School Wide Plan

Submission Date: September 30, 2019

Bastrop High School


402 Highland Avenue

Bastrop, Louisiana

Mr. Christopher Broussard

(318) 281-0194


School Profile

Check where applicable:

Charter School

Alternative School

School in School Improvement

Academically Unacceptable Schools – Year 1 School Improvement – Year 1

Academically Unacceptable Schools – Year 2 School Improvement – Year 2

Academically Unacceptable Schools – Year 3 Corrective Action – Year 1

Academically Unacceptable Schools – Year 4 Corrective Action – Year 2


Title I School

Schoolwide Targeted Assistance

Member of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Teacher Advancement Program (TAP)

Distinguished Educator

Literacy and Numeracy

Grant Application

Name of Grant: Enter Name of the Grant

Contact Person: Enter Contact Person’s Name

Phone: Enter Contact’s Phone Number

E-mail: Enter Contact’s Email Address

Each school operating a schoolwide program must include all ten components in their plan. All schoolwide schools in improvement status must include the ten requirements for schools in improvement.

|Ten Components of a Schoolwide Program |"Tools" |Ten Requirements of a School Improvement Plan |Your SIP |

| |Pages | |Pages |

|1.A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based |23 – 25 |1. An effective needs assessment |      |

|on information which includes the achievement of children in | | | |

|relation to the State academic content standards and the State | | | |

|student academic achievement standards. | | | |

|2. Schoolwide Reform Strategies |32 – 39 |2. A strategy for school improvement is a method for achieving the|      |

| | |identified objectives. (e.g., using graphic organizers, visual | |

| | |imagery, and summarization). | |

| | | | |

| | |Scientifically Based Research (ESEA; Title IX, Part A) is research| |

| | |that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and | |

| | |objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge | |

| | |relevant to education activities and programs. | |

|3. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers |Rubric, |3. Provide an assurance that the instruction will be provided by | |

| |Page 80 |highly qualified teachers. | |

| | |In addition, job-embedded professional development will be | |

| | |directed to address the needs of teachers and other staff members | |

| | |in the school to ensure academic achievement problems are | |

| | |identified for improvement. | |

|4. High quality and ongoing professional development for – |45 – 49 |4.Effective Professional Development incorporates the following: |      |

|Teachers | |Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of | |

|principals | |teachers, administrators, and other school employees so all | |

|Paraprofessionals | |students can learn and perform at high levels | |

| | |Creates a learning community in which substantive professional | |

| | |development is linked primarily to content knowledge and | |

| | |instructional strategies | |

| | |Provides opportunities for job-embedded professional development | |

| | |Provides plans for follow-up and support to ensure teacher/student| |

| | |learning | |

| | |Focuses on student needs | |

| | |Prepares educators to demonstrate high expectations for all | |

| | |student learning | |

|5. Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers|Attached to School Improvement Plans |5. Provide a District plan or policy Teacher Quality Strategies |      |

|to high-need schools | |(plan for attracting high quality teachers) | |

| | |Identify revision date on School Policy chart, page 15 of SIP. | |

|6. Strategies to increase parent involvement |50 – 55 |6. Effective family involvement: |      |

|(Such as family literacy services) | | | |

|7. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition | |7. Serving Preschool Children Under Title I Non-Regulatory |      |

|from early childhood programs to local elementary school |/guide/preschoolguidance.pdf |Guidance: Section B-11. | |

|programs. | |Professional development | |

|(Such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a | |Teacher classroom visits | |

|State-run preschool program) | |Children portfolios | |

| | | | |

|8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the|Curriculum Section, |8. What processes are in place for administrator(s) to identify |      |

|use of academic assessments in order to provide information on,|pages 56 – 69 |teachers’ professional development needs related to content, | |

|and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the | |instructional strategies, and classroom assessment? | |

|overall instructional program. |Rubric, pages 78 – 81 | | |

| | |The SIP must present the actual people who will see the activities| |

| | |have taken place, not only the trainer, model provider, or a group| |

| | |of people, but those who will be responsible for setting them up | |

| | |and ensuring they are completed. | |

|9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty|56 – 69 |9. The Administration monitors the Taught Curriculum |      |

|mastering proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement| | | |

|standards are provided effective, timely additional assistance | |Teacher teams, with the SIT and School Support Team improves the | |

|which shall include measures to ensure that student | |Taught Curriculum | |

|difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide | | | |

|sufficient information on which to base effective assistance. | | | |

|10. Coordination and integration of federal, State, and local |70 – 72 |10. Effective coordination of resources |      |

|services and programs | | | |

| | | | |


The following items should make up the Data Portfolio (to be kept on file at the school):

o Subgroup Component Report and Principal’s Report Card for the last three years.

