Grade 2

English Language Arts

Unit 7: People—Autobiographies/Biographies

Time Frame: Approximately three weeks

Unit Description

This unit focuses on reading and writing biographies and autobiographies. The unit should be linked to content areas when appropriate. By studying written biographies and autobiographies, the students, with guidance, will identify the author’s purpose to further develop their own voice by writing. Through reading and researching the lives of others, students will use these models for writing a biography or their own autobiography.

Student Understandings

Students read biographical models of interesting people with whom they can identify. The students examine point of view and conclude how the literature portrays a subject. The students study the influences of others in the life of a subject and think about the subject’s life and accomplishments. Students learn that biographies and autobiographies are organized in a particular way and also look at the time frame of the biography to examine text structures. Students will write and present biographies and autobiographies.

Guiding Questions

1. Can students identify biographical or autobiographical writing?

2. Can students tell what makes a biography or an autobiography interesting?

3. Can students identify the point of view used to tell about the subject?

4. Can students show how the author crafted and organized the text for the subject?

5. Can students write a biography or autobiography?

6. Can students present their biography or autobiography before a group of their peers?

Grade-Level Expectations (GLEs) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

|Grade-Level Expectations |

|GLE # |GLE Text and Benchmarks |

|05. |Determine word meaning and appropriate word choices using references aids, including dictionaries and thesauruses |

| |(ELA-1-E1) |

|19. |Identify the author’s viewpoint (i.e., perspective) in a text (ELA-7-E3) |

|20b. |Apply basic reasoning skills, including asking questions about texts read independently including why and how |

| |(ELA-7-E4) |

|21. |Write compositions of one or more paragraphs, organized with a central idea and coherent beginning, middle, and |

| |end. (ELA-2-E1) |

|22. |Use a greater variety of action and descriptive words when writing for a specific purpose and/or audience. |

| |(ELA-2-E2) |

|23a. |Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes by independently generating ideas for |

| |writing by using various strategies (e.g., listing, brainstorming, drawing) (ELA-2-E3) |

|23b. |Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes by creating a plan (e.g., graphic organizer,|

| |web) appropriate to the purpose of writing (ELA-2-E3) |

|23c. |Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes by writing a first draft with a developed |

| |beginning, a middle, and an end |

| |(ELA-2-E3) |

|30a. |Write using standard English structure and usage, including subject-verb agreement in simple and compound |

| |sentences.(ELA-3-E3) |

|30b. |Write using standard English structure and usage, including, past and present verb tense (ELA-3-E3) |

|30c. |Write using standard English structure and usage, including noun and pronoun antecedent agreement (ELA-3-E3) |

|30d. |Write using standard English structure and usage, including transitional words and conjunctions in sentences. |

| |(ELA-3-E3) |

|33a. |Spell grade-appropriate words with short vowels, long vowels, r-controlled vowels, and consonant-blends. (ELA-3-E5)|

|35. |Use multiple spelling strategies (e.g. word wall, word lists, think about the base word, affixes) (ELA-3-E5) |

|38. |Adjust speaking tone and volume to suit purpose, audience, and setting |

| |(ELA-4-E1) |

|41. |Adjust language during a presentation in order to inform or explain to a specific audience (ELA-4-E4) |

|43 |Give rehearsed oral presentations about general topics using eye contact, appropriate volume, clear pronunciation, |

| |and appropriate visual aids |

| |(ELA-4-E4) |

|44. |Use active listening strategies, including asking for clarification and explanations (ELA-4-E5) |

|48. |Identify the role of discussion leader, contributor, and active listener |

| |(ELA-4-E7) |

|50 |Locate information about a topic from a variety of sources, including children’s magazines, children’s |

| |encyclopedias, and electronic references (ELA-5-E2) |

|51. |Gather and arrange information in a variety of organizational forms, including graphic organizers, simple outlines,|

