Supportive Resources for Children and Families Addressing Race compiled by the Trauma Response Program and Psychotherapy ClinicTalking to children about raceVideo on how to talk to kids about race race-conscious things you can say to your child to advance racial justice, articles, children’s books, and stories about how to embrace race and value difference to talk to your kids about racism on teaching tolerance and engage students in discussions about diversity about privilege to young children about raceArticle on how to talk honestly with children about racism children take in racial differences from young ages on how to talk to young children about race to children about protestsHow to talk to your children about protests and racism for talking about racism and equality with children ages 2-5 to talk to young kids about protests for racial justice to talk to your kids about injustice, racism, and protests and self-care for parents Self-care tips for black people who are struggling with this very painful week to deal with racial stress and practice self-care on how to resolve racially stressful situations for self-care: when police brutality has you questioning humanity and social media is enough your resilience in the face of trauma, adversity, and other stresses mental health resources for people of colorFind a therapist that celebrates and understands your identity Safe Place: a minority mental health app with tips and resources related to mental illness Alliance on Mental Illness: Black Mental Health Resources online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls ................

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