o Summary of Findings of Survey Data and all source documents. (Teachers, Parents, Students, and Principal) May be completed online. If Parent sample size is inadequate, there must be Parent Focus Group(s).

o Summary of Findings of Interview Data and all source documents. (Principal, Counselor, and Teachers) (Not Optional for Schools in School Improvement)

o Summary of Findings of Focus Group Data and all source documents. (Teachers, Students, and Parents) (Not Optional for Schools in School Improvement)

o Copy of the Data Triangulation Form

o Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Final Report

o DRA or DIBELS Reports

o Data Analysis Template (Trend Data history, Discipline/Behavior history, etc.)

o Data Notebook (for schools participating in School Analysis Model-SAM 2000 or LANA online)

o Cognitive Summary Data (iLEAP, LEAP/GEE, ACT, PSAT, etc.)

o Citation from monitoring of Federal Programs – if applicable (e.g., Special Education and corresponding Corrective Action Plans)

o Scholastic Audit Next Steps, if applicable.


For schools in School Improvement and in the SIG Tiers, I hereby certify that this plan was developed with the assistance of a District Assistance Team and State-level School Support Team in collaboration with the School Improvement Team.

I hereby certify that this plan was designed to improve student achievement with input from all stakeholders.

I assure that the school-level personnel, including subgroup representatives responsible for implementation of this plan, have collaborated in the writing of the plan.

I hereby certify that this plan has all of the following components:

• A statement of the school's mission

• Evidence of the use of a comprehensive needs assessment, which should include the following data analysis information:

­ Data Triangulation tables

­ Data Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary Report

• Goals and measurable objectives

• Scientifically based research methods, strategies, and activities that guide curriculum content, instruction, and assessment

• Professional Development components aligned with assessed needs and strategies to attract and keep high quality teachers

• Plans for transitioning pre-school children to local elementary school programs

• Family and community involvement activities aligned with assessed needs

• Evaluation strategies that include methods to measure progress of implementation

• Coordination of fiscal resources and analysis of school budget (possible redirection of funds)

• An action plan with timelines and specific activities for implementing the above criteria

I further certify that the information contained in this assurance is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

|__________________________________________________ |_____________________________________________________ |

|Superintendent's signature |Principal's signature |

| | |

|__________________________________________________ |_____________________________________________________ |

|District Assistance or School Support Team Leader |Chair, School Improvement Team |


|Policy |Policy #/Bulletin # |Date revised |Copy on file at school? |

|Crisis Management (emergency/evacuation plan) |§ 339/741 |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Discipline/Behavior Plan (Juvenile Justice Reform Act requirement) |§ 1301/741 and § 1127/741 |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Family Involvement Policy |§ 1903/741 and § 1118/Title I |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Security Procedures (metal detectors, etc.) |§ 339/741 |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Safe and Drug-Free Prevention Activities |§ 1127/741 and § 2305/741 |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Student Code of Conduct |§ 1115/741 |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Teacher Quality Strategies (plan for attracting high quality teachers) |§ 1114/Title I |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|Transition Plan for Pre-School Children |§ 1114/Title I |9/18/2019 | Yes | No |

|School Partnerships (Type the name of each partner in the space provided) |

|University |University of Louisiana, Monroe; Louisiana Tech; Delta Community College, Grambling State University |

|Technical Institute |Delta Community College |

|Feeder School(s) |Morehouse Magnet School, Morehouse Elementary School, Delta Junior High |

|Community |Enter Partner name |

|Business/Industry |Enter Partner name |

|Private Grants |21st Century Learners Grant, Perkins, LA GEAR UP |

|Other |Enter Partner name |


For Title I Schools: ELA and Math by our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations should be primary when considering weaknesses that will lead to the goals in the SIP.

