Administrative Information

Online Restoration Application TemplateThis application template is ONLY A TOOL and CANNOT BE SUBMITTED in lieu of the online application.Administrative InformationApplication Name: (50 character limit)Submitted by: Offering Type: Application Type: OWEB Region: County: Coordinates: Applicant:Payee:Project Manager:AbstractProvide an abstract statement for the project. Include the following information: 1) Identify the project location; 2) Briefly state the project need; 3) Describe the proposed work; 4) Identify project partners. (2000 character limit)Location InformationMap the point which best represents the proposed project location.What is the ownership of the project site(s)?HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sPublic land (any lands owned by the Federal government, the State of Oregon, a city, county, district or municipal or public corporation in Oregon)HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:TextArea.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sHTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sHTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sWhat agency(ies) are involved? (1000 character limit)HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sPrivate (land owned by non-governmental entities)Please select one of the following Landowner Contact Certification statements: HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sI certify that I have informed all participating private landowners involved in the project of the existence of the application, and I have advised all of them that all monitoring information obtained on their property is public record.Please include a complete list of participating private landowners (8000 character limit)I certify that contact with all participating private landowners was not possible at the time of application for the following reasons: Furthermore, I understand that should this project be awarded, I will be required by the terms of the OWEB grant agreement to secure cooperative landowner agreements with all participating private landowners prior to expending Board funds on a property.Please List your reasons (8000 character limit)HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sNot applicable to this project.HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sThis grant will take place in more than one county.HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:TextArea.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sHTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sHTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sList the counties affected: (8000 character limit)HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Text.1 \* MERGEFORMAT \sPermitsOther than the land-use form, do you need a permit, license or other regulatory approval of any of the proposed project activities?Yes (go to permits page) If applicant is successful, the permit and license information provided will be imported into the final grant agreement. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify and update which permits, licenses, and General Authorizations are required for the Project at the time of execution of the agreement and on an ongoing basis. Project Activity Requiring a Permit or LicenseName of Permit or LicenseEntity Issuing Permit or LicenseStatusNo records have been found... please click the 'Create Permit Record' button to build a record. Create Phase Project Record (button)NoRacial and Ethnic Impact StatementThe proposed grant project policies or programs could have a disproportionate or unique POSITIVE impact on the following minority persons. (indicate all that apply)WomenPersons with DisabilitiesAfrican-AmericansHispanicsAsians or Pacific IslandersAmerican IndiansAlaskan NativesPlease provide the rationale for the existence of policies or programs having a disproportionate or unique impact on minority persons. (8000 character limit)Please provide evidence of consultation with representative(s) of affected minority persons. (8000 character limit)The proposed grant project policies or programs could have a disproportionate or unique NEGATIVE impact on the following minority persons. (indicate all that apply)WomenPersons with DisabilitiesAfrican-AmericansHispanicsAsians or Pacific IslandersAmerican IndiansAlaskan NativesPlease provide the rationale for the existence of policies or programs having a disproportionate or unique impact on minority persons. (8000 character limit)Please provide evidence of consultation with representative(s) of affected minority persons. (8000 character limit)The proposed grant project policies or programs WILL HAVE NO disproportionate or unique impact on minority persons.Insurance InformationIf applicable, select all the activities that are part of your project - These require a risk assessment tool unless otherwise noted (check all that apply).Working with hazardous materials (not including materials used in the normal operation of equipment such as hydraulic fluid). Earth moving