
Icreasing your cash flow with a CRM systemI want to begin the presentation. Thank you great to hear from you, you do a great job. Thank you for joining us . This will be 60 minutes, I will take questions at the end. The topic of the call is a real popular one, something I want to talk about a lot and it is about customer relationship management systems. They are so important to businesses and generating growth in the business and more importantly, we will talk about how a CRM system can generate cash flow for you. This is CRM agnostic it does not matter what your CRM system is, I sell five so we work with salesforce, Microsoft dynamics, we do a lot of work and we have an online training and Q&A platform. There's a lot of other great CRM's available, there are many good CRM systems, this presentation, this is going to apply to you I want to talk to you about how you can increase your cash flow with a CRM. Here's what we will discuss, the first thing we will go over is talk about the various benefits of a CRM system and would a good CRM system does, that is important, for knowing what the investment is you are making, we will talk about the three laws of CRM success, three things you have to do in your business, what you have one user or 100 users to make sure you are doing a better job with your system, we will talk about three moves that will transform your system into a productive sales tool, if you're searching for CRM systems, and understand whether or not it will be a good thing for you, I want to talk about calculating return on investment. All of that will pack into the next 45 minutes. What the system does, a good system accomplishes eight different things, it is a database, people get caught up as to what the features are of what the CRM does but keep things simple. Regardless of the application you are using, whatever the name of the CRM system is to not get caught up in the salesmanship, the system is a database, nowadays it is a cloud-based database, something that is hosted online, in this database, should be every single person that touches your business. Customers, prospects, vendors, suppliers, contacts, everybody should be in your database. >> Bear in mind, it's just a database. Back in the day you could create these databases yourself using old database tools now they are created for you. CRM is an email tool, a lot of systems integrate with email systems, that is great, but the great ones bring email into the system as well. You should be able to use your CRM system to send and receive emails and retrieve and see email as well, that anybody in your company is sending. Assistant is a good tool to make sure you schedule actions and appointments and events and tasks that things are coming up in the future and completing them so they going to your history and you never have to -- you know who spoke to somebody last what somebody else did, that's a place for all of the pending activities. Is a place to keep notes, when you're talking to prospects, customers, friends, anybody who is touching your business people should be taking notes about the person , the company, the order. In that way everybody knows what is going on with that customer. The contact, regardless of the person, it's a place to track opportunities which means if you talk to anybody and is the potential for getting a quote or a proposal, making the bid, if you are ready done all of that, that is considered an opportunity of future sales and a good CRM system gives you the ability to track anything that is pending and coming down the pike in the future. It's a place to track services so any customer called in with a problem, or an issue, you should be tracking that issue in your system because my best clients have told me that problems and issues are opportunities. When you can resolve them quickly and find out why these problems occur, you can maybe sell other things or make your client happy. Everything should be there but when you track an issue, remember if the salespeople are trying to sell a customer something and the service people are resolving an issue, the salesperson from a cash flow perspective might want to know there's a problem going on with the customer before they try to sell them something else. >> A good theorem system is great for marketing as well, you are doing campaigns and your reaching out to groups of people, the CRM system because they are databases, they allow you to list everybody with certain attributes, and I want to email them to tell him we have an extra system available. You should be able to slice and place of your database and perform marketing activities for them. A good system provides integration and automation, they integrate with a lot of different applications, they have workflows and alerts and things that speed up manual processes. There are three benefits of a CRM system that you need to be aware of, this relates to what it does, to make money and generate cash, nothing should ever fall through the cracks. Whenever you have an opportunity, a quote, a proposal, and Esther, you are creating cast to make sure you're reminded of that or somebody else on your team is reminded of that, more importantly if you lose a deal if an opportunity falls through, if the deal goes to somebody else, you should still have a task assigned to that person to follow up in three or four months. As we know sometimes things do not stay on track or situations happen, it's nice to check in with lost sales to see if there's a way you can be of service in the future. When you meet people at conferences, when you're out and about at meetings, people should be in your database with a follow-up task or flag to be on a list so they are hearing from you once in a while, nobody should fall through the cracks. The second biggest benefit is nobody in your company should look like a dope. If you share all the information if they are using this for emails, if you are doing tasks if you take notes, whatever customer calls in everybody your company should be on the same page and that is cash flow. >> Hello, Mrs. Wilson good to hear from you, I see that John worked with you last week, how