Address: #67 Bathurst Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Motto: we are the world

Mobile No: +232 30 000 301 / +232 76 696 763

Email: chcdfsl@

Foundation Profile

Who are we?

We are a group of ECOWAS citizens resident in Freetown Western Area of Sierra Leone. Our membership comprises of reputable

Engineers, private business entrepreneur, IT specialist and recognized Civil Society Human Right Activists resident in Freetown.

What we do?

We identify, register and support vulnerable children in poor, remote and neglected communities across the country. We provide welfare, health and educational support to specific target children and conduct life skills training for their development. We provide shelter, food and clothes to orphans and other vulnerable categories of children. We organize and support Civil Society Forum and undertake child advocacy issues together. We provide financial and material support to child victims of Sexual and Gender Base Violence in target communities across Sierra Leone.

 How we do it?

We conduct base line surveys in target communities to identify and register target children. We solicit material and funds through project development and partnership to support target child welfare, health, education and development needs. We identify and record child development issues through needs assessments and undertake joint advocacy to change the statuesque. We develop funds to help provide support to child Sexual and Gender Base Violence victims.

How to contact us?

We are located at # 67 Bathurst Street, Freetown central. This address situates the head office of the Foundation. You can also reach on the following mail account; chcdfsl@. We can be also contacted on the following phone numbers +232 76 696 763 / +232 30 000 301

Target beneficiaries

The Foundation work with poor, marginalized, vulnerable and less privileged children living in abject poverty in rural and peri urban communities; supporting their welfare, health care and development needs. The Foundation focuses mainly on orphans and those children whose lives have not been touched by any form of development initiatives or programs. The Foundation works with children who are neglected by society and held back from participating in the daily social and economic life of their communities including those children who drop back as a result of abject poverty.

Geographic coverage

The Child Health Care and Development Foundation Sierra Leone is working in all the fourteen Districts of Sierra Leone. The Foundation is presently working in the Western Area rural and urban Districts. Its work will be expanded at national, regional and International levels based on available funding.


To provide destitute children the opportunity to acquire food, clothes, shelter, education and health care through the provision of an enabling environment which exclusively foster diverse learning and improve health status for children as citizens of Sierra Leone.


To see a society where destitute and orphan children access food, clothes, shelter, education, health care facilities as a right and develop regardless of gender, religion or economic status and live in dignity to enjoy life to the fullest.

Core values

Love: The Foundation believe that love is the answer and it is only out of love that children are at the heart of everything we do and therefore, love shall be the central theme in all the work of the Foundation.

Accountability: We ensure that appropriate mechanisms exist for accountability on decisions and actions.

Excellence: Provide quality services to our beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders.

Compassion: We are committed to identifying and understanding human feelings, pains, distress, interests, sympathy or sorrow for others sufferings.

Commitment: We are committed to the highest standard of our obligation and agreements.

Transparency: We are transparent in all our programs and activities especially to donors, beneficiaries and stakeholders amongst employ and the public.

Evidence/trust: We believe in evidence and not trust


Some of our Beneficiaries Children that needs more Support on their education. School Structure / School Materials.

Our Children taking part during Our School Distribution of food stuff

Feeding Nutrition Lunching at Aberdeen (Rice, oil, salt) to our target

Community. Beneficiaries. Western Area

Rural District.

About Our Child Nutrition Feeding Programme

Our Programme is a Development’s flagship projection infant and young child nutrition. The Aberdeen child feeding programme is viewed as a case study that is aimed at improving nutrition nationwide in partnership with private sector grass root organisations in the sub-region that are committed toward straining communities on nutrition practices for mothers and young school children in communities.

NutriCare and its partners will build on a 25 years leadership in creating the awareness for community local and appropriate feeding awareness in partnership with women in domestic products business who commands 75 % of Sierra Leone’s local consumers products is a proven intervention that is effective through partnership with community women in vegetable business for an empowerment partnership towards improving the health and nutrition volume of their children in the first 6 years of the child’s life.

