Company Information - Welcome to SECA

Company Information

Company Name

Mailing Address

Primary Contacts

Names, Phone Numbers, Responsibilities, and optional e-mail address of the major EMS / SCADA contacts.


A general description of your Company, location, size, and related topics. If your company has a public web site that can be accessed, it may be a good place to mention it here.

System – Version / Functionality

Software version / release number, and general description of the functionality and Applications used.

System History

General highlights of the system, such as original installation date, upgrade path, and other historical information that may be of interest to other customers.

Project Specials

List any specials that are not part of the base system.

Status / Accomplishments Since Last SECA

Outline some of the major accomplishments since your company last attended SECA.

Plans for the Near Future - General

Outline some of your company’s plans for system modifications, enhancements, improvements.

Plans for the Near Future - Spectrum Upgrade Project

If you are in the process of an upgrade, what new features are you planning on implementing, and what is the general schedule for the upgrade?

Best Practices – Security Related

Outline any Security related things that your company does related to the EMS / SCADA. If your company has policies about sharing certain information, you may or may not add information here.

Best Practices – System Health / Performance Related

Outline any System Health related things that your company does related to the EMS / SCADA. If your company has policies about sharing certain information, you may or may not add information here.

Unresolved Problems

Briefly outline the problems, and indicate the Variance / SPR number if possible.

Commonplace Issues / Problems / Requests

Outline what features, tools, or options you may like to see added to the EMS / SCADA functionality.

If there are issues that you have concerns about, give a brief description of what they may be

Miscellaneous Information

Add any other information that you think would be interesting or beneficial to other SECA attendees.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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