Second Grade Narrative Writing Rubric

|Name: |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |Awesome! |Good job! |You can do better! |

| |You earned 3 points! |You earned 2 points! |You earned 1 point! |

| | | | |

|Date: | | | |

|Composition |I wrote 6 complete sentences relating |I wrote 5 complete sentences relating |I wrote less than 5 complete sentences |

|and Organization |to my topic: |to my topic. I did not include a topic |relating to my topic. |

| |*1 opening sentence |sentence, or I did not include all 3 | |

| |*4 detail sentences |details. | |

| |*1 closing sentence | | |

|Conventions: |I used capitalization and punctuation |I used capitalization and punctuation |I made many mistakes with |

|Grammar and Mechanics |correctly in every sentence. |correctly most of the time. I had 1-3 |capitalization and punctuation. |

| | |mistakes. | |

|Composition: Word |I used descriptive and interesting |I used descriptive and interesting |I did not use descriptive and |

|Choice and Sentence |words in every sentence. I began many |words in some sentences. I began some |interesting words. I did not begin my |

|Variety |of the sentences in a different way. |of my sentences in a different way. |sentences in different ways. |

|Composition: Prompt |I completely answered the prompt. | I answered part of the prompt. |I did not answer the prompt. |

|Answer | | | |

|Conventions: Applied |I spelled all taught words and high |I spelled most of the words correctly. |I made many spelling mistakes. |

|Spelling |frequency words correctly. |I made 1-3 mistakes. | |

| | | | |

|Totals | | | |

Handwriting: M P N

Total Score: _____/15 points

Second Grade How To/Time Order Writing Rubric

|Name: |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |Awesome! |Good job! |You can do better! |

| |You earned 3 points! |You earned 2 points! |You earned 1 point! |

| | | | |

|Date: | | | |

|Composition |I wrote 5 or more complete sentences |I wrote 4 complete sentences relating |I wrote less than 4 complete sentences |

|and Organization |relating to my topic: |to my topic. Most of my sentences |relating to my topic. I did not use |

| |*1 topic sentence |start with a time order word and the |time order words correctly and the |

| |*4 or more detail sentences |order of my sentences makes sense. |order of my sentences does not make |

| |(Every detail sentence starts with a | |sense. |

| |time order word and the order of my | | |

| |sentences makes sense.) | | |

|Conventions: |I used capitalization and punctuation |I used capitalization and punctuation |I made many mistakes with |

|Grammar and Mechanics |correctly in every sentence. |correctly most of the time. I had 1-3 |capitalization and punctuation. |

| | |mistakes. | |

|Composition: Word |I used descriptive and interesting |I used descriptive and interesting |I did not use descriptive and |

|Choice and Sentence |words in every sentence. I began every|words in some sentences. I began some |interesting words. I did not begin my |

|Variety |sentence in a different way. |of my sentences in a different way. |sentences in different ways. |

|Composition: Prompt |I completely answered the prompt. | I answered part of the prompt. |I did not answer the prompt. |

|Answer | | | |

|Conventions: Applied |I spelled all taught words and high |I spelled most of the words correctly. |I made many spelling mistakes. |

|Spelling |frequency words correctly. |I made 1-3 mistakes. | |

| | | | |

|Totals | | | |

Total Score: _____/15 points

Second Grade Friendly Letter Writing Rubric

|Name: |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |Awesome! |Good job! |You can do better! |

| |You earned 3 points! |You earned 2 points! |You earned 1 point! |

| | | | |

|Date: | | | |

|Composition |I included all 5 parts of a friendly |I included 4 parts of a friendly |I did not include more than 3 parts of |

|and Organization |letter: heading, greeting, body, |letter. The body of my letter contains |a friendly letter. I did not write 5 |

| |closing, and signature. The body of my|5 or more complete sentences. |complete sentences. |

| |letter contains 7 or more complete | | |

| |sentences. | | |

|Conventions: |I used capitalization and punctuation |I used capitalization and punctuation |I made many mistakes with |

|Grammar and Mechanics |correctly in every sentence. |correctly most of the time. I had 1-3 |capitalization and punctuation. |

| | |mistakes. | |

|Composition: Word |I used descriptive and interesting |I used descriptive and interesting |I did not use descriptive and |

|Choice and Sentence |words in most sentences of the body. I|words in some sentences. I began some |interesting words. I did not begin my |

|Variety |began most sentences of the body in a |of my sentences in a different way. I |sentences in different ways. I did not|

| |different way. I included many |included some different kinds of |use different types of sentences. |

| |different kinds of sentences within the|sentences. | |

| |body: statements, questions, and | | |

| |exclamations. | | |

|Composition: Prompt |I completely answered the prompt. | I answered part of the prompt. |I did not answer the prompt. |

|Answer | | | |

|Conventions: Applied |I spelled all taught words and high |I spelled most of the words correctly. |I made many spelling mistakes. |

|Spelling |frequency words correctly. |I made 1-3 mistakes. | |

| | | | |

|Totals | | | |

Total Score: _____/15 points

Second Grade Descriptive Writing Rubric

|Name: |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |Awesome! |Good job! |You can do better! |

