2 Kings 5: 2 – 3

Sermon by:

Rev. G.R. Procee





(October 2005)

No 2 of a series of 6



Psalter 395

Law of God

Psalter 392: 4

Scripture Reading: Luke 9: 18 – 27

2 Kings 5: 1 – 7

Text: 2 Kings 5: 2 – 3

Congregational Prayer


Psalter 52


Psalter 362: 3

Thanksgiving Prayer

Psalter 55: 1, 3

Doxology: Psalter 294: 3


In the first verse of this chapter, we see the mighty Naaman at the summit of his career in the military as commander in chief, in his glory, as a great man, honorable and a mighty man of valor but a leper. We also see how this picture characterizes human life in general, as leprosy in scripture is considered to be an illustration and an example of sin. Naaman is really our portrait, by nature. Our existence can be seen in our pride in what we have accomplished, or what we are, but really we can summarize it all with the one word, leper. There is only relief in the One who has come to cleanse lepers. He could say to a leper, “I will, be thou clean”.

To continue in this chapter, we see then that Naaman has indeed leprosy. At first, Naaman would try to conceal it just as we would if we have a sickness. But after sometime the people of his household became aware that Naaman was not doing well at all, and then the people at the royal court and the king of Syria also heard about the change in Naaman. We can imagine that after some time the common people in the streets also learned of the terrible sickness that had afflicted Naaman. Humanly speaking, that body would soon deteriorate and finally die. It was a terrible perspective.

We know that the king of Syria was very fond of Naaman and he must have done everything he could to cure Naaman, his commander in chief , who he believed had wrought such a great deliverance, but it was God who had wrought that deliverance, but the king of Syria thought that Naaman had done it, and so the king must have called in the most knowledgeable and skillful physicians, possible even from foreign countries and offer their services but no matter what was done, it was all to no avail. Naaman’s situation became worse. The future for this man was hopeless.

Naaman and his wife must have spent many gloomy nights thinking, and planning but also realizing that no human cure was possible. Yet things were going to change for the better for Naaman. The Lord of Israel, the only God of heaven and earth was going to intervene. The Lord was going to change this great distress into a rich blessing for Naaman. For with the Lord there is always outcome.

There is always outcome with the Lord. In whatever difficulty you may be in, He is able to abundantly supply and provide relief. Often the Lord can change a calamity or a distress into a blessing. The Lord can bring a difficulty or hardship whereby a person is led back to the Lord or closer to the Lord. The afflictions can be painful but the Lord can unite to Himself. Ultimately, the affliction still proves to be a blessing. This is what Naaman was going to experience. The Lord was going to use a little handmaid of Mrs. Naaman. She would testify of the hope which was to be found in the God of Israel and in His servant Elisha.

Our theme is: The Testimony of the Handmaid.

We consider: 1. Her Love.

2. Her Witness.

The people became more and more aware that Naaman was very ill. The royal household knew about it, people in the streets may have been aware of it, the soldiers in the army would soon hear the shocking news about the commander in chief, but the servants in the household of Naaman would have been among the first to become aware of the dreadful disease of their master. Also, the handmaid of Mrs. Naaman heard the terrible news that the husband of her mistress was very ill, incurable ill. He had become a leper. This little young handmaid was concerned about Naaman. She was considerate. In the midst of her work in Naaman’s house she thought about the distress of her master.

How did this handmaid become a part of Naaman’s household? She was hundreds of kilometers away from her native land of Israel. What had happened was that Naaman the Syrian general had fought against Israel. He had invaded the country of Israel. We know that the Syrians had invaded Israel several times to take away goods and possessions of the Israelites. They would ransack through villages, and burn houses, chase the people away and kill the few brave ones who dared to resist. They would loot, plunder and even steal people who would later on become slaves in Syria. These foreign soldiers of Syria had invaded the land that the Lord had given to His people. The people must have cried out unto God, but there was no outcome. The Lord permitted the Syrian army to loot parts of Israel. Why did the Lord let these heathen soldiers harass Israel?

Well, God was angry with the people of Israel. Israel had forsaken the Lord, Israel had forsaken the commandments of God, and they had bowed down to the idols. The Lord had warned the people of Israel that if they would sin against Him and forsake His laws, that then He would allow their enemies to plunder their country, and take some of the people into custody and taken along as prisoners and eventually become slaves to serve their enemies in their foreign countries.