did everything go? I see an order is shipped to you on Friday. I'm glad to know that. Whatever information you are tracking your CRM system, everybody your company should know about that information because that keeps your customers close. Finally the third biggest benefit of the CRM system is this, it creates value, I am seeing more and more of my clients when they look to exit their business, sell their business, bring on a partner, people, when they figure out a purchase price of the business, they are looking at a lot of things like, do you want to sell your business, I have inventory here, I have receivables, I have people, that is of value and by the way, I have the CRM system here with everybody in it that is touching our business and everything we are doing with them, orders we have taken in, backlog, opportunities, everything from prospects and customers, I will pay you more for that. I will give you extra for that intangible asset because in 2018, and 2019, CRM systems have good data and people are paying for big data. If you are struggling to get your CRM system off the ground, look at the long game, if we go through this and create a good database, this thing will be worth a few bucks down the road. I promise you it will be. Most importantly, I like to talk about the three laws of the CRM, if you will use the CRM system to generate cash for your business, you have to make sure that you are doing three very important things, my company has about 600 active clients using a lot of the products that we sell like sales force and dynamics, I have to tell you we've been doing this for 20 years now, we had some fantastic successes and we have had some profanity filled failures as well, I learned from them all. Let me share with you some of the lessons I have learned from those companies that are not doing CRM very well and those that are using CRM to generate cash for their business. >> If you're not prepared to do all three of these things, the CRM will be a cash suck instead of the cash positive, you want to be making sure you have these three laws taken care of: the first is have an administrator. Somebody needs to be in charge of your CRM database. If it is going to be a cash generating machine, if you will be leveraging it for activities,", opportunities, proposals, you will be creating a database, if you have a bunch of people that are involved in this database, trust me it's going to be chaotic and could turn into a mess unless you have one person who is in charge of the system. That is your database. Make sure this person is not your technical person, no offense on tech people but they have their hands full with security, backups, networking, devices, hardware, that's what the job is, they are not CRM experts. You need an expert. Somebody that works with your sales team, could beer office manager, a staff person in your office, it doesn't have to be a super technical person it needs to be somebody who is not afraid to make mistakes, who enjoys being a power user of an application, and can learn and grow with the system. Without that technical person place, I promise you the CRM system will turn into a glorified Rolodex. Only when you have that person in place is when you will succeed and generate cash. >> Depending on the size of your CRM system, that person might spend a few hours a week doing administrative tasks, maybe a couple of days it depends but it is your go to person for questions it is your go to person to do the marketing, customization, that is the person you want to have as a good administrator. The second thing, you have to adopt CRM as your culture. It has to be -- in my company, there are 10 people in my company, we do a lot of stuff with our CRM system all the time. We have adopted this if we know if it is not the CRM system it does not exist, we communicate with CRM system and we take notes, we schedule follow-ups, when I speak to a prospect or to a client, I log into the system and my people do the same thing, because it is the culture of the company. That's what we do. You have to adopt this as a culture as well, the senior management, has to accept that if this will work you have to be living in the system. Do not listen to people complain because people will complain, when you ask them to do more work, listen to them to make sure they understand that this is a database being created for the company it is something to generate cash for your business and yes, like all good things, it takes extra work to take information from your head and stick this into a database. The extra work turns out to pay off in the long term when you can use that data to market to a competent -- to accompany to generate information. Adopt the system as your culture, live in it it should be the main system in your company that integrates with all other system does systems. The clients I know that has exceeded the best with CRM systems, always seem to have good reports running out. Because the CRM system is nothing more than a database, and databases require reports coming out of the system as well. You want to have some good reports that are coming out of your system and let me share with you a few great ones that will help you generate more cash flow. The most popular report that I see among all of my clients is this, it is the sales pipeline report. This is the standard for any system. I bet you're doing something like this now, I bet you have a spreadsheet somewhere that has a list of all your "or proposals or potential deals, if you're using the CRM system you need to get rid of that spreadsheet and you need to have that report in your CRM system, you want to make sure it has this information on it, of course the company and the contact, the product being sold, the value of the product, all of that is important, what is really important from a cash flow perspective is the sales potential. That as a percentage. It means this, by personal example, if I give a quote to you as your prospect, I give a opportunity were forecast sale and I give it a sales potential of 50%. I am giving a quote to you. Because I've been in business for 20 years, I have people either