrib), photos by 808, 809

Swansea & Brecon DG: Leslie Evans Trophy 1159; Ringing Competition 838

Swift, J Michael (obit) 140, 148

Swindon, Wilts, Christ Church, church, renewal 140

‘Swiss Bell Ringers’ 1340

Sydney, NSW, Aus: ANZAB 50th anniv 769, 893–897, 895 (Ed); GPO clock tower 1136–1138; S Mary's Basilica, 50 Years Ago 87

Sykes, Eric (actor/comedian) 873, 883

Symonds, George E, 100 peals of Maximus, 50 Years Ago 370

Tail End (contrib) 419

'Tail Ends': bells on Sunday, anachronism 839; body sizes 199; bumper stickers 1274; buzz-word/cliché genre 1155, 1186 (let); car fashion 987; cars 1251; commercial television 231; computer 'favourites' 891; Country Life 127; doublespeak 383; driving 1203, 1210–1211 (let); England in the 21st century 1083; Gender Adviser 1059; hands, caring for 1131; knowing less 55; language 55; learning to … 1203; learning to ring 383, 1203; London telephone exchanges 103; long-length shoelaces 740; 'master' 683; names 23; Olympic expectations 1347; peal boards 1227; pension tax 1299; print quality 963; a question of balance 937; retirement 1155; risk assessments 263; RUNNING IN. PLEASE PASS 79; Sting in the Tail? 63 (let); tower access for disabled 515; “In what do you excel?” 659; “What does it sound like?” 1035; What’s in a name? 1179; wheelchairs 515; 'When I was a small child …' 914

tail ends, synthetic 135 (let), 206 (let)

Tallis, Jonathan (contrib) 657, 727, 1234

Tasmania: Hobart, model bellframes 1153, 1155, 1162 (let); Walker family (19C) 983

Taulbut, Richard (contrib) 725

Taunton, Som, S Mary Magd: appeal 1089; Great British Railway Journeys 1328

Tayler, Richard (obit) 308

Taylor, Bernard, bell donor 294, 1042

Taylor, Doug (obit) 752

Taylor, Gordon Clifford, remembered 1132

Taylor, John William, (19C bellfounder): Taylor True Harmonic Tuning 941; see also John Taylor & Co; Loughborough Bell Foundry

Taylor, Merle (contrib), '… the last of the Taylor Bellfounding dynasty – 93 not out!' 684

Taylor, Paul 684

Taylor, Phil (contrib), Puzzle Corner 335

Taylor, Richard (TV presenter) 1–3

Taylor, Robert (19C chimes) 617

Taylor True Harmonic Tuning 941

Taylors Bell Foundry see Loughborough Bell Foundry

Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (bellfounders): Caverswall, Staffs 154, 156; Leicester, Leics, S Mary de Castro 654; Tong, W Yorks 1254

teachers: paying 30 (let); young 849; see also accreditation, ringing teachers; Association of Ringing Teachers; ITTS; 'Teaching the Teachers' courses

teaching: handbell ringing 52, 733–735; shouting 1083; young ringers 295

'Teaching the Teachers' courses: 1st in North America 522; see also ITTS

'Team GB' achievements 925, 940

'Teenage Group' 134 (let)

The Telegraph 1308

Temple Guiting, Glos, augmentation 205

Tenby Observer 1187

tenor bell peals 1326

tenor ringers, ladies 667

Tewkesbury Shield 2012: report 546; results 540

text messaging, 'Teenage Group' 134 (let)

Thames (river), quarter peals rung on 759

Thatcham, Berks: 1000th peal on the bells 59 (Ed), 60–61; Jubilee QP 763; Swift Micro-Ring 513

thefts, metal see also Scrap Metal Dealers Bill: bronze memorial 179 (Ed), 183 (let); Broughton Gifford, Wilts (18C) 885; Cherington, Glos (19C) 296; John Taylor & Co report 438; record highs 3 (Ed), 23; statistics 23, 385, 1158

Third Ear (contemp music org) 84

Thomas, J (1912) 393

Thomas, Neil (contrib) 565–569, 760, 763, 1314

Thomas, Richard (contrib), photos by 893

Thornbury, Glos, tragedy 417 (Edn), 417 (let), 442 (let), 524 (let), 572 (let)

