
Science Contests 2018-2019

Carefully remove this cover sheet to return to your teacher by October 19, 2018

(Please fill in sheet underneath and keep for your records)

The independent project that I have chosen to do is


I understand that it is a(n) (choose one)

_____ Individual project

_____ Group project (list team members here______________________


I understand that (choose one)

_____ I do not need to attend the event

_____ I need to attend the event

The project is due to the teacher on _________________________

Student signature __________________________________ date __________

Parent signature ___________________________________ date __________


Science Contests 2018-2019

The independent project that I have chosen to do is


I understand that it is a(n) (choose one)

_____ Individual project

_____ Group project (list team members here______________________


I understand that (choose one)

_____ I do not need to attend the event

_____ I need to attend the event

The project is due to the teacher on _________________________

Student signature __________________________________ date __________

Parent signature ___________________________________ date __________

Independent Project Informational Grid 2018-2019

| | | | | | |

|Contest |Participants |General Description |Specific Work Required |Due Dates |Must Be at event|

| | | | | | |

|Science Research | |Researched essay on any area |Write 900-1200 word essay on a scientific |Due to teacher: | |

|Essay |1 |of science you are interested |discovery, theory, event or technological |01/25/19 |No |

| | |in (as long as it is not in |application. | | |

| | |the 8th grade curriculum). | | | |

| | | | |Due to teacher: | |

| | |Take a technology of today, |• An Abstract |01/25/19 | |

|Exploravision |2,3 or 4 |research its history, predict |• The project description | |No |

| |with adult coach |what it will be like 20 years |• Bibliography | | |

| | |from now. |• Five simulated web pages |Date due to contest:| |

| | | | |2/08/19 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use scientific process to develop a new |Due to teacher: | |

|Invention Convention| |Invent and build a working |invention. Follow directions and keep a |1/25/19 |Yes, if selected|

| |1 |model of a new invention. |journal. Student will submit an invention, | | |

| | | |project board and inventors log. |FINALS | |

| | | | |5/4/19 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Due to teacher: | |

|Science Fair |1 or 2 |Classic science experiment |Conduct an experiment, write-up a report, |1/25/19 |Yes, if |

| | | |and create a full-size tri-fold poster. | |selected. |

| | | | |School Fair: TBD | |


|Date |Action |Completed |

|Early September |Project announced |√ |

|Early October |Read contest rules | |

| |Attend information sessions during learning lab | |

| |Research- record all sources using the form in this packet | |

| |Run your ideas by an adult | |

|October |Develop plan | |

|October 19th |Submit contest selection and outline of plan to teacher | |

|November 30th |Do the experiment or activity such as making an invention, | |

| |writing a short story, etc… Break this down into smaller parts: | |

| |identify the question, write the hypothesis, indentify variables| |

| |that must be made constant, etc… Be sure to collect adequate | |

| |data | |

|January 2nd |Do the write up and prepare other required evidence. This might | |

| |be a poster (Science Horizons, Invention Convention) or | |

| |presentation. Allow enough time for revision. You may want to | |

| |hold off gluing anything down until an adult checks your work. | |

| |Make sure everything is spelled correctly, is neat and creative | |

| |and follow contest rules. | |

|January 11th |If you want suggestions for improvement you must submit your | |

| |project to your teacher. It will be graded and suggestions for | |

| |improvement, if necessary, will be made | |

|January 25th |Submit. Congratulations- you are done! | |


Author: Last Name , First Name . Book Title (italics)

Place (city) Published : Publisher , Copyright Date .

Internet Sites

Author or editor (if available) Title

Title of overall website . Publisher or sponsor Publication date if available

______________, ____________________________________

Web (medium) Access date


Name of person interviewed. What kind of interview? Date:

Personal, email, phone: _______________________________

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Class: ____________

Research Partners: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Independent Science Project Rubric

|Criteria |Developing |Meeting Standard |Exceeding Standard |

|Contest rules followed |Few contest rules were followed. |Most contest rules were followed. |All contest rules were followed. |

| | | | |

| |(23 points max) |(27 points) |(30 points) |

|Effort |Little effort/time appears to have been spent on the |Some effort/time appears to have been spent on the |A great deal of effort/time appears to have been spent on |

| |project. |project. |the project. |

| | | | |

| |(17 points max) |(20 points) |(23 points) |

|Level of Difficulty |Beginner level or lower than grade level question was |Question chosen to investigate is on grade level. |Advanced, testable, high level question was chosen to |

| |chosen to investigate. | |investigate. |

| | | | |

| |(10 points max) |(14 points) | |

| | | |(18 points) |

|Timeliness of project |Project is more than 10 days late. (3 more points will|Project is up to 10 days late. |Project is on time or early. |

| |be lost for every 10 days the project is late) | | |

| | | | |

| |(6 points max) | | |

| | |(8 points) |(10 points) |

|Sources |No sources appear to have been used or sources were |Less than 3 sources were used and documented in MLA |At least 3 sources were used and were documented in MLA |

| |used but not documented in MLA format. |format. |format. |

| | | | |

| |(3 points max) | | |

| | |(5 points) |(7 points) |

|Mechanics / conventions |Spelling and grammatical errors sometimes distract the|Spelling and grammatical errors do not distract the |Lack of spelling and grammatical errors enhances the |

| |reader |reader |writing |

| | | | |

| |(5 points max) |(6 points) |(7 points) |

Note: 5 points will be added to the final score if the teacher determines the project is worthy of submission.

Final Grade: ___________/100 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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