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Clerk: Mrs J.E Damant

Parish Office, Sheltered Housing Scheme

Elin Way, Meldreth SGtrac8 6LT

. (01763) 269928

E-mail: parishclerkorwell@dsl.


A meeting of Orwell Parish Council was held in the Village Hall on 17th October 2018 at 7.30pm (19.30hrs)

Present: Cllr N Szembel – Chairman (NS), Cllr G Bunnett - Vice Chairman (GB), Cllr J Healy (JH), Cllr C Ingrey (CI)

In Attendance: Mrs J Damant – Clerk)and County Councillor S Kindersely

175/10/18 Apologies for Absence: LGA 1972 sch12 para 40 – Quorate is one third but no less than 3 members LGA 1972 sch12, para 45

Apologies were received, agreed and accepted from Cllrs’ Howie; Tyndall; Morris-Lowe; Chiusseu and McKenna. Cllr A Van de Weyer also sent his apologies.

Cllr Bunnett chaired the meeting until 7.45 when Cllr Szembel arrived and took the chair.

176/10/18 Councillors to disclose any Pecuniary Interests (disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) include interests held by a member’s spouse, civil partner or similar)) listed on the Agenda:

There were no interests declared.

177/10/18 Public participation: for up to 15 minutes members of the public may contribute their views and comments to the Parish Council.

There were no members of the public in attendance.

178/10/18 Minutes of the last meeting 19th September 2018

The minutes were proposed by Cllr Ingrey and seconded by Cllr Healy and agreed by all. Chairman then signed the minutes as a true record.

179/10/18 CCC Report: circulated

Cllr Kindersley reported the Council had met on 16th October and Fiona McMillan has been appointed as the Monitoring Officer.

The next budget is being prepared.

The chimney at Barrington Cement works is due to be demolished on 20th December subject to weather conditions. The trains will travel in and out of the site for the next 15 years.

Q. Cllr Szembel enquired that due to the budget constraints should Parish Councils start preparing for the future?

A. Cllr Kindersley suggested it would be a good idea. Orwell does have a very good social network and residents are very much aware of who needs help. Areas which are more isolated are the one’s that are more likely to suffer from social problems. However, matters pertaining to the environment such as grass cutting, road sweeping, cleaning gulleys and general maintenance could be areas that the Parish Council can get involved with. It would be a good idea to look at what items you may need in the future and look at how you can achieve this, one option would be to set up volunteer groups to overlook particular projects.

180/10/18 SCDC Report: verbal report

181/10/18 Planning: NS, GB, TT, JC and TML (Town and Country Planning Act 1990 schedule 1, paragraph 8)

Full planning minutes are available on the website or from the Clerk).

Note: Former Cement Works, Barrington Cement Plant, S/3684/18/VC – Variation of condition 4 (remediation strategy) of planning consent S/1394/18/FL for demolition of former cement works. This variation does not have an impact on Orwell but the Parish Council have been notified as the Planning Committee had requested to be notified on all accounts.

47 Town Green Road, S/3189/18/LD has been given a Certificate of lawful development for a Velux window loft conversion.

182/10/18 Proposed East West Oxford Cambridge Rail Route:

Notice has been put out on the village email system and on the Parish Council notice board informing residents that they can put forward their opinion via the website .

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183/10/18 Development Proposal on Hurdleditch Road (next to the primary school)

Cllr Szembel reported that he had heard back from the land agent but there has been no update from the land owner regarding the possibility of turning the land already agreed under S106 by 90degrees nor the possibility of purchasing any extra land.

184/10/18 Oatlands:

It was agreed that the Clerk send the letter to Anglian Water, Petersfield School and SCDC. It was

also suggested by Cllr Van de Weyer that a copy be sent to Barrington Parish Council.

Action: Clerk

185/10/18 Recreational Ground Working Group:

Cllr Bunnett reported that a meeting is to take place in early November, they were hoping that there would have been some update on the possibility of new land. The S106 land may be passed to the Parish Council by June 2019, however the answer of more land may still not be known. Cllr Szembel suggested that for the time being that the land already agreed should be pursued especially as the football club need a title to the land in order to pursue grant funding which they are unable to do without this title.

