Green Dot Principal in Residence Program - TNTP

Administrator in Residence Program


General Description

The purpose of the Administrator in Residence program is to induct and train principals in the following areas:

⇨ Green Dot philosophy, core values, and education model

⇨ Building Culture

⇨ Instructional Leadership

⇨ People and Resource Management

⇨ Community Leadership

⇨ Problem Solving

The program provides ongoing support for the administrators in residence as they develop their philosophy of education and leadership and as they develop key foundational elements prior to the opening of a school (mission/vision, professional development protocols and procedures, course offerings, graduation requirements, discipline policies and process).

AIR Training Program:

Key areas of focus:

• Developing Instructional Leadership

• Planning Effective Professional Development

• Creating a New School Culture

• Creating Sustainable Systems and Processes

• Prioritization

|Developing Instructional Leadership |

Topics to be covered:

• Understanding and teaching the Essential Elements of Effective Instruction (EEEI) and effective lesson design

• Developing a common language and shared understanding of effective instruction at a school site

• Green Dot’s Champion Teaching Techniques

• The College Ready Promise (TCRP) and the College Ready Teaching Framework (CRTF)

• Effective observation and coaching methods

• Building instructional capacity in teacher-leaders

Key Readings:

• Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that put Students on the Path to College by Doug Lemov

• Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning by Mike Schmoker

• College Knowledge: What it Really Takes for Students to Succeed and What We Can Do to Get Them Ready by David T. Conley (excerpts)

• The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction by Robert Marzano (Optional)

Outside Trainings:

• The College Ready Teaching Framework Training (4 Days) and Certification

Green Dot Resources/Best Practices Provided:

• Green Dot Champion Teaching Technique Professional Developments

• The College Ready Teaching Framework, Rubric and Observational Tools

• Green Dot binder of professional development resources for first-year schools

|Planning Effective Professional Development |

Topics to be covered:

• Using data and strategic plans to drive professional development

• Using protocols to analyze student work

• Using the Essential Elements of Effective Instruction to deliver professional development

• Green Dot’s Recommended Protocols for Professional Development

• Adult learning theory

Key Readings:

• Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning by Kathryn Parker Boudett, Elizabeth A. City and Richard J.Murnane

• What Great Principals Do Differently by Todd Whitaker

• Good to Great by Jim Collins (excerpts)

Green Dot Resources/Best Practices Provided:

• Green Dot calendar of recommended professional development foci for first-year schools

• Green Dot binder of professional development resource binder for first-year schools

|Creating a New School Culture |

Topics to be covered:

• Change theory

o Deconstructing an old mindset

o Constructing a new mindset and culture

• Organizational theory

• Leading change efforts at your school

• Developing your core values and mission

• Courageous conversations about the change that needs to occur

Key Readings:

• Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip & Dan Heath

• The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (excerpts)

• Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Richard E. Boyatzis, and Annie McKee

• Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal

• Leading Change in Your School: How to Conquer Myths, Build Commitment, and Get Results by Douglas Reeves (excerpts)

• The 90/90/90 Schools: A Case Study

• Gates Study on high-poverty, high-performing schools

Green Dot Resources/Best Practices Provided:

• Phases of a start-up school:

What should you expect and plan for in years 1 – 4 of a school?

|Creating Sustainable Systems and Processes |

Topics to be covered:

• ELL compliance and law

• SPED compliance and law

• Structures and systems in successful schools

• Union contract and evaluation process

• Hiring best practices

• Building capacity

• Leadership Committees

Key Readings:

• Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement by Richard Dufour

• The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick M. Lencioni

• Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable… About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business by Patrick M. Lencioni

• Consensus Through Conversation: How to Achieve High-Commitment Decisions by Larry Dressler (Enrichment)

Outside trainings:

• FRISK training

Green Dot Resources/Best Practices Provided:

• First-year school structures and systems checklist

• Green Dot recommended discipline handbook

• Green Dot recommended graduation requirements

|Prioritization |

Topics to be covered:

• Effective delegation processes

• Time management

• Aligning actions and decisions with your mission and core values

Key Readings:

• The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

• The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard (Enrichment)

Expectations of the Program

Administrators in Residence will perform the following tasks during their year in residency:

⇨ AIRs are on the principal work calendar – 217 work days per year.

