Introduction When Pablo Casals reached 95, a young reported threw him a question: “Mr. Casals, you are 95 and the greatest cellist that ever lived. Why do you still practice six hours a day?” And Mr. Casals answered, “Because I think I’m making progress.”As God’s people, our goal is to make progress every day in our walk of faith. As one writer has said, “Growth is one of the essential signs of both the physical and spiritual realms. Where there is no growth, no true life exists.” A person who is “born again” starts a new life similar to that of a newborn infant. And just as a new born continues to grow until maturity, so a Christian should continue to grow in spiritual maturity until the day that he or she is with the Lord. Growing in Christ is simply becoming spiritually mature. There are no hidden secrets to spiritual growth. It is becoming more and more like our Lord in attitudes and actions. Spiritual maturity comes through the understanding and practicing the principles given in God’s Word. This is living out the riches of God in Christ Jesus!This fall I would like to challenge you to be a little more intentional in your spiritual growth. As a church, we will focus our Sunday morning sermons on spiritual growth. But just listening to a sermon without applying is to be as James puts it, “a hearer of the word and not a doer” (James 1:23). But we are to “prove ourselves to be doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (James 1:22). So with that, let me challenge you to do the weekly readings each and answer the reflection questions on how this principle applies in your life. Hopefully through a commitment each week to the word, prayer, and reflection, we will be able to apply God’s Word and mature in our walk of faith. Pastor EricIntroduction When Pablo Casals reached 95, a young reported threw him a question: “Mr. Casals, you are 95 and the greatest cellist that ever lived. Why do you still practice six hours a day?” And Mr. Casals answered, “Because I think I’m making progress.”As God’s people, our goal is to make progress every day in our walk of faith. As one writer has said, “Growth is one of the essential signs of both the physical and spiritual realms. Where there is no growth, no true life exists.” A person who is “born again” starts a new life similar to that of a newborn infant. And just as a new born continues to grow until maturity, so a Christian should continue to grow in spiritual maturity until the day that he or she is with the Lord. Growing in Christ is simply becoming spiritually mature. There are no hidden secrets to spiritual growth. It is becoming more and more like our Lord in attitudes and actions. Spiritual maturity comes through the understanding and practicing the principles given in God’s Word. This is living out the riches of God in Christ Jesus!This fall I would like to challenge you to be a little more intentional in your spiritual growth. As a church, we will focus our Sunday morning sermons on spiritual growth. But just listening to a sermon without applying is to be as James puts it, “a hearer of the word and not a doer” (James 1:23). But we are to “prove ourselves to be doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (James 1:22). So with that, let me challenge you to do the weekly readings each and answer the reflection questions on how this principle applies in your life. Hopefully through a commitment each week to the word, prayer, and reflection, we will be able to apply God’s Word and mature in our walk of faith. Pastor EricTable of ContentsWeek 1: Commit Growth …………….. 3.Week 2: Feed upon God’s Word ……… 9. Week 3: Depend upon the Holy Spirit for Growth ……………………………. 13.Week 4: Pray………………………… 17.Week 5: Prune out Sin ……………….. 21.Week 6: Pulling out the weeds Guarding your Time …………………………….. 25.Week 7: Pulling out the weeds Guarding your Mind ……………………………. 29.Week 8: Bearing Fruit-Giving ……….... 33.Week 9: Bearing Fruit-Serving ……….. 37.Week 10: Bearing Fruit-Sharing the Faith ……………………………... 41.Appendix ………………………………………… 45.Prayer Requests ……………………………….. 47.Journal/Notes ………………………………….. 49. Commitments ………………………………….. 50. Upcoming Church Events ……………………. 51. 1.Table of ContentsWeek 1: Commit Growth …………….. 3.Week 2: Feed upon God’s Word ……… 9. Week 3: Depend upon the Holy Spirit for Growth ……………………………. 13.Week 4: Pray………………………… 17.Week 5: Prune out Sin ……………….. 21.Week 6: Pulling out the weeds Guarding your Time …………………………….. 25.Week 7: Pulling out the weeds Guarding your Mind ……………………………. 29.Week 8: Bearing Fruit-Giving ……….... 33.Week 9: Bearing Fruit-Serving ……….. 37.Week 10: Bearing Fruit-Sharing the Faith ……………………………... 41.Appendix ………………………………………… 45.Prayer Requests ……………………………….. 47.Journal/Notes ………………………………….. 49. Commitments ………………………………….. 50. Upcoming Church Events ……………………. 51. mit to GrowthWeek mit to GrowthWeek 13.2857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain5.-2310765212725002508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain5.Weekly Reading2 Peter 1:1-11, 3:14-18In Peter’s second letter, the apostle writes to warn his audience about false teachers. He also encourages his readers to continue to develop in their Christian character. Peter will end this letter by saying, “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). In 1:5-7, Peter lists virtues which we as God’s people should be striving to increase or grow in which will make us “neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (v.8).Reflective Questions: What are “His precious and magnificent promises” granted to us (v. 4)? Of the listed virtues in verses 5-7, which virtue is the most difficult for you to excel in? What can you do to help you live out that virtue?Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?7.Weekly Reading2 Peter 1:1-11, 3:14-18In Peter’s second letter, the apostle writes to warn his audience about false teachers. He also encourages his readers to continue to develop in their Christian character. Peter will end this letter by saying, “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). In 1:5-7, Peter lists virtues which we as God’s people should be striving to increase or grow in which will make us “neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (v.8).Reflective Questions: What are “His precious and magnificent promises” granted to us (v. 4)? Of the listed virtues in verses 5-7, which virtue is the most difficult for you to excel in? What can you do to help you live out that virtue?Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?7.Healthy Heart PlanPossibilitiesPlansHelpYour heart through fellowshipJoin a growth/ small groupAsk someone to mentor you ExpandYour heart through discipleshipDevelop your quiet time with GodJoin S.S. classApplyYour heart to ministryHelp with Thanksgiving BasketsJoin Hospitality ministryRelateYour changed heart to othersInvite someone to churchShare your faith with a friendTurn Your heart to God in worshipFaithfully attend worship services8.Healthy Heart PlanPossibilitiesPlansHelpYour heart through fellowshipJoin a growth/ small groupAsk someone to mentor you ExpandYour heart through discipleshipDevelop your quiet time with GodJoin S.S. classApplyYour heart to ministryHelp with Thanksgiving BasketsJoin Hospitality ministryRelateYour changed heart to othersInvite someone to churchShare your faith with a friendTurn Your heart to God in worshipFaithfully attend worship services8.Feed upon God’s Word Week 2 9. Feed upon God’s Word Week 29.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.11.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.11.Weekly ReadingPsalm 119While we do not know the author of this psalm, we can see the importance of God’s Word in his life. This acrostic psalm (each section consisting of eight lines all beginning with the same Hebrew letter) displays the beauty and majesty of God’s Word. The psalmist uses eight different words (law, testimonies, precepts, statutes, commandments, judgments, word, and ordinances) to describe God’s revelation. As you begin this reading, pray using the words of verse 18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your Law.”Reflective questions: After reading the psalm, how important do you think God’s Word was to the author? What verses do you think best described the author’s opinion of God’s Word?What verses describes your relationship to God’s Word in your life? Why? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?12.Weekly ReadingPsalm 119While we do not know the author of this psalm, we can see the importance of God’s Word in his life. This acrostic psalm (each section consisting of eight lines all beginning with the same Hebrew letter) displays the beauty and majesty of God’s Word. The psalmist uses eight different words (law, testimonies, precepts, statutes, commandments, judgments, word, and ordinances) to describe God’s revelation. As you begin this reading, pray using the words of verse 18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your Law.”Reflective questions: After reading the psalm, how important do you think God’s Word was to the author? What verses do you think best described the author’s opinion of God’s Word?What verses describes your relationship to God’s Word in your life? Why? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?12.Depend upon the Holy SpiritFor GrowthWeek 313.Depend upon the Holy SpiritFor GrowthWeek 313.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 15.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. 15.Weekly ReadingJohn 15:1-11On the night before our Lord’s crucifixion, Jesus speaks to his disciples in order to prepare them for the events to come. In John 14, Jesus assures His disciples that He will come again for them and will not leave them “as orphans.” But in John 15, Jesus turns their attention on how to live while He is gone. The key is for the disciples to be intimately attached to Him.Reflective questions: Describe the relationship between the “true vine” and the branches. When you read Jesus words, “apart from me you can do nothing,” what do you think He means? How serious do you take Jesus’ words? How is that truth lived out in your life? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?16.Weekly ReadingJohn 15:1-11On the night before our Lord’s crucifixion, Jesus speaks to his disciples in order to prepare them for the events to come. In John 14, Jesus assures His disciples that He will come again for them and will not leave them “as orphans.” But in John 15, Jesus turns their attention on how to live while He is gone. The key is for the disciples to be intimately attached to Him.Reflective questions: Describe the relationship between the “true vine” and the branches. When you read Jesus words, “apart from me you can do nothing,” what do you think He means? How serious do you take Jesus’ words? How is that truth lived out in your life? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?16.PrayWeek 4 17.PrayWeek 4 17.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.19.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.19.Weekly ReadingMatthew 6:1-15In Jesus’ sermon we know as “The Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus instructs His listeners on how to pray. Prayer is supposed to be act of worship directed to God not a public display on self-righteousness as modeled by the Pharisees. After you finish your reading, take time to be alone with God and pray to your Father in secret. Reflective questions: What does Jesus say about prayer? What should you do and what should you not do? What are some of the elements of prayer? (Ex. confession, thanksgiving, etc.)How often do you pray? What do you need to apply from Jesus’ teaching on prayer? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?20.Weekly ReadingMatthew 6:1-15In Jesus’ sermon we know as “The Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus instructs His listeners on how to pray. Prayer is supposed to be act of worship directed to God not a public display on self-righteousness as modeled by the Pharisees. After you finish your reading, take time to be alone with God and pray to your Father in secret. Reflective questions: What does Jesus say about prayer? What should you do and what should you not do? What are some of the elements of prayer? (Ex. confession, thanksgiving, etc.)How often do you pray? What do you need to apply from Jesus’ teaching on prayer? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?20.Prune out sinWeek 5 21.Prune out sinWeek 5 21.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.23.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.23.Weekly ReadingPsalm 51In Psalm 51, David pens this moving psalm of repentance. This psalm came about after Nathan the prophet confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba. Reflective questions: As you read through the psalm, what do you think David was feeling? What words did David use which would speak to your conclusion? Why would David ask for God to “restore to me the joy of your salvation”? Have you ever felt like David has? What did you do? Is there anything in your life right now that makes you feel like David? What will you do? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?24.Weekly ReadingPsalm 51In Psalm 51, David pens this moving psalm of repentance. This psalm came about after Nathan the prophet confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba. Reflective questions: As you read through the psalm, what do you think David was feeling? What words did David use which would speak to your conclusion? Why would David ask for God to “restore to me the joy of your salvation”? Have you ever felt like David has? What did you do? Is there anything in your life right now that makes you feel like David? What will you do? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?24.Pulling out the WeedsGuarding your TimeWeek 625.Pulling out the WeedsGuarding your TimeWeek 625.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.27.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.27.Weekly ReadingEcclesiastes 3:1-15In poetic form, Solomon describes the God appointed realities of life. As Solomon says, “there is a time for every event under heaven” (v. 1). As we read these verses, Solomon states that God has a reason for every event under heaven and we acknowledge and accept His control and purpose.Reflective questions:According to verses 12-14, how should acknowledging God’s sovereign purpose in our lives affect our attitudes?Do you appreciate the time God has given you? How can you express your appreciation this week?Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?28.Weekly ReadingEcclesiastes 3:1-15In poetic form, Solomon describes the God appointed realities of life. As Solomon says, “there is a time for every event under heaven” (v. 1). As we read these verses, Solomon states that God has a reason for every event under heaven and we acknowledge and accept His control and purpose.Reflective questions:According to verses 12-14, how should acknowledging God’s sovereign purpose in our lives affect our attitudes?Do you appreciate the time God has given you? How can you express your appreciation this week?Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?28.Pulling out the WeedsGuarding your Mind17145002246698Guarding your mind00Guarding your mindWeek 7 29.Pulling out the WeedsGuarding your Mind17722862270760Guarding your mind00Guarding your mind Week 7 29.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.31.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.31.Weekly ReadingPhilippians 4:1-9In this section of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, Paul is encouraging these brothers and sisters to “stand firm in the Lord” (v. 1). As we read through these verses, Paul gives counsel on how a Christian can find peace of mind. Reflective questions:How does Paul say the Christian can find peace of mind?Do you have peace in your heart and mind? What do you need to do to foster this peace that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?32.Weekly ReadingPhilippians 4:1-9In this section of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, Paul is encouraging these brothers and sisters to “stand firm in the Lord” (v. 1). As we read through these verses, Paul gives counsel on how a Christian can find peace of mind. Reflective questions:How does Paul say the Christian can find peace of mind?Do you have peace in your heart and mind? What do you need to do to foster this peace that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?32.Bearing FruitGiving238804474062700Week 833.Bearing FruitGiving238804474062700Week 833.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.35.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.35.Weekly ReadingDeut. 8:10-17; Prov. 3:9-10; Ex. 35:4-5, 21-29; 36:4-6This week’s readings are various passages concerning material wealth and giving. In the Exodus 35 passage, Moses is instructing the people concerning the building of the tabernacle. As you read, notice the phrases “willing heart” and “hearts moved/ stirred.” Reflective questions:How is giving a form of worship to God? Why the emphasis on a “willing heart”?Do you worship God through your giving? As you give, what do you think is your motive of your heart? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?36.Weekly ReadingDeut. 8:10-17; Prov. 3:9-10; Ex. 35:4-5, 21-29; 36:4-6This week’s readings are various passages concerning material wealth and giving. In the Exodus 35 passage, Moses is instructing the people concerning the building of the tabernacle. As you read, notice the phrases “willing heart” and “hearts moved/ stirred.” Reflective questions:How is giving a form of worship to God? Why the emphasis on a “willing heart”?Do you worship God through your giving? As you give, what do you think is your motive of your heart? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?36.Bearing FruitServingWeek 937.Bearing FruitServingWeek 937.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.39.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.39.Weekly ReadingEphesians 4:1-16In this week’s reading, Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus imploring these believers to “walk in a manner worthy of their calling” (v.1) or in other words, their living should match their profession as God’s children. Beginning in verse 7, Paul addresses the importance of spiritual gifts in the health of the church family. Reflective questions:Paul refers to the “the whole body, being fitted and held together, by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love” (v.16)? How does the working of each member within the church help the church grow and builds itself up in love? How has God gifted you to serve? Are you using your gifts for the mission of FMBC? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?40.Weekly ReadingEphesians 4:1-16In this week’s reading, Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus imploring these believers to “walk in a manner worthy of their calling” (v.1) or in other words, their living should match their profession as God’s children. Beginning in verse 7, Paul addresses the importance of spiritual gifts in the health of the church family. Reflective questions:Paul refers to the “the whole body, being fitted and held together, by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love” (v.16)? How does the working of each member within the church help the church grow and builds itself up in love? How has God gifted you to serve? Are you using your gifts for the mission of FMBC? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?40.Bearing FruitSharing the FaithWeek 1041.Bearing FruitSharing the FaithWeek 1041.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.43.2508885190500002857547625000-19050019050 SERMON NOTES00 SERMON NOTESWhat insight, principle, or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.43.Weekly ReadingRomans 10In this week’s reading, Paul shares his heart’s desire for the people of Israel to be saved. Reflective questions:What is the gospel message? How can one be saved? What does Paul say about those who share the good news? When is the last time you have shared your faith with someone? Do you have verses memorized to help an unbeliever understand the gospel message? Do you have someone you need to share the gospel with? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?44.Weekly ReadingRomans 10In this week’s reading, Paul shares his heart’s desire for the people of Israel to be saved. Reflective questions:What is the gospel message? How can one be saved? What does Paul say about those who share the good news? When is the last time you have shared your faith with someone? Do you have verses memorized to help an unbeliever understand the gospel message? Do you have someone you need to share the gospel with? Weekly reading:What truth would you like to take to heart this week?How do you see this truth affecting your life?How do you fall short or want to grow in this area?What can you do to cooperate with God in producing this growth?How can you make sure you do what you have planned?44.Appendix: Prayer Requests Journal/Notes Commitments Church Events 45.Appendix: Prayer Requests Journal/Notes Commitments Church Events I will make to God……..mitments I will make to God……..50.Upcoming Church Events and Ministry OpportunitiesSunday School classes begin every Sunday at 10:45 amSmall Groups begin the week of: September 14th till the week of November 16thThanksgiving Baskets-We will begin to bring items to fill the baskets during the month of October till November 15thServing and helping in the Thanksgiving Baskets Ministry Friday, November 20th at 9:00 am. For more information see Zach GoodwinThanksgiving Day Service - Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 pm.Christmas Program - Sunday, December 13th at 5:30 pm.If you would like more information on any of these ministries or events, please visit the welcome center or our church website: 51.Upcoming Church Events and Ministry OpportunitiesSunday School classes begin every Sunday at 10:45 amSmall Groups begin the week of: September 14th till the week of November 16thThanksgiving Baskets-We will begin to bring items to fill the baskets during the month of October till November 15thServing and helping in the Thanksgiving Baskets Ministry Friday, November 20th at 9:00 am. For more information see Zach GoodwinThanksgiving Day Service - Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 pm.Christmas Program - Sunday, December 13th at 5:30 pm.If you would like more information on any of these ministries or events, please visit the welcome center or our church website: 51. 2015 2015 ................

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