Andie MilkisSanders Rally 10/18/16TUCSON, Ariz. —Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders returned to Tucson for the first time since ending his candidacy on Tuesday night. He held a rally on the University of Arizona mall to push his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8. Local Congressman Raul Grijalva introduced Sanders to an excited crowd. He addressed over 5,000 people capitalizing on popular topics from this election. Many of points had a common goal of exciting millennials. As he discussed free tuition, raising minimum wage to $15 an hour, and Donald Trump the audience cheered. Speaking to a crowd largely made up of University students, free college tuition and lowering interest rates on loans resonated well. “We have students with loans paying interest rates of six, eight, and 10 percent,” Sanders said. “We want to see our young people start their careers without being overwhelmed in debt.”He emphasized the idea of eliminating tuition for families earning less than $125,000 as a common goal of both Sanders and Clinton. Sanders also discussed how many young people with a burning desire to receive a college education are unable to because of the lack of funding, and it is hurting the United States in the global marketplace. University of Arizona student Savannah Salazar is in her senior year at the university and was excited by what Sanders had to say. She felt passionately about the subject but was hesitant about how realistic free tuition is. “As somebody who has loans I think what he has to say is really great,” Salazar said. “However, I think realistically I think it will be a while before we see anything happen.”Sanders also emphasized the idea that the current minimum wage of $7.25 is too low for people to be feasibly living off of. His idea of a livable minimum wage would be no less that $15 an hour. UA Student Ben Levy was very vocal about the minimum wage change Sanders and Clinton are fighting for.“We are the first generation to come of age after the great recession so we were really hit by a lot of the economic problems,” Levy said. “I think that’s why a lot of millennials are really fired up about raising minimum wage.”Trump was a large talking point of the rally as well. Every time Sanders addressed the Rep. nominee the crowd boomed. Sanders had a message for the Trump campaign: “Not only are you going to lose the election on Nov. 8, but you and your billionaire friends are going to start paying your fair share of taxes.”Sen. Sanders wasn’t the only one to support the Clinton campaign in Ariz. this week. Chelsea Clinton campaigned for her mother Wednesday morning at Arizona State University, and Michelle Obama spoke at the Phoenix Convention Center on Thursday. ................

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