
Paragraph 1 - WideA wide description of the place that your description is set. Detail the time of day, the weather, what the place looks like, what is interesting about the place. Include: Interesting first line to grab the readerParagraph 2 – ZoomZoom in on one thing within your description. Choose something interesting.Include: Descriptive techniques to give detail Sensory languageParagraph 3 – ActionFocus on something that is moving within your scene. What is going on?What could be about to happen? Include: Short sentence VerbsMetaphorSemicolonParagraph 4 – Extreme close upDescribe something in extreme detail. Could be related to the previous paragraph but doesn’t have to be. Include: Three adjectives Interesting verbs Sensory languageParagraph 1 - WideA wide description of the place that your description is set. Detail the time of day, the weather, what the place looks like, what is interesting about the place. Include: Interesting first line to grab the readerParagraph 2 – ZoomZoom in on one thing within your description. Choose something interesting.Include: Descriptive techniques to give detail Sensory languageParagraph 3 – ActionFocus on something that is moving within your scene. What is going on?What could be about to happen? Include: Short sentence VerbsMetaphorSemicolonParagraph 4 – Extreme close upDescribe something in extreme detail. Could be related to the previous paragraph but doesn’t have to be. Include: Three adjectives Interesting verbs Sensory languageParagraph 1 - WideA wide description of the place that your description is set. Detail the time of day, the weather, what the place looks like, what is interesting about the place. Include: Interesting first line to grab the readerParagraph 2 – ZoomZoom in on one thing within your description. Choose something interesting.Include: Descriptive techniques to give detail Sensory languageParagraph 3 – ActionFocus on something that is moving within your scene. What is going on?What could be about to happen? Include: Short sentence VerbsMetaphorSemicolonParagraph 4 – Extreme close upDescribe something in extreme detail. Could be related to the previous paragraph but doesn’t have to be. Include: Three adjectives Interesting verbs Sensory language ................

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