Lake County Athletic Officials Association

June Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, June 15th 2015

Minutes prepared by: Andy Simpson, Secretary of LCAOA

Attendance: Fred Scheub, Andy Simpson, Deb Glass, Steve Kline, Kim Yelich, Ray Robison, Mike Mendoza, Art Garcia, Todd Elias, Jeff Nix, Michelle LaFreniere, Jeff Nix, James Turtill0, Tom Bainbridge, Mark Sewell, Branko Jasnic

Not Present: Mark Terry

6:35 pm – Meeting called to order by Fred Scheub, President of LCAOA

The meeting was started out with a presentation and Q&A by Carolyn Seton of the “Legacy Foundation Lake Community”. Information was given that our contact is Emily Lammers: Discussions of a Non-permanent fund which is not an endowed fund, this means we the board of the LCAOA can decide on how to spend the money, or eliminate the fund, or make changes to it, etc. It simply means we have control over our scholarship fund verses what we have with Purdue Calumet (PC). Carolyn is recommending placing some moneys (1/2) in an endowment fund so the moneys are protected from future board members spending it frivolously. It would allow for greater growth and allows the foundation to invest the money into their funds. She suggests ½ of our funds be put into an endowment fund? Half can be put into an endowment fund and half into a non-permanent fund. (Average ROI is 5%).

Carolyn also discussed with Tom Bainbridge that December 1st is giving day. Members or friends/family can go on-line and allows people to the fund of their choice.


Why don’t we wait until they have matching funds prior to adding our money if this is what we decide to do?

Right now it is a cash fund making no interest and sitting in the bank.

Concerns” Pooled funds is how PC ran their fund and we lost flexibility to have control or a say over our money or scholarship.

How diversified is the fund?

Legacy funds is a 2% yearly fee of the total amount of the fund.

Who manages the funds? SEI is an investment company and their fees are .065% yearly. So our totally yearly fees would be approximately 2.065%.

Mark Sewell questioned if Legacy could come to us with a number or dollar amount we could award each year. Who is responsible for the tax ramifications, usage of the funds?

Another concern is that PC fund is a non-restricted fund which allows PC to say the funds are theirs. We need to make sure the next fund is restricted to LCAOA.

Follow-ups to meeting and information to continue.

Presidents Report: Fred Scheub

New contracts will be coming up and we need to discuss them at the August board meeting. We should also discuss scholarship funds and getting PC scholarship money transferred back into our control.

Treasurer Report: James Turtillo

We reviewed and accepted treasurer report. Motion to accept report made by Andy Simpson, Second by Steve Kline. All in attendance in favor!

Analysis on non-paid members. Check and make sure the list is correct.

Soccer distribution is on hold until President Fred Scheub talks with Bob Filepek. All other sports distributions can be sent out. Chairpersons who split the assigning fees need to contact James to split checks as needed.

Secretary Report: Andy Simpson

The 3rd annual IHSAA officials summit / golf outing is on July 18-19 which I will be representing the LCAOA on both days. There will be an awards presentation for years of service to those present. I will also be presenting on the coaches and AD’s panel. Jeff Nix is to represent the LCAOA in basketball on “conflict resolution”.

On July 27-28 I have been invited to the NASO conference by the IHSAA representing the LCAOA the Summit fee is paid for by the state hotel rooms will be paid out of pocket. Would the board consider covering the room fees?

All minutes from 2015 board meetings have been inserted into a folder in arbiter. Working with IT people to insert into a location on the arbiter web site. I need to insert May 18th minute then all minutes from 2015 have been inserted into the arbiter.

Professional status: Sports chairs please give me names for consideration to professional status.

Football Report: Mark Terry Not Present but sent report to FS. It is reported that Larry Babcock would like to join the association. He would like to be a crew chief and bring a crew on board to work games for the LCAOA. Andy Simpson will contact IHSAA to ensure he has his license.

Football clinics on July 11th and 18th

All games accounted for and scheduled for the varsity season. Some lower level games not scheduled but will be.

Volleyball Report: Deb Glass

VB Clinic is on July 14th at the Dunes. Hatch classes scheduled to work in conjunction with Digs. On court meeting at Wheeler and scrimmage at Kahler middle school. First meeting 30 people attended with another meeting being held this coming Wednesday June 17th.

Have not received much response from the people at the officials fair. Waiting on Andrean and Hebron schedules, East Chicago has sent there to me.

Basketball Report: Jeff Nix

Jeff and Andy are working certification clinics at South Newton and Hanover. Members had a concern about not having a clinic closer to Lake County so one was added at Hanover and we only had 4 people sign up. John Goss and Rollie Thill working on Lower level assigning now.

Softball Report: Michelle LaFreniere

Greg Ramos worked the state finals and there was a very nice article in the papers about him. Greg also received the honor of “Softball officials of the year” representing the LCAOA.

Baseball Report: Mike Mendoza

No report

Soccer Report: Branko Jansic

The first official meeting was held on May 28th to start off the 2015 season. Three varsity coaches were invited (LC, Munster, & Hobart) to be a part of our coach’s forum. This was designed for the coaches to give us feedback on our performance as a whole. To identify things they would like to see improvement on, and things they liked we are doing now. The meeting was well attended with 22 LCAOA members. Next meeting July 16th.

Soccer membership is at 54 for the 2015 season. There are 78 ranked officials in our area. We lost 10 officials from last year. I sent out an e-mail on June 10th to all officials in the NWI area to consider joining the LCAOA.

468 Games out of 492 have been assigned and 95% have been accepted.

Swimming: Ray Robison

Setting up dates for fall and hope to have at least one coach per meeting. One new official in swimming Phil Marnelle.

Other sports: Swimming, Track No representation



Memorial Scholarship:

Danko Scholarship: $45,000 dollars in the fund can’t be accounted for from PC. Carolyn Sexton has stated that the money is ours and we can move it. We are tabling issue for further discussion.

Golf Outing:

Mark Sewell and Greg Fought will work with Tom on the outing. The date is August 30th at Pheasant Valley CC (95.00 fee for outing). Sponsorships are 75.00 for a first time sponsorship. Contact Mark Sewell or Tom Bainbridge if interested.

Hall of Fame:

HOF members Roger DeYoung and Robert Carnagey made special calls to Tom Bainbridge thanking the board for their continued support of the HOF and its new inductees. It means more than most people know or will ever understand to see these legends of the Lake County Athletic Officials Association recognized for their contributions to not only the student athletes but their peers. Both expressed the importance of continuing the HOF with serious efforts into selecting the future HOF members.


Mark Sewell and Barry Poole on by-laws committee.

Old Business

No old business

New Business:

Please get professional status names to Andy Simpson by the end of the month. Memorial gifts in lieu of flowers in the future. Table this discussion.

Stipends for members working SF.

Motion to adjourn meeting: Steve Kline 8:30 second by: Deb Glass


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