
Stating Your Position

Here are some sentence stems to get your started with debate.

I believe that: _____________________________________________.

My first argument to support this is: __________________________________________.

My second argument to support my position is: _________________________________________.

My third argument is: __________________________________________.


The resolution states: _______________________________________. I agree/disagree because: ___________________________________.

My first argument is: __________________________________________.

My second argument is: __________________________________________.

My third argument is: __________________________________________.

Using Evidence to Back up Your Position

Here are some sentence stems to help you use evidence.

For my first argument, please consider the following evidence: __________________________________________.

For my second argument, please consider the following evidence: __________________________________________.

For my third argument, please consider the following evidence: __________________________________________.

Fighting Back

Here is a quick and easy way to FIGHT BACK when your opponent says something you want to challenge.

First, RESTATE what your opponent said:

My opponent said that: _____________________________________________.

Second, FIRE BACK:

I disagree completely because: _______________________________________.


This surprised me because: __________________________________________.


This is simply not true. Look at the evidence: _______________________.

Talking to the Judges

Here are some sentence starters you can use to successfully persuade the judge that your team should win the debate.

Judge, thank you for your time.

And that is why we win the debate.

The other team has not successfully argued their case.

Because of ______________________, we clearly win the debate.

The resolution says: _________________________. We have argued: ______________________________. Therefore, we clearly win the debate.

What the Judges Say

Here are some sentence stems to use as the judge of a debate.

Thank you for gathering today. We are ready to begin the debate.

We will be judging the debate today based on the following criteria: __________________________________.

I would like to call the first/next team: __________________ to stand and make their opening statement/attack/defense/closing statement.

Thank you for your __eloquent__ (positive adjective) comments. You may be seated.

Please stand for cross-examination.

Teams will now have two minutes for prep time.

Thank you for silencing your conversations or at least brining your conversations to a whisper so that others can hear the instructions for the next round.

Our decision today was based on: ______________________________. That is why __________________ won the round.

Thank you for an excellent debate round.


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