Primary National Strategy – Peterborough

Theme: Understanding Shape

|Year Target |Group Target |Key Resources / Models and Images|Outcomes |

|Yr 1 | |Must | |2 D shapes |Who is sitting next to you? |

| | | | |Feely bag |Put the pencil pot in front of/behind the tray of crayons. |

| | | | |Crayons/pencils/paper/ Sand |Stand in front of the board. Stand in front of, behind, beside, opposite a partner. Stand between two other children. |

| | | | |Plasticine / Biscuit Dough and |Show me your left hand. |

| | | | |shape cutters |Tell me something in the classroom that is higher than, lower than, above, below, between, beside, next to, in the middle of, at |

| | | | |Geo boards |the edge of, in the corner of the… |

| | | | |Objects with different shaped |We can't see the hall, but what is next to the piano? What is below the big window? |

| | | | |faces |place objects above, below, to the right of and to the left of other objects on a magnetic board or interactive whiteboard. |

| | | | |Digital camera |follow instructions to put play-people in a scene. |

| | | | |Shapes Songs. For example Dave |tell my partner where to place their cubes to make the same shape as mine |

| | | | |Godfrey “Number Fun” songs. |follow instructions to make the same shape as my partner |

| | | | |Shape fan |describe where objects are in a picture or on a playing board, |

| | | | |3d shape properties |describe how things are stored on shelves or in a cupboard. |

| | | | |ICT files |How did you decide which way the robot should turn? |

| | | | |Problem solving materials |How did you decide how many steps the robot needed to move to reach ...? |

| | | | |Number lines |Look at this map. Start at the bottom. Point to the second house on the left. |

| | | | |Odd one out | |

| | | | |5rectangles | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |1b-1a |

| | | | | | |

| |Should | | | |

|Understanding shape | |I can describe where | | |

| | |something is using words| | |

|Shape and space | |like 'next to', 'in | | |

|activities booklet | |front of', 'underneath',| | |

| | |'on top of', ... | | |

|Shape tools | | | | |

| |Could |I can mark a position on| | |

| | |a grid and describe a | | |

| | |simple route for my | | |

| | |partner or floor robot | | |

| | |to follow. | | |

|Yr 2 | |Must |I can describe where |2 D shapes |The tick is in square B5. Follow my instructions. |

| | | |something is using words|Feely bag |Draw a cross in square D2. Draw a circle in square E4. Draw a triangle in square A5. |

| | | |like 'next to', 'in |Geo boards |[pic] |

| | | |front of', 'underneath',|Objects with different shaped |Now tell me where to put a cross, a circle and a triangle. |

| | | |'on top of', ... |faces |give instructions for a partner to follow a maze drawn on squared paper |

| | | | |Hoops for sorting |describe how to get to an object that is hidden in the classroom. |

| | | | |Digital camera |evaluate the accuracy of their instructions and adjust them accordingly |

| | | | |Mirrors |give instructions to a simple floor robot to follow a route marked out on the floor |

| | | | |Paper shapes |How could you make the robot come back to its starting point? What instructions would you give? |

| | | | |Programmable robot |The robot went too far/hasn't gone far enough. What do we need to change in our instructions? |

| | | | |ICT files |Roughly, how many centimetres is one robot step? How can we find out? |

| | | | |Problem solving materials |give instructions to a friend to follow a route around the playground including half and quarter turns. |

| | | | |Line of symmetry | |

| | | | |Making shapes | |

| | | | |Creating shapes |2c-2b |

| | | | |Number lines | |

| | | | |Odd one out | |

| | | | |Jack and the beanstalk | |

| | | | |Coloured shape | |

| | | | |6triangles | |

|Understanding shape |Should | | | |

| | |I can mark a position on| | |

|Shape and space | |a grid and describe a | | |

|activities booklet | |simple route for my | | |

| | |partner or floor robot | | |

|Shape tools | |to follow. | | |

| |Could |I can use the compass | | |

| | |points (north, south, | | |

| | |east and west) to | | |

| | |describe a direction or | | |

| | |movement of a square on | | |

| | |a grid. | | |

|Year Target |Group Target |Key Resources / Models and Images|Outcomes |

|Yr. 3 | |Must |I can mark a position on|2 D shapes |Describe and find the position of a square on a grid with the rows and columns labelled; |

