Creative Lesson Plan for Coraline


Brendan Baggitt

|Stage 1 – Desired Results |

|Established Goals: |

| |

|6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. |

|Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. |

|b) Make, confirm, and revise predictions. |

|c) Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text. |

|d) Describe cause and effect relationships and their impact on plot. |

|e) Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. |

|f) Use information in the text to draw conclusions and make inferences. |

|g) Explain how character and plot development are used in a selection to support a central conflict or story line. |

|h) Identify the main idea. |

|i) Identify and summarize supporting details. |

|j) Identify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language. |

|k) Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern. |

|l) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. |

| |

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|Understandings: Students will understand that… |Essential Questions: |

| | |

|Big Idea: Great literature can guide us in thinking critically about |-What exactly is the “American Dream”? Is it any different from the |

|our world and how we relate to it. |hopes and dreams we have as individuals? |

| | |

|Big idea: The American Dream (VDOE, 2003). |-How are the hopes and dreams of Lennie, George, and the migrant |

| |workers represented in Of Mice and Men? What happens to these hopes |

|Understanding: The American Dream does not have a fixed definition, |and dreams and why? |

|but has been used throughout American history and literature in | |

|reference to idealizing America’s potential and to “life, liberty, and|-How does the American Dream as represented in Of Mice and Men reflect|

|the pursuit of happiness.” |or diverge from our own perspective? |

| | |

|Understanding: Steinbeck’s modernism associates the American Dream |-What are our (students) hopes and dreams, and are they individual or |

|with disillusionment due to both external and internal forces |shared? Does attaining our dreams rest entirely in our effort, or are |

|(individual and societal failure). |there mitigating circumstances, such as social and economic forces? |

| | |

| | |

|Knowing what we want to accomplish and being aware of the obstacles | |

|helps us to achieve our dreams. |If we can have a part in realizing our dreams, how do we do so? |

| | |

|There are numerous ways that we can express our personal goals. | |

| |How do we best express our personal dreams for our future for |

| |differing audiences through writing, presenting, or through another |

| |medium (professional/personal/live audience)? |

|Students will know… |

|Students will understand various aspects of the concept of the “American Dream” |

| |

|Students will understand that literature can provide a basis for thinking about our own lives. |

| |

|Students will understand that there are multiple means by which to express their personal aspirations. |

| |

|Students will be able to demonstrate their interpretation of the “American Dream” using a “genre” of choice. |

| |

|Students will synthesize conceptual knowledge about “the American Dream” by writing a succinct statement detailing their strengths, goals, and|

|means of achievement for use in a cover letter. |

| |

|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Formative Assessment: |Summative Assessment: Assessments typically used to assign students a|

| |grade. |

| | |

|Contract: after student has identified their genre of choice, they | |

|will contract with me in order to meet both my expectations and their |Essay (2-3 Pages)(Due Day 5) |

|personal learning goals for the unit. Contract stipulates three | |

|“checkpoints” during the course of the unit at which point I will |Prompt: Part A: In what way do the thoughts and actions of the main |

|conference with the students and check the progress of their products |characters of Of Mice and Men reflect or diverge from the idea of the |

|and written work. |American Dream? Using Whitman’s Pioneers! O |

| |Pioneers! (or an appropriate selection from a previous American |

|Goals/obstacles sheet (below). |literary era with my approval), compare and contrast the theme of the |

| |American Dream as represented in Of Mice and Men with that of the |

|Graphic “concept maps” for essay, mission statement, and presentation |previous era (Baggitt, 2011). |

|(Buehl, p. 199, 2009). | |

| |Part B: Which of these two perspectives of the American Dream do you |

|Formative/Summative Rubrics. Students are asked to use the following |agree more with, and why? |

|during the process of preparing the various components of the | |

|performance task (attatched): | |

| |Performance task (McTighe & Wiggins, 2004, p. 170): |

|Essay rubric | |

| |“Corporate” Mission statement webpage (password protected) for Mr. |

|Presentation rubric |Baggitt’s Grade 11 English Class. |

| | |

|Product rubric |Goal: |

| | |

|Mission statement rubric |1. Using the essay as a springboard, students will create a final |

| |piece via a “genre” of their choice that represents their perspective |

| |of the “American Dream”, accompanied by a business-style written |

|Writing workshops/ Peer editing groups (Daily): |mission statement explaining the individual student’s goals. |

| | |

|One-on-one help with essay writing. |2. Students will present their products and discuss their personal |