Thornton, Liz (contrib) 149

'Thought for the week': beauty 151; 'Boundaries – or “Having your cake and eating it”' 731; celebrations 1155; 'Change' 755; Christmas 1299, 1347; Churches 587; 'Complaints' 1251; Diamond Jubilee 23, 839; Eastertide 359; Ebenezer Scrooge 175; elderly, caring for 963; fulfillment 1203; funeral ringing 199; 'glass half full' 411; “Go next time” 659; Holy Week 335, 342 (let); I thought I knew I knew it all 707; “I’m fine as long as I don’t need to do anything” 458; 'KNOW YOURSELF' 311; Lent 263; listening to God 1179; The Litany Procession 987; long journeys 915; louvres 1227; A Matter of Time 1035; Otham, Kent 1131; 'Prayer changes things' 1274; Reflection 263; role of bells 815; shouting 1083; small chunks 1059; source of sound 287; Stedman Triples 1083; The Summer of 2012 1011; ‘tolling’ of a bell 103; tuneful bells 939; 'Us and them' 635; Yours Reverently … 127

A Thousand and One Things for a Tower Captain to Worry About 1188

Thurston, Suffolk, augmentation 206

Tidmarsh, Henry Edward (artist) 1109

tied tower bell peals, CCCBR motion 462, 547 (let), 571 (let)–572, 689

Tiger Aspect (photographs) 1–3

Tiley, Beatrice Elizabeth, christening 1249

Till, Mike Hopkins (contrib) 257

Time Doubles, difficult 524 (let), 596 (let)

The Times 1138

Tintinnalogia, peal challenge 182 (let)

Titanic (RMS): sinking, 100th anniv 267 (Ed), 269, 307 (corr), 495 (Ed), 504, 551, 573; Titanic Doubles 349, 390 (let)

Todd, Ann G, bequest 1288

‘tolling’ of a bell, 'Thought for the week' 103

Tomlinson, Harry (aged 11), 1st quarter peal 360

Tomlinson, Stuart, 1,000 QPs 360

Tommasi, Giancarlo (contrib): Accordini medal, Italy 961; 'Anniversary celebrations of the Verona Ringing School' 152

Tompsett, Sue (contrib) 46, 512

Tong, W Yorks, restoration project 1253–1255, 1257

Tongue, Connie, RWNY Contest (Whitechapel Trophy) 843

Topp, James T (composer) 548

Torch Relay see Olympic Torch Relay

Tottman, Peter (contrib) 1229–1230, 1231 (Ed), 1232

Touche (mascot) 982

tour buses, 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

tours: 240 years ago 499; Around Tour 989, 990–991, 1000; Barnes Ringers 1150–1151; Cambridge 1032; canals 699; Cheshire 19, 254–255, 699; Cornwall 653; Cornwall peal tour 827; cycling tours 699; Denbighshire 254–255; Derbyshire 1079; Devon 1023; Dorset 47; East meets West 2012 448; Essex 982; Exonian Society 1007; Flintshire 254–255; Kids In Charge (KIC) 293; Leicestershire 1150–1151; Lincoln 608; Lincoln (1772) 499; Liverpool, Mers 837, 1030; Lundy Island, Devon 1169; Merseys 254–255, 837; 'Molly’s quarter peal tour' 254–255; Norfolk 1148; North Wales 19; Northamptonshire 1150–1151; Northern Ireland 600; Oxfordshire 510; Shropshire 254–255, 699; SRCY 115–116; Taylorbells 1108; today 608; Tuebrook, Mers 837; Universities Association 1116, 1127; USA 115–116; Wales 1108; Wayfarers 19, 1079; Wiltshire 260; Wirral 19; Worcester 336; York 608; York (1772) 499; see also holidays, ringing

tower bands, 'Clustering' 180

tower captains: leadership succession 62 (let); 'Ringers’ Christmas List' 1188

tower collecting (grabbing) 587, 842

tower collector milestones, 100th tower, Hull, Ewan GA (aged 9) 412

Tower Handbook (CCCBR) 537, 738 (let)

tower leadership courses 474

tower maintenance, Bury St Edmunds, Suff (18C) 1320–1325

Tower Maintenance courses, Kineton, Warks 1272

Tower Stewardship Committee see also Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 485, 934

towers see also 'What’s up that tower?': 2011, 10 or more peals 476; abseiling 1063 (Ed), 1084, 1089; local archives 111 (let); Norman 1320–1325; rescue practice 108; that have clocked-up 1000 peals 59 (Ed), 80; that have reached1000 peals 60–61

towers, strengthening, Caverswall, Staffs 155

Towers & Belfries Committee: 2010 Report 467; 2011 Report 484–485, 934; Bell Rope Survey 521, 570 (let), 934; Tower Inspections 151, 1152