We find this recorded in Deuteronomy 28:32,”Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand.” Look also to Deuteronomy 28:41, “Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity.” These terrible things have happened to Israel. Imagine your children being taken away as slaves. Well, that is what has happened there. Dreadful! This was a punishment of God. God has forewarned them. If you bow for the idols and forsake Me, this shall happen. And indeed, this has happened.

And this is how this little handmaid was also taken as a girl slave along to Syria. She had been taken from her parental home, and was forced out of her beloved land. She was old enough to remember certain important matters of the land of Israel. She was also old enough to remember the prophet Elisha. She had heard of what he had done and perhaps she had also seen him at certain occasions. She had memories of her own country. Imagine then, to be taken to a foreign country as a prisoner, to be taken to a foreign land, to hear a foreign language and then to become a slave for a foreign lady. This must have been very difficult and very harsh for this handmaid.

But as we read these verses from 2 Kings 5, we are however struck by her concern and love for her master and for her mistress. She was their slave, but she loved them. She had affection for them. That affection was awakened, maybe by a good treatment that she received. She was apparently well taken care of. She had affection for her master. That shows that Naaman must have been a good master. At least, when Naaman falls ill, the little maid doesn’t rejoice and secretly think: that serves him right! No, she is sorrowful. She doesn’t say, “this is what he deserves, but rather, she has concern for him, and sorrow. She has love for her master, she has love for her mistress. She was of a loving spirit.

Imagine, in her circumstances, things must have been hard for her. First, she was taken away from her own country, to live in a foreign country, to have to work there as a slave. Indeed, she must have felt sorrowful. Secondly, she had her memories. She knew of Elisha the prophet, she knew of her parental home, she remembered her ancestral inheritance and the town where she came from. And now a slave! What difficult times! It must have been hard on her, and yet with all these emotions and feelings that she undoubtedly had, she portrays affection and love to her mistress and master. She had overcome the sorrow, she had overcome the grief and instead love had entered her heart. She didn’t bear it as a grudge her life long that she was taken away by her Syrian captors. Never did it enter her mind to say, “why did God do this to me?”, but she had instead learned to yield to the will of God, her God. She feared the God of Israel. She was going to be a witness to the God of Israel in her new environment, the house of Naaman. Instead of a grudge, she had learned contentment. Instead of hatred and kicking against the circumstances, she had love in her heart for her master and mistress. Here congregation is a lesson for us.

That is the lesson of contentment! We are also called to be content in the circumstances in which we are in. That can at times be very difficult, I know. We can look at the outward circumstances of life and grumble. We can also be disappointed. And really, how much did this little maid have to complain about? She had however learned to be content and even to love her owners. One can only have love and concern for one’s master when one to a certain extent is content with the situation one is in.

We, in our situation, can easily grumble and we can easily be sorrowful. Very easily, the questions rise up unto heaven. Why does it go this way or why does it have to be so heavy a distress? We maybe have other expectations of life and then see what becomes of life. Things go so differently than I have hoped for in my family, or in the church or in my own life, or in my own business. A sickness came, a death occurred, a decline in my income. And then, to have contentment for the things of daily life! Do we then realize that God leads all things? Nothing happens by chance. Can we then bow in truth under God’s dealings with us, and even experience joy in the affliction? That is not an easy matter!

Well it must have not been an easy matter for that little maid, to see her village for the last time, to be taken as a prisoner off to a strange land to serve there as a slave. We don’t know exactly how this girl could cope with this all. What we do know is that she has concern and love for her master Naaman, so to a certain extent she must have felt some degree of contentment. But whatever her exact perceptions were, we do not know but it is important for us that we know contentment in our lives. Instead of revolting against the circumstances and being disappointed and kicking against the guidance and bearing a grudge for years, and letting that grudge fester in our lives we must learn by God’s grace to be content, to forgive and let by-gones be by-gones. There is a blessing in true Christian contentment. Godliness with contentment is great gain, you know!