work around the footprint of a drinking water well. Removal or alteration of structures that hold back water on land or instream including dams, levees, dikes, tidegates and other water control devices (this does not include temporary diversion dams used solely to divert water for irrigation). Applicant’s staff or volunteers are working with kids related to this project (DAS Risk assessment tool not required, additional insurance is required)Applicant’s staff are applying herbicides or pesticides (DAS Risk assessment tool not required, additional insurance is required)Insurance not applicable to this project.Additional InformationThis project affects Sage Grouse.Problem StatementDescribe the watershed problem this Restoration Application seeks to address. (8000 character limit)How have past or current land management practices contributed to the problem? (8000 character limit)Project History Continuation - Are you requesting funds to continue work on a project previously funded by OWEB where that work did not result in a completed project?Yes Provide OWEB Grant Number(s) (8000 character limit)What was completed with previous OWEB grants? (8000 character limit)Why is additional OWEB funding needed? (8000 character limit)No Resubmit - Have you submitted, but were not awarded an OWEB application for this project before?Yes (Provide OWEB Application Number)No Indicate sections where this application addresses concerns identified in the previous OWEB evaluation.Problem StatementPlease note the questions where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)Proposed SolutionPlease note the questions where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)Wrap-upPlease note the questions where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)BudgetPlease note the questions and line items where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)Funding and MatchPlease note the questions and line items where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)UploadsPlease note the uploads where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)PermitsPlease note the permits where concerns were addressed in this section. (500 character limit)No concerns needing to be addressed.Phased - Is proposed work in this application a phase of a comprehensive watershed restoration plan or project?YesList the phases of your project. Phase Brief DescriptionProject Number (if applicable)No records have been found... please click the 'Add Phased Projects' button to build a record. Create Phase Project Record (button) NoPlans and Salmon Is the proposed restoration activity(ies) identified in a local assessment or other plan?YesProvide name of local plan, Watershed assessment, or other locally relevant document. (8000 character limit)NoWill this project specifically benefit salmon or steelhead?YesYou have identified your project as benefitting salmon or steelhead. Select one or more of the salmon ESUs (Evolutionary Significant Unit) or steelhead DPSs (Distinct Population Segment) below that the project will address/benefit. For species where the ESU/DPS name is not known or determined, use the species name and location of the salmon/steelhead population that can be found at SalmonDeschutes River summer/fall-run Lower Columbia River Middle Columbia River spring-run Oregon Coast Snake River Fall-run Snake River Spring/Summer-run Southern Oregon and Northern California Coast Upper Klamath-Trinity Rivers Upper Willamette RiverChum SalmonColumbia River Pacific CoastCoho SalmonLower Columbia River Oregon Coast Southern Oregon/Northern CaliforniaSteelheadKlamath Mountains Province Lower Columbia River Middle Columbia River Oregon Coast Snake River Basin Upper Willamette RiverHow will the resulting restoration project benefit salmon or steelhead or their habitat? (4000 character limit)NoDoes the project address a restoration action identified in a regional assessment or recovery plan?Yes (Choose assessment or plan from drop-down)No Does this project address one or both of the following?Habitat needs for one or more Endangered Species Act listed species and or species of concernConcerns identified on 303(d) listed streamsNoProposed Solution: Restoration Project OverviewGoal, Objectives, and ActivitiesState your project goal. A goal statement should articulate desired outcomes (the vision for desired future conditions) and the watershed benefit. (1000 character limit)List specific and measurable objectives. Objectives support and refine the goal by breaking them down to steps for achieving the goal. (NOTE: If you quantify your objectives, ensure all numbers match the metrics listed in your selected habitat types.) Provide up to 7 objectives. (1500 character limit)Describe the project activities. Activities explain how the objectives will be implemented. (8000 character limit).List the major project elements and time schedule estimated for completing the restoration project.ElementStart DateEnd DateNo records have been found... please click the 'Create Project Element Record' button