Part I a: Rank-order the identified areas of strength (3-5) from the student performance (cognitive data), behavior, attendance, dropout

data, and/or graduation index and indicate the supporting data sources:

|STRENGTHS (100 characters per box) |DATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT (100 characters per box) |

|In 2018, 55.3% of the students who took the Work Keys Test scored silver or higher. In 2019, 55.9% of the |Work Keys scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|students who took the Work Keys Test scored silver or higher. | |

|Geometry scores improved from 12.33% proficient in 2018 to 15.33% proficient in 2019 | LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|9th grade English I scores improved from 26.1% proficient in 2018 to 28.72% proficient in 2019 | LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|8th grade Math scores improved from 8.3% proficient in 2018 to 8.99% proficient in 2019 |LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|Students who scored 18 or higher on the ACT (including Work Key Students) improved from 66.6% in 2018 to |ACT scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|66.9% in 2019 | |

Part II a. List the contributing factors from the cognitive, attitudinal/perceptual, behavioral, and archival data of the previously identified



|(100 characters per box) | |

|BHS offered silver and gold Cords as an incentive for students that scored silver or gold on the Work Keys |Work Keys scores for 2019, PO for silver and gold cords, Graduation program that denoted what silver and |

|Test |gold cord signified |

|Geometry teachers classes are certified |Teach Louisiana Certification Site |

|9th Grade English I teacher certified |Teach Louisiana Certification Site |

|8th grade Math teacher was certified and conducted independent tutoring to help remediate student |Tutoring sign in sheets and Observation Forms |

|deficiencies, as well as used Project Based Learning Strategies. |Teach Louisiana Certification Site |

|ELA Dept. Chair held 6 ACT Prep classes, as well as 1 ACT Boot Camp |Sign In sheets for ACT Prep classes and ACT Boot Camp |


Part IB: Rank-order the identified areas of weakness (3-5) from the student performance (cognitive data), behavior, attendance, dropout data, and/or graduation index and indicate the supporting data sources:

|WEAKNESSES (100 characters per box) |DATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT (100 characters per box) |

|English II LEAP 2025 scores declined from 37.9.0% in 2018 to 22.29% in 2019 |LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|US History LEAP 2025 scores declined from 27.6% in 2018 to 13.99% in 2019 |LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|Biology LEAP 2025 scores declined from 23.3% in 2018 to 14.55% in 2019 |LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

|7th Grade Math students scored 9.41% proficient on the 2019 LEAP 2025 |LEAP 2025 scores for 2019 |

|8th Grade ELA LEAP 2025 scores declined from 39.3% in 2018 to 34.83% in 2019 |LEAP 2025 scores for 2018 and 2019 |

Part 11b. List the contributing factors from the cognitive, attitudinal/perceptual, behavioral, and archival data of the previously identified weaknesses:


|(100 characters per box) | |

|English teacher turn over and long term substitutes |2019 staffing |

|Social Studies teacher turn over and long term substitutes |2019 staffing |

|Biology teacher turn over and long term substitutes |2019 staffing |

|Math teacher turn over and long term substitutes |2019 staffing |

|Too much direct instruction |LANA Report 2016 |

The identified weaknesses will lead to the goals. The contributing factors of the weaknesses will lead to the strategies.

Action Plan - Activities indicated should address all our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations

|GOAL 1 |To Increase ELA index by 5% |

|Research-Based Strategy 1: RTI JEPD DDD MEL CA SIM UDL |

| |

|Provide an explanation for not selecting one of the three recommended strategies: |

| |

|OBJECTIVES(150 Characters): Up to 3 |DESIRED OUTCOMES(150 Characters): |

|1.1 |To increase average EOC ELA index score by 5% from the Spring of 2019 to the |To meet or exceed stated objective |

| |Spring of 2020 |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |To meet or exceed stated objective |

|1.2 |To increase average EOC U S History index score by 5% from the Spring of 2019 to |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| |the Spring of 2020 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation (indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Administrators and IF will use the BHS Informal Walk Around Form, as well as the Morehouse |All ELA and Social |September-December,| |Lesson plans and observations will | |

|Parish Observation Form to verify that PBL units are being implemented with fidelity. Student |Studies teachers |2019, January-May, | |verify that new strategies are | |

|presentation of Project Based Learning lessons. Students will use a wide range of sources including | |2020 | |being used in the classroom. | |

