
10471157119033January 1st – 21st 201600January 1st – 21st 2016My prayer for us during this fast: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2 KJVFASTING Fasting is a spiritual and physical discipline. Simply put, it means not eating. Instead of using mealtime for food, you use it to spend time with God. Some fasts last for one meal, one day, multiple days, or even weeks. Fasting may begin at sunrise and end at sunset or extend 24 hours per day. There are many ways and reasons to fast, but the basic idea is to set aside the time you would usually spend eating and focus that time on God instead, praying, reading the Bible, and worshiping.When you’re fasting, you’re likely to feel hunger pangs. Allow those to serve as reminders that you are hungry to know Jesus and that you rely on him for every need. When you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to deepen your understanding and experience of Jesus in everyday life. You might pray something like, “Father, you are my daily bread. You are my comforter, my redeemer, my provider. My life is hidden in Christ. What more do I need?” Christians often focus their mind on one particular idea during a fast, such as the crucifixion during Easter. During this holiday season, as you pray and fast, you may choose to meditate on the humility of Christ’s birth.TWO TYPES OF FASTS:Absolute Fast: is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period of time. Paul went on an absolute fast for three days following his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:9). Moses and Elijah engaged in what must be considered a supernatural absolute fast of forty days (Deuteronomy 9:9; I Kings 19:8). Jesus also went on an absolute fast in the wilderness (Luke 4:2).Partial Fast: (Daniel) May be only partially restrictive, limiting particular foods or substance.A partial fast is described in the book of Daniel. Although the water fast seemed to be the custom of the prophet, there was a three-week period in which he only abstained from "delicacies," meat, and wine (Daniel 10:3).THE DANIEL FAST FOR THE BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRITThe Bible teaches us that we are a spirit, we have a soul and we live in a body. The Daniel Fast affects all three parts of us as we enter into a period of time for focused prayer and fasting.THE BODYCertainly our bodies are effected as our diet is changed, for some in very dramatic ways, during the Daniel Fast. Many men and women experience detoxing from caffeine, chemicals and sugar. The symptoms are most often headaches, leg cramps, fatigue and malaise.Most people lose weight during the Fasting period. And many report healings from diabetes, allergies, arthritis and cancer, as the body comes into realignment with its intended functions and motions.Note: you don’t fully realize the affects and side effects of caffeine, chemicals, and sugar until you start to do without them. The effects of years of use and abuse of these things are often devastating to the body; not only creating dependency on them but they strategically, systemically break down the body’s ability to perform naturally.THE SOULThe soul is greatly impacted during the Daniel Fast. The soul is the seat of our emotions, intellect, personality and will. It is in the “soulish realm” where we experience cravings, frustration, anger . . . and even happiness.We have a tendency to depend on our emotions more than we should at times. This is why Fasting is so vitally important for the believer because it exposes the points of contention in us and gives us the strength to deal with it during our prayer and consecration time. During this Fast, your soul may very well rebel against the dramatic change in your diet. Experiencing and winning this battle over the flesh is often one of the most powerful lessons of the Fast.THE Spirit Our spirit is that born-again part of us that surrenders to God and then abides with the Father and the Son. Our spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit when we yield to Him. During the Daniel Fast, we want to put our spirit in charge of the other two parts of us. When our flesh is acting out with a craving, we take control of it with our spirit (just as a parent takes control of a rebellious child).This is where the prayer and consecration comes in. prayer and consecrating before the Lord brings the power that is needed to correctly go through a time of fasting. Without the prayer and consecration we will not receive the proper power to overcome the rebellion you will experience when hunger and anxiety hits.Fasting is always coupled with a spiritual