to build a record. Create Phase Project Record (button)Habitat TypesIn which habitat type(s) are you proposing to work?Instream Habitat: below the ordinary high water mark (includes in-channel habitat restoration, bank stabilization, flow, fish screening, and fish passage)Riparian Habitat: above the ordinary high-water mark of the stream and within the stream's floodplain.Upland Habitat: above the floodplain and improves native habitat and watershed function.Wetland Habitat: land or areas covered, often intermittently, with shallow water or have soil saturated with moisture. Estuarine Habitat: tidally influenced areas. Depending on your choice(s) in Habitat Types (above), the following Proposed Solution areas will be visible.Proposed Solution: Instream HabitatSelect all applicable Instream categories.Bank stabilizationHow will the bank stabilization improve water quality and/or native fish or wildlife habitat? (8000 character limit) How do the bank stabilization activities relate to and increase the ecological benefit of the other restoration activities proposed in the application? (8000 character limit)What type(s) of material are you proposing to use? (drop-down list)Stream Side InformationAre you proposing to treat one or both sides of the streambank?One side (Enter miles treated)Both sides (Enter miles treated)Total miles treated (Enter number)Fish passage ImprovementSelect all fish passage improvement actions you propose to implement to address the problem.Barriers at Road Crossings: Improve fish passage at road crossings.Check the passage problem types that you will address.Culverts (Enter number of crossings)Bridges (Enter number of crossings)Fords (Enter number of crossings)Select which fish passage improvement(s) the project proposes to implement.Culverts installed/improvedType(s) of culvert(s) installed (8000 character limit)Number of culvert crossings (Enter number)Stream miles with improved access (Enter number)Bridges installed/improvedNumber of bridge crossings (Enter number)Stream miles with improved access (Enter number)Fords installed/improvedNumber of ford crossings (Enter number)Stream miles with improved access (Enter number)Road crossings removed and not replacedNumber of road crossings (Enter number)Stream miles with improved access (Enter number)Non-road Crossing Barriers: Improves fish passage not located at road crossings.Types of non-road crossing barriers to be improved or removed for the benefit of fish passage (select all that apply).Diversion dam (Enter number of structures, size, and structural material)Push-up DamNon-Diversion Dam (Enter number of structures, size, and structural material)WeirsNatural debris jam barriersTidegates (Enter number of structures, size, structural material, and whether top or side is hinged)Boulder/Rock barrierLandslideNumber of non-road crossings to be treated/removed (Enter number)Fish ladders or engineered bypasses not associated with road crossingsFish ladders installed/improved (Enter number)Types of non-road crossing barriers to be improved or removed for the benefit of fish passage (select all that apply).Diversion dam (Enter number of structures, size, and structural material)Push-up DamNon-Diversion Dam (Enter number of structures, size, and structural material)WeirsNatural debris jam barriersTidegates (Enter number of structures, size, structural material, and whether top or side is hinged)Boulder/Rock barrierLandslideEngineered bypass installed/improved (Enter number)Types of non-road crossing barriers to be improved or removed for the benefit of fish passage (select all that apply).Diversion dam (Enter number of structures, size, and structural material)Push-up DamNon-Diversion Dam (Enter number of structures, size, and structural material)WeirsNatural debris jam barriersTidegates (Enter number of structures, size, structural material, and whether top or side is hinged)Boulder/Rock barrierLandslideTotal stream miles with improved access (Enter number)Total number of barriers removed or modified (Enter number) Fish screening projectAre you coordinating or do you plan to coordinate with ODFW's fish passage program on this project?YesIf yes, if you have an ODFW project number(s), please enter them below. ODFW fish passage project numbers will be in the form P-XX-XXXX. (250 character limit)NoFish screening projectSelect all that apply.New fish screens installed (Enter number and cubic feet per second flow allowed through screen)Existing screens replaced, repaired, modified (Enter number and cubic feet per second flow allowed through screen)Is a fish screen required per the water right certificate?Yes No If you are requesting OWEB funds for the fish screen, do you have a letter from ODFW stating the project is ineligible for ODFW fish screen program funding?Yes (Upload letter)No Are you coordinating or do you plan to coordinate with ODFW's fish screens program on this project?Yes If yes, if you have an ODFW project number(s), please enter them below. ODFW fish screens project numbers will be in the