The possibility of further land may have to be pursued as a separate project. It was suggested that it might be beneficial to look into a professional person to look at grant funding. Clerk to contact Bridget Smith for some advice. Action: Clerk

186/10/18 Recreation Ground & Pavilion:

Play equipment weekly inspection. Bench near the tower to be concreted in place.

Pavilion has had its annual PAT testing carried out with no comments.

Cllr Bunnett reported that he had looked at the pavilion and his notes have been circulated to councillors. The building is not going to fall down and can continue to be used in its present state, however it might be beneficial to have a structural survey carried out to give a professional standing on the building. Cllr Healy stated that the cracks in the brick work have always been there. The cost of a professional survey would be approximately £1500 which will give an idea on what is wrong and how best to manage it. The building has a limited life.

Cllr Ingrey reported that the foundations were built with the possibility of the building having another floor so they should be adequate.

Cllr Healy proposed that if the insurance policy covers subsidence then a survey should be carried out at the cost of up to £1500, this was seconded by Cllr Bunnett and agreed by all. Clerk to action both points. Action: Clerk

187/10/18 CCTV:

Letters to be sent out to residents whose properties are close to where the cameras will be placed. Action: Clerk

188/10/18 Chapel Orchard:

Deferred as Cllr Morris-Lowe was not in attendance.

189/10/18 Clunch Pit Management Trust (CPMT):

Cllr Bunnett reported that a discussion with the insurance company has taken place. The CPMT are also looking at a policy that covers them as officers. Further clarification is needed and the CPMT will be holding a meeting where this will be discussed along with the request of a written document between the Parish Council and the CPMT.

Cllr Bunnett also reported that Mr Damant will be giving up the sheep. Another shepherd with a roving flock may be interested in taking this over. The CPMT have the details and will follow this up. Action: CPMT

It was also suggested that a notice be put in the Bulletin requesting that dogs be kept under control at all times.

190/10/18 VAT:

Update from Cllr Tyndall regarding clarification on what the Parish Council are entitled to claim VAT on. This item was deferred as Cllr Tynall was not in attendance.

191/10/18 Glebe Paddock Agreement:

The clearing of the paddock has been held up as the small shed at the back was found to contain asbestos so needs to be dismantled and removed separately.

Clarification needed on the agreement that the Shepherd can graze animals as this is not clear on the agreement. Action: Clerk

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192/10/18 Financial Matters:

1. Financial Statements for October

2.Payments and Additional payments for October (Additional payments are shaded, these costs have already been agreed but may not have appeared on the agenda.

Local Government Act (LGA); Public Health Act (PHA); Open Space Act (OSA)

Payments awaiting authorisation

|Payee |Amount £ |Vat £ |Description |Power |

|Salaries, PAYE, NI, pension |1334.96 |0 |October Salaries |LGA 1972 s112 |

|Majestic Garden Services |600.00 |100.00 |September grass cutting |OSA 1906 s9/10 |

|Eon |26.44 |1.26 |Electric for pavilion |LGA 1972 s133 |

|S Walmesley |143.78 |0 |Clerk salary |LGA 1972 s112 |

|S Walmesley |27.00 |0 |Clerk expenses |LGA 1972 s111 |

|PKF Littlejohn LLP |360.00 |60.00 |External Audit |LGA 1972 s111 |

|UK Safety Management |94.80 |15.80 |PAT testing for pavilion |LGA 1972 s133 |

|Village Garden Services |25.00 |0 |Installation of dog fouling signs |OSA 1906 s9/10 |

|J Damant |26.94 |0 |Clerk expenses |LGA 1972 s111 |

Payments Received:

|Precept |£21,952.22 |

All payments were proposed to be in order by Cllr Healy, seconded by Cllr Bunnett and agreed by all.

Meldreth Parish Council - office rent £90.00 to be done at next month’s meeting.

193/10/18 Audit:

The Audit has now passed and all notices have been placed on the website and noticeboard. There was a question regarding the date of public notification not being correct last year of which the audit this year should have replied differently.

‘The smaller authority has disclosed that it made proper provision during the year 2017/2018 for the exercise of public rights, by answering ‘Yes’ to Section 1 Assertion 4. However, as was reported last year, we are aware that it failed to do this and therefore should have answered ‘No’ to this assertion. It has also disclosed that it took appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit, but answering ‘Yes, to Section 1, Assertion 7, which, on the basis of the above, is not correct.

