Lesson 85 : Creating Problems Involving a Circle, with Reasonable AnswersQuarter 4 Week 2Objective: Create problems involving a circle, with reasonable answers.Value Focus: Accuracy and CooperationPrerequisite Concepts and Skills:Multiplication factsFinding the area of a circleSteps in Solving ProblemsMaterials: cutouts of circles, chart, flashcards, real objects, manila paper, ruler/meter stick, pentel pen, show me boardReferences: M5M-IVb-76 Growing up with Math 5 pages 299-301 Ateneo Lesson Guide pages 382-386 Instructional Procedure:Preliminary ActivitiesDrillHave a drill on the multiplication factsReviewHave a review on solving the area of a circle. Let the pupils do the following.6 cm10m 2. MotivationLet the pupils find any circular objects inside the classroom. Ask them to record the area of each object.Developmental ActivitiesPresentationLet the pupils present their answers. Ask them how they got the area.Performing the ActivitiesDivide the class into four groups. Let each group discuss how will they make a problem based on the given situations. The groups 1 and 2 will discuss situation 1, while groups 3 and 4 will focus on Situation 2. Situation 1: Inside the classroom, find any circular objects, create a problem involving area of a circle. Use a ruler/meter stick as the measuring tool.Situation 2:In the school campus, find any circular objects, create a problem involving area of a circle use a ruler/meter stick as the measuring tool.Processing the ActivitiesAfter the activities have been done, let the groups post their formulated problems in each of the situations given and let them do the tasks below.Read the problem and ask the class to solve the problem.Illustrate and solve the problem with the solution.4. Reinforcing the Concept and Skill a. Class Activity A. Ask the pupils to do the exercises in the Get Moving and Keep Moving pages_____ and ____, LM Math Grade 5. B. Ask the pupils to work by groups. Check the pupils answers 5. Summarizing the lessonLead the pupils to give the generalization by asking: How did you create problems involving area of a circle? Steps in Creating ProblemsFamiliarize yourself with the mathematical concepts. Think of the application to everyday life situations.Think of the type of the problem you want to make and the formula to be used.Read and study more on math problems. Study the solutions.Make your own styles/strategies to justify the solutions. 6. Applying to New and Other Situations Let the pupils do Apply Your Skills on pages ___, LM Grade 5. Check the pupils’ work.AssessmentLet the pupils do the exercises in Keep Moving on page ___, LM Math Grade 5. Check pupils’ work.Home ActivityRemediationCreate problem involving area of a circle using the given data below.circular bed2. circular plate3. circular playgroundradius- 130 cm radius- 15 cm diameter – 30 mArea=? Area = ? Area = ? 4. circular rug 5. circular placemat radius – 2.5 m radius – 18 cm Area = ? Area = ? Enrichment: Ask the pupils to create problems involving area of a circle. ................

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