Presentational Reading Birth of Jesus

[Pages:3]Presentational Reading

Birth of Jesus

taken from Luke 2 Performance Notes 4 Readers: Readers 1-4

Reader 1: In the fullness of time Reader 2: Caesar Augustus issued a decree Reader 3: that the entire world should be taxed. Reader 1: In the fullness of time Reader 4: Joseph traveled with Mary Reader 3: to Bethlehem to be taxed. Reader 1: In that fullness of time Reader 2: Mary's time had come, Reader 4: gave birth to a son, Reader 3: cradled in a manger, Reader 4: wrapped in swaddling clothes. Reader 1: In that fullness of time Reader 2: the glory of the Lord surrounded him Reader 3: by a multitude of angel singing; Reader 4: glory to God in the highest, Reader 2: peace on earth, Reader 1: good will to all men. Reader 3: Shepherd came from their fields Reader 4: while wise men journeyed from the east. Reader 1: The fullness of time had come with Reader 2: a decree, Reader 3: taxes, Reader 4: a pregnancy, Reader 3: a manger, Reader 2: a son, Reader 1: angels' voices, Reader 4: shepherds, Reader 1: wise men, Reader 3: gifts, Reader 2: A Savior had come Reader 4: giving light to the gentiles Reader 3: and glory to the people of Israel. Reader 1: In the fullness of time Reader 4: the child grew, Reader 3: increased strong in spirit, Reader 2: increased in statute, Reader 3: became wise, Reader 1: filled with grace and Reader 3: found favor with God and man. Reader 1: So it can be safely said, Reader 4: God sent forth his son, Reader 3: the son of the living God, Reader 1: Jesus, Reader 2: to be God with us. Reader 1: All of this in the fullness of time. Reader 2: For now heaven Reader 3: did come down and . . . Reader 2: filling the whole earth Reader 4: and filling each of us Reader 1: with glory and salvation.

Interactive Reading

5 Readers: Readers 1-4, Angel Audience reads the Angel lines

Birth of Jesus

taken from Luke 2

Reader 1: In the fullness of time Reader 2: Caesar Augustus issued a decree Reader 3: that the entire world should be taxed. Reader 1: In the fullness of time Reader 4: an angel spoke to Joseph, Angel: Go to Bethlehem to be taxed. Reader 1: In that fullness of time Reader 2: Mary's time had come, Angel: You will have a son, Reader 3: to be cradled in a manger, Reader 4: wrapped in swaddling clothes. Reader 1: In that fullness of time Reader 3: the glory of the Lord surrounded him Reader 2: by a multitude of angel singing; Angel: Glory to God in the highest, Reader 2: and that there would be Angel: Peace on earth, Reader 2: with Angel: Good will to all men. Reader 3: Shepherd came from their fields Reader 4: while wise men journeyed from the east. Reader 1: The fullness of time had come with Reader 2: a decree, Reader 3: taxes, Angel: A pregnancy, Reader 3: a manger, Reader 2: a son, Angel: Angels' voices, Reader 4: shepherds, Reader 1: wise men, Reader 3: gifts, Angel: A Savior had come Reader 4: giving light to the gentiles Reader 3: and glory to the people of Israel. Reader 1: In the fullness of time Reader 4: the child grew, Reader 3: increased strong in spirit, Reader 2: increased in statute, Reader 3: became wise, Reader 1: filled with grace and Reader 3: found favor with God and man. Reader 1: So it can be safely said, Reader 4: God sent forth his son, Angel: The son of the living God, Jesus Reader 2: to be God with us. Reader 1: All of this in the fullness of time. Reader 2: For now heaven Reader 3: did come down Reader 2: filling the whole earth Reader 4: and filling each of us Reader 1: with glory and salvation.

Echo Reading The Birth of Jesus

taken from Luke 2 Performance Notes Narrator and the Voice Leader tell this story while the audience repeats the words and gestures of the Voice



Voice Leader:

Narrator: Voice Leader:

Narrator: Voice Leader: Narrator: Voice Leader: Narrator: Voice Leader:

Narrator: Voice Leader: Narrator: Voice Leader: Narrator: cattle. Voice Leader: Narrator: Voice Leader: Narrator: in a barn? Voice Leader:

Narrator: Voice Leader: Narrator:

Caesar Augustus, the Roman ruler, announced that a census or record should be taken of the entire Roman world. Guess who had to register in their home town?

Sweep the hand and arm.

Everyone. Everyone, including Joseph and Mary? Everyone, including Joseph and Mary. But why? Caesar Augustus said so! They had to go to their home town. That would be Bethlehem. At this time Mary was engaged to marry Joseph. She was expecting a baby, the son of God. While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for her baby to be born! But there was no place for them to stay. There was no room in the inn. What are they to do? They went to the stable where the Savior of the world was born among

That is a barn! Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a son, not in an inn but a barn? Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a son, not in an inn or motel or hotel but

Unbelievable! God being born in a barn. It's true. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, which is a feed trough. That is also true. The world was astir with the news of the birth of the Christ. Magi and shepherds told their friends and their friends told their friends--well, that is how the whole world in a short time knew of the birth of Jesus.


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