goal. So during this time of fasting, you will want to focus on prayer, study and meditation.What if you have health issues? Fasting should never bring harm to the body. And if you have concerns, be sure to consult your health professional before going on the Daniel Fast or making any major dietary change.The Daniel Fast is a very healthy way to eat! So health professionals will support this eating plan, but might suggest a few modifications if you have health issues that need special attention. For example, pregnant and nursing mothers might get instructions to add fish, chicken and cheese into the Daniel Fast, but otherwise stay the course. Diabetics may need to add more carbohydrates or include chicken and fish. Also, those who are especially active either through sports, bodybuilding or vocation may need to slightly alter the eating plan.Why should we fast?It’s an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament (1 Kings 21:12; Acts 13:3; Mt. 6:17). Fasting and prayer restores what was lost. Fasting brings intimacy with GodFasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God (Ps. 35:13; Ezra 8:21)Fasting exposes your weaknesses to you and gives you power to overcome them.Fasting often results in personal revival.How do we fast safely?Remember your health is important and no one knows your body like you do.Consult your physician before you begin your fast.Be mindful if you have a physical problem that will make fasting unwise and dangerous.In spite of the absolute safety and benefits of fasting, there are certain persons who should NEVER fast without professional supervision.For examplePersons who are physically too thin or emaciated (abnormally thin or weak; especially because of illness or lack of food).Persons who are prone to anorexia, bulimia, or other behavioral disorders.Those who suffer weakness or anemia.Persons who have tumors, bleeding ulcers, cancer, blood diseases, or who have heart disease.Those who suffer chronic problems with kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, or other important organs.Individuals who take insulin for diabetes, or suffer any other blood sugar problem such as hyperglycemia.Women who are pregnant or nursing.How do I prepare myself spiritually and physicallySpiritual Preparation—Examine your heart, and detect any unconfessed sin (Ps. 66:16-20). Confess them in your prayers.Spend more time in prayer leading up to your fast.Physical Preparation—Begin eating smaller meals before you abstain altogether. Don’t treat fasting as a New Year’s Resolution. Resist the urge to have that “last big feast”How do I manage my schedule while fasting?Physical Schedule—throughout your fast you may feel somewhat weaker than normal and irritable. Lighten your workload and cut down on strenuous exercise will help maintain your morale. Spiritual Schedule—fasting is not just denying yourself food. It is exchanging the needs of the physical body for those of the spiritual. It’s essential to spend much more time in prayer and in the Word of God than normal. Prayer and the Word will feed your spirit and strengthen you. (see daily prayer points)Social Schedule—Begin to break away from ALL Social Media Outlets. Start socializing more by speaking than typing. Spend more time away from ALL electronic devices (except important business).How do I deal with responses of friends and loved ones?Sharing your fasting experience is okay if your heart is in the right place. Your experience can be used as a ministering tool to strengthen others.Never brag about your experience to enhance your status or position (Matt. 6:16-18). Resist the temptation to walk around with “the look” of someone who is fasting.Sooner or later someone will notice you are not eating, when asked, share what God is doing through you in your fast. How do I make this experience the best it can be?Arrange special time each day with God for communion and devotion. Meditate on Him when you awake in the night; sing praises to Him whenever you can (hymns). Be aware of satan and his devices. He will come against your fast and prayer time (be disciplined). Hunger is not the devil.Expect results from your obedience and sacrifice. Why should I pray when I fast?Praying to our Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, using God’s Word (scripture) prayer is the most powerful thing we can do.He also desires a time of communion, an intimate time of personal exchange and involvement, And finally a release of His Will and to manifest His presence in the earth through prayer. Fasting adds power to your prayers. Whenever you abstain from the delicacies