|computers to collect outside information to form better research on their projects | | | |BHS Walk Around Form | |

| | | | |Samples of projects on file | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Examples of Project Based Learning will be discussed in PLC’s, department and |Administrators and |Monthly PLC and | |PLC Sign In Sheets | |

|faculty meetings. PLC’s and Book Study. |Teachers |Dept. Meetings | |Book Study Summary and Presentation| |

| | | | |Assessment Scores | |

| | | | |Agendas & Evaluations | |

| | | | | | |

| | |September 219- May | |PLC Sign In Sheets | |

|ELA and Social Studies teachers will conduct weekly PLC’s. Besides analyzing data and examining student |Mr. Broussard, AP’s and |2020 |$10,000/Title I |Book Study Summary and Presentation| |

|work, the teachers will also conduct a Book Study within the PLC’s. They will read Learning By Doing: A |IF | | |Assessment Scores | |

|Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work by Richard and Rebecca Dufor. | | | |Agendas & Evaluations | |

| | | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Information concerning Project Based Learning will be included in Parent Newsletter |Tony Guirlando |Sept. 2019 | |Newsletters & parent sign-in sheets| |

|to be handed out at Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available |English Dept. | | |will be filed | |

|in the main office. |Social Studies Dept. | | |Website | |

|On Literacy & History Night, the respective departments will display the curriculum, give out sample | | | |Literacy & History Night (Handouts| |

|assignments, and allow parents an in-depth look at what their children will be learning in the 2019-2020 | | | |will be sent home to parents) | |

|school year. | | | |JCALL Reports | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: Comparison of all test data from spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether project based learning has made an impact. |

| |

FCI-Indicates Family Community Involvement Activities C-Indicates Curriculum Activities PD-Indicates Professional Development

STEM-Indicates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Activities CCR-Indicates College and Career Readiness Activities L-Indicates Literacy Activities

D – Indicates Discipline Support Activities

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Students will complete writing assessment reflecting positive effects of Turnitin or other |Tony Guirlando |Monthly Oct.-May | |Student Samples | |

|online writing programs. | |2019-2020 | |Reports of usage on Turnitin Site | |

| |All ELA and Social | | | | |

| |Studies Teachers | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Webinar will be available to teachers showing how to effectively use Turnitin |Consultant |Fall 2019 | |Sign-in sheets and evaluation forms| |

|and teachers will share information of their experiences with the program. |Sandra Boston | | |will be kept on file | |

| | | | |Agenda/ Handouts | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Information concerning Turnitin will be included in Parent Newsletter to be handed out|Janet McClain |Fall 2019 | |Newsletters and parent sign-in | |

|at Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available in the main | | | |sheets will be kept on file | |

|office. | | | |Website | |

| | | | |JCALL | |

| | | | | | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION Student writing samples prior to using Turnitin will be compared to samples after implementation of program and show an improvement in student writing as addressed by Louisiana State |

|Standards |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Administrators and IF will use the BHS Informal Walk Around Form, as well as the Morehouse |Administrators and IF |September-December,| |Lesson plans and observations will | |

|Parish Observation Form to verify that PBL units are being implemented with fidelity. Students will have | |2019, January-May, | |verify that new strategies are | |

|access to computers which will enable them to perform better research, collect outside information, and |ELA and Social Studies |2020 | |being used in the classroom. | |

|collaborate easier and faster with fellow students, teachers, and industry experts. |Teachers | | |BHS Walk Around Form | |

| | | | |Samples of projects on file | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Teachers attending conferences will re-deliver at faculty meeting, common |Tony Guirlando |Fall 2019 | |Sign-in sheets and agendas will be | |

|planning or other staff development. Teachers will present project based learning in front of peers, |Sandra Boston |Spring 2020 | |kept on file. Evaluations | |

|teachers, and administrators implementing some of the literacy strategies and writing rubrics obtained at |Michael Winston | | | | |

|conferences. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Information concerning conferences will be included in Parent Newsletter to be handed |Tony Guirlando |Fall 2019 Spring | |Newsletters and parent sign-in | |

|out at Spring Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available in the | |2020 | |sheets will be kept on file | |