form S-XX-XXXX. (250 character limit)NoInstream flowIrrigation improvement for increased stream flowInitial start date of irrigation improvement (Enter date)Length of time for irrigation practice improvementPermanentTemporary (Enter final end date)Estimate stream miles where increased flow is the result of decreased/eliminated water withdrawals (Enter number)Irrigation agreement for increased stream flowDescribe the type of agreement for providing instream flow (lease, purchase, allocation of water.) Initial start date of irrigation agreement (Enter date)Length of time for irrigation practice improvementPermanentTemporary (Enter final end date)Estimate stream miles where increased flow is the result of decreased/eliminated water withdrawals (Enter number)Installation of stream gauges and/or flow meters to measure water useNumber of flow meters (Enter number)Number of stream gauges (Enter number)Estimate the increased flow of water in the stream (cfs) (Enter number)Is the primary purpose of the instream flow project to address water quality limiting factors?Yes If the instream flow project will also have water quality benefits, mark these below.BacteriaDissolved OxygenToxicsHigh TemperatureNutrientsSedimentpHNo Instream habitat restorationPlacement of materials in channelDoes the proposed project follow:ODFW GuidelinesNOAA GuidelinesOther (Specify)What types of instream habitat materials are you proposing to install? (select all that apply)Large WoodNumber of structures. (Enter number)Average number of logs per structure. (Enter number)Average size of logs per structure. (Enter number)BouldersNumber of structures. (Enter number)Average size of boulders. (Enter number)Average number of boulders per structure. (Enter number)Combination log/boulderNumber of structures. (Enter number)Average number of logs per structure. (Enter number)Average number of boulders per structure. (Enter number)Average size of logs per structure. (Enter number)Average size of boulders per structure. (Enter number)Other materials: Materials that stabilize the streambedSpecify structure type(s): Beaver dam alternative (Enter number of structures)Constructed riffle (Enter number of structures)Channel reconfiguration and connectivity, including alcoves and side channel reconnectionWhat type(s) of change are you proposing to the channel configuration and connectivity? Acres off-channel or floodplain habitat connected (Enter number)Number of pools created/added (Enter number)Spawning gravel placement (Enter stream miles treated)Beaver reintroduction (Enter stream miles treated)Non-native plant controlSpecify species (8000 character limit)Treatment(s) to be appliedMechanical (cutting, mowing, girdling, etc.)Chemical (pesticides, fungicides, etc.)Biological (predators, herbivores, pathogens, etc.)Acres to be treated (Enter number)Nutrient enrichmentAnimal species removalName the species (8000 character limit)Stream miles to be treated (Enter number)Is the primary purpose of the instream habitat restoration treatment(s) to address water quality limiting factors?YesIf the instream flow project will also have water quality benefits, mark these below.BacteriaDissolved OxygenToxicsHigh TemperatureNutrientsSedimentpHNoTotal miles of stream to be treated with all instream habitat restoration treatments (Enter number)Log stockpilingIdentify upcoming potential restoration projects where logs are needed. (8000 character limit)Describe the staging areas to store the material. (8000 character limit)Specifications on wood that will be accepted: Length (feet); Diameter (inches); Species (text box)Describe the plans for acquisition and transportation of materials. (8000 character limit)Provide additional information on the log stockpiling program. (Explain how the funds will be used: transportation of donated material or purchase of material? Will the material stay in the watershed or transported to other watersheds?) (8000 character limit)Proposed Solution: Riparian HabitatSelect all applicable Riparian categories. Road activities (Go to Road Page)Fencing and other materials for habitat protectionFencingType of fence (text)Height (ft) (enter number)Length (miles)(enter number)Will livestock graze inside the riparian area?YesIf Yes, how will livestock grazing be managed to promote the ecological objectives of the project (etc. season of use, duration, frequency)? (4000 character limit)NoIf No, what assurances will be in place to demonstrate livestock exclusion will be maintained over the long-term, i.e. after 10 years, 15 years? (4000 character limit)Linear stream miles treated (Enter number)Will the fence design be wildlife friendly?YesIf Yes, Please provide specifications that demonstrate the design is compatible with wildlife passage.NoWill fencing activities install new fencing that did not exist previously?YesNoExclusion other than fencing Specify materials (8000 character limit)Miles of exclusion for habitat protection (fence or other) (Enter number)Riparian acres protected by fencing and/or other exclusion (Enter number)Vegetation establishment or managementPlanting (Go to Road Page)Non-native plant controlSpecify species Treatment(s) to be applied:Mechanical (cutting, mowing, girdling, etc.) Chemical (pesticides, fungicides, etc.) Biological (predators, herbivores, pathogens, etc.)Acres to be treated (Enter number)Prescribed burnings, stand thinning, stand conversions, silviculture Specify methods to be used (8000 character limit) Livestock managementRiparian pasture managementCross fencing installedHeight (ft) (enter number)Length (miles)(enter number)Acres fenced (Enter number)Will cross fence installation create new fencing that did not exist previously?YesNoWater gap development (Enter number developed)Debris and Structure Removal (Describe activities, Enter number of acres treated) (8000 character limit)Is an objective of the riparian treatment(s) to address water quality limiting factors?YesCheck all of the water quality limiting factors addressed by the riparian management activities selected above.BacteriaDissolved OxygenToxicsHigh TemperatureNutrientsSedimentpHNoTotal linear stream miles to be treated (Enter number)Total riparian acres to be treated (Enter number)Left streambank miles to be treated (when looking downstream)(Enter number)Right streambank miles to be treated (when looking downstream)(Enter number)Proposed Solution: Upland HabitatSelect all applicable Upland categories. Road activities (Go to Road Page)Vegetation establishment or managementRestoration of historic upland habitatsOak woodland (Enter acres)Oak savannah (Enter acres)Upland prairie restoration (Enter acres)Aspen stands (Enter acres)Mountain Mahogany stands (Enter acres)Fuels reduction (Enter acres)Acres to be treated (Enter number)Juniper treatmentTreatment(s) to be appliedBurning (Enter number of acres)Mechanical (Enter method(s), number of acres, and aspect)Total acres of juniper treatment (Enter number)Invasive species controlList the common and scientific names of the species. (8000 character limit)Treatment(s) to be appliedMechanical (cutting, mowing, girdling, etc.) Chemical (pesticides, fungicides, etc.) Biological (predators, herbivores, pathogens, etc.) Acres to be treated (Enter number)Forest stand healthPrescribed burningsTargeted species (8000 character limit)Acres treated (Enter number)Selective tree thinningTargeted species (8000 character limit)Acres treated (Enter number)Planting (Go to Plant page)Livestock managementGrazing management plans (Enter acres covered by the plan)Upland exclusion fencingType of fence (text)Height (ft) (enter number)Length (miles)(enter number)Acres fenced (Enter number)What other livestock and/or land management practices are you using in conjunction with fencing? (8000 character limit)What assurances will be in place to demonstrate livestock exclusion will be maintained over the long-term, i.e. after 10 years, 15 years? (4000 character limit)Will upland exclusion fencing create new fencing that did not exist previously?YesNoCross fencingHeight (ft) (enter number)Length (miles)(enter number)Acres fenced (Enter number)Will cross fencing installation create new fencing that did not exist previously?YesNoWater developments Fill out the table below to indicate each type of water development the project includes and accompanying details, including whether the development is existing or to be developed, source gallons per minute, number of livestock utilizing site, and all design components, such as troughs, solar, cistern, spring box collector, small animal escape, etc. TypeStatusSource Gallons per MinuteNo. of Livestock Utilizing SiteDesignNo records have been found... please click the 'Create Water Development Record' button to build a record. Create Water Development Record (button)Is a trough part of your design?YesNumber: (enter number)Provide the following information for each trough: Type (aluminum, tire, concrete, steel, plastic) and Size (gallons)(8000 character limit)NoAgricultural practices for conservation including erosion controlIrrigation improvement for water quality (Enter number of acres)ActivitiesMainline pipedLateralsPumpsIs an objective of the irrigation improvement to address water quality limiting factors?YesCheck all of the water quality limiting factors addressed by the Irrigation Improvement activities selected above.BacteriaDissolved OxygenToxicsHigh TemperatureNutrientsSedimentpHNoInstallation of stream gauges and/or flow meters to measure water useGive the number (enter number)Low/ No till (Enter number of acres)Filter Strips (Enter number of acres)Wind breaksErosion control structures (Specify type and enter number)TerracingGrass waterwayLivestock manure managementUpland wetland protection, creation or improvement for agricultural water qualityAcres (Enter number)Non-Agriculture practices for conservation including erosion controlGully treatmentTerracingGrass waterwayPlanting for erosion controlList the scientific names of the plants (8000 character limit)Slope stabilizationTotal upland acres to be treated (Enter