Keeping a “Reading Journal”

Keeping a “Reading Journal”

You are required to keep a “Reading Journal” for this Class.

This “Reading Journal” should be kept in a loose-leaf notebook so that individual pages may be handed in and returned with ease.

You will respond in your “Reading Journal” to every reading assignment given throughout the semester.

Both the entire “Reading Journal” and selected assignment will be collected and checked periodically throughout the semester (see Class Requirements)

You must bring your “Reading Journal” to class every class. Not having your “Reading Journal” is the same as not having done the assignment.

Each entry in the journal must have the top right hand corner the following information

the date you are preparing the response

the title of the piece you are responding to

if the entry is more than one page, subsequent pages should be numbered with the phrase title, continued and the page # and date.

Suggestions for making entries in your “Reading Journal”

Feel free to keep in your journal any and/or all of the following

Plot summaries

Character Sketches

Salient quotes

Page notations for future retrieval of important section of the readings

Ongoing thematic or image clusters

Questions to be read in class

Comments, Observations, Connections.

For selected assignments, such as you will be given special instructions to respond to in your “Reading Journal”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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