Increasing the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in Virginia

Increasing the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies in Virginia

Thursday, February 11, 2021 11:00 a.m. ? 12:00 noon


? Webinar is being recorded ? All participants are in listen-only

mode ? Ask questions or make comments

by typing in the Questions box ? Slides are available for download

in the Handouts section of the webinar control panel ? Feedback survey will launch at conclusion of the webinar


1. Welcome and Objectives

? Abraham Segres, VHHA

2. COVID-19 Novel Therapeutics: Update on Monoclonal Antibody Agents

? Dr. Chris Ghaemmaghami, VDH

3. Use Case #1 ? Sentara Healthcare

? Dr. Joel Bundy

4. Use Case #2 ? Inova

? Dr. John Paul Verderese and Erin Hodson

5. Questions & Answers 6. Closing Remarks


1. Provide a status report on the current use of monoclonal antibodies across the Commonwealth.

2. Share experiences and insights from providers currently using monoclonal antibodies in Virginia.

3. Provide guidance on how to increase use of monoclonal antibodies in Virginia.

COVID-19 Novel Therapeutics: Update on Monoclonal Antibody


VHHA 2/11/2021

VHHA Bed Capacity Report


Clinical background




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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