| |goals to the class, and will include in their presentation a |

|Students meet each class to either work on class writing exercises or |comparison between their vision of the American Dream and that as |

|discuss and provide feedback on both pieces of written work due during|presented in Of Mice and Men. |

|the course of the unit. | |

| |3. Students will evaluate each presentation via rubric and provide |

|Student evaluations: |feedback orally. |

| | |

|Peer evaluation for presentations (based on attached rubric). |4. Video or photographs will be taken of each product and posted on |

| |the site. |

|Peer “recommendations” of mission statement “summaries” on website. | |

| |5. Students then write “recommendations” (as in LinkedIn) based on |

|Informal: |their knowledge of other students. |

| | |

|Quickwrites/Sketch to stretch |Audience: |

| | |

|Discussions and answers to questioning. |Class community, wider school community and students’ home |

| |communities. |

| | |

| |Product choices: |

| | |

| |Written |

| |-Poem |

| |-Short creative piece |

| |Visual |

| |-Drawing/photograph |

| |-Poster/collage |

| |-Digital image |

| |-Short video |

| |C. Performance (to be videotaped) |

| |-Monologue, self composed or chosen from play. |

| |-Musical performance |

| |-Self-composed song or rap |

| |D. Students’ choice, subject to teacher |

| |approval. |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Learning Activities: |

| |

|Day 5: Crafting the personal mission statement. |

| |

|1. Anticipatory set (10): |

| |

|Provide some background for the film “Jerry Maguire” and show the “mission statement” clip: |

| |

|Quick write prompt: |

| |

|What are your reactions to Jerry Maguire’s writing process, and what does the clip tell you about mission statements? Is there anything that |

|you “think and do not say?” (Students with difficulty writing may confer with me, or may draw a sketch reacting to the clip). |

| |

|2. Setting goals and identifying obstacles (20): |

| |

|Review the previous night’s goal sheet assignment and initiate discussion on students’ perspectives: |

| |

| |

|Picture yourself ten years from this day in the most ideal situation. Where will you be physically? What will you be doing? |

|What do you do well in school and outside of school? |

|What do you need to work on to improve yourself in school and outside of school? |

|List four specific goals (not general statements like “I want to do well”) for the next year that will help you on your way to achieving your |

|long-term dreams. |

|List four specific ways you can meet these goals (more specific than “try harder). |

| |

| |

|3. Effective mission statements for a business environment (20): |

| |

|Navigate to the following webpage: |

| |

|Focus on examples of professional summary statements that are concise and use persuasive language in relating goals and qualifications. |

| |

|Discuss the importance of recommendations on LinkedIn and in the college and job application process and explain that students will be writing|

|recommendations based on other student’s products, presentations, and “summary” mission statements. |

| |

|Small groups (30): |

| |

|Students break off into heterogeneous-ability groups and work on using one of their strengths, goals, and obstacles to create a minimum of one|

|three sentence paragraph for a mission/summary statement. |

| |

|(Personal support will be provided to early readiness students, and they will be offered online tools such as Franklin Covey’s mission |

|statement generator as assistance.) |

| |

|Closure (10): |

|Navigate back to the LinkedIn site and demonstrate how members use profile applications to link to examples of work/portfolios and tie this in|

|with the student’s “products” which will appear on class website. |

|Ask about progress on products and reminder that product checkpoint will occur during the next class. |

Unit Overview

Day One:

-Of Mice and Men and the American Dream (review)

-Introduction of Performance Task (Multi-genre products/class website)

Day Two:

-Product choices explored: picking the “genre” which best represents your interests and abilities.

-Requirements explained.

Day Three:

-Writing workshop for Of Mice and Men essay.

Day four:

-Of Mice and Men essay final draft due.

-Goal Sheets assigned.

-Product checkpoint #1

Day five: (Above)

Day Six:

-Product/Statement checkpoint.

-Understanding how to make an effective oral presentation.

Day Seven:

-Writing workshop for mission statement “summaries”.

-Product/statement checkpoint #3

Day Eight:

-Presentations/products due.

Day Nine:

-Presentations day two

-Recommendation requirements discussed.

Day Ten:

-Mission statements due.

-Class held in computer lab where we post products and statements.

-Students use the rest of the class to write recommendations.


Baggitt, B. (2011) Of Mice and Men Lesson Plan. Retrieved on November 15, 2011 from:

Buehl, D. (2009) Classroom strategies for interactive learning. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

McTighe, J. and Wiggins, G. (2004) Understanding by design. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

LinkedIn (n.d.) Build a professional profile. Retrieved on November 14 2011 from:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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