| |You earned 3 points! |You earned 2 points! |You earned 1 point! |

| | | | |

|Date: | | | |

|Composition |I wrote 5 or more complete sentences |I wrote 4 complete sentences relating |I wrote less than 4 complete sentences |

|and Organization |relating to my topic: |to my topic. |relating to my topic. |

| |*1 topic sentence | | |

| |*3 detail sentences | | |

| |*1 closing sentence | | |

|Conventions: |I used capitalization and punctuation |I used capitalization and punctuation |I made many mistakes with |

|Grammar and Mechanics |correctly in every sentence. |correctly most of the time. I had 1-3 |capitalization and punctuation. |

| | |mistakes. | |

|Composition: Word |I used descriptive and interesting |I used descriptive and interesting |I did not use descriptive and |

|Choice and Sentence |words in every sentence. I began every|words in some sentences. I began some |interesting words. I did not begin my |

|Variety |sentence in a different way. I |of my sentences in a different way. I |sentences in different ways. I did not|

| |included many different kinds of |included some different kinds of |use different types of sentences. |

| |sentences: statements, questions, and |sentences. | |

| |exclamations. | | |

|Composition: Prompt |I completely answered the prompt. | I answered part of the prompt. |I did not answer the prompt. |

|Answer | | | |

|Conventions: Applied |I spelled all taught words and high |I spelled most of the words correctly. |I made many spelling mistakes. |

|Spelling |frequency words correctly. |I made 1-3 mistakes. | |

| | | | |

|Totals | | | |

Total Score: _____/15 points

Second Grade Persuasive Writing Rubric

|Name: |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |Awesome! |Good job! |You can do better! |

| |You earned 3 points! |You earned 2 points! |You earned 1 point! |

| | | | |

|Date: | | | |

|Composition |I wrote 5 or more complete sentences |I wrote 4 complete sentences relating |I wrote less than 3 complete sentences |

|and Organization |relating to my topic: |to my topic. I did not include a topic |relating to my topic. My details were |

| |*1 topic sentence |sentence, or I did not include all 3 |not convincing. |

| |*3 or more supporting and convincing |convincing details. | |

| |detail sentences | | |

| |*1 closing sentence | | |

|Conventions: |I used capitalization and punctuation |I used capitalization and punctuation |I made many mistakes with |

|Grammar and Mechanics |correctly in every sentence. |correctly most of the time. I had 1-3 |capitalization and punctuation. |

| | |mistakes. | |

|Composition: Word |I used descriptive and interesting |I used descriptive and interesting |I did not use descriptive and |

|Choice and Sentence |words in every sentence. I began every|words in some sentences. I began some |interesting words. I did not begin my |

|Variety |sentence in a different way. I wrote |of my sentences in a different way. I |sentences in different ways. I did not|

| |many different kinds of sentences. |wrote some different kinds of |write different kinds of sentences. |

| | |sentences. | |

|Composition: Prompt |I completely answered the prompt. | I answered part of the prompt. |I did not answer the prompt. |

|Answer | | | |

|Conventions: Applied |I spelled all taught words and high |I spelled most of the words correctly. |I made many spelling mistakes. |

|Spelling |frequency words correctly. |I made 1-3 mistakes. | |

| | | | |

|Totals | | | |

Total Score: _____/15 points

Second Grade Opinion Writing Rubric

|Name: |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | | |

| |Awesome! |Good job! |You can do better! |

| |You earned 3 points! |You earned 2 points! |You earned 1 point! |

| | | | |

|Date: | | | |

|Composition |I wrote 5 or more complete sentences |I wrote 4 complete sentences relating |I wrote less than 3 complete sentences |

|and Organization |relating to my topic: |to my topic. I did not include a topic |relating to my topic. My details were |

| |*1 topic sentence |sentence, or I did not include all 3 |not convincing or did not make sense. |

| |*3 or more supporting detail sentences |convincing details, or my closing | |

| |that support your opinion |sentence. | |

| |*1 closing sentence | | |

|Conventions: |I used capitalization and punctuation |I used capitalization and punctuation |I made many mistakes with |

|Grammar and Mechanics |correctly in every sentence. |correctly most of the time. I had 1-3 |capitalization and punctuation. |

| | |mistakes. | |

|Composition: Word |I used descriptive and interesting |I used descriptive and interesting |I did not use descriptive and |

|Choice and Sentence |words in every sentence. I began every|words in some sentences. I began some |interesting words. I did not begin my |

|Variety |sentence in a different way. I wrote |of my sentences in a different way. I |sentences in different ways. I did not|

| |many different kinds of sentences. |wrote some different kinds of |write different kinds of sentences. |

| | |sentences. | |

|Composition: Prompt |I completely answered the prompt. | I answered part of the prompt. |I did not answer the prompt. |

|Answer | | | |

|Conventions: Applied |I spelled all taught words and high |I spelled most of the words correctly. |I made many spelling mistakes. |

|Spelling |frequency words correctly. |I made 1-3 mistakes. | |

| | | | |

|Totals | | | |

Total Score: _____/15 points


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