|main office. | | | |Website | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: A comparison of all test data from the spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether materials/knowledge gained at conferences had made an impact. |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Use LEAP 360 Diagnostic, Interim and Practice Assessments to assess for |ELA Teachers |Sept-- May | |LEAP 360 student data | |

|remediation/intervention. | |2019-2020 | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Instructional Facilitator and Teacher Leaders will train staff on use of LEAP |Tony Guirlando |September- March | |Minutes of meetings and sign-in | |

|360 and Educator Scoring at staff meetings and PLC’s. |Teacher Leaders |2019-2020 | |sheets Agendas, | |

| | | | |Calendar and Evaluations | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Data from prebuilt reports will be shared in school Newsletter to be handed out at |Tony Guirlando |May 2020 | |Copy of letters will be kept on | |

|Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available in the main office |Sandra Boston | | |file | |

| | | | |Website | |

| | | | |J Call | |

| | | | |Prebuilt Reports | |

SUMMATIVE EVALUATION A comparison of all test data from the spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether materials/knowledge made a positive impact on test scores.

Action Plan - Activities indicated should address all our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations

|GOAL 2 |To increase Math EOC index by 5% |

| | |

| | |

|Research-Based Strategy 1: RTI JEPD DDD MEL CA SIM UDL |

| |

|Provide an explanation for not selecting one of the three recommended strategies: |

| |

|OBJECTIVES(150 Characters): Up to 3 |DESIRED OUTCOMES(150 Characters): |

|1.1 |To increase the scores of students taking the math EOC 5% from the Spring of 2019 |To meet or exceed stated objective |

| |to the Spring of 2020 |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |To meet or exceed stated objective |

|1.2 |To increase average EOC Biology index score by 5% from the Spring of 2019 to the |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| |Spring of 2020 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Administrators and IF will use the BHS Informal Walk Around Form, as well as the Morehouse |Administrators and IF |Fall 2019 Spring | |Lesson plans and observations will | |

|Parish Observation Form to verify that PBL units are being implemented with fidelity. Student | |2020 | |verify that new strategies are | |

|presentation of Project Based Learning lessons. Students will use a wide range of sources including |All Math and Science | | |being used in the classroom. | |

|computers to collect outside information to form better research on their projects |teachers | | |BHS Walk Around Form | |

| | | | |Samples of projects on file | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Examples of Project Based Learning will be discussed in department and faculty |All Math and Science |Monthly Meeting | |Sign in sheets | |

|meetings |Teachers |(October-2019-May | |Evaluation | |

| | |2020) | |Agenda | |

| | | | | | |

| | |September 2019- May| | | |

| | |2020 | | | |

|Math and Science teachers will conduct weekly PLC’s. Besides analyzing data and examining student work, |Mr. Broussard, AP’s and | |$10,000/Title I |PLC Sign In Sheets | |

|the teachers will also conduct a Book Study within the PLC’s. They will read Learning By Doing: A |IF | | |Book Study Summary and Presentation| |

|Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work by Richard and Rebecca Dufor. | | | |Assessment Scores | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Information concerning Project Based Learning will be included in Parent Newsletter to|Tony Guirlando |September 2019- | |Newsletters & parent sign-in sheets| |

|be handed out at Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available in |Math Dept. |May 2020 | |will be filed | |

|the main office. |Science Dept. | | |Website | |

|On Math & Science Night, the respective departments will display the curriculum, gave out sample | | | |On Math & Science Night (Handouts | |

|assignments, and allowed parents an in-depth look at what their children would be learning in the | | | |will be sent home to parents) | |

|2019-2020 school year. | | | |JCALL | |

| | | | |Agendas & Evaluations | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: Comparison of all test data from spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether project based learning has made an impact. |

| |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Administrators and IF will use the BHS Informal Walk Around Form, as well as the Morehouse |Administrators and IF |Sept.- May | |Lesson plans | |

|Parish Observation Form to verify that PBL units are being implemented with fidelity. Students will have| |2019-2020 | |BHS Informal Walk Around Form | |

|access to computers which will enable them to perform better research, collect outside information, and |Math and Science | | |Observations will verify that new | |

|collaborate easier and faster with fellow students, teachers, and industry experts. |Teachers | | |strategies are being used in the | |

| | | | |classroom | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Math and Science teachers attending conferences will re-deliver at faculty |Selected teachers |Fall 2019 Spring | |Sign-in sheets and agendas will be | |

