3rd Quarter COOL WORDS!Accord – agreement or harmony about a decisionBaffle – to confuse or puzzleBlunder – a silly or careless mistakeBlunt – having a dull edge; not sharpColossal – extremely large in size; giganticConcise – saying much in few words; short and to the pointCrude – not knowing how to act appropriatelyDefy – to refuse to obeyDevastated – to destroy or ruinDrastic – extreme or severeEmit – to send out or give offEnchantment – a magic charm or spellEntice – to lure or tempt by pointing out the benefitsExasperate – to bother or annoy to the point of angerFroth – collection of bubbles formed on top of a liquidGregarious – very friendly and outgoingHefty – large, strong and bulkyIntrigue – to draw strong interest for; fascinateJovial – very cheerful and jollyKooky – crazy or strangeLame – not able to walk well or disabledLavish – large in amount or expensiveManipulate – to handle or manage skillfullyNa?ve – simple, natural and unsophisticatedOutmaneuver – gain advantage over by being cleverPathetic – causing feelings of pity or sorrowPose – to hold a position for painting or photosQuench – to satisfy, extinguish or put outRant – to speak or complain loudlyReap – to cut down and gatherReluctant – not willing or enthusiasticResourceful – able to deal with difficulties quicklySaturate – to fill or soak completelySentimental – showing tender feelingsSmirk – to smile in a self-satisfied wayThrash – to give a beating toTract – an area of land or waterTrove – a collection of valuable thingsUnanimous – in complete agreementVague – not exact or clearVenture – an activity in which there is some riskWrithe – to twist or turn the body in pain or discomfortXanthous – having yellowish, red or auburn hairYoke – a device used to join together work animalsZenith – the point in the sky that is directly overhead ................

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