
The Book of Judges.

By Darren Johnson

A Commentary on Judges Chapters 1-21.

Publisher’s Note:

The Scripture quotations found herein are from the text of the Old King James, 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible.

Any deviations there from are not intentional.

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Matt. 10:8 “…freely ye have received, freely give.

The Book of Judges. ©Darren Johnson 2016.

Table of Contents

Introduction …………..…..…………..............4

I. Judges 1: …….…..…………......5-8

II Judges 2: …….…..………….....9-11

III. Judges 3: …..……….…….......12-15

IV. Judges 4: …..…….………........16-18

V. Judges 5: ……….......……........19-22

VI. Judges 6: ………………….......23-27

VII. Judges 7: …….……………......28-30

VIII. Judges 8: …….……………......31-34

IX. Judges 9: …….…………..........35-40

X. Judges 10: ...….…………..........41-43

XI. Judges 11: ..….……….....….....44-47

XII. Judges 12: ..….………..…….....48

XIII. Judges 13: …….…....………...49-51

XIV. Judges 14: …..……..….……....52-54

XV. Judges 15: …..……...……….....55-57

XVI. Judges 16: ……….......…….......58-62

XVII. Judges 17: …….……………….63-64

XVIII. Judges 18: …...............................65-68

XIX. Judges 19: …….………….........69-72

XX. Judges 20: ...….………….…......73-77

XXI. Judges 21: ..….………….…......78-80

XXII. Salvation Message …….................81-82


The book of Judges is the story of what happens to the nation of Israel after the death of Joshua and all the elders that outlived Joshua(Joshua 24:31). The nation of Israel falls away from God to serve the gods of the land of Canaan. As a result, God sends judges to deliver them, if they obey the voice and commandments of the judge.

The time of the judges is around 336 years(given Joshua and the elders died within 15 years after the land of Canaan was subdued). Solomon began building the temple(I King 6:1), 480 years after the exodus. Hence, given that Saul(Acts 13:21) and David reigned 40 years each, the beginning of the kings and the end of the judges under Samuel ended 397 years after the Exodus or 351 years after they subdued the land of Canaan(3065). We know that the total length of each individual judge sums to around 450 years(Acts 13:20, I gave Shamgar ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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