| | | |a grid and describe a |Feely bag |Play "Battleships". |

| | | |simple route for my |Geo boards |Create a simple picture by colouring squares on the grid then describe to their partner how to create an identical picture. |

| | | |partner or floor robot |Objects with different shaped |Use compass points and other directional language to follow and describe a route, for example around a maze or grid marked out on |

| | | |to follow. |faces |the playground. |

| | | | |Hoops for sorting |Interpret and describe both the direction of travel and the distance for each section of the route. |

| | | | |Set square (to identify right |Which square lies halfway between squares A3 and E3? |

| | | | |angles) |[pic] |

| | | | |Rulers |Move a counter from square B4 to E2. Describe each move you make using the words north, south, east or west. |

| | | | |Digital camera |If you stand facing north, then make a half turn, what direction would you be facing? |

| | | | |Mirrors | |

| | | | |Paper shapes |Give instructions to draw the route below. Use the direction words: north, south, east and west. Give the exact length of each |

| | | | |Logo/programmable robot |line. |

| | | | | |[pic] |

| | | | |ICT files |Understand that shapes can be reflected |

| | | | |Names and properties of 2D and 3D|Predict where the image of a shape will be when it is reflected in a mirror line along one of its sides and check by placing a |

| | | | |shapes |mirror on the line of symmetry or by using ICT |

| | | | |Shape sort |Follow and give directions, for example in PE, including instructions to turn right or left through quarter and half turns |

| | | | |3d shape facts |Use compass points to explore, for example, how many right angles are needed to turn clockwise from east to west. |

| | | | |Quadrilateral-triangle Venn | |

| | | | |diagram sorter | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Problem solving materials | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Create new shapes | |

| | | | |Sorting shapes | |

| | | | |Describing position | |

| | | | |Rows of coins | |

| | | | |Odds and evens | |

| | | | |Straw squares | |

| | | | |Circle sums | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Understanding shape |Should |I can use the compass | | |

| | |points (north, south, | | |

|Shape and space | |east and west) to | | |

|activities booklet | |describe a direction or | | |

| | |movement of a square on | | |

|Shape tools | |a grid. | | |

| |Could |I can use the eight | | |

| | |compass points | | |

| | |I can give directions, | | |

| | |follow directions and | | |

| | |say how good someone | | |

| | |else's directions are | | |

| | | | | |

|Yr. 4 | |Must |I can use the compass |Unit plans: Autumn unit 4 |Lisa places a counter on square D4. |

| | | |points (north, south, |Autumn unit 6 | |

| | | |east and west) to |Spring unit 4 |She moves it 2 squares east and 3 squares south. Write the position of the square she moves it to. |

| | | |describe a direction or |Spring unit 6 |use the vocabulary associated with position, direction and movement. |

| | | |movement of a square on |Summer unit 5 |recognise when lines are horizontal and vertical and identify simple examples in the environment |

| | | |a grid. |Summer unit 6 |know that rows on a grid are described as horizontal and columns as vertical, and can describe the position of a square on a grid |

| | | | | |with the rows and columns labelled. |

| | | | |2D-3D shapes |Using a grid, shade in some squares to make a shape with a given number of sides, e.g. an octagon. |

| | | | |Feely bag |Sitting back to back with a partner ,use the labels of the rows and columns to describe the position of the squares they have |

| | | | |Geo boards |shaded. to replicate the shape. |

| | | | |Objects with different shaped | |

| | | | |faces | |

| | | | |Hoops for sorting | |

| | | | |Paper shapes |Kelly is facing north. She turns clockwise through 3 right angles. Which direction is she facing now? |