Towers and Bells of Devon 1040

Town, Jennie (contrib) 1258

Towner, Becky, Wedding “Belles” (poem) 1088

Townsend, Jim, 2011:1321 55 (corr)

Toze, Mike (contrib), photos by 895, 896

Tracey, Hugo, QP Day 307

training courses see courses

Training Times 934

'Trains and bells in America' 149–151

trance state, ringing in a 292

transfers, bells see bell transfers

Tratt, Josh (contrib) 1284

travel, 18th century 524 (let)

trees, Ash, die-back 1140 (let), 1259 (let), 1311 (let)

Tremain, James & Mavis, Diamond Wedding 171

Tremain, Phil (contrib), 'Thought…' 411, 915, 1059

Trewin, Henry, quarter peal day 171

Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post 995

triennium, definition of commencement 923

'Trinity of Reflection' (Olympics 2012) 895 (Ed), 903

The Trinity School, Devizes, Opening Ceremony 861

trip resilience, (error correction) 330–331

Triples (7 bell ringing): 'Beyond the Learning Curve' 419; composing 84; compositions 864; date touch compositions 20; Diamond Bob Triples 419, 442 (let), 498 (let); Diamond Jubilee methods 131; difficult methods 570 (let), 572 (let); ‘Five Rings at five rings’ 851; Five Rings Triples 84, 183 (let), 207 (let), 391 (let), 535, 546, 631, 635, 663, 716 (let), 840, 851, 889, 1010; Grandsire Triples 600; handbell ringing 1135, 1318; long length peals 1135; quarter peal compositions 391 (let); Scientific Triples 570 (let); Stedman Triples 863–864, 1083, 1135, 1318

trips: 70 mile round trip 642 let); mystery coach outing 620; Worcester 29; Worcester Cathedral 336

Trowbridge Chronicle 885

Troyte Ringing Centre 30 (let), 62 (let)

true-harmonic bells see harmonically tuned bells

Trueman, Richard (contrib), 'First peal of Shipway Major for over 100 years' 493–494, 497

Truro DG

Guild: AGM 457; QP Day 307

Tucker, Alan George William (obit) 100

Tudball, Peter & Margaret, veteran ringers 816

Tuebrook, Mers, tour 837

Tuhey, Rosemary (contrib) 1089

1328, 1328 1328

Tulloch, Scotland, Ringing Centre: 1st peal on the bells 1191; new ring project 206

Tunbridge Wells, Kent, summer tour 1116

tuned bells: 1st to the USA 994 (let); largest harmonic bell 567

tuning and tuners: Henry Williams The Glasbury Bellfounder and the Production and Tuning of bells (Lewis) 594; Nickit & Meltham 1162 (cartoon); re-tuning historic bells 178, 180; Whitechapel workshop 2–3

tunings: Gillett & Johnston 1276; Taylor secret 1276, 1282 (let); Taylor True Harmonic 941

Turing, Alan (mathematician) 717

Turner, DM (contrib) 637–638, 640–641

Turner, Malcolm S, 2000 peals 395

Turnock, Jason R, 1000 peals 274

Turret Clock Forum 586

Tutcher, Jon (contrib) 267–268

Tutors Handbook 537, 664

'Twenties and Thirties Group' 134 (let)

Twitter (internet): Public Relations Committee 1283; role 1187; 'Twenties and Thirties Group' 134 (let)

Tyler, Andrew N (composer) 959

Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Sydney, Aus 1136

Tyson, Kathryn (contrib) 739–740

über-heavy peals 1326

UBSCR see University of Bristol Society

Udal, Adrian (contrib) 49, 863, 1150; 'Gordon Taylor remembered' 1132; photos by 175; 'Ringing World National Youth Contest – results' 708; RWNY Contest 176, 843 (Ed), 849

Udal, Helen (contrib): drawing 1047; photos by 479, 1156; 'Ringing for The Queen's Diamond Jubilee' 582; Ringing World calendar 2013 1300

UEGCR see University of Edinburgh Guild

UK Bellfoundries Ltd (UKBL) 1186 (let)