What is Christian contentment? It is a disposition of mind in which we rest satisfied with the will of God respecting our temporal affairs, without hard thoughts or words concerning God’s guidance. It submissively receives what is given. It thankfully enjoys present mercies. It leaves the future in the hand of an all-wise God.

One the other hand, Christian contentment does not make men satisfied with the world as their temporal abode. Christian contentment longs for the day when Christ shall call His people home. They think of that better day! Christian contentment is not some stoical perception of reality, as if it doesn’t matter what happens to me. I can’t help what is happening to me anyway, so I just leave it, and forget it and just try to get on with life. No! It is no bluntness of feeling. Then you become numb to it all. You want to close your eyes and pretend that it is not there. It does not make men feel that a prison is a palace. That is not what Christian contentment really is.!

The opposite of contentment is jealousy, envy and rebellion. That is full of deadly malice and sin. A jealous person is a guilty and an unhappy person. He is not far from misery or even ruin.

A true Christian is called to look at the things which cannot be seen. The Lord has forbidden His people to be envious. The Lord has expressly said that the men of the world have their portion in this life. He has provided for His friends a portion better than was ever enjoyed on earth by any man, even by Adam before his fall. Therefore we are not to be envious of the rich, or of those in high places, or whatever they may enjoy, for if you have become by God’s grace, a friend of God, God will give you something which is far better than what any human being has ever experienced. The Lord tells His People that they are to be content, trusting in God’s Fatherly care. Phil. 4:6 says,” Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” So also, in 1 Peter 5:7, we read “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”

It is of the greatest importance to our peace and usefulness, that we settle it in our minds that all fretting care about the things of this life is both a sin and a folly. It is foolishness!

The Greek word for covetousness signifies love of money. It can also mean a desire for more. These sins are easily present within our lives. These two interpretations fit precisely: love of money and a desire for more. One desires that which one loves.

Now contentment is the opposite of these two. It loves not inordinately what it has, nor is it greedy for more. Scripture says in Hebrews 13:5 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” A restless covetous mind will not be put to rest by heaping treasures and wealth on it. Just as successfully can you quench a fire by heaping oil upon it. In Luke 12 we read, “Take heed, and beware of covetousness; for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”

To be content also links up to humility. When we know, and realize and have experienced by grace alone, that we deserve nothing, and that we have forfeited every right before God, then, even a glass of water is a gift of God, so undeserved and unmerited, and only merited by Christ. That, my friends, is a great and deep lesson!

Again, when a person sees that, then he becomes humble. Our eyes need to be opened by the Lord to see these lessons. And then the little that the righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. Knowing humility, a person learns contentment. And by contentment, a person receives cheerfulness and thankfulness. One will glory in the loving kindness of God. Contentment trusts in the Lord, and sees the hand of God even in the smallest things of life. Contentment knows that although I have right to nothing, yet God will provide for me in all my circumstances, in adversities, in sickness, and in the old age. Contentment give rest to a soul and contentment gives happiness in life. Then love flows forth to others even to enemies. There is peace in the soul as a fruit of that child-like surrender and trust in the Lord.

And now, how do we receive that contentment? How do you become content? First of all, it is a gift of God. It is a gift of God given in the way of surrender to the Lord. It is an earnest seeking and laying down of one’s life and everything we have before the Lord. Shall I name a few? The adversities, the difficulties, the hardships, the blessings. It is a surrender consisting of one’s life, heart, and will unto to the Lord, knowing that God has all power to provide for me, that He can and He shall provide in all my needs.

This submission must take place in the awareness that I have sinned against God and rebelled against Him and that therefore I deserve nothing. This submission must be with humility, knowing that I have ruined all things in my life. I have failed to do what God has called me to do, I have not done what He commands me to do, I sin against Him all day long and I deserve nothing. To have contentment one must realize that he deserves NOTHING. I have forfeited all blessings. This is something that only the Holy Spirit works and can teach in life.