lying to me or telling me the truth. It is a 50% potential, if you come back to me and semi-that quote sign I bump that up to 80%, not 100%, because sometimes I get quotes in and sometimes I do the work sometimes I do not get paid, it's never 100%, but if it is a good thing I will bump that up to 80%, however if I am calling on you and your not responding to my calls or my emails, and I am not getting any love I will bump that down to 20%. We use three percentages for a sales potential, 20%, 50%, 80%. The reason why we use this is because it calculates the next number, the Weighted average sale, when I look at Weighted average sales over future closing dates, I can see what my cash flow is going to be over the next 30, 60, 90 days with some degree of accuracy. I might have 10 deals that will close next month all of them with different sort of, assumptions as to whether or not they will have 20%, 80%, 50%, it averages out and it gives me a pretty good idea of what I think my cash flow will be for my "that does -- from my open Quotes that exist. If you're using the CRM system well people are scheduling follow-ups and completing actions, it's about the question, when you see this pipeline report to you see somebody with a 50% sales potential and you try to figure out your cash flow, what is the next thing we have scheduled with this guy, you want to have that on the report. You can do those activities and connect them to these opportunities, the sales pipeline report is absolutely the biggest report you want to use to manage your cash flow in a CRM system. The second most popular report I see is aged Quotes and that is like your Accounts Receivable aging that you see, you have your Quotes and the value and when it was issued, and when you expect this to close, I have these Quotes expected to close in 30 days, these have been outstanding for 60 days, this am to follow up on older Quotes so nothing falls through the cracks. This is another popular report among my clients, the detailed call report. In this report, we are tracking the activities of your salespeople. It is answering the questions, what are the sales people doing this we, what companies are they working with? Sales potential? Who is the account manager? What has been done in the past? What are some of the notes? The reason why this report is important for cash flow is because some salespeople need more TLC than others. Sometimes you might see a sales person that's been working with a client and you see they are over all those -- they are not working with another client that has a sales potential of $30,000, you want to know that you can say to that person don't waste any time with these guys, go after the $30,000 person. By knowing what you are doing and what the schedule is, if the salespeople need TLC, this is a way to manage them and that turns into cash for your business. Is another great report, -- there is another great report, it is the batting average report. This works like this, you have the sales people, they were selling advertising time on the cable network, he would have salespeople coming to him and saying I'm not getting paid enough money. What he did, let's run the batting average report to see how you are doing. He looks all the Quotes that the salesperson put out on the street and the value of all the Quotes that he has closed and he will do that over a period of time and people say, the last six months you put 10 nine on the street and you close three of them so your batting 300%. >> It seems like you have a 30% batting average, you have two different choices, you can increase the size of your Quotes and try to get more stuff for put out more Quotes, either way your batting average to go up. The batting average report is a great way to track and see how the salespeople are doing and get them to generate more cash for your business. The next report , is the law sales report. This is a gruesome report, nobody likes to look at this report, from a cash flow perspective it's a very important report to look at, when you look at the sales report you're really seeing what seals you did not get over a period of time, we do this once per quarter it's depressing involves the bottle of Jack Daniels, sometimes there's yelling and screaming but it's cathartic and it is educational. I look at my Lost sales and I see why we lost the sale, we have categories of Weighted -- of Lost sales, in my business if we lose a sales it could be because of price, a competitor, a product, or could be the person decided not to do anything at all so I want to know about that, when I look back, this competitor down the street this selling in the same product, what is he doing right? This other product seems to be eating our lunch. What kind of an answer should we have? Going back in time and looking at Lost sales is important to do, particularly from a cash flow perspective. Finally, there is an open issues report. You look at the report and you think, I have enough problems do I need to be reminded of that? But the smartest sales managers I know, they do not run away from the problems, they run towards the problems. They embrace their issues so they can do something about it. Those people say, listen, once per week I want to see a report coming out of the CRM system of what issues we have. What customers are having a problem? Who is working on it? When will this close? What has been done? I need to know all of that. I need to know that because this might be a valuable customer it might be an issue that's been outstanding for a long time. It might be an issue I can identify and say, he's having a problem with this, maybe we should sell him that. Knowing your issues, is the way you can get to the bottom of any problem and address the problems. And by doing that, you can create more opportunities. >> Tracking issues and doing all that stuff, is important for good business owners to follow and do. The three products of CRM, make sure you have a good administrator, make sure you have the right culture in your company and you want to make sure you're running the reports out of your system and these are some of the reports that you