of your flesh you sharpen your spiritual insight and clear the lines of communication between you and God.WhAT PHYSICAL EFFECTS should I EXPECT when I fast?Physical EffectHeadaches or stomachaches may be a result of salt, sugar, or caffeine withdrawal.Suggested ReliefEliminating those items from your diet prior to fasting is the best way to avoid these pains.Physical EffectLower back pain may indicate that you are dehydratingSuggested ReliefDrink more fluidsPhysical EffectDizziness may be caused by a sudden change in position, such as rising suddenly from a chair.Suggested ReliefStop for a second or two, then recover. Move slowly. (A word of caution: these conditions may be symptoms of other problems requiring medical attention).Why pray?Praying to our Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, using God’s Holy Word (scripture) in prayer is the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves and others. The heart of prayer is the Will of our Heavenly Father. Part of that Will is simply coming to Him. He desires us, as His dear children to know Him. He desires your love, your attention, your fellowship (more than just being related to Him through Jesus), He also desires a time of communion, an intimate time of personal exchange and involvement, and finally a release of His Will and manifest Presence in the earth through prayer. As you pray for your needs and the needs of others, you are actually becoming a prayer warrior, an intercessor, just as Jesus was and is today for each of us. Jesus is constantly interceding for us to our Heavenly Father. It is written that Jesus was sent to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3:8. We are to do the same. We have the power and authority through Jesus Christ. All we have to do is live in the promise of the Word of God and to use His precious Name. The most powerful weapons we have are the Name of Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Word against, satan and his foul wicked demons. No power of darkness can stand against the Word of God in the Name of Jesus Christ, and through the Blood of Jesus Christ. The importance of confessing our sins and worshipping God, according to the Word of God: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” Psalms 66:18. “We know that God does not listen to sinner: but if anyone is God-fearing and a worshipper of Him and does His will, He listens to him.” John 9:31. Prayer involves several aspectsFaith—the most meaningful prayer comes from a heart that places its trust in God. Worship—in worship we recognize what is of the highest worth. Not ourselves, others, or our work, but God alone. Confession—awareness of God’s Holiness leads to confession of our need for Him, and His excellent greatness. Praise—the natural outflow of faith, worship, confession, and adoration is praise. God receives the highest commendation through our words, thoughts, and deeds. Ps. 119:164; 150:2Thanksgiving—ingratitude is a mark of ungodliness. (Rom. 1:21). Believers, in contrast, live thankfully. And in all things we give thanks. (Col. 3:17; Thess. 5:18).Request—prayer is not only a response to God’s grace. We are privileged to be able to ask God for our daily needs and the needs of others. Adoration—God is love, and He has demonstrated His love in the gift of His Son. We offer our adoration to God by giving our lives to His Son.Several kinds of PrayerPrayer of Repentance: II Chron. 7:13-15Prayer of Devotion: Eph. 5:19Prayer of Thanksgiving: Ps. 95:2Prayer of Declaration: 1 Pet. 2:9Prayer of Supplication: Eph. 6:18Prayer of Intercession: 1 Tim. 2:1; Rom. 8:34Prayer of Agreement: Matt. 18:19Prayer of Petition: Mark 11:24Prayer of Commitment: 1 Pet. 5:7Prayer stoppersLack of Faith: when our prayers become so ritualistic that we don’t believe what we are praying for. Lifestyle: when our life doesn’t reflect what we are asking for. Un-forgiveness: God is the God of forgiveness. If He can forgive us we can do the same for others. Praying out of Gods Will: God won’t grant any petition out of His will. Iniquity in the heart (Psa. 66:18), Refusal to hear God’s law (Prov. 28:9), An estranged heart (Isa. 29:13), Sinful separation from God (Isa 59:2), Waywardness (Jer. 14:10-12), Offering unworthy sacrifices (Mal. 1:7-9) Praying to be seen by people (Matt. 6:5, 6), Pride in fasting and tithing (Luke 18:11-14), Lack of faith (Heb. 11:6), Doubting or double mindedness (James 4:3), Disrespecting/dishonoring wives (1 Peter 3:7Fast schedule: January 1st – 21st6:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday6:00am to 3:00pm Saturday and SundayPurpose The purpose