| |notes, and summaries (ELA-5-E3) |



|Reading Standards for Literature |

|RL.2.1 |Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details |

| |in a text. |

|Reading Standards for Informational Text |

|RI.2.1 |Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details |

| |in a text. |

|RI.2.6 |Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. |

|Reading Standards: Foundational Skills |

|RF.2.4a, b, c |Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. |

| |a. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. |

| |b. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and |

| |expression on successive readings |

| |c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |

| |understanding, rereading as necessary. |

|Writing Standards |

|W.2.2 |Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, |

| |and provide a concluding statement or section. |

|W.2.3 |Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to |

| |describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.|

|W.2.5 |With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and |

| |editing. |

|W.2.6 |With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in |

| |collaboration with peers. |

|Speaking and Listening |

|SL.2.1a, b, c |Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners, about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and |

| |adults in small and larger groups. |

| |a. follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in |

| |respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about |

| |the topics and texts under discussion). |

| |b. Build on others; talk in conversations by linking their comments to the |

| |remarks of others. |

| |c. Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and |

| |texts under discussion. |

|SL.2.3 |Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional |

| |information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. |

|SL.2.4 |Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in|

| |coherent sentences. |

|SL.2.5 |Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of |

| |experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. |

|SL.2.6 |Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or |

| |clarification. |

|Language Standards |

|L.2.3a |Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. |

| |a. Compare formal and informal uses of English. |

|L.2.4a, b, c, |Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and |

|d, e |content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies. |

| |a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |

| |b. Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is |

| |added to a known word (e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell). |

Sample Activities

Activity 1: Independent Reading (Ongoing) (CCSS: RF.2.4a, RF.2.4b, RF.2.4c)

Materials List: classroom library and books from the school library as needed

Independent reading is anytime a student reads grade-level text alone with purpose and understanding. Independent reading may take place at various times of the day but should be included as a daily activity. Drop Everything And Read is a way to make this part of the daily schedule. D.E.A.R. is a designated time reserved in the classroom schedule for both students and teachers to “drop everything and read.” As D.E.A.R. time approaches, have students put away content materials and take out their reading material. Direct students to read silently or softly to a partner for a designated time. Independent reading supplements the standard reading program by encouraging students to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. D.E.A.R. time provides an opportunity for students to read with purpose and expression and to use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding with rereading as necessary. Note: Although students should be given freedom to make their selections for independent reading, monitor to ensure that students have made choices within their readability level.

Activity 2: Vocabulary Development (Ongoing) (GLEs: 05; CCSS: L.2.4a, L.2.4b, SL.2.6)

Materials List: read-aloud book, charts, word wall, paper for vocabulary cards, binder or folder, pencils/markers,

This activity will be used throughout the year. Prior to listening to or reading a biographical sketch, direct students to complete the first parts of a vocabulary self-awareness (view literacy strategy descriptions) checklist to indicate their level of familiarity or knowledge of the listed words. Instruct students to complete this activity independently, filling in the words and rating their understanding of each one with either a “+” (understand well), a “√” (limited understanding or unsure), or a “—” (don’t know). Encourage students to supply a definition or an example for each word. Under the column “What I Think,” students will record a brief answer (for less familiar words, students may make guesses). Leave the section “What I Learned” blank at this time. Have students share their responses recorded under the “What I Think” section. Record suggestions on a class chart. Read the story aloud, stopping at various points to discuss the key vocabulary. Using the think-aloud method, lead students to infer the meaning of an unknown word. Ex: (taken from Benjamin Franklin: A Man of Many Talents, by Kathryn Satterfield). As words occur in print, have students use context and picture clues to infer the meaning of unknown words. Lead students to collaboratively confirm the correct meaning of each word by using a dictionary. Have students record the word meaning on their charts under “What I Learned,” then record on the class chart. Revisions may be made to the “What I Think” column and all check marks and minus signs can now be changed to plus marks. Direct students to use the charts as study aids in preparing for vocabulary tests and as a handy reference for the completion of the writing or dictionary activities suggested below.

Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart

|Word |+ |√ |-- |What I Think |What I Learned |

|dreamer | |√ | |somebody who has dreams | |

|practical | | |-- |I don’t know | |

|invent | |√ | |think up something new | |

|bifocal | | |-- |I think it means glasses | |

|lightning | |√ | |streaks of light from storm clouds | |

|electricity | |√ | |how lights work | |

Listed below are some suggestions to develop vocabulary:

• Record vocabulary words on a special word wall for use during writing.

• Have students create complete sentences during shared and independent writing.

• Have students create a personal or class dictionary that can be referred to easily.

• Direct students to create vocabulary cards (view literacy strategy descriptions) that include a definition found in the dictionary, an illustration, and a sentence using the word. Allow students to quiz each other with the cards in preparation for tests and other class activities. See example below:


Activity 3: Writing/Grammar (Ongoing) (GLEs: 21, 22, 23a, 23b, 23c, 30a, 30b, 30c, 30d, 35; CCSS: W.2.2, W.2.5)

Materials List: board, chart paper, word wall, classroom dictionaries, paper, and journals/logs

Conduct writing/grammar daily. Writing/grammar instruction may take many different forms, in order to address the use of conventions (spacing, directionality, and letter formation) and grammatical features (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammatical choices). Grammar lessons should include using correct verb tense, descriptive language, etc.

• Use guided writing to teach a specific skill or strategy to the whole group, small groups, or the individual. In this process students compose one or more paragraphs, organized with a central idea and a coherent beginning, middle, and end. Provide support through mini-lessons and conferences. Include an informative/explanatory composition that requires a clearly introduced topic, uses facts and definitions to develop points, and provides a concluding statement.

• The “weekend story” is a powerful guided writing activity and is usually conducted on the first day of each week. Lead the students in a discussion about their weekend experiences. Ask leading questions to help students decide what they will write. Guide students to focus on their topic and to write to develop points about their weekend. Encourage students to organize their thoughts into paragraphs that develop a beginning, middle and logical ending for their story. Direct students to use a variety of action and descriptive words and correctly spell grade-appropriate words using word walls, word lists, dictionaries and glossaries. Conference with individual students as needed to strengthen writing by revising and editing. Direct students to provide a concluding statement for their compositions. Each week, conduct a mini-workshop to improve writing skills. Topics for mini-workshops could focus on developing an effective title (main idea), creating a web to organize student thinking, using descriptive language, indenting the first line of a paragraph, capitalizing appropriate letters, punctuating each sentence correctly, using present and past tense verbs correctly, using transitions and conjunctions correctly, checking for subject-verb agreement in simple and compound sentences, and correct spelling. Create a rubric specific to the workshop focus for both teacher and students to monitor progress. See Writing Rubric BLM from Unit 1.

• After reading a selection from the Rookie Biography Series, such as Betsy Ross by Will Mara, have small groups of students collaborate to build a text chain (view literacy strategy descriptions) by recounting lines from the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. Initiate the process by writing the first line on the board or chart to detail the beginning of the story, for example, “Betsy Ross played an important part in American history.” Ask students to provide additional lines from the middle of the story. For example Student 1 may add, “Betsy was born on January 1, 1752 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” Student 2, “She was a seamstress.” Student 3, “George Washington asked her to sew a flag for our new country.” Student 4, “Betsy Ross’ flag is called the Stars and Stripes.” Student 5, “Her flag is the national flag of the United States.” Have students use a paper folded horizontally into six sections to record the events from the text chain. Present other biographical selections and have students collaborate to form text chains outlining the character’s life. Text chains should then be shown to the entire class and discussed.

