
Teacher: |Subject/Grade: 3 |Date: 7/27/06 | |

|Framework: 3.N.9 Know multiplication facts through 10 X 10 and related division facts. Use thees facts to solve related problems. |

|Objective (what should |Students will be able to create an array for multiplication facts through 6 X 6. |

|students know and be able to | |

|do) | |

|Materials |Array Game Board worksheet (pg. 24)*, two number cubes per pair of students, two different colored crayons or other writing |

| |utensil |

|Vocabulary |array, row, product, factor |

|Launch |The teacher will explain to the students that they will be playing a game to help not only remember their multiplication |

| |facts, but also learn the meaning behind the multiplication product. The teacher reviews how an array is set up for use |

| |with multiplication tables. The first factor names the number of rows and the second factor names the number of members in |

| |each row. |

| |The students work in partners with one gameboard. The first students rolls the two dice, one at a time. The first number |

| |rolled is the first factor in the problem, indicating the number of rows in the array. The second number tells how many |

|Explore |members will be in each row. Once the student has rolled both dice, he/she states the multiplication fact and then circles |

| |the correct array on the gameboard. Once an area has been circled, it cannot be used again during the game. If the |

| |player’s array cannot fit on the board, they lose their turn. |

|Summarize |The two players take turns until six rounds have been completed. The student with the greater area circled on the board |

| |wins the game. Students may discuss strategies for gameboard play. |

| |Students can play this game at home with their families. |

|Homework/ | |

|Extension | |

|  | |

* Worksheet is from the Every Day Counts game packet.


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