
VbScripting testMultiple Choice1. Which one of the following Windows NET commands options is NOT used to control services with the NET ????? ServiceName? STOP START CONTINUE PAUSE DELETE2. Which one of the following Windows NET commands will allow other computers to access the C:\Data directory under the share name UserData? NET USE UserData=C:\Data NET SHARE UserData=C:\Data NET USE C:\Data = UserData NET SHARE C:\Data=UserData3. Which of the following Windows commands will shutdown the computer FileServer in 2 minutes? shutdown /s /m //FileServer /t 2 shutdown /s /m //FileServer /t 120 shutdown /s /m \\FileServer /t 2 shutdown /s /m \\FileServer /t 120 4. The Windows CLI command that is used to turn off the display of all subsequent commands in a batch file is _____. no echo @echo echo off off echo5. What is the division operator? / ^ * + 6. The order in which numeric operations are carried out is known as _____. operator expansion variable expansion variable evaluation operator precedence 7. Given the rules of operator precedence, what value would the variable contain after the following statement was executed? distance = 2 + 5 * 3 21 17 4 3.33 8. What is the best choice for a variable name representing an interest rate? i interest ir interestRate 9. What is an example of a numeric constant? "1" "oops" 12432 "12332" 10. The VBScript Boolean operator AND is used to evaluate multiple conditions where true means _____. all conditions must be false all conditions must be true any one or more conditions must be false any one or more conditions must be true 11. What VBScript decision-making statement would be for a single condition and a single code block to be executed? If/Then While If/Then/Else Do/Until 12. What VBScript Boolean operator could be used to replace the nested selection structure in this pseudocode?if empMedicalIns = "Y" then if empDentalIns = "Y" then print empIdNumber, empLastName, empFirstName endifendif XOR AND OR NOT 13. Every decision you make in a computer program involves evaluating one or more _____ expression(s). mathematical environmental conditional assignment 14. In VBScript, which relational operator is used to test for equality? = = # = := 15. What is the term used to represent individual items in an array? Variable Index Element Superscript 16. What is the problem with the following VBScript Do While loop?count = 1Do While count < 10 WScript.Echo countLoop The loop control variable is not initialized. The loop control variable is not altered. The loop test should check "greater than" instead of "less than." The loop body is missing.17. When a variable is incremented by 1, _____. 1 is added to the value the value is multiplied by 1 1 is subtracted from the value the value is divided by 1 18. Which of the following would NOT be a valid comparison to control a While loop? count <> 10 count > true count > 1 count * 3 > 100 19. When a VBScript loop control variable is not altered during loop execution, a(n) _____ loop may result. single pass indeterminate endless default 20. When a subroutine or function is useful, you may want to use it more than once within a program or in other programs. This concept is known as _____. reliability abstraction scalability reusability 21. VBScript Variables defined within a module have what scope? Local Global Local and global Nonvisibility 22. What file attribute value in VBScript indicates that the file is ReadOnly? 0 1 2 4 23. The following VBScript statement will open a text file. Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(“C:\Data\CustData.txt”, ?, ??, ???) To open this file for reading, the value of ? must be _____. 1 2 True False 24. To evaluate whether a file exists or not before you overwrite it in VBScript, use the following command (assuming that fso is an object of type Scripting.FileSystemObject). If fso.FileCreated(file) Then If fso.FileExists(file) Then If fso.FileNotFound(file) Then If fso.FileFound(file) Then 25. The specific questions that cause the database software to extract the appropriate records from a table and specify the fields to be viewed are called _____. reports keys queries indexes 26. What is another name used to refer to a record in a database? Character Column Row Table 27. In a VBScript SQL Query statement, what Boolean operator can be used to test a set of conditions whereby all conditions must be true? OR AND XOR NOT 28. What is the most commonly used method to extract data from a database? SQL MML C++ JavaESSAY QuestionsWrite the Windows CLI command that will map the network share called PublicData on FileServer1 to the X: drive for the user netuser with a password of netpass.Write the Windows CLI NET commands that will turn the WORKSTATION service OFF and then ON. Write the VBScript code lines that define a constant TAXRATE that is 25%, a variable basePay that is $1000, and a variable bonusPay that is $500. Calculate the net pay, and assign that value to netPay. Then, calculate the taxes, and assign that value to taxWithheld.Given the variable age, write the VBScript code that will decide whether the age is of a Teenager or Not a Teenager. Display the message “The value of age is a Teenager” or “The value of age is NOT a Teenager,” depending on the value of the age.Assuming that you are connected to a database table called Computers with the fields Computer, Hostname, Room_Num, CPU_Type, Num_CPUs, Bit_Size, OS_Type, Memory, and HDD_Size, write the SQL Query String sqlStr such that the fields Computer, Room_Num, and OS_Type will be displayed for the records that indicate an OS_Type of 'Fedora 10' or 'Windows XP'. The returned records should be sorted by OS_Type. Write a VBScript function called Average(num1,num2) that accepts two numbers and returns the average value of the two numbers.Write the VBScript code that uses a Do/Until or Do/While Loop to display all of the integer values stored in the array numArray(100).Write the VBScript code that defines the Scripting.FileSystemObject and opens the file C:\Data\DataFile.txt for writing. Make sure the file will NOT be created if it doesn’t exist, and ensure that the format is ASCII. ................

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