• Independent writing is any time students write without receiving assistance from others. Have students select topics and be in charge of their own writing. Use independent writing to practice writing skills and strategies that support reading development. Examples of a student’s writing may include journal entries, response logs, creative stories, and personal experiences. A Writer’s Workshop approach builds routine and confidence as students’ writing develops and matures. Meet with individuals or small groups as needed to instruct and encourage thinking and using the writing process.

Activity 4: All about Me (GLEs: 51; CCSS: W.2.3)

Materials List: paper, art supplies for drawings as needed, markers, chart paper or bulletin board paper for making the timeline itself, writing notebooks, Make a Timeline BLM, All about Me Rubric BLM, Accordion Paragraph BLM

Begin the activity with a review of the steps in the writing process, including brainstorming, creating a graphic organizer, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing. Give each student a timeline graphic organizer (view literacy strategy descriptions) (Make a Timeline BLM), and have them create a personal timeline that begins at birth and ends at second grade. Have them include at least seven important events in their lives with the approximate date each occurred, for example, birth of a brother or sister, learning to ride a bicycle, starting kindergarten, or losing a first tooth. Photographs or drawings should be included. Using the completed timelines, instruct each student to compose a draft of his or her memoirs. Remind students that each event on the timeline will become the topic of a paragraph in their autobiographies. Guide students to develop a general main topic sentence, such as “The first seven years of my life have been very eventful,” or “For a seven year old boy/girl, I have sure packed a lot of fun times into my life.”

Instruct students to follow the Step Up to Writing format from Unit 3 to organize their thoughts. Give each student a copy of the Accordion BLM for use in composing their first drafts. Each “yellow” statement should come directly from the student’s timeline. “Red” supporting sentences can include details and further explanation. Monitor students as they work to ensure they are using conventions of writing, providing details that describe their actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. When all details have been noted in the draft, help students write a closing sentence that will restate their writing purpose. Have students revise, edit, and publish their memoirs in both written and recorded form. Use the All about Me Rubric BLM to assess student writing. Place copies of the published writing and tapes in the listening center. This writing activity gives students the perfect opportunity to play the role of professors know-it-all (view literacy strategy descriptions) for a presentation of their autobiographies to the class. For this presentation, students may dress in appropriate costumes, such as a baseball uniform, a dance recital costume, or a first-day-of-school outfit. With a little practice, students should be ready to stand before their classmates and tell their life story and answer any questions their classmates may have.

Activity 5: Getting to Know Others (GLEs: 20b, 50, 51; CCSS: RI.2.1, SL.2.2, SL.2.4, SL.2.5)

Materials List: biography and autobiography selections and magazines from the classroom, school libraries, and Internet, chart, markers, Biography Organizer BLM, document camera/overhead projector, highlighters or post-it notes

Have students explore age-appropriate biographies/autobiographies in the library and select a person of interest to research. Supervise Internet searches to ensure students use kid-friendly websites, such as or . Websites change often and must be carefully screened. Model how to locate an autobiography or a biography by subject, and monitor as students search for a person of interest. Show students how to print out information on their subject. Provide the opportunity for a first reading of their selected book and information printed from their Internet search. Display a copy of the Biography Organizer BLM and explain expectations for students as they reread their selected materials by prompting them to highlight or attach a sticky note when they locate answers to the “W” questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) to demonstrate that they understand key details in the text. Give each student a copy of the Biography Organizer. Have students fill the graphic organizer (view literacy strategy descriptions) with answers to the “W” questions to provide important information about the person’s life. Then instruct students to use the graphic organizer in any of the following ways:

• Participate in a Round Robin discussion (view literacy strategy descriptions): Have students form groups of four and introduce their person of interest by going around the circle to respond to one or more of the questions from the Biography Organizer.

• Become Professor know-it-all (view literacy strategy descriptions): Have students dress as their person of interest and present a brief biographical report to their classmates.

• Prepare a flip-book, poster, sack puppet, or diorama to display an important event from their person’s life.

• Write a biographical sketch of their person’s life using the information from their organizer. Have students illustrate, publish, and record the writings for use in the reading/listening center.