ULSCR see University of London Society

Underdown, David (contrib) 1102–1104, 1106–1107, 1210 (let)

Underdown, Les (veteran ringer), 70 years service 516

Underwood, Mark, 25 Years Ago 987

UNESCO, World Heritage sites 386

United States (USA): 1st tuned bells 994 (let); 50 Years Ago 749, 1228; 100 Years Ago 1149; Boston, MA 1149; carillons 441; Charleston, SC 522; Groton, MA 1228; Iowa State University 994 (let); Massachusetts 749; 'New York City Schools Project' 589–591, 593–594; Seattle, WA, (University) 149, 151; Shreveport, LA 115, 522; SRCY tour 115–116; 'Trains and bells in America' 149–151; Washington, DC 480, 522, 1008; see also North American Guild

universities 235 (Ed)

Universities Assoc, Summer Tour 1116, 1127

University of Bristol Society (UBSCR), outing 1143

University of East Anglia 309

University of Edinburgh Guild, dinner week 681

University of London Society (ULSCR): first QP inside in 24 hours 700; peal w/end 374

university societies 239, 692 (let), 1015 (Ed), 1087

Uphill, Michael (contrib) 24; 1st peal, 50th anniv 24; 50 Years Ago 1079; Dickens, Charles 105–107; London 12 Bell Competition 2012 1092; video clip 570 (let)

Ursula Katherine (herald barge) 596 (let), 759, 760, 764

USA see United States

Valiance, Ann (obit) 37

Valparaiso University, Indiana, 100 Years Ago 1223

VAT changes, listed buildings 315 (Ed), 363 (Ed), 417–418 (let), 539, 543 (Ed), 572 (let), 716 (let)

VE Day (WWII) 1016, 1067 (let), 1091 (let), 1233 (let)

Vectis Youths, RWNY Contest 845, 846, 847

Venice, St Mark's campanile, 100 Years Ago 455

Verona, Italy: 1,400 years of ringing 1161; “COMBINATA” (2 towers) 455; earthquakes 708; full-circle ringing 736–737, 822 (let)

Verona Cathedral band 961

Verona Ringing School, Italy, annivs 152

Veronese Assoc, Accordini medal 961

Vespers (Rachmaninov) 183 (let)

veteran ringers see ringers, veteran

Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) see also ISA

Vickery, Chris (contrib), photos by 1199

Village Bells (poem) 1257

Vintners’ Company, bell sponsors 761

visitors, accidents & insurance 1090 (let), 1139 (let), 1231

volunteering: Ringing Foundation Ltd 1159; Willingale, Essex 1231 (Ed)

Vracas, Philip (contrib) 271

'vulnerable adults,' definition 179, 208 (let)

vulnerable people see Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)

W&P Guild see Winchester & Portsmouth DG

Wakefield, W Yorks, S Helen, Sandal Magna, tower bells bi-centenary 1273, 1275

Walder, George, 100 Years Ago 195

Wales: Five Rings Triples 663, 716 (let); North Wales, tours 19; Penmark, ValeGlam 766 (let); South Wales, QPs 1221–1222; St David 309

WalesOnline 1087

Walker, Albert, 1950s 195

Walker, Robert Basil Woodd (obit) 124

Waller, Ben (contrib), 'The Curious Tale of the Coloured Bells – Part II' 513

Wallis, John (17C bellfounder) 644

Wallis, Richard J (contrib) 312, 368–370

Walmsley, Stanley (contrib) 812

Walters, Clarke: ASCY class of '62 1240; Olympic Bell, London 2012 1067 (Edn), 1113–1114 (let)

Walters, Keith and Patricia, Ruby Wedding 540

Wangaratta, Victoria, 25 Years Ago 1044

Warboys, John S (composer) 970 (let); Spliced S Minor 970 (let)

Wardle, Chris (contrib) 232

Wareham, Dorset, bells 890

Warhorse (film) 1162 (let), 1210 (let)

Warnham, W Sussex (Bell Meadow Peal) 460

Warrand, Joanna, bell sponsor 761

Warrilow, Robert and Cynthia (née Bibby), Golden Wedding 1204

Warrington, Lancs, Holy Trinity, bells 4

Warwick, David (contrib) 937, 1301–1305

Warwick School 1278

Warwick University Society, recruitment drive 1284

Washington, DC, USA: 10 Years Ago 1008; earthquakes 480; 'Teaching the Teachers' 522

