CTE Sec Data & Reporting Information



CTE Data Collection Webinar Held on March 31, 2011  

The CTE Data Collections webinar occurred on Thursday, 03/31/11 and provided essential instructions for correctly submitting the CTE Student Data and the CTE Course Enrollment Data collections.  The CTE data collections opened on Thursday, 04/28/11 and will close on 06/30/11. There will not be any extensions.  It is important that the CTE Data Collection webinar be attended/viewed each year as things change with both the technology and requirements associated with state and Perkins grant requirements.  The webinar session is posted on the ODE District Website at .

 CTE Program Update Webinar Available Online

If you have not taken the opportunity to participate in this webinar provided on 09/15/10 concerning the completely redesigned CTE Program Update application, please take the training before attempting to use it to update your school’s CTE course and program records. The CTE Program Update will open on 09/15/11. The webinar session is posted on the ODE District Website at (toward the bottom of the page). There are also links to resources such as the CTE Program Update User Guide and the PowerPoint used in the webinar presentation.  The Quick Link screen () is very small so you may want to open the PowerPoint presentation link to be able to read the screens used in the webinar.  Additional notes are written beneath most of the screen shots in the PowerPoint that also explain what is happening or what to do.


|CTE Student Data and CTE Course Enrollment Data Collections |Reporting Year 2010-2011 |

|CTE Data Collections open for input |April 28, 2011 |

|CTE Data Collections close (no extensions) |June 30, 2011 |

|CTE Program Update opens |September 15, 2011 |

|CTE Program Update closes for schools |February 15, 2012 |

|CTE Program Update closes for Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins |March 15, 2012 |

|Grant Managers |(All programs must be submitted to ODE) |

|CTE Data Collections open for input |April 26, 2012 |

|CTE Data Collections close (no extensions) |June 29, 2012 |


Point-of-Contact Protocols for Schools and Regional CTE Coordinator/Perkins Grant Managers

School personnel should first contact their Regional CTE Coordinator/Perkins Grant Manager () with questions about career and technical education (CTE), Perkins grant requirements, performance measures, CTE courses and programs, CTE teacher licensure, CTE data reporting processes and due dates, etc.  To assure compliance with the applicable state or federal requirements, it is imperative that the Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins Grant Managers be consulted and kept “in the loop” on anything schools do regarding CTE courses and programs, CTE teacher assignments, and use of Perkins funds. Technical questions and reports of problems concerning data submissions must be directed to the ODE Helpdesk (ode.helpdesk@state.or.us, 503-947-5715). The Helpdesk will contact the appropriate CTE staff at ODE if they have questions or need to share information.

CTE Data Reporting, Information Resources, and Requesting Assistance

It is the responsibility of schools to submit accurate data and other reports according to directions and on time.  The Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins Grant Managers are the schools’ and ODE’s primary and first point-of-contact concerning state CTE and federal Perkins grant requirements.  As such, the Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins Grant Managers are expected to disseminate the appropriate information and assist schools in complying with these requirements. 


Additionally, ODE provides numerous resources to assist schools and the Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins Grant Managers in meeting this mission-critical responsibility.  It is expected that local staff and Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins Grant Managers keep familiar with these resources.  Here is a reminder of some of the resources to utilize before contacting ODE for assistance concerning CTE data and reporting requirements: 

➢ Numerous resources are available on the CTE website () and the CTE Data Collection & Reports web pages ().  Many questions can be answered by reviewing these web pages and the resources available. 

➢ The CTE data webinars described above should be attended by anyone involved with data inputting, reporting, analysis, and CTE program management, including building administrators, district data team members, and support staff.  Regional CTE Coordinators/Perkins Grant Managers and CTE data input staff are expected to attend and review the webinars and materials as frequently as needed and facilitate professional development opportunities for the local staff.

➢ To keep local CTE stakeholders updated, the CTE_Network Updates list serve is available.  If you are not currently subscribed to this list serve and want to subscribe, visit .  Archived copies of the messages and attachments that have been provided are available at .

➢ Similarly, the Data NEWSline is an ODE monthly email newsletter designed to keep district and school staff informed about school finance, web-based data collections and reports, student accounting reporting, secure student Identifier (SSID), assessment collections, the School and District Report Card, and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Reports.  You can subscribe to the list at .   

➢ The Oregon Data Project is collaborative initiative of ODE and the statewide Education Enterprise Steering Committee. On their website () you will find news on data-related initiatives in Oregon and across the country, links to useful training and materials related to using data to improve student achievement, how to arrange onsite training that may be available to from schools, and information on the progress of the Data Project.     


It is important to remember, the Career and Technical Education (CTE) data reporting requirements apply to all schools with state-approved or state-recognized CTE programs, not only those receiving Perkins grant funds.  Incomplete, inaccurate, or missing data DOES have consequences and WILL jeopardize Perkins funding.

The following items contain important information, due dates, resources, and links related to CTE data reporting. Please review all of these items carefully and distribute this information to all of the appropriate staff in your region, district, and/or school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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