
COLEGIO SAN JOS? DE CASTILLAINSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA DISTRITAL SECRETARIA DE EDUCACI?N DEL DISTRITOResolución de integración No. 2434 del 20 de agosto de 2002Resolución de Reconocimiento Oficial No. 7440 del 13/11/1998 Válida hasta nueva determinaciónPara los grados de educación Básica Secundaria (6?. A 9?.) y Media (10?. Y 11?.)DANE: 111001102083 NIT 860532408-4 ASIGNATURA: GRADO SEXTO DOCENTE: ELKA GUTIERREZACTIVIDAD: MES DE AGOSTO/SEPTIEMBRETOPIC: Jobs and OccupationsOBJECTIVE: Use the Simple Present to describe jobs and occupations.ACTIVITY 1DATE: AUGUST 24TH TO 28TH Complete the “Jobs People do” worksheet that you find in the blog.Go to YouTube: (She’s not just a pretty face – Shania Twain) and make the following activities:Practice and learn the song.Make the list of all jobs mentioned in the song and write what each job does. Example: She?s a pilot, she flies an airplane.Revise the PowerPoint presentation (Jobs and Occupations) and practice the question What does he/she do?Find ten job names and practice the question and the answer. Represent each job with a picture.Example: What does he do? He’s a dentist.Follow the example of the presentation.ACTIVITY 2DATE: SEPTEMBER 7TH TO 11TH Complete the “jobs and occupations description” worksheet that is in the blog.What?s your favorite job?Find a job that interests you.Find pictures from magazines related to the job.Describe what the job does using the simple present tense.Example: the doctor helps the patients, the doctor prescribes medicine, etc.Make a poster using the pictures and the phrases related to the job.Prepare for your oral presentation and send it to me via e-mail. You can send the audio with a photo of the poster attached or the video.PLEASE SEND THE ACTIVITIES ACCORDING TO THE DATES.ELKA GUTIERREZ ................

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