
Primary 1 - Learning Grid – Week Beginning 30th March 2020Literacy ActivitiesNumeracy and Maths ActivitiesTopic ActivitiesOnline Activity: Listen to an audiobook of your child’s choice on . Play ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ through your web browser. Online Activity: Play this game to practise adding skills - into YouTube at 9am on weekdays to join Joe Wicks for live PE. Or catch up at anytime with a saved one on YouTube. Sound Activity: watch and listen to the Jolly Phonics sounds video - – pause the video on some letters and ask your child to find something beginning with that letter. For an extra challenge listen to the block 2 sounds and play the same game - your child about left and right. There are lots of songs on YouTube to help with this. You could play a game of Simon Says afterwards to practise, eg. ‘Simon says lift up your left arm’. Or you could blindfold someone and guide them around your house using left, right, steps forwards etc. With your child, write a joke on a piece of paper and put it in your window for others to see. Go for a walk and see how many P1 jokes you can find! Reading Activity: Phone or videocall a friend, family member or neighbour who might enjoy a story being read to them. Ask your child to choose a book and get them to read the story by using clues from the pictures and their imagination. Ask your child to create a number line either outside or in your house – they could use natural resources, pen and paper or lego. Choose 2 numbers and create a numberline within these numbers. Eg. 1-10, 50-100. Help your child learn how to tie their shoelaces if they cant already do so. You could try this every day and see if your child can beat their time! Activity: Choose an animal to watch on the zoo webcams. Ask your child to write or say a short story about their favourite animal and draw a picture to match. With your child, make your own set of dominos. Play a game of dominoes or add the dots together on each side of the domino. Ask your child to look in the mirror and draw a self portrait. For an extra challenge try it in the style of Picasso. and Talking Activity: Ask your child to find an item, toy or photograph that they like. Can they do a short show and tell for the people in their house? Ask them to tell you what they like about it and why, where they got it and what they do with it. Adults could ask who, what, where and why questions. Investigate capacity using jugs, cups, bowls, teapots etc. Order the items in order of how much liquid they hold. Investigate with making the objects full or empty and talk about which one is biggest and smallest. Ask your child to choose their favourite song and create a dance to it – ask them to try and include rolls or balances. ................

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