Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans



12 CFR Part 1041

[Docket No. CFPB-2016-0025]

RIN 3170¨CAA40

Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans

AGENCY: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

ACTION: Final Rule; official interpretations.

SUMMARY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau or CFPB) is issuing this

final rule to establish 12 CFR 1041, which creates consumer protections for certain consumer

credit products, and the official interpretations to the rule. First, the rule identifies it as an unfair

and abusive practice for a lender to make covered short-term or longer-term balloon-payment

loans, including payday and vehicle title loans, without reasonably determining that consumers

have the ability to repay the loans according to their terms. The rule exempts certain loans from

the underwriting criteria prescribed in the rule if they have specific consumer protections.

Second, for the same set of loans along with certain other high-cost longer-term loans, the rule

identifies it as an unfair and abusive practice to make attempts to withdraw payment from

consumers¡¯ accounts after two consecutive payment attempts have failed, unless the consumer

provides a new and specific authorization to do so. Finally, the rule prescribes notices to

consumers before attempting to withdraw payments from their account, as well as processes and

criteria for registration of information systems, for requirements to furnish and obtain

information from them, and for compliance programs and record retention. The rule prohibits


evasions and operates as a floor leaving State and local jurisdictions to adopt further regulatory

measures (whether a usury limit or other protections) as appropriate to protect consumers.

DATES: Effective Date: This regulation is effective [INSERT DATE 21 MONTHS AFTER

DATE OF PUBLICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER], except for ¡ì 1041.11, which is



FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarita Frattaroli, Counsel; Mark Morelli,

Michael G. Silver, Steve Wrone, Senior Counsels; Office of Regulations; Consumer Financial

Protection Bureau, at 202-435-7700 or cfpb_reginquiries@.


I. Summary of the Final Rule

On June 2, 2016, the Bureau issued proposed consumer protections for payday loans,

vehicle title loans, and certain high-cost installment loans. The proposal was published in the

Federal Register on July 22, 2016.1 Following a public comment period and review of

comments received, the Bureau is now issuing this final rule with consumer protections

governing the underwriting of covered short-term and longer-term balloon-payment loans,

including payday and vehicle title loans. The rule also contains disclosure and payment

withdrawal attempt requirements for covered short-term loans, covered longer-term balloonpayment loans, and certain high-cost covered longer-term loans.

Covered short-term loans are typically used by consumers who are living paycheck to

paycheck, have little to no access to other credit products, and seek funds to meet recurring or


Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans, 81 FR 47864 (July 22, 2016).


one-time expenses. The Bureau has conducted extensive research on these products, in addition

to several years of outreach and review of the available literature. The Bureau issues these

regulations primarily pursuant to its authority under section 1031 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street

Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) to identify and prevent unfair,

deceptive, or abusive acts or practices.2 The Bureau is also using authorities under section 1022

of the Dodd-Frank Act to prescribe rules and make exemptions from such rules as is necessary or

appropriate to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Federal consumer financial laws,3

section 1024 of the Dodd-Frank Act to facilitate supervision of certain non-bank financial

service providers,4 and section 1032 of the Dodd-Frank Act to require disclosures to convey the

costs, benefits, and risks of particular consumer financial products or services.5

The Bureau is not, at this time, finalizing the ability-to-repay determination requirements

proposed for certain high-cost installment loans, but it is finalizing those requirements as to

covered short-term and longer-term balloon-payment loans. The Bureau is also finalizing certain

disclosure, notice, and payment withdrawal attempt requirements as applied to covered shortterm loans, longer-term balloon-payment loans, and high-cost longer-term loans at this time.

The Bureau is concerned that lenders that make covered short-term loans have developed

business models that deviate substantially from the practices in other credit markets by failing to

assess consumers¡¯ ability to repay their loans according to their terms and by engaging in

harmful practices in the course of seeking to withdraw payments from consumers¡¯ accounts. The


Public Law 111¨C203, section 1031(b), 124 Stat. 1376 (2010) (hereinafter Dodd-Frank Act).

Dodd-Frank Act section 1022(b).


Dodd-Frank Act section 1024(b)(7).


Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a).



Bureau has concluded that there is consumer harm in connection with these practices because

many consumers struggle to repay unaffordable loans and in doing so suffer a variety of adverse

consequences. In particular, many consumers who take out these loans appear to lack the ability

to repay them and face one of three options when an unaffordable loan payment is due: take out

additional covered loans (¡°re-borrow¡±), default on the covered loan, or make the payment on the

covered loan and fail to meet basic living expenses or other major financial obligations. As a

result of these dynamics, a substantial population of consumers ends up in extended loan

sequences of unaffordable loans. Longer-term balloon-payment loans, which are less common in

the marketplace today, raise similar risks.

In addition, many lenders may seek to obtain repayment of covered loans directly from

consumers¡¯ accounts. The Bureau is concerned that consumers may be subject to multiple fees

and other harms when lenders make repeated unsuccessful attempts to withdraw funds from their

accounts. In these circumstances, further attempts to withdraw funds from consumers¡¯ accounts

are very unlikely to succeed, yet they clearly result in further harms to consumers.

A. Scope of the Rule

The rule applies to two types of covered loans. First, it applies to short-term loans that

have terms of 45 days or less, including typical 14-day and 30-day payday loans, as well as

short-term vehicle title loans that are usually made for 30-day terms, and longer-term balloonpayment loans. The underwriting portion of the rule applies to these loans. Second, certain parts

of the rule apply to longer-term loans with terms of more than 45 days that have (1) a cost of

credit that exceeds 36 percent per annum; and (2) a form of ¡°leveraged payment mechanism¡±

that gives the lender a right to withdraw payments from the consumer¡¯s account. The payments


part of the rule applies to both categories of loans. The Bureau had proposed parallel

underwriting requirements for high-cost covered longer-term loans. However, at this time, the

Bureau is not finalizing the ability-to-repay portions of the rule as to covered longer-term loans

other than those with balloon payments.

The rule excludes or exempts several types of consumer credit, including: (1) loans

extended solely to finance the purchase of a car or other consumer good in which the good

secures the loan; (2) home mortgages and other loans secured by real property or a dwelling if

recorded or perfected; (3) credit cards; (4) student loans; (5) non-recourse pawn loans; (6)

overdraft services and lines of credit; (7) wage advance programs; (8) no-cost advances; (9)

alternative loans (similar to loans made under the Payday Alternative Loan program

administered by the National Credit Union Administration); and (10) accommodation loans.

B. Ability-to-Repay Requirements and Alternative Requirements for Covered Short-Term Loans

The rule identifies it as an unfair and abusive practice for a lender to make covered shortterm or longer-term balloon-payment loans without reasonably determining that the consumers

will have the ability to repay the loans according to their terms. The rule prescribes requirements

to prevent this practice and thus the specific harms to consumers that the Bureau has identified as

flowing from the practice, including extended loan sequences for a substantial population of


The first set of requirements addresses the underwriting of these loans. A lender, before

making a covered short-term or longer-term balloon-payment loan, must make a reasonable

determination that the consumer would be able to make the payments on the loan and be able to



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