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|New from Microchip 16-bit in the past 6 months: (last updated April 1, 2008) |

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|● Recent Press Releases |● New Development Tools |

|● New Products |● New Training Modules |

|● New Application Software |● New Design Partners |

Recent Press Releases

The following announcements relating to 16-bit products were made in the past 6 months:

|Title |Date |

|Microchip Expands Cost-Effective 16-bit PIC24F MCUs w/ Low Power & Large Memory |31-Mar-2008 |

|Microchip Announces Expansion of Motor Control DSCs, Tools & Libraries |24-Mar-2008 |

|Microchip Technology Announces Six New DSCs with 16-bit Audio DAC |24-Mar-2008 |

|Microchip Announces 30 New 16-bit MCUs & DSCs; Increases Low Pin Count Options |24-Mar-2008 |

|Microchip Technology Announces New MPLAB® Starter Kit for dsPIC® DSCs |17-Mar-2008 |

|Microchip Adds More Flash Memory to World's Smallest Low-Cost DSCs |27-Nov-2007 |

|Microchip Adds Low Pin Count Members to World's Highest Performance 16-bit MCUs |27-Nov-2007 |

|Microchip Launches QVGA Graphics Solution |14-Nov-2007 |

|Express Logic Launches ThreadX(r) MCU Edition for Microchip's 16-bit MCUs & DSCs |29-Aug-2007 |

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New Products

|The following products were released in the past 6 months: |

|● PIC24FJ256GA110 (31-Mar-2008) |

|● PIC24FJ256GA108 (31-Mar-2008) |

|● PIC24FJ256GA106 (31-Mar-2008) |

|● PIC24HJ32GP202 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● PIC24HJ32GP204 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● PIC24HJ16GP304 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● dsPIC33FJ16GP304 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● dsPIC33FJ32GP202 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● dsPIC33FJ32GP204 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● dsPIC33FJ16MC304 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● dsPIC33FJ32MC202 (27-Nov-2007) |

|● dsPIC33FJ32MC204 (27-Nov-2007) |

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New Development Tools

|The following development tools were released in the past 6 months: |

|● MPLAB Starter Kit for dsPIC DSC |

|● Motor Control Interface PICtail Plus D-Card |

|● Graphics PICtailTM Plus Daughter Board |

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New Application Software

The following training modules have been released to the website in the past 6 months:

|Category |Resource Type |Title & Link |

|General Purpose |Code Examples |CE146 - Adaptive Notch Filter |

|General Purpose |Code Examples |CE147 - Signal Matching using Coherence Function Cross Spectral Density |

|General Purpose |Code Examples |CE148 - ADC Sampling with DMA and FIR Filtering - Apps include Circuit |

| | |Breakers |

|General Purpose |Code Examples |CE149 - Signal generation, fractional sampling rate, interpolation, |

| | |decimation |

|Graphics |Code Examples |CE150 - JPEG Entropy Coding |

|Motor Control |Application Note & Source |AN1162 – Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor |

| |Code | |

|Motor Control |Application Note & Source |AN1160 – Sensorless BLDC Control with Back-EMF Filtering Using a Majority |

| |Code |Function |

|Sensors |Application Note & Source |AN1152 – Achieving higher ADC resolution using over sampling |

| |Code | |

|Sensors |Application Note & Source |AN1115 - Implementing Digital Lock-In Amplifiers Using the dsPIC DSC |

| |Code | |

|Graphics |Application Note & Source |AN1136 - How to Use Widgets in Micochip Graphics Library |

| |Code | |

|Digital Power Conversion |Application Note & Source |AN1114 - Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Topologies (Part I) |

| |Code | |

|Motor Control |Application Note & Source |AN1078 - Sensorless Field Oriented Control of PMSM Motors using dsPIC30F or|

| |Code |dsPIC33F Digital Signal Controllers |

|General Purpose |Application Note & Source |AN1045 - Implementing File I/O Functions Using Microchip?s Memory Disk |

| |Code |Drive File System Library |

|Speech & Audio |Library |dsPIC G.726A Speech Encoding/Decoding Library |

|Speech & Audio |Library |dsPIC/PIC24 G.711 Speech Encoding/Decoding Library |

|Communication |Library |dsPIC FSK Generation Library |

|General Purpose |Code Examples |CE144 - CodeGuard Application Example |

|General Purpose |Code Examples |CE145 - Using I2C module as a Slave device |

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New Training Modules

The following training modules have been made available in the past 6 months:

|Category |Training Format |Title |

|Motor Control |Web Seminar |Sensorless Field Oriented (FOC) Control for AC Induction Motors |

|Digital Power |Hands-On |312 DPS Digital Power Converter Design using the dsPIC DSC SMPS Family |

|Conversion | | |

|Speech & Audio |Web Seminar |A look at the dsPIC™ Audio and Speech Starter Kit |

|Graphics |Web Seminar |How does a graphics LCD work? |

|Graphics |Web Seminar |Graphics LCD System and PIC24 Interface |

|Graphics |Web Seminar |Microchip Graphics QVGA Display Solution |

|Graphics |Web Seminar |Microchip Graphics Library Architecture |

|Speech & Audio |Web Seminar |Speech and Audio Solutions for Digital Signal Controller devices |

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New Design Partners

Click here to go to the Microchip Design Partner portal.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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