| | | | |Set square (to identify right | |

| | | | |angles /perpendicular lines) |Aled is facing north-west. He turns clockwise through 2 right angles. Which direction is he facing now? |

| | | | |Rulers |give directions using the eight compass directions N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE and SW. |

| | | | |Digital camera |Look at weather forecasts to track changes in wind direction. |

| | | | |Mirrors |Investigate the different routes from A to B using only the directions north-west and north-east and record their results |

| | | | |Logo/programmable robot |systematically in a table. |

| | | | | |Face SE and turn clockwise 180 degrees/two right angles. Which direction are you now facing? |

| | | | |ICT files | |

| | | | |Names and properties of 2D and 3D| |

| | | | |shapes | |

| | | | |Properties of 3D shapes | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Carroll diagrams for sorting | |

| | | | |shapes | |

| | | | |Quadrilateral-triangle Venn | |

| | | | |diagram sorter | |

| | | | |Problem solving materials | |

| | | | |Reflecting shapes | |

| | | | |Rows of coins | |

| | | | |Odds and evens | |

| | | | |Straw squares | |

| | | | |Y4 jack and the beanstalk | |

|Understanding shape |Should | | | |

| | | | | |

|Shape and space | | | | |

|activities booklet | |I can use the eight | | |

| | |compass points | | |

|Shape tools | |I can give directions, | | |

| | |follow directions and | | |

| | |say how good someone | | |

| | |else's directions are | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Could |I can read and plot | | |

| | |coordinates in the first| | |

| | |quadrant to make shapes | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Year Target |Group Target |Key Resources / Models and Images|Outcomes |

|Yr. 5 | |Must |I can use the eight |Unit plans: autumn unit 8 |Show me where this shape would be if we reflected it in this mirror line. Where would it be if we translated it two units to the |

| | | |compass points |Spring unit 5a |right parallel to the x-axis? |

| | | |to give directions, |Spring unit 5b |This grid is made of hexagons. Draw the reflection of the shaded shape on the grid. |

| | | |follow directions and |Spring unit 7 | |

| | | |say how good someone |Summer unit 8 | |

| | | |else's directions are |Summer unit 9 |Here is a shaded square on a grid. Shade in three more squares so that the design is symmetrical in both mirror lines. |

| | | | |2 D shapes | |

| | | | |Feely bag |read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant. |

| | | | |Geo boards |explain why the point (4, 1) is not the same as (1, 4). |

| | | | |Objects with different shaped |Given some of the vertices of squares or rectangles, they plot the missing points, recognising that there may be more than one |

| | | | |faces |solution to the problem. For example: if (6, 5) and (8, 5) are two vertices of a square, they find all three possibilities for the|

| | | | |Hoops (Venn diagrams) |pair of missing vertices. |

| | | | |Paper shapes | |

| | | | |Set square (to identify right |Heres a shaded square. |

| | | | |angles/perpendicular lines) |Write the coordinates for point A and point C. |

| | | | |Rulers |Three of the four corners of a square are (3, 10), (5, 12) and (7, 10). Work out the coordinates of the fourth corner. |

| | | | |Digital camera | |

| | | | |Mirrors |(8, 10) and (10, 8) are two vertices of a right-angled triangle. What are the coordinates of the third vertex? Are there any other|

| | | | | |possibilities? |

| | | | |ICT files | |

| | | | | |This triangle is translated two squares the left. Draw the triangle in its new position. |

| | | | |Shape quiz | |

| | | | |3D shape properties | |

| | | | |Carroll diagrams for sorting | |

| | | | |shapes |The shaded triangle is a reflection of the white triangle in the mirror line. Write the coordinates of point A and point B. |

| | | | |Quadrilateral-triangle Venn | |

| | | | |diagram sorter | |

| | | | | |Points A (3, 4) and B (3, 7) are joined by a straight line. Plot the coordinates of two points C and D so that line CD is parallel|

| | | | |Problem solving materials |to AB. Now plot two points E and F so that line EF is perpendicular to AB. |