number)Proposed Solution: Wetland HabitatAre you working in artificial or historic wetland habitat? (select one or both)Artificial wetlandHistoric wetlandSelect all applicable Wetland categories. Road activities (Go to Road Page)Channel modification including creationType of modification to channel Length of channel created or modified Miles of wetland habitat treated Acres of wetland habitat connected Vegetation establishment or managementPlanting (Go to Plant page)Non-native plant controlSpecify plants (8000 character limit)Treatment(s) to be appliedMechanical (cutting, mowing, girdling, etc.)Chemical (pesticides, fungicides, etc.)Biological (predators, herbivores, pathogens, etc.)Acres to be treated (Enter number)Fencing and other materials for habitat protectionFencingType of fence (text)Height (ft) (enter number)Length (miles)(enter number)What other livestock and/or land management practices are you using in conjunction with fencing? (8000 character limit)What assurances will be in place to demonstrate livestock exclusion will be maintained over the long-term, i.e. after 10 years, 15 years? (4000 character limit)Will fencing activities install new fencing that did not exist previously?YesNoExclusion other than fencingSpecify materials (8000 character limit)Miles of exclusion for habitat protection (fence or other) (Enter number)Wetland acres protected by fencing and/or other exclusion (Enter number)Structure removal/modification/installationDike, Levee, or berm modification including removalDikeLeveeBermTidegate modification/removalNumber of tidegates modified (Enter number)Number of tidegates removed (Enter number)Acres of habitat made available (Enter number)Wetland culvert modification/removalNumber of culverts modified (Enter number)Number of culverts removed (Enter number)Acres of habitat made available (Enter number)Installation of structures to control water level/elevationNumber of structures (Enter number)Acres of habitat created (Enter number)Tile removalAcres (Enter number)Large woodNumber of structures (Enter number)Average logs per structure (Enter number)Average size of logs per structure (Enter number)Nonstructural removal and placement protectionRemoval of fill materialCubic Yards (Enter number)Describe where the fill material will be placed after removal. (Enter number) (8000 character limit)Placement of fill materialExplain the purpose of placing fill for this project. Cubic Yards (Enter number)Type (8000 character limit)Debris removalSpecify type of debris (8000 character limit)Total wetland acres to be treated (Enter number)Proposed Solution: Estuarine HabitatSelect all applicable Estuarine categories. Create a new estuarine habitat (Enter number of acres created)Road activities (Go to Road Page)Channel modification including creationType of modification to channel (8000 character limit)Miles of estuary modified or created Vegetation establishment or managementPlanting (Go to Plant page)Non-native plant controlSpecify plants (8000 character limit)Treatment(s) to be appliedMechanical (cutting, mowing, girdling, etc.)Chemical (pesticides, fungicides, etc.)Biological (predators, herbivores, pathogens, etc.)Acres to be treated (Enter number)Fencing and other materials for habitat protectionFencingType of fence (text)Height (ft) (enter number)Length (miles)(enter number)What other livestock and/or land management practices are you using in conjunction with fencing? (8000 character limit)What assurances will be in place to demonstrate livestock exclusion will be maintained over the long-term, i.e. after 10 years, 15 years? (4000 character limit)Will fencing activities install new fencing that did not exist previously?YesNoExclusion other than fencing (Specify materials) (8000 character limit)Miles of exclusion for habitat protection (fence or other) (Enter number)Estuarine acres protected by fencing and/or other exclusion (Enter number)Structure removal/modification/installationDike, Levee, or berm modification including removalDikeLeveeBermTidegate modification/removalNumber of tidegates modified (Enter number)Number of tidegates removed (Enter number)Acres of habitat made available (Enter number)Estuarine culvert modification/removalNumber of culverts modified (Enter number)Number of culverts removed (Enter number)Acres of habitat made available (Enter number)Installation of structures to control water level/elevationNumber of structures (Enter number)Acres of habitat created (Enter number)Tile removalAcres (Enter number)Large woodNumber of structures (Enter number)Average logs per structure (Enter number)Average size of logs per structure (Enter number)Nonstructural removal and placement protectionRemoval of fill materialCubic Yards (Enter number)Describe where the fill material will be placed after removal. (Enter number)Placement of fill materialCubic Yards (Enter number)Type (8000 character limit)Debris removalSpecify type of debris (8000 character limit)Total estuarine acres to be treated (Enter number)Restoration Wrap-UpWatershed