Wastie, Mark (contrib) 436

Waterloo Tower, Quex Park see Birchington, Kent, Waterloo Tower, Quex Park

Waterman, Tim (veteran ringer) 913

Waterson, Molly (contrib) 254–255

Watford, Herts, blinds for stained glass windows 288

Watford Observer 1087

Watts, Hugh (17C bellfounder) 654

Watts, Phil, OBE 22

Wayfarers Tours: 2011 19; 2012 1079

WDCRA see Worcestershire & Districts Assoc

weather: 25 Years Ago 1188; louvres, large 873

Weatherby, Margaret (contrib) 108

Web Archiving 111 (let)

web archiving 135 (let)

Webb, Helen (contrib) 310, 1031

Webb, John (contrib), photos by 215

webcasts, Adelaide, SA, Aus 1205–1207

websites: A: All the Bells project (Creed) 61, 63; ARCH 1223; Archers, handling lesson 264; archiving 111 (let), 135 (let); Avon Ropes, Bristol 570 (let), 620 (let); B: Bell Restoration Fund 1014; BellBoard (BB) 59 (Ed), 80, 203 (Ed), 311; The Bellringer 475; Bellringing in the News 1087; Biographies Committee 1134; bookbinders 545; C: Campanology 475; CBC Grants programme 386; CC Calendar 104; CCCBR 474; CCCBR Committee Reports 158 (let); Charmborough Ring 1284; Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 919; Church Bell Frames: guidance notes for identifying historic significance and preparing reports 75, 1014; Church Bells of Huntingdonshire (Owen, 1899) 293; composing 970 (let); compositions, publishing 6 (let); conducting scheme, mentored 473; CRB checks 179; crime prevention 1223; D: Daily Telegraph 179 (Ed); Diamond Jubilee Beacons 291; Diamond Jubilee bells 179 (Ed); Diamond Jubilee ringing 414; Diamond Jubilee year 135 (let); Dickens, Charles 126; Dove 155; E: Ecclesiastical Insurance 291; events to ring for 104; F: Five Rings Triples (and Doubles) 631; full-circle ringing (Italy) 736; G: Google ringing example 689; GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1138; Grandsire Caters QP compositions 160; H: Handbell Ringers of Great Britain (HRGB) 1013; Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent 943 (Ed); Hark to the Bells (orchestral work) 1156; Heart of England Handbell Society 412; Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) 232; hypnotherapy 1115; I: iAgrams 84; ITTS 28; J: justgiving 619 (let); L: Library 475; Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme 716 (let); Liverpool, Mers, S Peter, peal board 1113; LocAle (beer) 147; Lovesguide 1188; M: Mausolea and Monuments Trust 175; Mentored Conducting 473; Merseybells 1087; Method Collections (CCCBR) 475; methods, Diamond Jubilee 194; methods in various formats 495; Mexican Wave (place) 236; Mobberley Fine Ales 686; N: Nat 12 Bell Contest 615 (Ed), 819; National Archives 31 (let); Nicholls, Richard (graphic designer) 1133; O: Olympics 2012, ringing performances 207 (let); Ossett 14 bells, W Yorks 1129; P: prolific handbell ringers 394; Public Relations (CCCBR) 563; QP compositions 160; R: rebuilding original Christchurch Cathedral, NZ 498 (let); Ringing Foundation Ltd 28; ringing teachers 455; Ringing World National Youth Contest 615 (Ed); Ringing World products 1084, 1255 (Ed); Roll of Honour, Surrey Association 1210 (let); S: Saint Alphege 444; Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 1014, 1158; scrap metal trade, e-petition 75; Southampton District 1311 (let); Southampton University Guild (SUGCR) 1032; Surrey Association, Roll of Honour 1210 (let); T: The Trinity School, Devizes, Wilts 861; W: Whiting Society 920; Willers, Kitty (20C) 270 (let); Worcester, Old S Martin 5–6 (let), 1249; Worcester Cathedral 5–6 (let); Worcester Cathedral/Teaching Centre 5–6 (let); Y: Yarkhill, Herefs 364

Webster, Holly (contrib) 817–821

Wedding “Belles” (poem) 1088

wedding bells, dream wedding 727

Wednesday Group, Oxfordshire 1052

Welby, Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury designate 1279 (Ed), 1294

welders (bell), Soundweld 203

Welland Valley, Leics, Diamond Jubilee 612, 1012

Wellington Cathedral, NZ, tower louvres 342 (let)