| | | | |Clown clearup | |

| | | | |Virtual pinboard investigation |A rectangle drawn on a centimetre coordinate grid has three vertices at (1, 5), (1, 3) and (5, 3). Complete the rectangle and find|

| | | | |Triangles; Symmetry |its perimeter and area. |

| | | | |Four by four; Planet Zargon | |

| | | | |All square; Sleigh ride | |

| | | | |Logic coordinates | |

| | | | |Area-perimeter compound shapes |3a-4c |

| | | | |Tangram; 3 by 3 grid | |

|Understanding shape |Should |I can read and plot | | |

| | |coordinates in the | | |

|Shape and space | |first quadrant to make| | |

|activities booklet | |shapes | | |

| | | | | |

|Shape tools | | | | |

| |Could |I can read and plot | | |

| | |coordinates in all 4 | | |

| | |quadrants in order to | | |

| | |draw, complete and | | |

| | |locate shapes | | |

|Yr. 6 | |Must |I can read and plot |Unit plans: |A, B and C are three corners of a rectangle. What are the coordinates of the fourth corner? |

| | | |coordinates in the |Autumn unit 8 |Plot (2, 2) and (6, 2). These are the vertices of a square. Find the coordinates of the two other vertices of the square. Find |

| | | |first quadrant to make|Autumn unit 10 |three possible answers. |

| | | |shapes |Spring unit 8 | |

| | | | |Summer unit 3 | |

| | | | |Summer unit 7 | |

| | | | |Summer unit 11 |Draw the reflection of this shape. |

| | | | |Springboard | |

| | | | |Lesson 11 |The shape below is rotated 90[pic] clockwise about point A. Draw the shape in its new position on the grid. |

| | | | |Lesson 14 | |

| | | | |Lesson 17 | |

| | | | |Lesson 28 |Predict then check where the image of a shape will be after a reflection, rotation or translation. |

| | | | |2 D shapes |use equipment (such as tracing paper) or ICT to rotate shapes through 90[pic] and 180[pic] about their centres or one of their |

| | | | |Feely bag |vertices |

| | | | |Geoboards |transform a given shape using a reflection, rotation or translation for someone else to recognise the transformation and describe |

| | | | |Objects with different shaped |how to transform the shape back to its original position. |

| | | | |faces | |

| | | | |Hoops |Look at the shape on the grid. |

| | | | |Paper shapes |Turn it through one right angle around the point A. |

| | | | |Set square (to identify right |Draw its new position. |

| | | | |angles/ perpendicular lines) |You may use tracing paper |

| | | | |Rulers | |

| | | | |Digital camera | |

| | | | |Mirrors |The shaded shape is an isosceles triangle. |

| | | | |ICT files |Write in the missing co-ordinate. |

| | | | |Rotations and coordinates | |

| | | | |Quadrilateral rummy | |

| | | | |Problem solving materials | |

| | | | |Clown clearup | |

| | | | |Worm hunt | |

| | | | |sailing | |

| | | | |Coordinate possibilites |Here is a kite. |

| | | | |Reasoning about shapes; Angles ; |Write the coordinates of point D |

| | | | |Virtual pinboard investigation; | |

| | | | |Symmetry ; Spot the shapes 2; | |

| | | | |Planet Zargon; All square; Sleigh| |

| | | | |ride; Logic coordinates;; | |

| | | | |Tangram; 3 by 3 grid; diamond |The shaded shape is a parallelogram. Write in the coordinates of point A. |

| | | | |mine | |

| | | | | |Draw a polygon with each vertex lying in the first quadrant. Plot its reflection in the y-axis, and name the co-ordinates of the |

| | | | | |reflected shape. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Read and plot points using co-ordinates beyond the first quadrant. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |4b-4a |

| |Should | | | |

|Understanding shape | | | | |

| | |I can read and plot | | |

|Shape and space | |coordinates in all 4 | | |

|activities booklet | |quadrants in order to | | |

| | |draw, complete and | | |

|Shape tools | |locate shapes | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Could | | | |


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