POLICY AND PROCEDURE, JOB DESCRIPTION OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORTITLE: Executive DirectorACCOUNTABILITY: The Director of the Mt. Morris Senior Citizens Council shall be appointed by the executive committee, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The Director shall be responsible to the Board of Directors, shall attend all meetings, shall prepare an agenda for each meeting, and shall make any recommendations for board action concerning selection, compensation, control and discharge of all employees, subject to the limitations called for in the annual budget (ARTICLE VII, Section 1).DUTIES AND RESPOSILITIES:The Director supervises the total program and activities of the Mt. Morris Senior Center Citizens Council within the framework of its policies and annual budget established by the Board of Directors. More specifically, he/she:Provides direction for the structure, philosophy, system of organization, current services. Collaborates with the Building and Properties Committee to oversee the maintenance of the Council facility. Arrange for needed maintenance work ( i.e., painting) with the Building and Properties Committee’s knowledge.Maintains financial records/bookkeeping; provide regular reports to the Board of Directors.Help design services and activity programming, such as classes, social events, health services, tax assistance, etc. appropriate for the organization’s constituents and community. Guides and maintains records of all activities and services.Keeps the Board of Directors informed of activities and services; assists in their assessment to best meet the needs of the organization’s constituents.Maintains a system of communications with all levels of the organization through such mediums as volunteer meetings, board meetings, print or electronic newsletters, website, etc.Conducts a program of public relations designed to convey understanding and stimulate interest in the programs.Establishes and maintains a systematic method for gathering information and compiling statistical data which serves as the basis for making (1) reports on the Mt. Morris Senior Citizens Council, Inc., (2) policy changes and grant proposals, and (3) administrative decisions.Collaborates with the Board to plan the budget and identify sources for financing it, including grant writing, direct appeals, or other fundraising events. As specific proposals are chosen, the Director will plan the fundraising event or appeal, create the event’s budget, organize and carry out or delegate the plans, etc.Keeps up on trends in serving Seniors by networking with area professionals and attending workshops, seminars, or director’s training sessions, as approved by the Board of Directors.Builds and develops a group of volunteers to assist with many functions of the Council; delegates to and supervises volunteers and/or staff involved in supporting activities, services and the administration of the Council. ................

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