Wells, Harry Edward (obit) 54, 188, 196

Wells, Mary (obit) 537

Wentworth, S Yorks, Diamond Jubliee 748

Wentworth Wooden Puzzles 5–6 (let), 1013–1014, 1034 (ad), 1339; “The Great Bells of Bow” 1133–1134, 1339; “The Old Bells of Bow” 1339

West Cork Ringing Festival 874 (let)

West Tytherley, Hants, bells, restn proj 81–83, 134 (let)

Westbury-on-Severn, Glos, restoration project 173

Westminster, Gr Lon

S Clement Danes, St Clement Danes 1109 (watercolour)

S Stephen: Burma (Myanmar) 1108; limited ringing 1058

Westminster Palace, carillon 714–715 (let), 738 (let)

Weston, Valerie (obit) 1152

Westonzoyland, Som, outing, bus 152

'What’s up that tower?': Chipping Campden, Glos 388–389; GPO clock tower, Sydney, Australia 1136–1138; Highfields, Leicester 1337–1339; Northlew, Devon 1040–1041, 1067 (let); San Martino, Gargnano, Italy 736–737, 822 (let); Stamford, Lincs 616–617

Wheathampstead, Herts, new Rector 1041

wheelchairs, 'Tail Ends' 515

Wheeler, Barbara, apologies to 495 (Ed), 515 (corr)

Wheeler, Fiona M, 1000 peals 1240

Whitby, Michael G, photo of 12

Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, Jubilee bell 440

White, Alice, 100 Years Ago 1149

White, F (1912) 393

White, Francis (Frank) (obit) 923

White, Fred, 50 Years Ago 995

White, John S (contrib) 816

White, Mark, Garlickhythe, London 639 (Ed), 808

White, Michael V (contrib) 175, 1111

White, RA see Sullivan, RA

White, Richard 636

White Rose Shield Contest, competitions, striking 1151

Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd (bellfounder): 50 Years Ago 945; ABC South West WA 1188; Adelaide, SA, Aus 991; Barbourne, Worcs 1042; Barnet, Gr London 1246; Chipping Campden, Glos 388; confidentiality 430–431, 443, 850 (let); Ecclesfield, S Yorks 177, 180; Hawkhurst, Kent 285; Herne, Kent 202, 203; Hitchin, Herts 1128; Hobart, Tasmania 1153, 1162 (let); Hughes family 129–130; Mears, Thomas (19C) 32; Olympic Bell see also main entry 567, 819 (Ed), 850 (let); Olympic Bell contract 418 (let), 430–431, 442 (let), 443; Ovingham, Northumb 541, 541–542; photos courtesy of 1153; Rothbury, Northumb 810, 811; Royal Eijsbouts Foundry 850 (let); Royal Jubilee Bells 104, 179 (Ed), 761, 808–809; 'Royal Visit to Whitechapel …' (Prince Charles) 565–569, 567 (Ed), 588; St James, Garlickhythe see Diamond Jubilee Bells (Royal); St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 129; Stone by Dartford, Kent 204–205; TV location 1–3; visitors 1228; West Tytherley, Hants 81, 83; Willingale, Essex 1229, 1230, 1231 (Ed), 1232; Wimborne Minster 1304; Worcester, Barbourne 294; Worcester Assoc handbells 436

Whitechapel Guild, Queen's Silver Jubilee 619 (let)

Whitechapel Handbells (jigsaw puzzle)

Whitechapel Trophy: photographs 176, 639, 685, 708, 841 see also Ringing World National Youth Contest

Whitefield Places 605, 605 (diag)

Whitehead, Peter (contrib) 917–919, 919 (Ed)

Whiteley, Martin (contrib) 540, 702–703

Whites of Appleton (bellhangers): 50 Years Ago 995; Canford Magna, Dorset 740; Herne, Kent 202, 203; Hitchin, Herts 27, 1128; Magdalen College, Oxford 336; photos by 336; Roos, E Yorks 1018; Wimborne Minster 1304

White-Spunner, Cameron 1213

Whiting, Brian E, photo of 12

Whiting Society 594, 920, 1233 (let)

Whitley Bay, Tyne&Weir, Olympic Torch Relay 871

Whitstable, Kent, squirrels 523 (let)