BenefitDescribe the watershed or ecosystem function(s) that the project will address through the proposed restoration actions and the resulting benefits to water quality, native fish and wildlife habitat, and/or watershed health. Explain why the project is a priority for investment at this time. (4000 character limit)Public AwarenessDoes this proposed project include public awareness activities?YesDescribe these activities, as well as any related products, and explain how the proposed activities relate to the project's objectives. (8000 character limit)NoDesignWere design alternatives considered?YesIf yes, describe the design alternatives that were considered and why the preferred alternative was selected. (8000 character limit)NoSelect the appropriate level of design for your project.No design is required.10-30%: Conceptual design (evaluation of alternatives, concept-level plans, design criteria for project elements, rough cost estimates).30-85%: Preliminary design (selection of the preferred alternative, draft plans, draft design report, preliminary cost estimates).85-100%: Final design (final design report, plans, and specifications, contracting and bidding documents, monitoring plan, final cost estimate).If work remains on the project's design, describe the work that remains to be done and when you expect to have it completed? (8000 character limit)Project ManagementList the key individuals, their roles, and qualifications relevant to project and post project implementation. At a minimum include the following: project management, project design, project implementation, and project inspection.Role Name Affiliation QualificationsEmail Phone No records have been found... please click the ‘Create Key Individual’ button to build a record. Create Key Individual Record (button)OPTIONAL: Restoration Project MonitoringIndicate which, if any, of the following types of monitoring will be done at this restoration project during the project period.Salmonid MonitoringNon-salmonid biological monitoringWater (quantity) flow monitoringWater quality monitoringIdentify the location for the planned monitoring activities relative to the restoration project location. Check as many boxes as apply.OnsiteDownstreamUpstreamUpslopeWill effectiveness monitoring be conducted for this project? YesIf yes, please describe the monitoring activities and any additional sources of funding (amount and source) to support this effort. (2000 character limit)NoNOTE: This can be selected regardless of whether the effectiveness monitoring is funded by OWEB. However, if you are requesting more than $3,500 of effectiveness monitoring funding from OWEB, you will need to complete a separate Monitoring application.Funding, Match and BudgetThere is no template for the Funding and Match and Budget pages. The related questions are listed below.OWEB staff and application review teams carefully review application budgets and may question how costs were developed. Use this section of the application to explain how project costs were estimated. Contract costs should be broken out and should match the scope of work described in the application.For projects that request OWEB funding related to the use of drones (i.e. UAS/UAV), applicants must include a justification for drone-related expenses when submitting an application. This includes explaining why you need to buy drone equipment and/or budget for other drone-related expenses, or why contracting the work is the better option.Provide context and justification for how your budget was developed. Explain how project costs and/or rates were determined.?(5000 character limit)Does the budget identify a contingency amount for specific line item(s) within the Contracted Services and/or Material and Supplies budget category?Explain the specific reasons a contingency is needed for each line item.?(2500 character limit)Before filling out Funding and Match, review the corresponding section of the Online Application Guidance document.?Do match funding sources have any restrictions on how funds are used, timelines or other limitations that would impact the portion of the project proposed for OWEB funding?YesNoOWEB receives a portion of its funds from the federal government, and these funds are required to be expended sooner than state funds. The following questions assist OWEB staff in determining if these federal funds can be used in support of some grants. Completion of this section is required, but will not be used to evaluate this application for funding.Do you need state OWEB dollars (not Federal) to match the requirements of any other federal funding you will be using to complete this project?YesIf yes, please provide the amount of state dollars needed out of your total request.NoDoes the non-OWEB cash funding include Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Funds?YesNoRoads PageSelect all the Road Activities you will be doing. Road closures/decommissioning for the purpose of restorationType of closure/ decommissioningBlock entrance (could be seasonal)RevegetationWaterbarringRemove