Activity 6: Focus Lessons on Content (GLEs: 19, 20b, CCSS: RL.2.1, RI.2.1, RI.2.6)

Materials List: biographies of famous Americans, learning logs or writing booklets,

Provide age-appropriate biographies for students to read. Lead students to discover the method the author uses to organize each biographical sketch, such as a chronological timeline of the person’s life from birth to death, or a sketch that details a significant event in a person’s life in relation to how the event affected the person’s life. Have each student select a favorite person, different from the one researched in Activity 5, as the subject for further study. Set the following expectations for students to focus on as they read about their subjects: identify the main purpose of the text, the author’s perspective, and what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe about the person’s life.

Using SPAWN (view literacy strategy descriptions), write the following prompt on the white board or a chart “What if you could go back in time and meet your famous person? What questions would you ask and why?” SPAWN is an acronym that stands for five prompts for writing. (Special Powers, Problem Solving, Alternative Viewpoints, What If? and Next). Use several days to complete this activity. Select one of the categories each day and have students respond to the writing prompts provided here or a similar teacher-generated prompt.

• S—Special Power: You have the power to go back in time and have dinner with your person. Ask him/her about the one thing in his/her life he/she is most proud of.

• P—Problem Solving: Explain what life is like in America today and help your person understand how different his/her invention, research lab, etc. would be in today’s time. Have your person site problems encountered in the past and explain how modern day knowledge could facilitate solutions to the problems.

• A—Alternative Viewpoints: Tell how you think the world would be different today if your person had not lived.

• W—What If?: What if your person were alive today? What do you think he/she would think of our world and do you think he/she would be proud of the accomplishments he/she had made?

• N— Next: If your person were alive today, what special place would you want to be sure he/she saw next? (for example, Disney World, the White House, Mount Rushmore, etc.)

SPAWN writing leads students to expand their thinking about their subject. Students reflect on the content they have read and must relate what they have learned to their own experiences. Students’ responses to the SPAWN prompts should be based on knowledge gained from the informational text, but each student’s writing is to be based on his/her personal point of view.

To extend this lesson, prepare a booklet for each student by folding three pieces of paper in half and stapling the middle. Have students design and illustrate a cover page and, on each subsequent page, write their response to each of the SPAWN prompts. Provide an opportunity for students to read their writing to their classmates and/or add completed works to the reading center.

Activity 7: This is Your Life (GLEs: 23c, 51; CCSS: W.2.2, W.2.3, W.2.6, L.2.1f, L.2.2a, L.2.2b, L.2.2c, L.2.2e)

Materials List: Interview Web BLM, tape or video recording equipment, writing learning log, document camera/overhead, chart, markers, Biography Presentation Rubric BLM

To provide students with an opportunity to interview a person in preparation for writing a biography, invite the principal, a parent, or a community helper to be a guest and visit your classroom. First, using questions from the Interview Web BLM, model the interview process. Then allow students time to ask additional questions of the guest. Require students to record the guest’s responses to each question in their learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions). This notebook or binder affords a place for students to record ideas, questions, reactions, reflections, and in this case, the interview responses. Record or video tape the interview to replay as needed. Following the interview, use a chart of the Interview Web graphic organizer (view literacy strategy descriptions) to help students separate the information they have learned from the interview into four “big” ideas. Have students refer to the notes in their learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions) and supply information to be recorded on the chart. Leave the Interview Web posted in the classroom to be used in the next writing lesson. In a subsequent session, model a guided writing lesson in which students assist in the development of paragraphs about the guest’s life. Be sure to include a clearly stated beginning, a middle developed with specific details, and a concluding statement.

Next, have each student select a family member, relative, or family friend to interview and be the subject of a written biography. Provide each student with a copy of the Interview Web BLM to fill in, and set a deadline for the completion of the initial

interview. (Use judgment about asking parents to tape record or video the student’s interview process.)

