
Preliminary Program

Subject to change

Sunday, October 29, 2006 _____________________________________--------

2:00PM – 3:45PM CHSS Executive Council Meeting

4:00PM – 5:15PM Video Session I

Moderator: Christo I. Tchervenkov, Montreal, Canada

V1. Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction In Truncus Arteriosus In The Neonate

Giovanni Stellin, Padova, Italy

V2. A Modified Technique For Repair Of Truncus Arteriosus With

Interrupted Aortic Arch

George M. Alfieris, Rochester, New York, USA

V3. The Nikaidoh procedure: Lessons Learned

Thomas Yeh, Dallas, Texas, USA

V4. Intrapulmonary Repair Of Recurrent Pulmonary Venous

Obstruction: Beyond Sutureless Repair

Christian Pizarro, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

V5. Off-Pump Extracardiac Fontan Completion

Emin Tireli, Istanbul, Turkey

5:15PM – 5:45PM Break

5:45PM – 7:00PM Video Session II

Moderator: Richard A. Jonas, Washington, D.C., USA

V6. Pulmonary Artery Sling

Carl Backer, Chicago, Illinois, USa

V7. Slide Tracheoplasty With Anterior Translocation Of Trachea And Single Left Pulmonary Artery For Completre Tracheal Rings With Tracheal Stenosis, Right Pulmonary Artery Agenesis, Left Pulmonary Artery Sling and Complete Cardiac Dextroposition

Kristin J. Guleserian, Dallas, Texas, USA

V8. Factors That May Improve Long-Term Results After The Ross

Procedure In The Young Age Group

Chawki elZein, Oak Lawn, Illinois, USA

1. Clinical and Business Interaction Within A Pediatric Congenital Heart Institute: A Five-Year Experience

Philip C. Smith, Akron, Ohio, USA

2. The Current Status of the World Society for Pediatric and

Congenital Heart Surgery

Christo I Tchervenkov, Montreal, Canada

Monday, October 30, 2006 ____ __________________________________

7:00AM – 1:00PM Speaker Ready

7:00AM – 2:00PM Registration Open

7:00AM – 8:00AM Continental Breakfast

8:00A – 9:15AM Scientific Session I

Moderator: Christo I. Tchervenkov, Montreal, Canada

3. One Hundred Fontan Conversions

Constantine Mavroudis, Chicago, USA

4. Protocols Associated With No Mortality In One Hundred

Consecutive Fontan Operations

Marshall L. Jacobs, Philadelphia, USA

5. The Lateral Tunnel Fontan Procedure for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome:results in 100 Consecutive Patients

Jennifer C. Hirsch, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

6. Extracardiac Fontan: Is It Better?

Miguel Barbero-Marcial, Sao Paulo, Brazil

7. The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database: An Update

Jeffrey P. Jacobs, St. Petersburg, USA

9:15AM – 9:45AM Break

9:45AM – 11:00AM Scientific Session II

Moderator: Jeffrey P. Jacobs, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

8. Atrioventricular Canal: A Comparison Of The Modified Single

Patch To The Two Patch Technique

Carl Backer, Chicago, USA

9. Coarctation Of The Aorta With Ventricular Septal Defect In

Neonates And Infants: One-Stage Versus Two-Stage Repair

Henry L. Walters, Detroit, USA

10. Norwood Reconstruction With Bovine Pericardium: Results And Immunologic Implications

Victor Morell, Pittsburgh, USA

11. Konno Procedure With Atrioventricular Groove Patch Plasty After Arterial Switch Operation

Hiromi Kurosawa, Tokyo, Japan

12. Aristotle Basic Score And RACHS As Predictors Of Early

Outcomes In Congenital Heart Surgery: Analysis Of 5037

Consecutive Cases

Andrzej Kansy, Warsaw, Poland

11:00AM – 11:30AM Invited Speaker

11:30AM – Noon Member Business Meeting

Noon – 12:30PM Report of the President

12:30PM - 1:30PM Luncheon

1:30PM – 2:45PM CHSS Data Center Report

Moderator: Constantine Mavroudis, Chicago, Illinois, USA

2:45PM – 4:15PM Scientific Session III

Moderator: Erle H. Austin, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

13. Cerebral Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression is Reduced After Very Low Flow Bypass

Richard Jonas, Washington, D.C., USA

14. Indications and Early Results of Apical Myomectomy For

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Joseph Dearani, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

15. Loeys-Dietz Syndrome: A New Syndrome Of Malignant Aortic

Arch Aneurysm In Children

Duke Cameron, Baltimore, USA

16. Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction In Patients With Congenital Heart Disease: Is Contegra Conduit A Real Alternative To Homografts

John W. Brown, Indianapolis, USA

17. An Animal Model Of Mechanical Lung Assist For Primary In-Series Palliation For Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Glen Van Arsdell, Toronto, Canada

18. Should We Continue To Use Aprotinin In Pediatric Patients?

Robert D. Stewart, Chicago, USA



OCTOBER 29-30, 2006




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