How we work:

The Foundation work with poor, marginalized, vulnerable and less privileged children living in abject poverty in rural and urban communities; supporting their welfare, health care and development needs. The Foundation focuses mainly on orphans and those children whose lives have not been touched by any form of development initiatives or programs. The Foundation works with children including families who are neglected by society and held back from participating in the daily social and economic and those children who drop back from school as a result of abject poverty.

The Foundation is presently working in the Western Area rural and urban Districts. Our work will be expanded both national, regional levels based on possible funding.

C.H.C.D.F-S.L on Child Feeding Registration Process at Aberdeen Community

First Phase-Western area/second Face. western Rural

Programme title- NutriCare Sierra Leone.

Mobilizing communities for appropriate food and nutrition awareness raising.

Child Health Care and Development Foundation is a private sector implementing agency that works in collaboration with the Community women in vegetable and fruits towards mobilizing communities in creating awareness for local and appropriate community food delivery initially targeting children from ages 6 to 10 years in the Aberdeen Community viewed as a hot zone during the Ebola crisis, displacement of families their shelter and also followed by the flood last year.


An earlier version of this training manual was originally prepared by nutrition consultants Driving Transformative Innovation to Save Lives (PATH) under USAID so as to enable us introduce community food schemes for vulnerable schools and communities.

Our food schemes:

The food schemes are a community driven Development flagship creating community awareness for appropriate food systems. The scheme aims at forging a long term partnership with the private sector women in communities dealing with domestic goods including grassroots organisations community leaders and religious leaders.

Our vision is a commitment towards creating awareness on nutrition and local food practices for mothers and young school children in communities to reduce dependence on government. Since the government itself is faced with numerous challenges.

However, NutriCare Sierra Leone Programme and its partners aimed at building on a 25 years leadership platform in creating a road map for community appropriate feeding awareness through the food schemes to complement the efforts of the current government. Nutrition in Sierra Leone:

The Government of Sierra Leone is committed towards promoting, protect, and supporting optimal child nutrition and feeding for both infants and young child because nutrition practices have significant health, social, and economic benefits. But however, the government has numerous tasks. Therefore we as a private sector and as a people, has the ardent desire to be able to complement the government of Sierra Leone in through the creation of food schemes for both schools and communities nationwide with a first phase case study in Aberdeen community. Our work is to reduce dependency on government to help empower women economically through a direct market system.

Meaning of Direct Market System:

Direct market system is an added advantage for the economic empowerment of our women in the domestic trade. NutriCare Programme helps to create a constant market potential to buy domestic goods directly from community women who in return buy domestic food stuffs from long distance small holders’ farm gates in the form of whole sales. During the process, they also encounter numerous constraints ranging from highway criminal who extort money from them by means of violence, Delayed Transportation DT.- Non Preservative Measures NPM. Packaging - Problems PP. and Uncontrolled Price System UPS.

But however, these cannot be achieved without the effective inclusion of our community women dealing in vegetable and fruits business for an empowerment partnership towards improving the health and nutrition volume of their own children during their 6 to 10 years of child life .Why intends to work with women in communities-

NutriCare has recently realized that a woman commands 75% of our gross domestic food chain in Sierra Leone. They supplies the following institutions with fruits and vegetables on daily basis.

Hotels, Lebanese houses, shops and a large spectrum of institutions. But yet still they are trapped in poverty>

Our Focus:

Our focus is to create sustainable, culturally relevant nutrition solutions, towards enabling communities to break the long standing cycles of poverty and poor health family settlements.

We shall collaborate with government and INGOS through engagement and dialogs, coupled with diverse public- and private-sector opinions, we help communities to provide appropriate health challenges and vital strategies that change the way people think and act in our communities towards improving the well-being of mainly women and children based on global health resilient trends.

Meaning of a resilient nation:

A. The ability for a nation to recover or adjust easily to crisis, misfortune towards a change.

B. A Society capable of withstanding SHOCK e.g. The Ebola without permanent deformation or rupture.

C. Tending to recover from an accident or a problem that could cause a nation or population to flee from one settlement to another.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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