We must earnestly pray for His work in our lives so that we would become submissive, so that we would be made humble and that we indeed would experience our own unworthiness and would be able to submit fully unto the Lord. Have we seen the mountain of our sins? Have we also seen the mountain of God’s goodness? For all things work for good in the lives of those who truly love Him and who are called according to His purpose. In that frame of mind and heart, whereby I know the reality that I deserve nothing, the Lord enables the soul to summit fully unto God, and there I learn to rest upon the never failing mercies of God. I may rest in the goodness of God, and I may trust in Him. Then love flows forth unto the Lord and unto my neighbor. Then peace abounds. I have peace with God, and I know He shall provide. He shall undertake for me, and provide for me while in this distress. Then I truly have rest for my soul, that rich blessing, which cannot be purchased with gold or silver.

That trust is received in the way of acknowledging one’s guilt and looking unto the Lord Jesus Christ. It is for Jesus’ sake, that the Lord grants rest to the soul. It is for Christ’s sake, that sinners can be reconciled to God. Only for Christ’s sake, can all my sins be forgiven. It is for Christ’s sake, that I can give up all the hardships which have occurred to me in life, the things that people have done to me, which I don’t hold against them as a grudge, but with the grace of God in my heart, I can say that the Lord will avenge and turn all things to work for my profit.

The Lord knows how to visit those who have caused you to suffer these hardships, and the Lord shall requite it, for vengeance belongs to God, and He shall avenge at His time. That is why we don’t have to do it, and more importantly, we may not even do it. We may have pity with those who have hurt us, knowing that God shall visit them. Not that we desire that, of course, but we know that God shall visit them. Sometimes you can even experience that in life, and see the hand of God at work. We can experience contentment, and bringing everything to the Lord. And then, whatever the Lord does is GOOD. And that is all for Jesus’ sake. For, if we know the grace of God in our heart, the Lord Jesus merited salvation for ME, the chief of sinners.

I have done evil in His sight, which is far greater that the little hurt that others have done to me. The Lord Jesus has suffered for me. Oh, what a wonder! That He has suffered innumerable agonies on the cross, that He was stripped of everything that He had, and there He took my rebellion upon Himself, and my sins, and my envy and my jealousy and my gainsaying, and my lack of trust; He took it all upon Himself, and there He merited the gift of rest, of peace, of contentment, of love; and this all for me. It is only at the feet of the Lord Jesus that you will receive contentment. Then you receive strength to cope, seeing the sufferings of Christ, and viewing how much He suffered, and the depth of His suffering.

This is how the Hebrew girl received contentment and love for her master. The Lord can take your stubborn heart and break it. In the beginning, the Lord by His Holy Spirit works in this manner in the hearts of sinners. The Holy Spirit leads sinners to surrender. He leads sinners in the valley of submissiveness; He leads sinners in the valley of humiliation. There sinners see the goodness of the Lord, over against their sinfulness and unworthiness. There, they learn to cleave to this one, only God. There they learn to yield their hearts unto the Lord. There, they learn to say, “Lord, it is Thy hand that guided everything. Lead me further. Lead me to that haven of rest. But also, comfort me now, Lord with Thy presence”. This prayer is learned only in the valley of humiliation. You learn this at the foot of the cross. You learn this in the way of submissiveness, of surrender. By God’s grace, the people of God, learn to yield their hearts unto the Lord, to follow Him wherever He leads them, trusting that He shall provide. He shall give strength in all circumstances, He shall bless, His rod and His staff will lead, He will comfort, and after this life He shall lead to the eternal rest where I will forever be with Him. That gives peace in the heart. Peace with the animals in the field, peace with all the circumstances in life but above all peace with God. Only through the blood of Jesus Christ!

The little handmaid of our text, had something of this contentment, and was able to surrender her slavery unto God. She had no grudges, for she had learned to lay it all in the hands of God. At times, she may have had questions as to why it all has to go this way, but she learned to give it in the hands of God. She could kiss the rod of God and agree with what God was doing in her life. She showed love because she had love for her mistress and master. God’s love was in her heart, and in turn, she loved God. She knew that God shall lead her, for nothing had taken place by chance.

Therefore, when she heard of the great illness that her master had, she spoke to her mistress saying,” Oh, that my lord would be with the prophet that is in Samaria for he would recover him of his leprosy.” The text reads,” Would God my lord were with the prophet.” But these words could be better translated by the simple expression, “oh!” It is an expression which looks like the Hebrew word for God, but that is not used here. In this case, the simple expression “oh” shows a truer meaning. The meaning then is being an urgent desire.