culvert(s) and associated fillEstablish drainageways and remove unstable road shouldersCurrent road surface Miles of road closed or decommissioned (Enter number)Average width of road (Ft.) (Enter number)Road Obliteration Current road surface (8000 character limit)Miles of road obliterated (Enter number)Average width of road (Ft.) (Enter number)Road Relocation Current road surface (8000 character limit)Miles of road (Enter number)Average width of road (Ft.) (Enter number)Road drainage system improvement Current road surface (8000 character limit) Miles of road drainage improvement or unstable road shoulders removed (Enter number)Average width of road (Ft.) (Enter number)Road Surface ImprovementCurrent road surface (8000 character limit)Miles of road surface improvement (Enter number)Average width of road (Ft.) (Enter number)Total miles of road treated Planting PageThe intent of the planting questions is to have the applicant show a logic framework for the proposed planting. OWEB understands that planting designs are preliminary pending final mapping of species and availability of plants, and that details of the planting may change between time of grant application and project implementation. At application phase, applicants should be able to draw a rough map of where they will plant, identify their target plant community, and list some species they expect to plant.Relationship to other conservation programsThis project will use OWEB funds to increase the planting density on CREP acres.OWEB funds will be used on (check all that apply):Acres where CREP contract has yet to be implemented (not yet planted)Acres still under active CREP contractAcres where the CREP contract has closed (i.e., is no longer active)Planting ActivitiesDescribe the current condition of the site(s) to be planted. (8000 character limit)Describe how you will prepare the site(s) prior to planting and how those activities are appropriate considering the site conditions described in the previous question. (8000 character limit)Planting details, upload a diagram or map of the planting design. (Upload Here)Fill out the table below. Identify the vegetation communities you plan on planting in, the acres each vegetation community encompasses, and the density of your planting.Vegetation CommunityAcresDensityNo records have been found... please click the 'Create Acres/Density' button to build a record. Create Acres/Density (button)Fill out the table below for each vegetation community listed in the table above, provide the common and scientific names of up to five plants that will be planted, the form(tree, shrub, grass), type of plant (bare root, cutting, etc) and the planting timing.Vegetation CommunityPlants: Common NamePlants: Scientific NameFormTypePlanting YearPlanting MonthNo records have been found... please click the 'Create Vegetation Community' button to build a record. Create Vegetation Community (button)Plant StewardshipAfter the plantings are installed, will you conduct plant stewardship (“free to grow”)? SubmitYesNoAre you requesting OWEB funds for plant stewardship activities?YesFill out the table below to provide information on the proposed plant stewardship activities to be completed after the plantings are installed.Vegetation CommunityYearsMonth ActivityNo records have been found... please click the 'Create Vegetation Community' button to build a record. Create Vegetation Community (button)NoExplain how you plan to carry out activities to help the plantings survive and grow over time. (8000 character limit) Measures of Planting SuccessUse the table below to explain how you will document and determine success for the plantings.Vegetation CommunityParameter (choose relevant)PercentagesNo records have been found... please click ‘Create Planting Success Measure’ button to build a record. Create Planting Success Measure (button)If, in the course of the 3-5 years following planting, the success rate falls below your standard, what is your plan? (8000 character limit)Verify: Proportioning Project CostAfter verifying application, applicants will need to proportion project costs before submitting application. These are based on project activities applicant chose earlier in the application.Before submitting, separate your total project cost based on the categories you have selected by inserting percentages below. (The full list of possibilities is listed below.)Fish passage improvementTidegatesFish screening projectInstream flowInstream habitat restorationNutrient enrichmentRiparian habitat: above the ordinary high-water mark of the stream and within the stream’s floodplain.Upland habitat: above the floodplain and improves native habitat and watershed function.Livestock manure managementWetland habitat: land or areas covered, often intermittently, with shallow water or have soil saturated with moisture. Estuarine habitat: tidally influenced areas. RoadBank stabilizationUrban impact reductionStockpiling logs ................

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