194/10/18 Notice Boards:

Notice boards are needed to replace the one at Meadowcroft Way and Hillside.

It was agreed that the notice board to be placed at Meadowcroft Way to be wood and the notice board on Hillside to be aluminium. It was proposed by Cllr Healy that the Clerk can spend up to £2500 for both notice boards, seconded by Cllr Bunnett and agreed by all. Action: Clerk

195/10/18 Policies:

It was proposed by Cllr Healy to accept the new Standing Orders of 2018, this was seconded by Cllr Ingrey and agreed by all.

It was proposed by Cllr Healy to accept the Press & Media Policy, this was seconded by Cllr Bunnett and agreed by all.

It was suggested by Cllr Bunnet that further works needs to be carried out on the Safeguarding Policy to make it clearer as at the moment it is a ‘safey policy’ and a ‘safeguarding policy’ and it would be better to have two separate policies. Clerk and Cllr Bunnett to redraft. Action: GB/Clerk

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196/10/18 GDPR

Councillors to have separate email address for parish council business. It was suggested by Cllr Bunnett that councillors set up a gmail account with ‘name.opc@gmail’. Action: All Cllrs

197/10/18 Community Benefit:

It was proposed by Cllr Bunnett to accept the request from WOW for litter picking items at a cost of £189.52, seconded by Cllr Healy and agreed by all.

198/10/18 Volunteer Coordinator:

Cllr Bunnett reported that one person has come forward as a possible volunteer but there has been limited response from the village but it would be worthwhile carry this on for the time being.

Clerk reported that they have had no response for the gritting scheme. Cllrs Szembel, Ingrey and Healy volunteered to carry this out. Clerk to forward the relevant forms for them to fill out, this will need to be completed before any equipment can be delivered. Action: Clerk

199/10/18 Proposal to host an event for all Orwell volunteer organisations:

Cllr Szembel would like to hold an event for all village organisations. Clerk to put a list together and send out to councillors. Action: Clerk

200/10/18 WW1 Centenary Commemorations:

Beacon will be lit at 7pm with other events happening in the village. Cllr Szembel will book the cherry picker. Cllr Tyndall and Morris-Lowe will organise the wood and for the beacon to be filled on Saturday 10th November. Action: NS, TT,TML

201/10/18 Defibrillator/Red Telephone Box: (PHA 1936 s234)

Cllr Bunnett is still working on the planning documents – change of use. Action: GB

202/10/18 Correspondence and Clerk's Report:

Malton Lane to be closed from the 5th November to 16th November from 8.30 to 3.30 for road surface repairs. Notice given for the village email system and a notice on the Parish Council notice board has been placed.

Parish Planning Forum – 30th October at Cambourne from 6pm.

Street lights: Lights on Leaden Hill (SC18) along with the light near Volac has been reported to SCDC. The light on the corner of Fishers Lane and A603, response from SCDC, should have been turned on 9th October. Clerk are reported this again to SCDC.

The street light on Pearmans Close (CCC1) has been reported to Balfour Beatty as this is a Parish Council light.

It was reported that the street light SC45 at Meadowcroft Way has been on 24hrs, Clerk to report.

Action: Clerk

203/10/18 Paintings:

Clerk has received a response from the Village Hall who will be holding a meeting next week and this will be on their agenda. At the time of this meeting the Clerk had not heard from the primary school.

Paintings are covered by the Parish Council insurance.

204/10/18 Allotments:

There were two allotments available which have now been filled, with a possible third. Clerk has one interested party who is now on the waiting list and will be notified once another allotment becomes available. Clerk will inspect the allotments, for the time being, and will put together a policy for upkeep for all allotment holders. Action: Clerk

205/10/18 Councillors' Reports and Areas of Responsibility:

Responsibility List – deferred until the next meeting.

Bulletin distribution – deferred until the next meeting, next issue is due out in December

206/10/18 Agenda items for the next meeting:

Policies: Financial Standing Orders

207/10/18 Clerk’s Appraisal:


There being no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm. Next scheduled meeting will take place in the Back Room of the Village Hall on November 21st 2018.

Chairman:_____________________________ Date:_________________________

For the avoidance of doubt the only legally acceptable version of the Minutes of Orwell Parish Council are those signed at meetings.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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