So, this text in the Hebrew would be better translated as, “OH, would my lord be with the prophet”. He would recover him of his leprosy. This little handmaid desired that Naaman would go to Elisha. Thereby she confessed faith in the God of Elisha. She realized that Elisha could cleanse him from his leprosy. Amazing! This girl had great faith. For had she not only heard of the things that Elisha had done? There was no record of the achievements of the prophet. She had never heard of an actual cleansing by Elisha. Nobody had ever been cured of leprosy before, but she nevertheless believed that he could do it. In Luke 4:27 we read,” And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha, the prophet; and NONE of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.”

No one had ever been cleansed before, and this girl had only heard of other miracles that Elisha had done, but she had such a strong faith that she knew

that Elisha could do this too. She gave a good witness concerning the prophet Elisha, for she referred Naaman to the prophet of the Lord.

Herein, this girl is an illustration of Christian witness. Naaman was the leper, and humanly speaking, he was doomed to die. Here, Naaman may hear a message of hope, a message which gives light. Imagine what that must have been for Naaman and his wife. They hear of someone who certainly can heal him of this terrible disease. It was a ray of light in the darkness of their soul. Many times, Naaman and his wife must have been without hope and in great darkness. At other times, they were contemplating death and misery and grave. Now, this little maid opens up the rich perspective of life and health and deliverance.

Yes, the people of God know of a similar experience in their life. When they were restless and without hope and undone because of their sins, and when they saw that from their side they could only make things worse the result was darkness and gloom in the

soul. But when the Lord shed forth a ray of gospel light, it cheered the mind, and gave a new perspective, a new delight, and a new hope. Then the eyes are opened to see that salvation is found with the Lord. There is outcome with Him alone. There is a Saviour who can save to the uttermost all who come unto Him for the first time and by renewal. How cheering is then the word of Matthew 11:28,”Come unto me, all [ye] that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Dear child of God, have you ever been disappointed in the Lord? Was His blood not able to save to the uttermost? Is His blood not able to save you even now? Have you not found peace at His Feet? O what peace is experienced at His Feet! That first ray of light shining from God’s Word was a real comfort and you were not put to shame.

Here, Naaman and his wife hear the first signs of relief and outcome. This was all due to the witness of a little handmaid.

She is an Old Testament illustration of a Christian witness in this world. She testified of the hope which is to be found in the God of Israel. She did that in the midst of a heathen environment towards a man inflicted with leprosy. Everything seemed to be against her, a slave girl, in the midst of a heathen environment, no church, we may believe that there were no fellow believers, she was alone, notwithstanding all these things, she had a great love to God and a great faith in God that He was able to help. She was able to resign all her circumstances unto God and be content with what He does.

Now God’s people are placed in this world in the midst of a heathen and ungodly environment, and among people who are infected with spiritual leprosy. They are called to be there as witnesses. Yes, that call rests upon all of us. We are to be messengers of healing, life, and salvation. We are to speak well of God, even though we ourselves may not know of grace in our soul. He can save! When we speak well of the Lord, our own soul shall be blessed. This is the calling of the church! And especially the calling of all the true children of God!

Some have the view that the church is a harbor of rest in the midst of this stormy world and nothing else. Some think that the church is only a place of repose and rest and nothing else. It is true that the church is a place of rest, where the Word of life may be preached, where comfort and consolation may be received, but that is not all.

The Lord Jesus compares the church to a family. In a family, the children are to be obedient. The church is as a school. In the school, the students ought to be diligent. The church is also as an army. In the army, the soldiers have to be brave and dutifully fight the enemy. The church is compared to a vineyard. In the vineyard, the laborers are called to work. Christ’s prayer for His disciples was: “I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil.”

Why? Is heaven not better than the world? Is perfection not to be preferred above imperfection? Is it not better to depart and be with Christ? TRUE. But the Lord has a calling for all those who belong to Christ. That is why when the Lord converts a person, that person is not immediately translated to heaven. The Lord has a calling for the church.

The family needs a pious mother or godly father. The Christian school needs that pious teacher. The simple church member has a calling for his/her direct environment. God’s people are called to be a witness of His grace. If all God’s people went home to glory as soon as they believed savingly in Christ, how terrible would this world be! There would then be no Christian witness.

