
First Semester Cumulative Project: Build Your Own CivilizationDue Date Group Project- Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 Worth: 100 pointsI. Introduction/Overall Task: Throughout this semester, we have studied many successful (and some not so successful) civilizations. This final semester project is designed to measure what you have learned by having you closely analyze, critique, and evaluate the civilizations/societies we have studied. Your task is to carefully select features of a successful civilization, create a new civilization, and create a final product and paper that encourages people to move to your new society. Your project must draw upon the features we have talked about this year. This is a group project that counts in the projects/essays category of your grading rubric (20%). Each day your group project is late, 5 points will be deducted from EVERYONE’S grade. It is essential that you complete the assignment on time and carry your weight! II. Components that must be evaluated together and present in your final product: Geography Visual: Pick a location in the world and include an illustration of at least one of the geographic featuresWritten component that accompanies visual aid: Discuss important geographic features of this area, climate, and food sources. The features you select should make sense given the location you choose.Explain why your group chose this area (advantages it serves). Explain which civilization you are modeling this component after.Size of civilization/populationVisual: Include a map of the region, shading in the area which your civilization will be located and how much land it coversIndicate/mark key cities to be included (think about how many major cities you would want)Written component that accompanies visual aid: Discuss ideal size of civilization (Think carefully about this—there are advantages and disadvantages to having a population really small or really large. You need to explain why you chose this ideal population size—how will it best serve your civilization?). Explain which civilization(s) you are modeling this component after. If you are blending a few ideas from different civilizations, make sure you explain and discuss each civilization you refer to, in addition to your reasoning. Job specialization/social hierarchyVisual: Include an illustration of the social class system and/or an illustration of at least 1 of the most prominent jobs in your civilization. Written component that accompanies visual aid: Discuss your rationale for how you structured society and at least 3 descriptions of the 3 most important jobs included in your job specialization. Explain roughly the percentage of the population that exists in each job (need to discuss this with the person doing Part B—it should make sense given the size of your population). How will your society address social mobility? Will you provide educational opportunities and which jobs require an educational opportunity? How will women be viewed and what types of jobs can they serve?How will your design help the economy grow and thrive? Make sure to have a paragraph that explicitly addresses these questions and explain which civilization(s) you are modeling this component after. If you are blending a few ideas from different civilizations, make sure you explain and discuss each civilization you refer to, in addition to your reasoning. Religion/belief system:First—decide on one: Polytheism (Egyptian? Mesopotamian? Shang/Zhou? Olmecs?)Judaism Hinduism (Aryan, Mauryan, Gupta)Buddhism (Mauryan)Greek or Roman mythologyConfucianism (Han)Legalism (Qin)**** Or blend 1 or more types together—but make sure it would still be a religion/belief system that makes sense.Visual: Illustration of an example of a house of worship, or provide an illustration of a guidebook/holy book that would be used in your society. Written component that accompanies visual aid: What main beliefs guide the religion? Why did this religion in your empire develop? Discuss the impact this would have on daily life, social structure and government. Will religion influence who is at the top of the social class? Why or why not? (Collaborate with job specialization person).Also discuss your state policy concerning other religions. Will religious diversity be tolerated? Why or why not? Connect back to other civilizations we have studied when providing your rationale.Discuss the rationale behind choosing the religion that you did (or the rationale behind blending some of them together). Explain which civilization(s) you are modeling this component after. If you are blending a few ideas from different civilizations, make sure you explain and discuss each civilization you refer to, in addition to your reasoning. Government: First-decide on the type: Monarchy/emperor (Egypt/Mesopotamia/Shang/Zhou/Han/Qin/Mauryan/Gupta/Persia) *Note---these monarchies were all a little bit different but you could