BrICC CASE PORTFOLIOCLIENT(Dx, age, primary concern)INTERVENTION VARIABLESOUTCOME MEASUREMENTCognitive DomainFunctional DomainApproachCheck all that apply; fill in the blanks with specific approach where indicatedHow to measure progress in the sessionNote: Standardized tests may be used pre/post if intervention was impairment-based.How to measure generalization or impact on daily lifeSpecify what the client or caregiver is tracking or rating where indicated by blank linesGIADABI (tumor removal)Male30? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? OtherCommunication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care ? Other: Increasing care of guide dog; orientation to time and place Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: Tasks necessary for returning to school? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition: phone alarm and calendar? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training: association between phone alarm and caring for dog ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: ?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver: independent task completion and calendar use?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?Other: MANOMultiple concussionsMale15 ? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other: tolerating being in class for a longer time Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning: leisure activities? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: strategy resource for maintaining focus in classroom? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:_________________? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:_________________? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at demonstrating knowledge and use of strategies in session_________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________Demonstration of knowledge and use in sessionTracking log of strategy use at schoolImpact data: increased time focusing in class ?Tracking sheet filled out by client: time able to focus in class (GAS); use of strategies?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________ MADAParkinson’s DiseaseMale68 ? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning (talking to friends on the phone)? Self care: remembering to take medications? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? Other: writing book of short stories Other Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:_________________? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:_________________? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at: strategy use in session _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: clinician-generated scale for writing accuracy; frequency of taking medications_________________ ?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other: personal memoir project SCCYConcussion 58Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:_________________? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:_________________? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________ ?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________ OHROConcussion 35 Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms (nausea) ? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care (physical activity)? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion (sessions per week)? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: increasing daily activities—"pause, identify barriers, identify solution, complete task”? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition (audio recorder for task completion & general memory of events and dreams)? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:_________________? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:_________________? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at: understanding and use of metacognitive strategies?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: ?Tracking sheet filled out by client: number of job sessions per week (GAS)?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other: Increase in amount of work and tolerance of physical activity (impact measure) LELIABI (ruptured aneurysm)43 ? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care (medications and activities of daily living)? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition (systematic instruction)? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training (and Systematic Instruction) ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:_________________? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:_________________? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: _________________ ?Tracking sheet filled out by client: reading ?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________ WIRIParkinson’s disease86 Male? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: comprehending and remembering information gained through reading through PQRST approach? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:_________________? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:_________________? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at understanding strategies ?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________ ?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver: use of strategies and external aid?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________ YOALTBI 4 years ago16 Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention: role plays? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________BARUCVA (secondary to surgery)76Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: self-monitoring and self-regulation? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition (cue card and phone script)? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at demonstrating knowledge and use of metacognitive strategies_________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale: communicative success after conversation?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client: conversation practice at home ?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale: 1-5 scale of communicative success at home ? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________DUALMultiple concussions23 Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: reading comprehension (CampusReader) _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at knowledge and use of metacognitive strategies_________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:Increasing time able to read (GAS)?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?Other:_________________RATITBI, drug use 47 Female? Attention (ADHD)? Orientation? Memory (prospective and delayed)? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores (clean & organized house)? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling (work schedule, remaining employed)? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: ? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition (calendars)? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other: Goal Management Training (impairment-based, across contexts and activities)? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at completing calendar steps and setting reminders for events_________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: GMT homework modules?Tracking sheet filled out by client:calendar “bloopers”?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?Other: pre-post scores on functional activity subtest of BRIEF; GMT homework completion_________________SASOMultiple concussions15Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at knowledge and use of strategies?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:Ability to focus?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________FRJACerebral infarction77 Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning: navigating Safari and Google sheets? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling: Google sheets? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task (navigating to complex websites)?Accuracy at navigating to complex websites_________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: _________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:Number of searches?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale: time to complete searches, confidence rating? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________ELMAConcussion75Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition: calendar reminders? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________? Tracking sheet filled out by client:Use of metacognitive strategies?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________BESAMultiple concussions18 Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other: test-taking Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement (in school)? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: note-taking? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition: Google calendar app for managing schedule? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at Knowledge and use of metacognitive strategies for note-taking?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other: pre-port results on Elevator Noise subtest of the TEA_________________HOANConcussion, h/o TIAs49Female? Attention (selective)? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other: focusing on and maintaining tasks despite noiseCommunity/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: ability to focus in noise ? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at: knowledge and use of metacognitive strategies in-session (e.g., steps, purpose)?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale: 0=always distracted; 5=never distracted (GAS)? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________SPHUConcussion18Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: reading comprehension (individualized; based on CampusReader computer program)? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at knowledge and use of metacognitive strategies?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking g sheet filled out by client:Metacognitive strategy usefulness?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other: rating scale of usefulnessCASAConcussion15? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other: recalling classroom content; studying for testsCommunication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: internal memory strategies? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale: strategy use_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:Frequency of metacognitive strategy use?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________WEKATBI sustained in MVA19Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other: managing medicationsVocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: strategies for emotion regulation? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition: managing medications? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at knowledge and use of strategies?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation: use of strategies in practice?_________________?Other:_________________WHSTABI (tumor removal)76male? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationOther: word-finding (language)Academic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: planning and executing daily activities; self-monitoring and self-evaluation? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback: for word-finding difficulties_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other: compensatory word-finding strategies? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at: use of strategies for word-finding difficulties?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:Independent completion of functional daily tasks?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other: awareness and use of compensatory strategies for word-findingGIARConcussion14Female? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other: comprehending spoken classroom instructionCommunication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: self-monitoring and self-regulation for increasing concentration in the classroom; listening comprehension strategies for synthesizing/making meaning of classroom content? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other:? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at knowledge and use of strategies during structured conversations and scenario-based roleplays?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by client:Self-monitoring in class?Tracking sheet filled out by teacher: comprehension demonstrated on personalized writing prompts (1-5)?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other:_________________YWCG (DUAL, 23 & WIKA, 24)ConcussionFemale? Attention? Orientation? Memory? Executive Function? Problem Solving? Self-Awareness ? Social CommunicationAcademic:? Reading? Writing? Note-taking? Attending to lecture? Homework completion? Other_________________Communication:? Participating in conversations? Increasing social involvement? Social cognition?Texting/emailing? Recalling details of conversations? Other_________________Psychosocial/Personal Care?Managing post-concussive symptoms (anxiety, integrating back into previous life roles, building self-efficacy and advocacy)? Behavioral health? Increasing social/community functioning? Self care? Other_________________Community/Home:?Transportation? Recreation?Bill paying:? Cooking? Money management? Household chores? Shopping/Errands? Parenting? Scheduling? Other_________________Vocational: ?Job task completion? Speed/Accuracy of performance? OtherOther Functional Domain: _________________? DAT w/strategies? Metacognitive strategy instruction: _________________? SRSD for writing? Other academic strategy instruction? Computer-based prompting for writing? External aid training:/Assistive Technology for Cognition? Functional skills instruction:? Spaced Retrieval Training ? GMT ? Social communication intervention:Communication Partner Training? Videofeedback_________________? Psycho-educational support/counseling? Environmental modification:?Other: psychosocial support group? Steps performed accurately during probe using systematic instruction?Time to complete task?Accuracy at _________________?Number of correct information units recalled?Self-rating scale:_________________?Other: qualitative data (recovery statements, areas of need)_________________Tracking sheet filled out by client:_________________?Tracking sheet filled out by caregiver:_________________?Self-rating scale:? Direct Observation:_________________?_________________?Other: HBI, PCSS, clinician-created rating scales of emotional regulation and social interaction_________________LEARNING RECORDDateINTERESTING CLINICAL QUESTIONS/TECHNIQUES/THINGS I WANT TO REMEMBER10/17Matching strategies to the issues. (McKay) Planning for generalization with very “structured” interventions. For example, if an individual is going through modules in Goal Management Training, a clinician should try to find an additional personal element (home journal, practice scenarios, etc.). Interplay between cognitive domains can make it not helpful to determine etiology. Strengths-based approach for BESA? “Confidence Measurements” often tell how likely someone is to use a strategy. Is this measuring the outcome I want? 11/1WHST- independence (cueing scales, caregiver burden scales?) Deciding “what” to measure. TIA= Transient Ischemic Attack (temporary stroke- higher risk of stroke) RATI- Direct Attention Training- Mckay mentioned that there is a very specific population it is useful for- tends to not generalize to everyday life skill. There is a difference between using portions of trainings as stimuli for other strategies, and actually using the method. GIAR- Great collaboration with teacher, parent, clinician. Interesting problem with emerging self-awareness. CHOOSING A METACOGNITIVE STRATEGY: - Cog rehab textbook, incorporate things through motivational interview, making a “list” to present to client. All strategies must teach self-monitoring and self-regulation. Motivational interviewing- Some clients (RATI example) may not respond to affirmations, but may respond to different tactics such as normalization. BESA- Metacognitive strategies, having a plan for emotional times during the school day. 11/14* For the last rounds, clip presentations 3-5 minutes!! In motivational interviewing, a general question may yield very specific answers that may seem concrete, but not necessarily be the direction the client wants to go with treatment, OR may not be a priority. Metacognitive strategy: Reauditorization- repeating something in your head GIAR- school visit, monitoring use of strategies WHST- where to serve a client using semantic feature analysis (CAALMS?)Iatrogenic effects- OVER-assessing and fostering negative effects 11/21CASA- Word associations- mnemonic devices . Collaborative/ relevant for internal memory supports (stop and decide what the teacher is saying) Clinician observed in GIAR’s classroom to see how her strategies can transfer into the classroom. Clinician put a plan in place for transitioning to next term- speaking with teacher, incoming clinician, and client to keep everyone moving toward progress in the next term. Spaced retrieval training- amount of time between prompt and verbal response- particularly helpful for patients with dementia or severe memory impairments 11/28Final portfoliosOrganize cases so that you can use them in the future Reminder for final IPPE Final ITP mail out INSTRUCTIONSCompleting the Case Portfolio: The goal of keeping a case portfolio is to help focus your attention and crystalize your learning for cases other than the ones you are assigned. During rounds, peers will present their cases. You will listen carefully and check the appropriate boxes for each case, filling in more specific information where indicated by blank lines. The left column will contain the client codes and information about each of the clients who were discussed during rounds throughout the term. Clarify your understanding by asking questions during your peers’ presentations. If you have trouble succinctly documenting information from the presentation, this is an indication you want to give your peer a chance to clarify.Note: This portfolio documentation may be useful later when you have a client who is similar or when you are interviewing for jobs or externships and want to showcase your knowledge and exposure to a variety of cases.Evaluation: Students will email their portfolio to all of their BrICC supervisors at the end of term before the final IPPE meeting. Supervisors will document completion in the IPPE using the language: “(name) completed rounds portfolio per expectations, demonstrating knowledge of cases, treatment approaches, goals and measurement presented and discussed at rounds.” All students will need to have completed the portfolio in order to pass clinic. ................

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