IT Statement of Work for Purchase Order Release From BPO

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|Project Title: |Period of Coverage: |

|Service Desk and Desktop Support Benchmarking (CSC/AEUSS/FS) |10/1/2014-11/15/2014 |

|Requesting Department: |Date: |

|Department of Technology, Management & Budget |10/6/2014 |

|Agency Project Manager: |Phone: |

|DTMB Project Manager: |Phone: |

|Brief Description of Services to be provided: |

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|The Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB) has a Customer Experience CORE Team that is conducting a project to improve the customer |

|experience for State of Michigan (SOM) employees that contact the SOM IT Service Desk. IT Service Desk and Desktop Support benchmarks are desired |

|to assist in this process. The Client Service Center (CSC) is the IT Service Desk responsible for the initial support contacts. Advanced End User|

|Support Services (AEUSS) provides remote support and Field Services (FS) provides onsite support when the CSC is unable to provide first call |

|resolution. |

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|The objective is to position end-user support at the State of Michigan to deliver consistent, world-class service to its many technology users. |

|Key components of the project include a benchmark of North American service desk and desktop support, balanced scorecards, and recommendations that|

|will enable the state’s technical service and support functions to accelerate their progress, and ultimately achieve world-class levels of customer|

|service and support in the shortest time possible. |

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|Separate Service Desk and Desktop Support Benchmarks to include: |

|Benchmark of the most common key performance indicators in the service desk and desktop support industries |

|Summary of the State of Michigan’s Service Desk and Desktop Support Quartile Performances for each KPI |

|The State of Michigan’s Service Desk and Desktop Support positions on a two-dimensional Efficiency vs. Effectiveness Matrix, plotted along with |

|other service desks and desktop support organizations in the benchmark |

|Key Findings that are specific to the State of Michigan Service Desk and Desktop Support |

|Recommended Strategies for Improved Performance for the State of Michigan Service Desk and Desktop Support |

|Webcast Kickoff Meeting |

|Telephone interviews with key service desk personnel |

|Webcast presentation of results |

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|The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be included in the service desk benchmark are: |

|Cost Metrics including Cost per Contact, Cost per Minute of Handle Time, First Level Resolution Rate |

|Productivity Metrics including Contacts per Agent per Month, Agent Utilization, Ratio of Agents to Total Headcount |

|Service Level Metrics including average speed of Answer (ASA), Call Abandonment Rate, and Percent Answered in 30 seconds |

|Quality Metrics including Call Quantity, Customer Satisfaction, and First Contact Resolution Rate |

|Agent Metrics including Agent Job Satisfaction, Agent Turnover, Daily absenteeism, New Agent Training Hours, Annual Training Hours, Agent Tenure |

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|The KPIs to be included in the desktop support benchmark are: |

|Cost Metrics including Cost per Ticket, Cost per Service request, Cost per Incident, Cost per Seat Supported per Month, Cost per Technician per |

|Month |

|Productivity Metrics including Tickets per Technician per Month, Service Requests per Technician per Month |

|Service Level Metrics including Average Incident Resolution Time (hours), Average Service Request Resolution Time (days), % of Tickets Closed |

|within 48 hours |

|Quality Metrics including customer satisfaction, % Resolved Level 1 Capable |

|Workload Metrics including Tickets per Seat per Month, Service Requests per Seat per Month, Incidents per Seat-Month |

|Technician Metrics including Technician Turnover, Staff to Technician Ratio, Technician Tenure |

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|Benchmarking Comparison and Gap Analysis – to include both positive and negative performance gaps. |

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|Recommendations to improve and optimize the State of Michigan’s Client Service Center performance. The recommendations should address service desk|

|strategy, human resource management, process, technology, performance measurement, and communication. |

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|Reputation within the IT Service Industry |

|At least one Principal serving, or have served, on the Board of Directors at a nationally recognized IT Service and Support industry organization. |

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|Company in existence for more than 15 years. |

|Benchmarking Database Breath |

|Minimum pool of 1000 Benchmarking Studies of IT Service and Support groups.  |

|Minimum of 50 IT Key Performance Indicators and minimum of 50 Best Practices within IT Service and Support. |

|Peer Group size requirements |

|Minimum of 20 peer comparisons, containing at least 5 Municipalities and 5 organizations with over 50,000 clients. |

|Speed is of the Essence |

|Data collection by the State of Michigan, DTMB Client Service Center not to exceed 25 hours.  Benchmark results and recommendations to be returned |

|to the State of Michigan, DTMB Client Service Center within 14 working days from day of data submission by the State of Michigan. |

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|DTMB Technical Environment: |

|n/a |

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|The State of Michigan will receive comprehensive, customized reports. The reports will include the following key components: |

|Benchmarks of more than 20 Key Performance Indicators |

|A Service Desk Scorecard and Desktop Support Scorecard that is customized for the State of Michigan Service Desk and Desktop Support |

|A Summary of Michigan’s Service Desk and Desktop Support Quartile Performance for more than 20 KPIs |

|The State of Michigan’s service desk and desktop support ranking on a two-dimensional Efficiency vs. Effectiveness Matrix |

|Key Findings that are unique to the State of Michigan service desk and desktop support |

|Recommended Strategies for Improved Performance that are customized for the State of Michigan |

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|The benchmarks will conclude with a live presentation of results on-line and over the phone. |

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|Project Kickoff Meeting with relevant stakeholders at the State of Michigan to be scheduled immediately after notification of the award. |

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|Benchmarks will be completed within 2 weeks of receiving State of Michigan data. |

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|Payment will be made within 45 days after date of invoice provided to State of Michigan. |

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|Fixed bid. No additional expenses should be incurred. |

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|Consultants will work remotely. No travel will be required. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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