Whittington, Mr & Mrs Robert, 100 Years Ago 246

Whyte, Marlko (contrib) 374

Wickham, Hants, QP celebration 1054

wife and husband peals, 100 Years Ago 246

Wigton, Cumbria, 'Prince of Wales’ Visit to Wigton' 585

Wilby, Andrew (contrib) 438; Annual Report 2011 438; 'Birmingham’s Jubilee Bells' 1276; 'Chairman Wilby in chains' 940

wildlife, wood treatments 202

Wiles & Maguire (architects) 1138

Wilkinson, Jane, Additional Member, CCCBR 463

Willatts, Rosalind M (contrib) 612, 1012

Willers, Kitty (20C ringer): anecdote 417 (let); appreciated 270 (let)

William, Prince, Knight of the Thistle 826

Williams, Alison, Ladies' Guild president 1183

Williams, David, (Councillor, IOW) 312

Williams, Henry (18C bellfounder), Henry Williams The Glasbury Bellfounder … 409, 594

Williams, Keith (veteran ringer) 921 (let), 946 (let)

Williams, Michael A (contrib) 336, 969

Williams, Mr & Mrs George, 100 Years Ago 246

Williams, Rowan, Archbishop of Canterbury 1105

Willingale, Essex: augmentation 206, 1229–1230, 1231 (Ed), 1232; restoration project 206, 1229–1230, 1231 (Ed), 1232

Willis, Anne (contrib) 644–645, 885–886

Willoughby Campanile, Royal Festival Hall 840

Willoughby on the Wolds, Notts, 100 peals on the bells 1046

Wills, Jenny (contrib) 700

Wilson, Lilian (20C ringer) 1181

Wilson, Mark (contrib) 633, 634

Wilson, Rowan (contrib) 750

Wiltshire: Diamond Jubilee 762; QP days 18–19, 748; Somerset, Wiltshire & Dorset Peal Week 952; 'Week in Wiltshire' 260

Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine 885

Wimborne Minster, Dorset: augmentation 1301–1305, 1303 (Ed); outing to Durham 937

Winchester, Hants, Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 1158

Winchester & Portsmouth DG (W&PDG)

Guild: 50 Years Ago 824; AGM 824; Central Council (CCCBR) 2016 468; dinner 607, 608; striking competitions 607, 608

Alton & Petersfield District, QP f/night 253

Dunster Branch, Young Ringers 659

Portsmouth District, QP f/night 256

Southampton District, calendar 1311 (let)

Winchester District, Peal & QP Week 117

see also Channel Islands District

Windsor, Harry, remembered 1208–1209, 1208

Wingrave, Bucks: All the Bells 135 (let); outing 751

Winney, CF (1912) 393

Wirral, tours 19

Witchell, David (contrib) 937

Witham, Lincs, 19C ringing match 995

Withernsea, ER Yorks, closure 455

Wizened of Oz (contrib): '1,000th quarter at the Bell Tower, Perth' 1343; 'It’s an ill wind …' 361–363

Wm Potts & Sons (19C clockmaker) 617

Wobbly Bob’s Campanile 1298

Wokingham, Berks, ‘100 for RW100’ 265–269, 267 (Ed)

Wollaston, Stanley, decease 464

Wood, Matthew (19/20C ringer): 100 Years Ago 920, 945, 994 (let); death, 100th anniv 943 (Ed)

Wood, Peter and Marian, Golden Wedding 562, 562

Wood, Robert M 1162 (let)

wood treatments, wildlife 202

Woodcock, John (MP) 726

wooden clappers 570 (let)

Woodhouse Ringing Machine, 50 Years Ago 986

Woodroyd Handbell Ringers 1013

Woodstock, Oxfordshire, 17C bellfounder plaque 636

Woodward, Lucy (contrib) 703

Woodward, Michael, RWNY Contest 843

Woodward, Richard (contrib) 267

Wookey, Som, bellframe, decay 75

Woolley, Amanda (contrib) 912, 912

Woolley, Margaret (Robin) (obit) 408

Woolley, Robin (contrib): 40 years of ringing 453; 'Methcom sketch' 75; National Teachers' Guild 915

Woolley, W Yorks, 1st peal on the bells 950

Woplin, Barbara (contrib) 1201

Worcester, Worcs

All Saints: QP Reports 435 (corr); restoration projects 205

S John-in-Bedwardine: restoration project 125, 496–497; tower appeal update 125

S Martin: 1st peal on the bells 139; new ring projects 21, 158 (let), 440, 1249; website 5–6 (let)

