Miami-Dade County


Demonstration Site Report:

Miami-Dade County


Alicia Davis, J.D.

Teri Deal, M.Ed.

Lydia Hamblin, Ph.D.

Paula Hannaford-Agor, J.D.

Miguel Trujillo MPP

The Family Justice Initiative (FJI) is

guiding courts toward improved

outcomes for families, while

managing costs, controlling delays

and facilitating healthy outcomes.

FJI is a partnership of the National

Center for State Courts (NCSC), the

Institute for the Advancement of the

American Legal System (IAALS), and

the National Council of Juvenile and

Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). It is

overseen by the Conference of Chief

Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State

Court Administrators (COSCA) and

supported with a grant from the

State Justice Initiative (SJI).


Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................1

Background ....................................................................................................................................................................3

Methods and Data .........................................................................................................................................................4

Landscape Data..............................................................................................................................................................4

Site Visit .........................................................................................................................................................................8

Key Players .....................................................................................................................................................................8

Process map (statues, court rules, business practices) ...............................................................................................10

Alignment with FJI Principles and Recommendations .................................................................................................12

Adopt a Problem-Solving Approach (Principles 1-4)....................................................................................................12

Triage Family Cases (Principles 5-8).............................................................................................................................14

Training and Stakeholder Relationships (Principles 9-10) ...........................................................................................16

Data Collection, Evaluation, and Technology Innovations (Principles 11-13) ............................................................16

Miami-Dade County COVID-19


Updated September 30, 2020

The Family Justice Initiative (FJI) worked with the Family Division of the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida

(Miami-Dade County), due to their established commitment to innovative responses for handling family

cases. Prior to participating as one of the FJI demonstration sites, the Court already engaged in practices

espoused by the FJI Principles for Family Justice Reform.

For example, through the leadership of Judge Scott Bernstein and court administrator Eugene Carral, the

Court had already started implementation of a soft pilot of triage through case management ¡°pods.¡± The

Court also had an expedited dissolution process with the option for a final divorce decree to be issued by

mail without appearance for the parties before a judge under limited circumstances. The Court already

counted with a robust array of tools for problem-solving in family cases, such as an in-house mediation

unit, a well-developed Family Court Services Unit, and a Self-Help Center that provides excellent quality

legal information to parties in multiple languages.

Along with other jurisdictions across the nation, the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida was hard hit by the

COVID-19 global pandemic, and the Family Division faced major reductions in court operations, limited inperson appearances, and social distancing guidelines. The Court¡¯s committed leaders mobilized to develop

solutions to the new challenges, thus continuing services to court users almost with almost zero


The COVID-19 disruption has forced the Court to rethink the way they use their online case

management systems, to assist with tasks that were not done electronically prior to the pandemic. The

Court also had to find ways to connect with the public in creative ways, as described below.


Prior to the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Court used courtMAP, an online management system

that provides scheduling, automatic hearing notifications/reminders, and allows judges to create and send

orders electronically. courtMAP enables parties to self-schedule case events and send in documentation.


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