Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh - VMware Tanzu Service ...

Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh

Technical Documentation VMware Tanzu Service Mesh

Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh

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1 About Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh 5

2 Tanzu Service Mesh Service Level Objective Overview 6

3 How Tanzu Service Mesh SLO Addresses Challenges in Microservices 7

4 Key Use Cases 10

Use Case 1: Apply SLO to Services 10 Use Case 1A - GNS scoped Monitored SLO for the Services in a Global Namespace(A GNSScoped SLO) 10 Use Case 1B - Actionable SLO to a Service In a Global Namespace 12 Use Case 1C - Org Scoped Monitored SLO for Services in a Cluster Namespace(An OrgScoped SLO) 15

Use Case 2: Use the Tanzu Service Mesh Service Level Objective (SLO) Feature to Track Autoscaling Impact on Services 18

Use Case 3: Use Actionable SLOs to Influence Autoscaling 21 Use Case 4: Observe SLO and SLI Violations 26 Use Case 5: Track "Error Budgets" for Services in a Cluster or a Global Namespace 27

5 Access the SLO Feature 29

Configure an SLO Through the User Interface 29 Configure SLOs Through the API Explorer 32 Global SLO Dashboard 34 See the Performance of a Single Service As Measured by SLOs 38 View and Track SLOs for Multiple Services 39

6 Best Practices 44

Best Practice 1: Set High-Level Objectives for Production Environments 44 Best Practice 2: Use the P90 Latency for SLI Development Environments 45 Best Practice 3: Use a p50 Latency SLI Where High Latencies Doesn't Mean Lower Service

Quality 46 Best Practice 4: Don't Use Lower Values for p99 Latencies than p50 or p90 Latencies 46

7 Tanzu Service Mesh SLO Configuration Reference 48

8 SLO API Reference 52

9 FAQ 54

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Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh

10 Glossary 56

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About Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh


The Service Level Objectives with Tanzu Service Mesh User's Guide describes how to use service level objective (SLO) policies in Tanzu Service Mesh Service to monitor the health of microservices.

Intended Audience

The information in this guide is intended for DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers (SREs), developers, and operators who use Tanzu Service Mesh Service SLO to measure and monitor the performance, quality, and health of microservices. The information is written for audiences who are familiar with the Tanzu Service Mesh feature of Global Namespace.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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