S Stephen (Barbourne), new ring project 294, 1249

trips 29

Worcester Assoc (WDCRA): 50 years ago 86 (let), 111 (let), 135 (let); handbells restored 436; membership certificate 228

Worcester Cathedral: 25 years ago 1325; jigsaw puzzles 5–6 (let), 934; youngest person to ring bells 1297

'Worcester’s Churches and Bells,' exhibition 1249

Worcestershire, Archive and Archaeology Service 1249

world, bells around 1185–1186 (let)

World War I, ringers remembered: Johnson, William H 183 (let), 240 (let), 1159 (Ed); Russell, JW 1102–1104, 1106–1107

World War I (WWI), ringing 1102, 1162 (let), 1210 (let)

World War II (WWII): BBC World Service 129; learning to ring 1113 (let); ringing bans 1067 (let), 1090 (let), 1091 (let), 1162 (let), 1233 (let), 1283 (let); VE Day 1016, 1067 (let), 1091 (let), 1233 (let); see also 43ers

Worle, Som, Cockey bell 183 (let)

Worshipful Company of Founders 687

Worthington, WW (brewer), Northlew, Devon 1041

Wratten, Cyril: collection 839, 1325; James Platt & spliced Minor 271; Order and Disorder in the Eighteenth Century 19, 474–475, 587, 835

Wright, Ralph, decease 464

Wrington, Som, Stedman Caters 1132

Writtle, Essex, opening peal, 200th anniv 357, 359

Wroughton, Wilts, Whitechapel visit 1228

Wyatt, George E 972

Wyatt, Jan (contrib) 104, 1181–1183, 1183

Wyld, Edward F (Ted) (obit) 230, 432

Wylye Valley, Wilts, Elizabeth II, accession 173

Wytham, Oxon, 19C ringing match 996

XYZ (author) see Llewellin, John Jr

YACR see Yorkshire Assoc

Yarkhill, Herefs, 'The Dream of Yarkhill Part 2' 364

Yateley, Hampshire 498 (let)

Yeates, Rodney (contrib) 381, 572

Yeo, John (artist/contrib) 712, 738 (let)

YMCA Fit 1255 (Ed)

York 499, 608, 854

York Band, Nat 12 Bell Final 2012 819

York Colleges Guild, QPs 675

York Minster, Christmas tree 1342

Yorkshire Assoc (YACR)

Assoc: 50 Years Ago 920; AGM 607; General Meeting 333; ITTS Mod 1: Teaching Handling 664; Jasper Whitfield Snowdon 1151; Olympic Torch Relay 701; update 1151; White Rose Shield Contest 1151

Cleveland & North Yorkshire, chairman 582

Leeds & District Branch, QP week 253

Selby & District Branch, Diamond Jubilee w/end 807

Western Branch, QP f/night 280–281

York Branch: Diamond Jubilee w/end 804; QPs & Quiz day 50

Yorkshire Crown Bob 271

Yorkshire Puds, RWNY Contest 845, 846, 849

Yorkshire Tails (Grave) 920; 'Book Review' 920

Young, Andrew (contrib) 267 (Ed), 288, 957

Young, Eric (contrib) 661–663

Young, Russell S (contrib) 1228

Young Ringers Assoc 165 see also ringers young

Youth Forum: formation 134 (let); launch 84

Youth Groups, Ringing Foundation model 344 (let)

Youths see Cambridge Youths; College Youths; Fellowship of Narnia Youths; Plymouth Youths; St Martin’s Youths; Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

YouTube videos: abseiling 1089; All the bells 971; Aylsham, Norf 309; full-circle ringing (Italy) 736; GPO clock tower, Sydney, Aus 1136; Herne, Kent 203; Knaresborough, N Yorks 971; Liverpool, S Peter, peal board 1113; ringing handbells (aged 3) 128; St Peter’s Preparatory School, Johannesburg, S Africa 7; SUA 8-bell final 132–133, 135; Taunton, Som, S Mary 1089

Zientek, Stefan (contrib) 519, 688

Zimbabwe, Harare Cath, ringing resumed 1303 (Ed)

Zimbabwe Guild: 'once again, the land of the two towers' 1306 1303 (Ed); Ringing Alliance 466

The Ringing World 2012

Indexed by Barbara Salmon

Society of Indexers Accredited (MSocInd)




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