This little handmaid had a God-given task. In Syria, in Damascus she had to be the means of the healing of Naaman. That was the reason she was taken away from parents, from her country, and brought to this heathen land as a slave. It could be that later on she looked back with amazement at the guidance of God in her life. Yes, every child of God has a God-given task in this world: a task for other people, a task for one’s own soul, and a task for the souls of others.

This world is full of lepers worse than Naaman. By nature, we ourselves are full of leprosy. Has this become our chief concern? Have we fled to the Lord for His salvation? Do we also have concern for the people around us with leprosy? They are not out of your reach. You meet them every day. You eat with them at work. You ride along with them to work. You buy and sell with them and from them. You discuss the news with them. You do business with them. Do you discuss sports with them? And do you know that the wrath of God is upon them? Do you realize that unless they hear the word of God, repent of their sins and turn to the Lord begging for salvation that they are lost forever? And are you silent?

But what can I do? I cannot change their hearts. I cannot convert a soul. That is true, but God doesn’t ask you to convert a soul, nor does He ask us to change people’s heart, but He does call you and me, and everyone to be a witness. This little maid in Damascus testified of the hope which lies in the God of Israel. What testimony comes from us? Should we not try to speak well of the God of Israel?

We go to church, we know the way so well and are we silent? We may hear of life every Sunday, we may attend the means of instruction also during the week and experience the blessings of the Lord in our happy family life and should we then, not speak more of the Lord’s goodness? Should we not urge others to flee the wrath to come and seek salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ?

But you may object: the other person may not take it kindly if I speak to them of these matters? Maybe the other person will be amazed that I try to speak of Christ with them? Do you know what they are in reality amazed about? The fact that you never spoke to him/her about these matters before! The worldly person sees more sharply the walk of a true and a name Christian. The worldly person will be amazed if a true Christian never speaks about the God of Israel, be it in the workplace, in school, or at home. The people of the world have searching souls, and consequently they have no peace. They feel that, and try to find peace by occupying their minds with videos, games, T.V. and empty laughter. After some time, even this doesn’t satisfy, because nothing

from here below can ever give real peace and contentment. Therefore, this thirsty, sin-sick world needs you, dear Child of God to speak to them. Should we then not point a sin-sick soul to Christ? Whether he/she accepts it or not, should make no difference. The Lord says, “Ye shall be My witnesses”.

How are things with us? Do you ever speak of Christ? Are you too ashamed and bashful to mention His Name? That is a serious matter! For, if you are ashamed of Christ, then, Christ will also be ashamed of you. For, in Luke 9:26 we read these serious words, “For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of My words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory, and [in his] Father’s, and of the holy angels”.

Or, are you afraid that you have no words to speak? The Lord can give you words to speak. Or are you concerned that you have not the right time to speak of the Lord? The Lord can give you opportunities. The Lord can help you overcome your weakness and He can give words and the opportunity.

Or, is it that things are not well with you personally? Can you not speak well of Christ because you yourself know Him not? Are you still unconverted? Do you see no beauty in Him because you see no need of Him? Is there no sin that bothers you? Is there no need for sins to be forgiven? Are you still under the impression that all is well, and that you need no Savior? You have been and still are under the proclamation of the truth, but it has no effect on you. Do you blame God for this? You say that you feel so little of sin, and the word of God means so little to you. Do you know why this is? The reason is that you don’t seek the Lord earnestly, prayerfully and frequently. You, in essence, do not really believe the word of God, and furthermore, you will not obey God. Listen to what God, Himself says in Zech. 1:3 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.” Do you hear it? Three times the Lord pronounces His Holy Name! Turn ye unto Me, and I will turn unto you.

My friend, are you not a leper? Unconverted? How will you escape death? Will you escape your punishment? There is a way of escape from the eternal death: only by fleeing to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Remember that if you do not learn by God’s grace, to confess the name of Christ, the Lord will not know you in the day of His coming. Then He will say to you, “I know you not!” But, you may argue, “I was always in church: but God will say,” verily, I know you not.” We need repentance, by first and by renewal. Genuine repentance, given from above! There is a Saviour, turn to Him and be ye saved. AMEN.


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