
`define PROG1SEL 3

`define PROG2SEL 2

`define PROG3SEL 1

`define PROG4SEL 0



// PIC 16F84

// PIC - Designed by PP Troendle under Iain Mc Nally





`include "opcodes.v"

`timescale 100ps / 10 ps

module pic(PC, inext, Clock, init, porta, portb, M, To_File, IR);

// I/O declarations

output [12:0] PC; // address for external programm memory

output [7:0] To_File; // for LCD debug mode

output [7:0] M; // for LCD debug mode

input [13:0] inext; // next instruction

inout [7:0] porta, portb; // inout ports

input Clock, init; // system clock and reset

output [13:0] IR; // Instruction register


wire [12:0] PC; // the programm counter (from reg pcl,


wire [13:0] inext; //next instruction

wire [7:0] porta, portb; //inout ports

wire Clock, init; //system clock and reset

wire [7:0] M, ALU_output; //ALU

wire [6:0] ALU_funct; //ALU

wire [7:0] Address_File; //FILE system

wire [7:0] To_File; //FILE system

wire [7:0] From_File; // FILE system

wire [7:0] Data_ram; //FILE system

wire WnR; //FILE system

wire Z; // ALU status bit

wire loadf, loadw; // control bits

wire loadliteral; // control bits

wire ram_en, opt_en, tmr_en, pcl_en, pch_en, sta_en, fsr_en;

wire tra_en, trb_en, poa_en, pob_en, ee1_en, ee2_en, eed_en, eea_en, int_en;

wire tra, trb;


reg [13:0] IR; // Instruction


reg [12:0] PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8; // PC stack

reg [7:0] pcl, pclath; // PC - the programm

counter register

reg [7:0] W; // the Accumulator

reg [7:0] tmr0, status, fsr, eedata, eeadr; // Registers

reg [7:0] intcon, option, eecon1, eecon2; // Registers

ram ram1(Clock, WnR , Address_File, To_File, Data_ram);

port port1(Clock, init, porta, From_File, To_File, loadf, tra_en, poa_en);

port port2(Clock, init, portb, From_File, To_File, loadf, trb_en, pob_en);

alu alu1(ALU_output, W, M, ALU_funct);


assign Z = (ALU_output == 8'b00000000)? 1'b1:1'b0;

assign To_File = (IR[13:0]==`TRISA)||(IR[13:0]==`TRISB)? W : ALU_output;


assign ALU_funct = IR[13:7];

assign M = ( loadliteral )? IR[7:0]: From_File;


assign PC = {pclath[4:0], pcl[7:0]};

//Control signals

assign WnR = ((ram_en)&&(loadf));

assign loadf = (

((IR[7]==1)&&(IR[13:12]==2'b00))|| //destination bit

is one , file



((IR[13:8]==`CLRF)&&!(IR[7]==0)) ); //loadf not

required in case W dest (CLRW)

assign loadw = (


(IR[13:12]==2'b00))|| //destination bit is zero ,


(IR[13:12]==2'b11)|| //immediate

(IR[13:0]==`CLRW) ); //loadw required in case CLR

assign loadliteral = (IR[13:12]==2'b11); //immediate

//indirect addressing

assign Address_File[7:0] =(({status[5], IR[6:0]} == 'h00)||

({status[5], IR[6:0]} == 'h80))? fsr:({status[5],

IR[6:0]}); //RP0 value in status => 8 th bit


assign ram_en= (((Address_File >= 'h8C)&&(Address_File ................

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