
Name of Activity: Bounce Off!

|Type of modality |Table Game |

|Type of play |Shared Cooperative |

|Interaction pattern |Multilateral and could possibly be Inter-individual. |

|# of participants required |2-4 players |

|Equipment/supplies |Bounce-off kit, which includes the tray, colored balls (yellow and blue), |

| |and the cards. |

|Facilities required/environment |A flat surface preferably a table, and space to be able to play freely. |

|Precautions |Make sure the players don’t bounce the ball to hard. |

Task Analysis Sequence/Directions (Details of how a to move through the activity from start to finish so that a person could read your directions and know what to do) Here you would document the step by step directions of the activity (conducted in class) that you have been assigned.

1. Make sure you have bounce-off.

2. Play the tray on the table and make sure each player has a rack.

3. Give each of the players one set of colored balls.

4. Make sure the players align their balls into the rack they have for their balls.

5. Draw a card from the deck provided with the game and show it to the players.

6. Each player is required to match the sequence that the card drawn shows.

7. Players will play at the same time, and they will keep trying to form the sequence with the balls, each ball has to bounce at least once on the table before landing in the tray.

8. When all balls are used up and no players has formed the pattern you take a ball out of the tray from each player and put it back into the rack of balls and they try again until one players gets the sequence.

9. First player to form the pattern that is shown on the card is the winner.

10. Process is repeated with new card patterns. The first play to correctly match three cards wins.

Activity Analysis (What is required of this activity without any adjustments, accommodations, and alterations) played/performed just as it is...

|Category |Skills |

|Primary body position |Standing. |

|Part of the body required |Upper extremity, especially the arms and hands. |

|Movement |Bending- to pick up balls that have dropped. |

| |Carrying in the hands. |

| |Grasping- Radial Palmar or Radial Digital. |

| |Picking Up/putting down. |

| |Releasing ball. |

| |Stretching to reach and throw. |

| | |

|Physical |Coordination, visual-motor integration, Muscle strength, static balance, may require crossing |

| |midline to aim the ball , gross muscle coordination to be able to aim and then throw, speed- so|

| |that you get the sequence before your opponent does. |

|Cognitive |Being able to recognize color and patterns as well as follow a sequence to be able to take |

| |turns. Arousal/alertness, categorization, concentration. |

| | |

|Social |Regulating behavior |

|Perception |Tactile, auditory for communication, visual to be able to play, color recognition. |

|Communication/language |Body language and verbal communication with one another. |

|Self-care | |

|Psychological/emotional (possible) |Frustration of not being able to get the sequence or loosing and feeling accomplishment and |

| |happiness for winning and being first to form the sequence. Not to get too aggressive with |

| |bouncing (which might show frustration). |

SIMPLIFYING AND COMPLICATING THIS ACTIVITY: Think of ways you could simplify or make more complex.

| |Ways to SIMPLIFY demands |Ways to make more COMPLEX |

|Cognitively |Choose easier sequences to form so they do not |Time the time the players have to get the sequence|

| |need to think about a technique as much. |to make it more challenging for them. |

| | | |

| |

|Physically |Ball does not need to bounce on the table before |Ball must bounce at least twice before getting |

| |going into the tray. |into the tray. |

| | | |

|Socially |Allowing the players to play on their own and |Make the players play in teams, which make it more|

| |drawing the card letting them draw the sequence |socially challenging for them. |

| |card on their own. | |

| | | |


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