⇨ Monday – Thursday: Each AIR will be assigned to a specific school from 7:30 – 4:30 for the purposes of shadowing administrators at the site and assisting with key administrator duties. The AIR will be assigned to a school for a quarter at a time and then assigned to a different school the following quarter. During their quarter at the school site, the AIRs will be assigned special projects to complete by the principal.

⇨ Friday: Work on projects as assigned at the Home Office from 8:00 – 4:30.

⇨ Meet with Cluster Directors every Friday from 3:00 – 4:30 to discuss progress toward projects and weekly reflections.

⇨ Attend 95/5 sessions and Key Results walkthroughs.

⇨ Attend each of the following events at a school chosen by the AIR:

Semester 1:

• Staff retreat and summer professional development week

• Site budget meeting

• Summer parent orientation

• Back-to-School Night

• PTA/PTO/ Parent meeting/Parent conferences

• Discipline Review Board Committee meeting

• School Advisory Council meeting

• Student Success Team meeting

• Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) meetings and Grade Level Leader (GLL) meetings

• CELDT planning and implementation

• Student enrollment

Semester 2:

• Site budget planning meeting for the next school year

• Master scheduling training/ planning session

• Discipline Review Panel meeting (home office)

• IEP meeting

• School Advisory Council meeting

• CAHSEE and SAT Boot Camps

• 9th grade lottery

• 9th grade placement testing

• Developing a schedule and teacher training for CST testing

• Revise staff and student handbooks

⇨ Assist an assigned school with the following:

• Co-plan and co-facilitate a late-start PD session with site administrators

• Shadow a formal observation of a teacher

• Observe a pre-observation and post-observation meeting for a formal observation of a teacher

• Supervision and student discipline


⇨ Assist GD Ed Team with the planning and delivery of:

• New teacher trainings

• Benchmark collaboration days

• All Green Dot days

• Middle School NWEA testing and collaboration days

Program Assignments

⇨ Complete weekly log/journal of reflections based on work at schools and at the Home Office. Reflections are due to your supervisor at 9 a.m. on Fridays.

• Weekly log/journal reflections should be aligned to the following areas observed during the week (See template):

o Green Dot Philosophy, Core Values, and Education Model

o Building Culture

o Instructional Leadership

o People and Resource Management

o Community Leadership

o Problem Solving

|2011-12 AIR Projects |

|Project |AIRs |Contact |UPDATES/ NOTES |

|Teacher Leadership Pipeline & Teacher Leader |English – Meghan |Kris Terry/ Megan Quaile |Attend TLDP trainings |

|Development Project (TLDP) |English – Mack | |Co-facilitate Dept PDs during GD Days |

| |Math – Stepan | |Benchmark Exams & Data Director |

| |Science – TBD | | |

| |History – TBD | | |

|MAP® Testing : Northwest Evaluation |English – Meghan |Chad Soleo/ Kevin Keelen/ Patty Wu/ Leona |Attend NWEA Trainings |

|Association (NWEA) |English – Mack |Matthews |Lead Data Analyses at each MS |

| |Math – Stepan | |Middle School Implementation Best Practices |

|The College Ready Promise (TCRP) |Survey – Meghan |Philip Parker/ Julia Fisher/ Cristina DJ |Attend assigned Focus Groups |

| |Evaluation – Mack | |Support TRCP Leads for each Focus Group |

| |Growth – Stepan | | |

|Read-In Best Practices |Mack and Meghan |Leona Matthews |Research various Read-In Programs across GD |

| | | |Develop a Read-In Best Practice Resource for Admin |

|Strategic Initiative 3 |English Language Learners (ELL) – Mack |Leona Matthews and Patty Wu | |

| |Literacy – Meghan |PO – Cristina de Jesus | |

| |Math Intervention – Stepan |PM – Megumi Abe | |

|Champion Teaching Series (Initiative 10) |Meghan |Kris Terry/ Megan |AIRs will be responsible for developing one complete PD deck |

| |Mack | |for a GD signature technique |

| |Stepan | | |

|PE Testing (9th Grade) |Stepan |Cristina de Jesus |Working w/ DJ; Check-in w/ Schools |