will find to be extremely valuable. In addition to running reports there are three moves that will increase your cash flow. >> Let me tell you what those are, by the way, this is for any CRM system, this is product agnostic, all good systems do this if your system does not, it's not a good CRM system. For starters, there are workflows, workflows are important, when you run the CRM system. Some people call them workflows, automation, automated processes, it's to automate different things. >> How my clients use these systems, I have one client that installs fences. They will go to companies, they will sign the deal, to install a fence. The salesperson brings back the paperwork to the office, and a bunch of stuff has to be done, you have materials that have to be ordered, the owner likes to send out a thank you note, the salespeople are reminded to check in, before -- that was being done on a whiteboard, now the system that they use when Cindy comes in with a new fence order, they click on an automated process that they set up, that is new order, and immediately a letter comes printing out to thank the homeowner for engaging the company, a schedule activity for the guy in purchasing to order materials, another activity is scheduled for somebody in inventory to know kind of activity is scheduled for the installation team. >> When things are completed, when the materials are received, and activity gets scheduled to let them know they have the materials that are here, if anybody is falling behind on any of these things, the sales manager is notified that this order is running a little bit behind and they can alert the customer as well. All that can be automated. When you think about this for a cash flow perspective, that it's being done manually before, the more automation you have, you have a happier customer, and you are doing things more productively and with less people in the office because the CRM system is doing this for you. Let me give you some other examples got if you have a business that does renewals, our clients have maintenance, is an annual maintenance fee you have to pay. It is very reasonable. If I have a client that has the fee, we have a workflow so 30 days before the maintenance is due, they get an automatic email reminding it will be done and if it has not been paid, they get an email 30 days after that, the maintenance will be discontinued please contact us. If you go to a tradeshow, go to the tradeshow, download the spreadsheet and stick that into your system and if you have a good workflow set up, it assigns those leads to the right salespeople, it communicates with the person, it adds them to a mailing list, schedules of follow-up. >> Birthdays is another great thing for automated processes, follow-up activities, if you have a sales process in your company, and after the first meeting six days later the should be an email going out and then a phone call, what's the opportunity goes to a more solid opportunity or for those -- another email gets out, that is workflow. The client I know that use workflows, are more in tune of the process, more productive, and more satisfied customers got and are generating more cash because of that. So workflows, very important thing to consider when you use a CRM system. Number two is integration with third-party products. If you have a good system, they all have integrations, ZOHO is one of them, but that is a whole marketplace of vendors that integrate. The same with Microsoft dynamics, they have their add-ons, the way you generate cash as an add-on is that instead of doing things manually, add on a good bold email service, integrate that with your accounting system, integrate that with a better helpdesk application or with Microsoft office. All these things means you're putting enough data, you're not making yourself prone to putting data entry errors, you're not wasting time doing repetitive tasks. >> You can decrease that an increase your productivity by better integration. I list these products down below, there is ZAPIER and WORKATO, they are two applications that should integrate your crowd blaze sees them -- that should integrate your cloud-based system with anything else. >> If you are scratching your head and you don't want to spend a lot of development dollars, look at ZAPIER or WORKATO, they are great database tools that nondevelopers can use to connect your system with any other system . Integrating with third-party products is a great way to increase your cash flow. And do not ignore the service features of your CRM system. Good service is cash. Make sure your system if you have problems, issues, you should be creating things like tickets, cases, and calls. And you want to build them workflows, if a ticket is open for more than 12 hours it gets escalated, and you want to track your metrics, the companies I know that maximize cash flow with their systems are very closely watching their service activities to make sure the customers are being looked at closely and problems are being resolved. That's how you maintain customers and generate cash. Three big moves, lean on workflows and alerts, integrate with third-party products, and do not ignore the service capabilities of your system, there is gold in providing good fast and reliable service. >> Let me explain to you, how do you justify the cost of the system? Say you're looking to buy a CRM system, and you will spend cash, where limited on resources. We have to decide where to spend our money, for some of my clients, I have clients that can drop six figures on equipment without blinking an eye, it would be generating a lot of stuff for them, to them it's a no-brainer as far as return on investment. A CRM system is soft, as to whether or not you get return on investment but it doesn't have to be, there are five steps for you to go through to justify whether it is right to spend your cash on a CRM system. Step number one, use a five, seven year timeframe. I hope if you're thinking of buying a system this be the last time in your life that you have to be buying one, just assume a five, seven year timeframe. >> Add up all of the costs during this period, add