use any of the above as inspiration.Bureaucratic monarchy (Minoans)Direct (limited) democracy (Athens)Oligarchy (Sparta)Aristocracy Indirect democracy/republic (early Rome)** Or blend 1 or more types together—but make sure it would still be a governing system that makes sense.Visual: Illustration of the legal code book, or an important leader, or the army (showcasing special technology used)Written component that accompanies visual aid: You must discuss 5 laws that your government will implement (connect it back to the religion or guiding philosophy of your civilization, and also explain how it supports your government structure). Also discuss how the military will be structured (Is there a need for a large one? Connect this back to the size of your civilization), and foreign policy of the government. Again, you must discuss which civilization(s) you are modeling this after.Discuss the governing system that will be implemented, and explain the rationale behind it (connect to religion if relevant). Explain which civilization(s) you are modeling this component after. If you are blending a few ideas from different civilizations, make sure you explain and discuss each civilization you refer to, in addition to your reasoning. Public Works and Technology: Visual: Have at least 2 visuals—1 public works and 1 example of technology that is most important to your civilization (You can pre existing examples from history)Written component that accompanies visual aid: Discuss and describe the 3 most important public work projects that your civilization will implement AND the 3 most important pieces of technology that your civilization will utilize. You must explain how these examples from history benefit and sustain your population. Also discuss who will be responsible for carrying these projects out (A specialized job? The government?) and how that will influence your social hierarchy. Explain which civilization(s) you are modeling this component after. If you are blending a few ideas from different civilizations, make sure you explain and discuss each civilization you refer to, in addition to your reasoning. Writing system and art/architecture:Pick a writing system: CuneiformHieroglyphicsAncient ChineseSanskritOlmec written languagePhoenician alphabetPick an architectural/artistic style: EgyptianMinoan Greek/Roman HellenisticIndian (Mauryan/Gupta)Han dynasty Visual: Include an illustration of the writing system and an illustration of the architecture or art in your civilization (Your illustration can be something that already exists in history that is a model for your current civilization). Written component that accompanies visual aid: Discuss the writing system and rationale behind it—will it be phonetic or pictograph? Why? Which people in society will be able to write and why (maybe everyone)? How will that affect your social class system? Also discuss the civilization(s) who inspired your form of architecture. Explain why this type of architecture was adopted (benefits of it). Explain which civilization(s) you are modeling this component after. If you are blending a few ideas from different civilizations, make sure you explain and discuss each civilization you refer to, in addition to your reasoning. If you are in a group of 4: Person 1: Geography, size, and job specializationPerson 2: Government Person 3: ReligionPerson 4: Advancements-Writing/art/architecture/Public Works/TechnologyIf you are in a group of 5: Person 1: Geography and job specializationPerson 2: Size and religionPerson 3: Government Person 4: Public works/technologyPerson 5: Writing/art/architectureCivilizations to use as inspiration: Mesopotamians (Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Phoenicians) –specify who you will chooseEgyptiansIRV culturesAryansShang dynastyZhou dynastyMinoansOlmecsMauryans EmpireGupta EmpireQin EmpireHan EmpireAthensSpartaPersian EmpireRoman republic Roman empireIII. What are you creating with your group?An advertisement that highlights the components of your new civilization.You will EACH be responsible for completing the written work for your designated topics (specific instructions for each written component are listed above) Ideas of what to create (Pick 1)Poster (that would be a mock billboard)(Enlarged)Travel Magazine TV commercial ADNews segment that reports on this new (awesome) civilizationIf you have your own idea, you must get it approved by your teacher first!Requirements (general):Everyone must participate in the final product There must be a name of your civilization--clearly visible or communicated to the audienceIf it is a poster/travel magazine, everyone must contribute with providing visuals (drawings, computer images, etc) for their respective research categoriesIf it is a TV commercial or news segment video that you are handing in, everyone must make an appearance and have lines in the skit. Everyone’s name must appear on the final product (unless it’s a video in which case I will see you, but your skit must have everyone’s name printed) Everyone is responsible for their write up sections:Write up for each component is about a paragraph long and must address all the questions listed in that particular section.The paragraph should include full developed sentences and examples.Requirements (poster or travel magazine)Poster needs to be at least 28”x22.” It can be larger if you wish. Foam boards are allowed. Travel Magazine can NOT be regular 8x11 printer paper. It can be poster board that has been cut down to equal sized pages, or something like the sample that was shown in class. It must be bound together in some way There must be a cover!Written components and visuals can be placed directly into the poster or magazine, in a logical order and neat fashion. Requirements (tv commercial or news segment) Design a skit that everyone partakes in. The skit is either some sort of tv commercial/info ad, or a news segment reporting on your awesome civilization. The skit must address the questions in the written component sections (thus, the skit will then also serve as the whole written component too). In the skit, you will responsible for fulfilling a role that communicates the categories you are responsible for researching. You must take the lead in writing your portion, but the group can work on this together to make the skit flow. The visuals must make an appearance in your skit. Have illustrations, props, diagrams ready to use in your skit to thus check off the visual requirements. The skit must be recorded and sent to your teacher (Youtube link, iphone video, etc) Helpful reminders: It is your responsibility to plan ahead so that the due date doesn’t sneak up on you and you can create a meaningful project! Therefore, checkpoints will be implemented to make sure everyone is on task. If you see early on that a group member is not contributing, come talk to me! Don’t wait for the last minute. An emergency from poor planning does not constitute as an emergency for me. Plan accordingly!** Discussions/checkpoints will be completed through Schoology. Please follow the directions for each Schoology assignment (will be explained in class).SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday11/2911/30Project assigned 12/112/2HW due: Schoology discussion #1 (Pick categories)12/312/412/512/612/7HW due: Schoology discussion #2 (Brainstorm ideas for your respective components).12/8*SGI will be a test review12/9TEST-Unit 4a12/1012/11HW due: Schoology Assignment: Comment on eachother’s ideas 12/1212/1312/14HW due: Schoology Assignment- Read over peers’ comments on ideas. Write drafts of your assigned components12/1512/1612/17HW due: Schoology Discussion- How do you plan to utilize the class time tomorrow? 12/18Class time: Work on project (finalize ideas, work on advertisement)HW due: bring in drafts of ideas, project materials, etc.12/19Get together this weekend? Or complete written portions and plan to meet on Mon/Tues 12/2012/21Get together to work on project?12/22SGI open to work on project12/23PROJECT DUE12/24No School12/25No School12/26No School12/27No School12/28No School12/29No School12/30No School12/31No School1/1No School1/2No School1/3No School1/41/51/61/71/8First draft due1/91/101/11ESSAY DUE** SGI will be available for groups to get together and discuss ideas. Individual PaperDue Date Individual Paper- Monday, January 11th, 2016 Worth: 100 pointsTheme: Successful civilizationsPrompt: You are a historian reporting on this new civilization. Compare/contrast your new civilization to ones we have studied this year. Make sure to take a stand and evaluate if this civilization was worth living in (Did it measure up to the others? Was it more or less successful?). You must reference/compare at least 1 Eastern civilization (China, India) You must reference/compare at least 1 Western civilization (Europe, Persia, Africa Americas)Possible Categories of analysis (paragraph topics): **Note: These categories (and ideas in parenthesis) are to help you get started and brainstorm. You are not expected to talk about everything. Zero in on the concepts that most interest ernment (structure, foreign relations, laws)Military (techniques, battles)Achievements (technology, architecture, art, writing)Social classes (structure, types of jobs, mobility, women, education)Public works (benefits)Religion (flexibility, organization, stability)Location (geographic advantages, size) Important reminders: The more thought out your project is, the better shape you are in! Do not reference your civilization as “My civilization…” You named your civilization, so reference it as that.Requirements: Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced, 1” margins3-4 pages, typed.Must include an introduction, thesis, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion. ................

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