of the 21 day fast (3 weeks) is to allow all of the Saints of God an opportunity to grow and develop in their own personal relationship with God.This will be a personal and intense walk with God; with each participant having expectancy to hear from as well as see God move in their life like never before (Matt. 15:32). Specifically, each person should seek God for a broader encounter with Him in areas of their life where they have never experienced Him, or want to re-visit with Him (Acts 10:30-31).Each person is asked to seek God’s direction in their given spiritual gift, His empowerment in areas where they want to be used in ministry for His glory, and His strength within their inner man so that they may grow and mature in spiritual matters with the Lord (Luke 2:36-37).Each person should also request God’s assistance in getting rid of the things in their life that is hindering them from being in God’s “constant and perfect will”, to include any negative/nonproductive attitudes.Remember DO NOT EAT BEFORE YOU PRAY, AND END YOUR FAST EACH DAY IN PRAYER. FOLLOW THE PRAYER, AND SCRIPTURE MEDITATION SCHEDULE. Phase 1January 1st (Friday) through January 8th (Friday). We will sacrifice by diligently seeking God’s face in prayer at least twice a day, and abstaining from: ALL meals in the Fasting period (6am to 6pm); (breakfast and lunch—no meats during fasting period).Replacing those meals with prayer and time in the Word. From ALL fast foods, fried foods, processed foods, sweets, caffeinated drinks (soda, coffee, teas, energy boosting drinks, etc), alcohol, and tobacco; during the fasting period. Phase 2January 9th (Saturday) through January 15th (Friday). We will continue to sacrifice through (at least twice daily) prayer, and fasting by abstaining from: The above foods in PHASE I and, ALL meals in the Fasting period (6am to 6pm); (breakfast, lunch)—no meats during the fasting period).Replacing those meals with prayer and time in the Word. Note: Eat NO meals during the fasting period (6am to 6pm).From ALL fast foods, fried foods, processed foods, sweets, caffeinated drinks (soda, coffee, teas, energy boosting drinks, etc), alcohol, and tobacco; during and after the Fasting period.Phase 3January 16th (Saturday) through January 21st (Thursday).We will continue to sacrifice through (at least twice daily) prayer, and fasting by abstaining from:ALL of the above foods in PHASE I & PHASE II and,ALL meals in the Fasting period (6am to 6pm); (breakfast, lunch). NO Meats during or after the fasting period. From ALL fast foods, fried foods, processed foods, sweets, caffeinated drinks (soda, coffee, teas, energy boosting drinks, etc), alcohol, and tobacco; during and after the Fasting period.During the last week of the fast NO MEAT is to be consumed; even at dinner. Phase 4January 1st (Friday) through January 21st (Thursday).We will also discipline our minds in limiting or excluding the following activities: (Romans 12:2)1. Non-productive television programs, immoral movies and activities, video games, card games, 2. Worldly music and videos, 3. Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Snapchat, oovoo, Skype, Tumblr, Vines, etc), (with the exception of business, work related contact and pertinent messages).4. Internet surfing, (with the exception of banking, work related contact and pertinent e-mails). During the fast….During the 6:00 am – 6:00 pm and weekend fasting period, fresh fruits and vegetables are highly encouraged. After 6:00 pm (weekdays) and 3:00 pm (weekends), meats may be consumed (only in the first two phases). You are encouraged to get an accountability partner for encouragement and strength during the fast. FOLLOW THE SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS OF YOUR DOCTOR, even if he instructs you not to fast (still pray).DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, and be careful not to over -indulge in water……... Drink plenty of “Low calorie” (G2) Gatorade, or PowerAde Zero,TAKE YOUR MEDICATION and your vitamins AS DIRECTED…. even if it means eating food with it.STOP FASTING if you begin to feel sick and physically weak (but please continue to pray).This time of fasting is encouraged, but is strictly voluntary. It is not encouraged for those under the age of sixteen (16). Parents, please govern and supervise your children/family according to what you deem is best. DO NOT FORCE YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS TO FAST, neither attempt to berate them if they are unsuccessful. Keep them lifted up in prayer.Any questions? ................

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