|meeting, common planning or other staff development. All Math and Science teachers will present project | |2020 | |kept on file. | |

|based learning in front of peers, teachers, administrators implementing some of the Math and Science | | | |Travel Forms | |

|modules and strategies obtained at conferences. | | | |Evaluations | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Information concerning conferences will be included in Parent Newsletter to be handed |Tony Guirlando |Sept.- May | |Newsletters and parent sign-in | |

|out at Spring Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available in the |Sandra Boston |2019-2020 | |sheets will be kept on file | |

|main office. | | | |Website | |

| | | | |JCALL | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: A comparison of all test data from the spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether materials/knowledge gained at conferences had made an impact. |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Use LEAP 360 Diagnostic, Interim and Practice Assessments to assess for |All math teachers |Sept 2019 | |LEAP 360 student data | |

|remediation/intervention. | | | | | |

| | |March 2020 | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Instructional Facilitator and Teacher Leaders will train staff on use of LEAP 360| Tony Guirlando |September- March | |Minutes of meetings and sign-in | |

|and Educator Scoring at staff meetings and PLC’s. |Teacher Leaders |2019-2020 | |sheets Agendas, | |

| | | | |Calendar and Evaluations | |

| | | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Data from prebuilt reports will be shared in school Newsletter to be handed out at |Tony Guirlando |May 2020 | |Copy of letters will be kept on | |

|Parent Teacher Conference. Newsletter will also be attached to website and available in the main office |Claudia Flintroy | | |file | |

| | | | |Website | |

| | | | |J Call | |

| | | | |Prebuilt Reports | |

| | | | |Sign In Sheets | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: A comparison of all test data from the spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether materials/knowledge/strategies gained at conferences has made an impact. |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Student scores on IXL reports, as well as the LEAP 360 Interim Reports |Tony Guirlando |Sept-May 2019-2020 | |IXL reports, as well as the LEAP | |

| |Comp. Lab Teachers | | |360 Interim Reports | |

| |Math Teachers | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will be trained on IXL and LEAP 360 |Tony Guirlando |Fall 2019 | |Agendas, sign-in sheets, | |

| |Comp. Lab Teachers | | |evaluations | |

| |Math Teachers | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Parents will be informed on Math night about the programs |Math Dept. |Fall 2019 | |Sign-in sheets, Agendas | |

| | | | |J Call, evaluations | |

SUMMATIVE EVALUATION A comparison of all test data from the spring of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether materials/knowledge/strategies made a positive impact on test scores.

Action Plan - Activities indicated should address all our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations

|GOAL 3 | To decrease the number of tardies and behavior referrals by 5% for the 2019-2020 school year |

|Research-Based Strategy 1: RTI JEPD DDD MEL CA SIM UDL |

| |

|Provide an explanation for not selecting one of the three recommended strategies: |

| |

|OBJECTIVES(150 Characters): Up to 3 |DESIRED OUTCOMES(150 Characters): |

|1.1 |To decrease the number discipline referrals |To guard against the loss of instructional minutes |

| | |To promote more time on task. |

| | | |

| | |To meet or exceed stated objective |

| | |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |To guard against the loss of instructional minutes |

|1.2 |To decrease the number of Out of School Suspensions (OSS) |To promote more time on task. |

| | | |

| | |To meet or exceed stated objective |

| | |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

Action Plan - Activities indicated should address all our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations

| | |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: The BHS Handbook Rules and Expectations Assessment. |Coach Odom, Dean of |Sept 3rd for the | |Discipline reports; Absentee | |

|The PBIS Committee’s effectiveness will be determined by comparing the previous year’s behavioral and |Students |BHS Handbook Rules | |Reports | |

|attendance records using information from Webpams. |PBIS Committee |and Expectations | |Results from The BHS Handbook Rules| |

| |All homeroom teachers |Assessment. | |and Expectations Assessment. | |

| | |2019-2020 School | | | |

| | |Year | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The PBIS Committee will meet monthly to analyze both discipline and tardy data, |Coach Odom, Dean of |PBIS (2019-2020) | |Sign-in sheets | |

|as well as discuss strategies to be used school-wide. The outcome of these meetings will be relayed to BHS|Students |Committee Monthly | |Evaluations, Agendas | |

