INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE - Department of Justice

On the Occasion of the Opening Ceremonies of the 2012 DOJ Sportsfest

10 April 2012 8:30am

DOJ Quadrangle




Secretary, Department of Justice

Good morning and welcome back, everyone! I hope that you all had a restful and meaningful Holy Week and Day of Valour break, during which I hope that you were able to spend some quality time with your loved ones, and have now come back fully rested, rejuvenated and ready to go right back to serving the public. Before we proceed full throttle to our daily routine here in the Department, it is my pleasure to welcome you back with the prospect of a dose of fun and recreation as we hold our Department Inter-Color Sportsfest for 2012! I would like to thank and commend the organizers of the event, particularly the Chairman, ASP Romero D.C. Galvez, and members of the DOJ Sports Committee. We appreciate all your efforts and, in return, in behalf of all the participants, we


promise to have as much fun and friendly competition as possible!

Now, needless to say, I bid everyone to keep the games sporting, and to be exemplary models of athleticism and sportsmanship. It's time to unleash the latent Jeremy Lins, Leila Barroses in you, but keep in mind that one of the purposes of this event is to foster friendships and teamwork among each of you and your co-workers, which I hope will translate into greater enthusiasm, efficiency and productivity in our respective duties and responsibilities in the Department.

What I personally love about events such as this is that, when we step into the athletic field, we are stepping into a field where official hierarchies and organizations structures take a backseat. We become individuals who are simply out there to entertain, be entertained, and put our athletic abilities to the test, just like everyone else. Sports, in this sense, is the great equalizer, and reminds us that we may have more in common with one another than we are probably aware of because ? whether we are athletically gifted or not, whether we are more inclined to be spectators or are more adept at boosting the morale of our team with our cheers than actually playing ? I know of no one who cannot find enjoyment in games and sports.

I, myself, am looking forward to our first volleyball match today, and you can expect that I and our OSEC team will try our very best to give our opponents a run for their money! In the same way, I hope you will all give your best, but please don't forget what is more important: to have fun and make the most of the opportunity to get to know one another even better and under more relaxing and enjoyable circumstances.


Again, thank you to all those who exerted their best efforts to make this year's Department Sportsfest possible and, without further ado, let the games begin!



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