
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ______________

Should the United States Enter the World War I?

|Causes of World War I |

|Nationalism |Imperialism |

| | |

|Nationalism began to spread throughout Europe. Many |Many European countries had taken over parts of the world |

|countries began to take great pride in their country |and established colonies. As countries began to take over |

|and began to dislike other countries around them. The|and expand their empires it caused a lot of hostility and |

|competition of superiority had begun and most |strife. |

|countries thought they were better than others around| |

|them. | |

|Militarism |Alliances |

| | |

|Many countries had begun to build up their armies in |Because countries began to distrust those around them, |

|hopes of protecting their empires. The competition to|Alliances began to form. Triple Alliance: The triple |

|out do each other began and countries were now |alliance was between Germany, Italy, Ottoman Turks, and |

|competing for who had the best army. |Austria-Hungry. Triple Entente: was between Great Britain,|

| |France, Russia, and Serbia. |

The United States had formed a strict policy of neutrality and in no way wanted to be associated with affairs in Europe.

United States Remains Neutral

← President ___________ __________ was president of the United States

← Wilson’s view on the war was ____________________


← He believed that if the United States remained neutral, we could lead both sides into a peace agreement.

“We were content with things the way they were here and had no wish to become involved in Europe's war.”

Germany Issues a Warning..

Zimmerman Telegram


The telegram was intercepted by the United States and never reached Mexico.

Will Wilson begin to lobby for support to enter the war?

Directions: Many people in the United States had differing opinions on whether the United States should get involved. Many feared war and had opposing views to those who rallied support. Write an article persuading Americans to either join or not to join the war effort. Be sure to give supporting examples.



SS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.

d. Give reasons for World War I and describe Georgia’s contributions.

Essential Question:

1. What key events will cause the United States to become involvement in World War I?

2. Did America make the right decision to join a World War?

← Allied Powers

← Central Powers

▪ In August _________, World War I broke out in ___________. President __________ ____________, who had been elected in 1912, declared America a ____________ nation.

▪ In other words, the United States would _______ take sides between the Central Powers led by _____________ and __________--______________ and the Allied Powers led by ______________, _____________________, and _____________ -- ________________.

• On June 28th, 1914. Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated.

• This set off a chain reaction of events all across Europe. Within days, Germany invaded the neutral country of Belgium and rolled toward Paris.

• The invasion of Belgium convinced the British to join the allies against Germany.

• Germany declared war on Russia and invaded Russian Poland. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and World War I began in Europe.

Sinking of the Lusitania

The Lusitania was a British ship that carried both cargo and passengers. It made the trip back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean, carrying travelers between Great Britain and the United States. Fast and luxurious, the Lusitania was a popular ship; it had been described as a floating palace. In May, 1915, the Lusitania was crossing the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to about 2,000 passengers, it was also carrying a cargo of ammunition for the Allies.

On May 7, German submarines torpedoed the Lusitania. In twenty minutes, the Lusitania was gone, sunk to the bottom of the ocean. About 1,200 passengers went down with the ship, including many Americans. After that, US citizens began to think of Germany as a "bully" and to side with the Allies. Germany made promises not to sink ships without first giving a warning so that passengers could leave the ship. However, this was wartime, and Germany did not always keep its promises. Then, Germany began to blockade Great Britain, attacking more and more ships.

← Germany issued a warning that any ships nearing __________ _____________ would be fired upon using German __________ (German Submarines).

← The ________ ___________ wanted to continue to trade with _____________ Countries and felt the Germans were wrong for trying to stop __________ in the __________ _____________.

What was the effect of attacking ships on the high seas?

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Germans issue the Zimmerman telegram because:


← ______________ begins to create a plan to keep the __________ _________ from entering the war.

← They send a secret telegram to ________________.

← The telegram urged Mexico to ___________ the United States and in return _______________ would help _________________ win back the lost provinces in the American Southwest.

The Zimmerman Telegram helped to turn public opinion against Germany and may urge Wilson to get involved.

Vote No!

1. The United States had a history of neutrality and did not get involved in European disputes.

2. Many Americans were immigrants from Europe and sympathized with countries involved as central powers.

3. Woodrow Wilson did not want to make an alliance with the Czar of Russia.

4. Some people in America opposed the idea of war.

Vote Yes!

1. Americans were outraged by German Submarine Warfare.

2. Many Americans favor France and Great Britain and wanted to help them.

3. The Zimmerman Telegram angers many Americans.

4. Americans want to continue to trade with allied powers in Europe.


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