
Name: FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDEElbel – (9th Grade History Final Exam Study Guide Ch. 9 -21)Chapter 9. The American Civil War 1861-165Important individuals/groups:1. Abraham Lincoln - 2. John Wilkes Booth - 3. Robert E. Lee - 4. General Ulysses S. Grant - 5. William Tecumseh Sherman- Important Events:6. Emancipation Proclamation - 7. Gettysburg - 8. Appomattox Court House - 9. Number of Civil War Casualties –10. March to the Sea-Chapter 10 Reconstruction 1865-1877Important Individuals/groups11. Andrew Johnson-12. Radical Republicans-13. President U.S. Grant-14. KKK-Important Events 15. 13th Amendment-16. 14th Amendment-17. 15th Amendment -18. Freedmen’s Bureau- 19. Military Reconstruction Act –20. Whiskey Ring –21. Black Codes –22. Carpetbagger –23. Scalawag –24. Sharecropper –25. Compromise 1877-Chapter 11. Settling the West 1865-1890Important Individuals/groups 26. George A. Custer-27. Sioux-28. Crazy Horse-29. Sitting Bull-Important Events30. Battle of the Little Big Horn-31. Wounded Knee-32. Transcontinental Railroad –33. Manifest Destiny -34. Reservations - Chapter 12. Industrialization – 1870-1910Important Individuals/groups35. Alexander Graham Bell-36. Thomas Edison-37. Nikola Tesla-38. Wright Brothers-39. John D. Rockefeller-40. Andrew Carnegie-41. J.P. Morgan-42. Cornelius Vanderbilt-43. Henry Clay Frick-Important Events 44. Vertical Integration-45. Horizontal Integration-46. GDP-47. Laissez-Faire-48. Trust/Monopoly-49. Unions-50. Homestead Strike-51. Great Railroad Strike-52. Black Listing-Chapter 13 Urban America 1865-1900Important Individuals/groups53. William Boss Tweed-54. James Garfield-55. Charles Gateau-57. William McKinley-58. William Jennings Bryan-Important Events 59. Nativism-60. Ellis Island -61. New and Old Immigrants-62. # Of Immigrant into U.S.-63. Political Machines-64. Plessy V. Ferguson-65. Spoils System-66. Populism67. Philanthropy – Chapter 14 Becoming a World Power 1872-1914Important Individuals/groups68. Teddy Roosevelt-69. William Randolph Hearst-70. Joseph Pulitzer-71. Queen Lilikaluani-72. Matthew C. Perry-73. George Dewey-74. Rough Riders-Important Events 75. Yellow Journalism-76. Imperialism-77. Annexation of Hawaii-78. Territory gained in the Spanish American war: -79. U.S.S Maine-80. Battle of San Juan Hill-81. Battle of the Philippines- 82. Great White Fleet -83. Panama Canal.-84. Platt Amendment - 85. Treaty of Hay-Bunau-Varilla -86. Roosevelt Corollary –87. Dollar Diplomacy-Chapter 15. The Progressive Era 1900-1920Important Individuals/groups88. Teddy Roosevelt-89. William Howard Taft-90. Woodrow Wilson-91. Upton Sinclair-92. Muckrakers - 93. Susan B Anthony-94. Carrie Chapman Catt-95. Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Important Events 96. The Jungle-97. Pure Food and Drug Act-98. Meat Inspection Act-99. Suffrage Movement-100. Square Deal –101. 17th Amendment-102. 18th Amendment-103. 19th Amendment-104. Bull Moose Party-105. Election of 1912-106. Prohibition-107. Children’s Bureau-108. Federal Trade Commission109. Clayton anti-Trust law 110. National Parks111. NAACP112. 4 Examples of Progressive Era LawsChapter 16 World War I 1914-1919Important Individuals/groups113. Archduke Franz Ferdinand-114. Gavrillo Princip-115. Kaiser Wilhelm-116. John J. Pershing-117. The Red Baron- 118. Woodrow Wilson-119. Georges Clemenceau-Important Events 120. (M.A.I.N) Causes of WWI-121. Western Front-122. No-Mans-Land-123. Assassination in Sarajevo- 124. Balkans –Powder Keg of Europe-125. New Military Technologies of WWI126. Allied Powers after 1914 - 127.Central Powers after 1914 –128. Stalemate/Trench warfare-129. Lusitania-130. Zimmerman Telegraph-131. U-Boats-132. Battle of the Argonne Forrest-133. Selective Service Act-134. Food Administration-135. War industries Board-136. Espionage Acts-137. Armistice date of WWI-138. Treaty of Versailles-139. League of Nations-140. Punishments to Germany from WWI –Chapter 17. Jazz Age 1920’s Important Individuals/groups141. Warren G. Harding-142. Calvin Coolidge-143. Henry Ford-144. Al Capone-145. Charles Evan Hughes-146. Andrew Mellon-147. Duke Ellington-148. Charles Lindbergh149. Charlie Chaplin-150. Babe Ruth-Important Events 151. Flappers-152. Assembly Line/ Mass Production-153. Model T-154. Disposable income-155. Prohibition-156. Bootlegging/Speakeasy-157. Teapot Dome Scandal-158. Harlem Renaissance-159. Supply Side Economics-160. Washington Naval Conference-161. Dawes Act-162. Spirit of St. Louis-163. Scopes Trial-Chapter 18/19 Great Depression and New Deal (1930’s)Important Individuals/groups164. Herbert Hoover-165. FDR-Important Events 166. Stock Market-167. Bull Market-168. Black Tuesday-169. 3 Reasons for stock market crash-170. Hoovervilles171. Bonus Army-172. Dust Bowl-173. First 100 Days/New Deal-174. Court Packing-175. Criticism of New Deal-176. Bank Holidays-177. Social Securities Act-178. Fireside Chats-179. WPA-180. FDIC-181. SEC-182. TVA-183. AAA-184. Huey Long-185. Money spent of New Deal-186. What ends the Depression? -Chapter 20/21 World War I Important Individuals/groups187. Adolf Hitler-188. Benito Mussolini-189. Joseph Stalin-190. Hadeki Tojo-.191. Emperor Hirohito-192 Winston Churchill-193 Douglas McArthur-194. Dwight D. Eisenhower-195. Harry S. Truman-196. George Patton – 197. Erwin Rommel-Important Events 198. Fascism-199. Mein Kampf-200. Nazi-201. Fuhrer-202. Axis Powers-203. Allied Powers WWII-204. Appeasement-205. Blitzkrieg-206 Luftwaffe-207.. Causes of WWII-208. Waffen SS – 209. Panzers-210 Countries that fall to Germany-211. Lend – Lease Act-212.. Kristallnacht-213.. Final Solution-214.. Holocaust-215.. Auschwitz-216 Battle of the Bulge-217.. D-Day-218. Battle of Britain219.. Battle of Midway-220. Battle of Stalingrad-221. Operation Barbarossa-222. Pearl Harbor-223. Iwo Jima-224. Island Hopping-225. Manhattan Project-226. Hiroshima and Nagasaki-227. Nuremberg Trials- ................

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