Then conduct a pre-writing lesson in which students transfer information from their interview sheets to graphic organizers such as timelines or simple outlines that will help them organize their biographies. Instruct students to write a rough draft in their learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions). Conference with students to assist them both with editing and revising their writing and with typing their final drafts for publication. Attach a picture of the subject of the biography (if available) to each completed story, and bind stories into a class book to be placed in the reading center. Assess student work using the Biography Presentation Rubric BLM.

Activity 8: Present to Others (GLEs: 38, 41, 43, 44, 48, CCSS: SL.2.1a, SL.2.1b, SL.2.1c, SL.2.3. SL.2.4, L.2.3a)

Materials List: students’ completed biography, any timelines or visual aids students have gathered to go with their biographies, informal invitation for the subjects of the biographies, Biography Presentation Rubric BLM

Having completed the interview process and published a final copy of a biographical sketch of the person selected in Activity 7, students will be ready to give presentations before an audience. Have students prepare a visual display, such as a poster, picture, symbol of profession (badge, hat, uniform, trophy), or timeline to show as part of the presentation. Allow time for the students to practice presenting their work. Emphasize that they are to adjust their speaking tone and volume when addressing classmates in a classroom setting and use language appropriate to informing and explaining their work to the audience. Monitor to ensure students are demonstrating a command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage and are speaking audibly in coherent sentences. Remind listeners that their role is that of active listener and that they are to use active listening strategies. Allow time for listeners to ask for clarification and explanations during the presentations.

Provide students with an invitation template and guide students in completing invitations for parents, as well as the guests who are the subjects of their writing. Prior to Presentation Day, set the stage with a speaker’s stand, give students time to practice in this setting (behind a podium, with a microphone, with props, etc.), and provide them with direction and feedback that will improve their delivery. Arrange seating for all students and guests. After each presentation, encourage and praise students, and invite them to introduce any guests they have in attendance. After all presentations are complete, you may choose to provide simple refreshments and give students and guests an opportunity to meet one another. Evaluate the presentations using the Biography Presentation BLM.

Sample Assessments

General Guidelines

Documentation of student understanding is recommended to be in the form of portfolio assessment. Teacher observations and records, as well as student-generated products, may be included in the portfolio. All items should be dated and clearly labeled to effectively show student growth over time.

General Assessments

• The students will choose autobiographies and biographies of people of interest, read and respond to them in written and oral reports.

• The students will include correct English usage and structure when writing.

• The students will gather biographical or autobiographical information from various sources, such as books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, or personal interviews.

Activity-Specific Assessments

• Activity 4: Each student will create a personal timeline, including seven important events in his/her life, dated and in chronological order. The timeline should be neat and creative. Have students compose a memoir using the timeline as a reference. Assess with the All About Me Rubric BLM.

• Activity 7: Instruct students to write a biography after gathering information through an interview. The biography will be written using Standard English structure and usage. Have students compose a draft and then edit and publish the biography.

• Activity 8: Have students present their biography. Instruct students in the use of appropriate speaking tone and volume and in the need for adjusting each during a presentation. Have students construct and use appropriate visual aids. Use the Biography Presentation Rubric BLM a rubric to evaluate student performances.

Additional Resources

Chandra, Deborah. George Washington’s Teeth

Farris, Christine King. My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Growing Up with the

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pinkney, Andrea Davis. Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra.

Biographical Series for young readers:

First Biographies

Pebble Series by Capstone Press

Kids Biographies Series

Time for Kids

The Life and Work of …

Heinemann Classroom

Lives and Times

Heinemann Classroom

Real People

Welcome Books Series by Children’s Press

Rookie Biographies

Rookie Series by Children’s Press

Scholastic First Biographies


The Young Patriots Series

Patria Press




Definition: a bright electric spark between clouds or a cloud and the ground

Sentence: We went inside when we saw the first flash of lightning!


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