|staff during PLC’s and Faculty Meetings. |PBIS Committee |Meetings, | | | |

| |Administrators |Faculty Meeting | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: A Parental Newsletter detailing the strategies that will be implemented, as well as the|Tony Guirlando |Fall 2019 Spring | |Newsletters | |

|details of the new Saturday Detention Program, will be posted the BHS website and passed out to parents at |Sandra Boston |2020 | |Website, Jcall | |

|Parent-Teacher Conference Night, as well as other academic events. | | | |Sign-in sheets | |

| | | | |Evaluations, Agendas | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: A comparison of 2019 to 2020 will be analyzed to determine whether the PBIS Committee was effective in improving Bastrop High School’s school climate. |

Action Plan - Activities indicated should address all our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations

|GOAL 4 | To increase the number of Jump Start Pathways by 10% for the 2019-2020 school year |

|Research-Based Strategy 1: RTI JEPD DDD MEL CA SIM UDL |

| |

|Provide an explanation for not selecting one of the three recommended strategies: |

| |

|OBJECTIVES(150 Characters): Up to 3 |DESIRED OUTCOMES(150 Characters): |

|1.1 |To increase the number students enrolled in our Jump Start Pathwyas |To meet or exceed stated objective |

| | |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|1.2 |To increase the number of students who get credentialed in our Jump Start Pathways |To meet or exceed stated objective |

| | |To close the gap between our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations |

| | | |

| | | |

Action Plan - Activities indicated should address all our economically disadvantaged and special needs populations

| | |

|Activity |Responsible Person |Target |Estimated |Evidence of Effectiveness and | |

| | |Date(s)/Timeline |Cost/Funding Source |Implementation(indicate data | |

| | | | |instrument to be used, what will be| |

| | | | |measured or assessed, by whom and | |

| | | | |frequency | |

|ASSESSMENT: Throughout the year, students will take standardized industry based standards and regulation |Administrators, |2019-2020 |$6000 (Title I, Carl|Webpams, La. State Module | |

|assessments. At the end of each Module, the students will take a course assessment. Upon successful |Counselors, Coach |School Year |Perkins) |Assessment Grade Book, J. Schneider| |

|completion of all course work, students will then travel to Lafayette or some other state site to take the |Tribble, Mr. Carvell | | |& Associates Testing Administrator,| |

|La State Certification Exam. If successful on the La State Certification Exam., the student is considered |Williams, Ms. Anderson, | | |Certificates of Successful | |

|employable. Entry level salary in many instances is $50,000. |Ms. Caldwell | | |Completion | |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The BHS Guiding Coalition will meet quarterly to analyze both the effectiveness |Administrators, |Guiding Coalition |$6000 (Title I and |Sign-in sheets | |

|of our Jump Start Pathways, as well as the impact the Jump Start Program is having on our SPS. The outcome|Counselors, Jump Start |(2019-2020) |Carl Perkins) |Evaluations, Agendas | |

|of these meetings will be relayed to BHS staff during PLC’s and Faculty Meetings. In addition, our |Teachers, Guiding |Committee Quarterly| | | |

|Coalition Team will travel to other schools/districts that share our demographics for the purpose of |Coalition Members |Meetings | | | |

|networking across the state and nation to bring other worthwhile programs/pathways back to BHS to implement| | | | | |

|any program/pathway that we believe will positively impact our students and/or our SPS. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|PARENT INVOLVEMENT: A Parental Newsletter detailing the types of Jump Start Pathways that will be |Tony Guirlando |Fall 2019 Spring |$6000 (Title I) |Newsletters | |

|implemented, as well as the details of our students who have successfully completed previous Jump Start |Sandra Boston |2020 | |Website, Jcall | |

|Credentials and are now gainfully employed , will be posted the BHS website and passed out to parents at |Counselors, Jump Start | | |Sign-in sheets | |

|Parent-Teacher Conference Night, as well as other academic events. |Teachers | | |Evaluations, Agendas | |

|SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: The 2018-19 Jump Start Pathways successes will be compared to the 2019 -2020 Jump Start Pathways successes. All programs will be analyzed to determine whether the Jump Start Pathways were |

|effective in improving Bastrop High School’s SPS, as well as improving the financial well-being of our students. |


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