|Early Assessment Program (EAP) |English – Meghan |Cristina de Jesus |Email reminder about EAP dates in NftD & continue researching |

| |Math – Stepan | |12th grade curriculum |

|CAHSEE Boot Camp |English – Meghan and Mack |Stephen Minix/ Leona Matthews/Patty Wu |Selecting/ Developing Curriculum; Assist with Training |

|(After-school Programs) |Math – Stepan | |Teachers; Site Observations |

|New Teacher Support Models |Mack |Kris Terry and Cluster Directors |Research NTS models across GD |

| | | |Develop resources and recommendations for admin |

|Green Dot Middle School Curriculums |English – Meghan |Cluster Directors/ Megan Quaile/ Cristina de |Curricular Pathways; 6-8 Novel & Reading Lists; Resources incl.|

| |Drama – Mack |Jesus |Science, Humanities, Math & Elective Projects, Units & |

| |Math – Stepan | |Materials; Teacher Observation Opportunities @ Exemplar MS |

| | | |(incl. Aspire); Better Lesson/ PD Portal Reviewing & Posting |

Program Assignments (Continued)

⇨ Complete readings which include:

Developing Instructional Leadership

• Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that put Students on the Path to College by Doug Lemov

• Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning by Mike Schmoker

• College Knowledge: What it Really Takes for Students to Succeed and What We Can Do to Get Them Ready by David T. Conley (excerpts)

• The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction by Robert Marzano (Optional)

Planning Effective Professional Development

• Data Wise: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Assessment Results to Improve Teaching and Learning by Kathryn Parker Boudett, Elizabeth A. City and Richard J.Murnane

• What Great Principals Do Differently by Todd Whitaker

• Good to Great by Jim Collins (excerpts)

Creating a New School Culture

• Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement by Richard Dufour

• The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick M. Lencioni

• Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable… About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business by Patrick M. Lencioni

• Consensus Through Conversation: How to Achieve High-Commitment Decisions by Larry Dressler (Enrichment)

Creating Sustainable Systems and Processes

• Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement by Richard Dufour

• The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick M. Lencioni

• Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable… About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business by Patrick M. Lencioni

• Consensus Through Conversation: How to Achieve High-Commitment Decisions by Larry Dressler (Enrichment)


• The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

• The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard

Program Assignments (Continued)

⇨ Create and present Portfolio by May, including:

o All weekly reflections and reflections written after finishing home office projects

o Rough draft of mission for the AIR’s school (assume a new school for the purpose of this element) along with materials to be used to generate discussions with staff about mission/vision

o Green Dot graduation requirements (available in GD Policy Manual)

o Proposed courses to be offered including academic interventions (4 year scope and sequence matrix)

o Bell schedule samples, including options w/ double lunch and double PD, and include framework and materials to facilitate discussion with faculty regarding schedule choice

o Calculation of instructional minutes (using provided calendar and bell schedule)

o Sample strategic plan and professional development plan, including description of professional development protocols and procedures to be used (teacher buddies, buddy observations, videotaping, etc.).

o Discipline matrix, policies and procedures (may include materials to be used to present to faculty)

o Summer Bridge Plan: courses offered, schedule, purpose, sample letter to parents and students

o Plan for diagnostic testing prior to or during Summer Bridge

o Summer PD Plan (1 new teacher development day and 5 faculty days)

o Student Handbook (must be aligned with GD Policy Manual)

o Student Recruitment Plan

o Faculty Hiring Protocol, including scenario-based questions

o Sample budget summary presentation for School Advisory Committee

o Plan for Parent Involvement, including School Advisory Committee (SAC) structure and by-laws, parent organization (PTO) structure, parent workshop schedule

o Community Profile (See WASC document), including public school feeder pattern data for three or more years (specific communities will be assigned to each AIR)

o Identify community based organization partnership possibilities for school within community assigned for profile

o Interview responses: Interview 3 principals and capture their thoughts about the questions outlined on the interview template.


⇨ Formal observation of work at a school

⇨ Portfolio (See Rubric)

⇨ Feedback after the completion of HO projects

⇨ Formal evaluation – same template used for administrators


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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