up any implementation cost, and all the monthly fees that you have to pay, you have to pay maintenance, or support, ZOHO costs $35 a month for a user, salesforce costs $150 a month for users and dynamics, you have to add all of that up per user is any other service fees. But that together and you have a good idea of what the cost will be. Next determine the revenues that were lost this past year from the Quotes not followed up, customers who left, and deals that fell through. Go back to that Lost sales report and talk to your people , look at your customers sales by customer, figure out how many deals you lost this year and how many customers you lost, how many projects you lost figure out if you had a CRM system, and you are staying in tune to them and following up, you may not have lost that job. If you lost a job worth $1000, is not $1000 you lost in profits takes some type of margin. -- You can take some type of margin. Tried to figure out if you can extrapolate that over 7:05 years. Does -- extrapolate that over seven, five years. If you use workflows, if you are automating stuff, can you do more work with potentially less people? Think about the time that could be saved doing work at an hourly rate that can be applied to doing more productive things like sales. >> Consider that to be savings. And the last step, take those lost revenues that you might have lost, and the margins, take the gains in productivity that you think you will achieve by having a CRM system, extrapolate that Compare that to the costs that you came with and take a step back to see if this is where the. If you say the system will cost you $10,000 over the next seven years, and you might save $15,000, that's a fairly good rate of return . If the numbers are comparable or less, you might say, it's not worth getting a CRM system. It's all about return on investment. A CRM system is nothing more than an asset, if you will buy an asset, use your meager resources of what will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Some clients, the system will prove it will and some clients will say, it's okay but we can spend the money somewhere else. In summary, here's what we have discussed, what the system does, it is a database, it does tasks, I discussed the three laws of success and the benefits, and they have an administrator. Adopt this as a culture, run reports. >> That generates cash when you're on top of that information. We have talked about the three moves, use the workflows, use that for service and integrate that with other applications, if you do those things you will generate cash from the results. Calculate the ROI of the system. Look at your costs and look at the potential gains and revenues . Judge things from an ROI standpoint, that will help you make decisions . We have 15 minutes left. >> Now we will begin the Q&A portion of our call we will do our best to address as many questions as we can. We typically receive a lot more questions that we have time to address. If we do not have an opportunity to get to your question, I recommend that after the session if you're not already working with us, I would suggest you work with the SCORE network who can assist you further with your business needs and help you apply the strategies that are presented today and the slide deck that can be downloaded directly from this webinar platform, we will send you the presentation slide deck and that contains our contact information. If you have questions that are outstanding, you can reach out. Feel free to email me with any questions you have. >> What is your advice to people who do not have employees yet? This is something they should outsource? Is the CRM practical? For starters, if you are a solo entrepreneur you should have a CRM system. There is no business of any size or industry that should not have a CRM system. The question is about time. Keep your objectives as simple as possible. You're a solo entrepreneur. You are not a big company. You want to be focusing on using your system as a good contact manager. When you're meeting people and when you are following up with opportunities, your job is to keep yourself up to date to make sure things do not fall through the cracks and you're talking to people as often as you can. >> For keeping your database up to date, consider hiring a high school kid, given access to your CRM system, you set up a voicemail box and as you are doing your thing during the day, leave your notes, thoughts, follow-ups, in the voice mailbox and ask for a school kid, a couple of times per week, to check the voicemail and update your database. Because it is a cloud-based world. And that can be done from anywhere. That way the database is updated without you spending time doing all the data entry so when it comes time to look through the database, the dated is there. You would be surprised that it works well and it is cheap. >> Do you have any suggestions on CRM systems that are cost efficient and ideal for startups or small businesses that are on limited budgets and what are your thoughts on free CRM systems? >> Please accept the fact that I have objective opinions, I sell five of them, I love ZOHO We have 100 clients, it's about $20 a month, and there is a free version. It is excellent. We have a great platform for a fixed price. It has been popular for our small clients and larger ones as well. Having said that, there are other really great ones you want to consider, in slightly is excellent, nimble CRM is excellent, and prosper, and that integrates very well if you are a Google person. All the CRM systems are less than $20 a month, per user. They are cloud-based. They have excellent features on the over free versions, I think free versions are excellent as a database tool. A good free version, you should use that for the first month because you want to make sure it is the right system for you and those versions will migrate up to the paid version. The paid versions are to me, are better because the added features include things like better calendar, better customization, more integrations and email integration, and better support. You get what you pay for, with free CRM