This handout gives finger-bending exercises that will improve how your ...


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Finger-Straightening Exercises

To do at hom e

This handout gives finger-bending exercises that will improve how your fingers move and work.

When you do these exercises: ? Do 1 long, steady pull with m ild force. Do n o t do short, forceful pulls.

D R A F T ? Do not get to the point that the exercises cause pain. You should feel a stretch, but not pain.

Exe rcis e # 1: Straigh te n in g En d Jo in ts

1. Place the palm of your affected hand on a tabletop, with the end joint of your index finger down over the edge of the table.

2. Using your other hand, slowly and gently straighten the end joint of your affected index finger. Place your unaffected thumb over the m iddle section of your affected index finger to hold it steady. Straighten each joint only until it is level, not more.

3. Hold the stretch for _ _ _ _ seconds. 4. Repeat _ _ _ _ tim es. Do this exercise _ _ _ _ tim es a day. Repeat this exercise for y our m iddle, ring, and little fingers.


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UWMC Occupational Therapy | Box 356490 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98 195 | 20 6.598 .48 30

Exercise # 2: Straightening Middle Joints

1. Place the palm of your affected hand on a tabletop, with the m iddle joint of your index finger down over the edge of the table.

2. Using your other hand, slowly and gently straighten the m iddle joint of your affected index finger. Place your unaffected thum b over the base section of your affected index finger to hold it steady. Straighten each joint only until it is level, not m ore.

3. Hold the stretch for _ _ _ _ seconds. 4. Repeat _ _ _ _ tim es. Do this exercise _ _ _ _ tim es a day. Repeat this exercise for y our m iddle, ring, and little fingers.


Exercise # 3: Straightening End and Middle Joints On ly

1. Place the palm of your affected hand on a tabletop, so that the m iddle joint of your index finger is over the edge of the table.

2. Using your other hand, slowly and gently straighten the end and m iddle joints, placing your unaffected thum b over the base section of your affected index finger to hold it steady. Straighten each joint only until it is level, not m ore.

3. Hold the stretch for _ _ _ _ seconds. 4. Repeat _ _ _ _ tim es. Do this exercise _ _ _ _ tim es a day. Repeat this exercise for y our m iddle, ring, and little fingers.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 4 | Finger- Straightening Exercises UWMC Occupational Therapy | Box 356490 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98 195 | 20 6.598 .48 30

Exercise # 4: Straightening End, Middle, and Base Joints

1. Place your affected hand, palm down, on the table. 2. Place the palm of your other hand on top of the finger joints of your

affected hand. 3. Gently and slowly press down to flatten the fingers of your affected

hand. 4. Hold the stretch for _ _ _ _ seconds. 5. Repeat _ _ _ _ tim es. Do this exercise _ _ _ _ tim es a day.


Exercise # 5: Stretching the Web Spaces Between Yo u r Fin ge rs

1. Place the fingers of your unaffected hand between the fingers of your affected hand. This will stretch the web spaces between the fingers of your affected hand.

2. Hold the stretch for _ _ _ _ seconds. 3. Repeat _ _ _ _ tim es. Do this exercise _ _ _ _ tim es a day.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 4 | Finger- Straightening Exercises UWMC Occupational Therapy | Box 356490 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98 195 | 20 6.598 .48 30

In cre as in g th e Stre tch Tim e

As you get used to doing these exercises, you will be able to increase the tim e you hold each stretch. Work up to holding each one for: ? _ _ _ _ _ seconds

Or ? _ _ _ _ _ minutes



Your questions are important. Call your doctor or healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns.

UWMC Occupational Therapy: 206.598.4830


? University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 12/2011, 10/2018 Clinician Review: XX10/2018/XXXX Reprints on Health Online:

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UWMC Occupational Therapy | Box 356490 1959 N.E. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98 195 | 20 6.598 .48 30


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