applications, they are great to use for the short term but once you are using the free CRM and you enjoy the capabilities, it is worthwhile to making an investment to get the added capabilities and support. And that will come with the paid versions. >> A good excel set up, can that serve as an inexpensive CRM system? Yes. My smartest clients do not listen to me. They are the ones that if they can get the job done with something low-cost or manual, then good for them. If you're on your own and you have a spreadsheet, and that's good enough for you, that's fine. >> If you take the next steps for the CRM system, you don't have a spreadsheet anymore you have a database, you can store a lot more data when you want, you can go in and slice and dice that data to use this for communications and marketing and if you select to add people, even an outside contractor to help you and what you are doing, when you add those people they can share a database because they are in the cloud. Because of that, it has a lot more capability to your business. A spreadsheet is fine if you are small. It's a good start. But in the end, a CRM system is a good contact manager. That will always be the way to go. What is the benefit of being a cloud-based versus having your CRM on a dedicated server inside the company? >> One of the products we sell is GoldMine software, although there is a cloud version, most of the clients by this because they want to have this in the house. And there are good benefits, it is cheaper long term. With GoldMine you pay one price, you state that on your server and you're done. There are no monthly fees. Because you have that in house, some people feel it is more secure. >> I have to tell you the cloud-based applications, if you get past the security issue, you can access them much easier from anywhere. An in-house application you can access when you're out of the office but the ones that are cloud-based are easier to do, easier to integrate with other applications. The world is going to the cloud, GoldMine is one of the last few that are sticking to the on premise model and there is a niche for that but all the vendors -- they get the monthly fees and it's easy for them to support you so it's ignoring this thing, it's continuing to fly a kite of a commercial airline service flying propeller planes when the jet engine is available. One big drawback I want to point out on the cloud side, there is pricing in the cloud. I will pick one ZOHO for example, they are great, they charge $35 a month but once you go through the whole thing of migrating to them, what happens next year, when it is $65? Cloud software companies can do that kind of stuff and they do. Look at Netflix. That is the biggest risk of being in the cloud, is the pricing risk. Keep that in the back of your mind when you own this, it is yours. >> The CRM systems, do they have features or capabilities of QuickBooks Pro software or to the system and use QuickBooks Pro as a module within ? >> I am a CPA, I have my love of accounting . A CRM system is not an accounting system. They are not accounting systems, they do not do full-blown general ledger or -- ledger accounting. People can change numbers. Do not use your CRM system for accounting it is not a replacement for an accounting system. Good accounting, that integrates , all the systems that I mentioned, they all have links that they develop themselves, to integrate with QuickBooks. >> A couple of things to bear in mind, a lot of people are building integration with QuickBooks online because it is cloud-based and it integrates with the application. You will find limited opportunities for other QuickBooks versions that are not QuickBooks online. Bear in mind, when you use the CRM system in accounting, people get into it but if you are small business, you might not want to have the headache of integrating your system with accounting applications. The volume is not there. There are hundreds of invoices a day, and there are time savings. If you're just doing a few transactions a day, we are not integrated QuickBooks with ZOHO . -- We have not integrated QuickBooks with ZOHO. >> There are two small businesses and they are different from each other. Do the systems have the capability of having two separate databases under one account? It depends on the system. Some will give you the ability to create as many databases as you want. Others will not. There is a workaround, if you have certain fields that are related to one company, versus certain fields related to another company, you can create in one database, customer screens with the fields related to each company in that screen. You're working on the same CRM system but really you're working on the screen that applies to that company. If you ever need to break out the two companies because you have specific fields, that identify records related to the company, it's not tough to pull the information out for companies. If you like the system but they only support one database at a time, it is not the end of the world. >> Do you have the template or a matrix that can be modified or used as a means of evaluating potential CRM systems? We did that in the past. I have one for the products we sell, go to a great site, go to CAPTERRA , they have a CRM section, and all the major features and functionalities that you would expect. They have checkboxes if the system comes with that or not. If you want to evaluate a system, go to that site. >> Please connect with the SCORE mentor after the session who can assist you with your business needs. >> As a reminder, the recording of the session and the presentation slide deck will be emailed to everyone. >> If you have not already registered for the SCORE small business success virtual conference, on November 8, it is a free event consisting of nine different webinars . You can network, there are chat rooms, and much more. Thank you for your attention. Thank you to Gene Marks. Thank you. Thank you. Reach out to me if you have any questions. Thank you. We hope you have a great day. Goodbye. >> [ Event concluded ] ................

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